Man receives non-life-threatening gunshot to the head

| 03/04/2024 | 20 Comments
School Rd-Eastern Ave junction

(CNS): A man was taken to hospital late Tuesday night with non-life-threatening injuries after being shot in the head, the RCIPS has said. At around 11:00pm, police officers responded to a report that a man had been shot and was currently outside a business on Eastern Avenue, near School Road. When they arrived, they found that he had a gunshot wound to the back of the head. Emergency services arrived and transported him to hospital by ambulance.

It was later determined that the shooting had taken place in the vicinity of Liberty Lane, and both areas were cordoned off and processed by officers. The matter is currently under investigation.

No further details about the shooting have been released. No arrests had been made when police issued a press release around 2:30pm on Wednesday.

Anyone who may have witnessed the incident or has any other information is asked to call George Town CID at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to or by downloading the app.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    What about predictive ai modeling to predict crime. Yes minority report style policing is a real thing. Look at how well it performed in Chicago! 90% accurate to predict a crime a week in advance!!! That and an improvement/ increase in the cameras and most of this would go away. Also we need tougher laws. If you do a violent crime of any type, the punishment should be very severe.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Gansta culcha tek root gud rou yah.

    This could been seen coming since the ’80s. Caymanians have collectively been a blind and impotent lot.

  3. Anonymous says:

    oh. It IS Threatening.
    to say the least

  4. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been saying it for years … Cayman needs Singapore style surveillance throughout the island otherwise this ghetto sh*t will continue unfortunately

    • Anonymous says:

      Invasion of privacy because a small percentage of the population can’t behave themselves? No, thank you. Singapore justice system/sentencing style – sure! But to subject your average law-abiding citizen to more invasion of privacy is not the answer. That punishing the majority for the behavior of the minority.

      • Anonymous says:

        Right… it’s 2024 and you want to stick with Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass 🔍 look for clues by the police.
        HD high quality surveillance throughout the island along with distress clickers in every store would squash crime.
        But I’m sure you love a good mystery who shot this person in the HEAD … based on the clues 🕵️‍♀️ it was Professor Plum from the Library holding a candlestick

        • Anonymous says:

          I want my privacy and I do not want our clowns in government invading that. Again the answer isn’t more surveillance it’s tougher sentences for the little thugs doing the crime. The current system acts as no deterrent. If our local police can’t handle it we should bring in specially trained officers from the UK. If you want to live in a surveillance state you can hop on over to China. You’ll love the CCP!

          • Anonymous says:

            WEAK reply… you want your privacy so Government can’t tell if your car 🚗 went to Fosters instead of Kirks or you went to Sunday brunch at the Kimpton? No one cares of your domestic life … but if a person gets shot in the freaking HEAD then yes living in 2024 technology instead of the 1920s 🔍 clues is common sense and will equip police to apprehended this ghetto thug… instead of the current “call the hotline” to give the police more clues 🕵️‍♀️
            Tougher laws as a deterrent … fine I’ll agree on that point.
            Your last point uses a cheesy exaggeration… have a look at cities like London and Vegas on their quality surveillance technology which is not inconveniencing liberty of the individuals there.

          • SSM345 says:

            Public CCTV to combat crime is not invading your privacy……unless you partake in criminality. What are your thoughts on privacy regarding social media or other web platforms? Your privacy wet long time Bobo.

          • Anonymous says:

            Officers are no better in “UK”. Human is human – good and bad all around.

          • Anonymous says:

            Everyone in the modern world has robust and expanding corporate and government data profiles, and are subjects of algorithms, actively collecting, trading, and monetising without most of us knowing that we allowed these by having a smart device, chosen apps, and accepted/dismissed verbose Terms and Conditions. Even minors. Even when it is explicitly forbidden or illegal to do so.

      • Mumbichi says:

        What happens in public should be visible and recordable. We paid tens of MILLIONS of dollars for cameras everywhere. Why don’t they work, or if they do, why aren’t the coordinated to each other in the same way that UK cameras can track a ‘painted’ target to its source?

        I am a law-abiding citizen. I WANT our cameras online and looking. I WANT law enforcement to be able to track bad actors to their lair via linking.

        Nobody innocent is punished. You do bad in public, you SHOULD be tracked.

        Most of us are well tired of this shyte. Criminals need to be stopped. Good people need to live well and safe.

        • Anonymous says:

          Ask the DG and Security Centre. I’m sure you’ll get a full and transparent accounting. Not.

        • Anonymous says:

          Calm down there anxiety Jane. It’s not like these shootings are random, it’s criminals after criminals. Yes it’s a problem that needs to be addressed but a totally locked down population under constant surveillance will not accomplish it. The solution starts with a solid education system, early intervention and better scrutiny of who we allow into the country.

          • Anonymous says:

            “Locked down population” … that’s warped wording and gibberish in trying to describe quality security cameras setup throughout the island.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah, about that…hate to burst your time-pocket, but in today’s era of household connectivity tools, and AI-data mining, “Privacy”, as we used to expect and recall it pre-9/11, is a relegated historical vestige, explained away in deep pages of ticked and dismissed Terms and Conditions that few bother to read.

    • Anonymous says:

      The problem is that in Singapore they buy CCTV that actually works, rather than POS systems from a preferred local supplier who has contacts in government.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Welcome to UPMrock.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Just take the pledge my brother!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Nothing to see here just Jamaica town acting like Jamaica. SMH!


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