34 vendors from 120 applicants secure spots at 7MB

| 16/01/2024 | 86 Comments
Inspectors of the Public Lands Inspectorate at the designated Vendor Village at 7MB

(CNS): The ministry responsible for lands, along with the Public Lands Commission (PLC) and Public Lands Inspectorate (PLI), has begun implementing the formal commercialisation of the Seven Mile Public Beach Park, granting just 34 licences to do business on Grand Cayman’s famous beach. Following Cabinet’s approval of the vendor policy last year, traders were invited to apply for a permit to legally sell goods or supply services on the public land at the beach. Over 120 applications were made for the 34 available spots.

In a press release, the PLC said that all vendor applications were individually scored against published criteria, and all applicants, both successful and rejected, received notices on 15 January. Approved vendors are only able to operate in accordance with the permit conditions and in compliance to the parameters stipulated in the Seven Mile Beach Park Vendor policy. Except for food and juice trucks and people selling local produce, vendors will not be permitted to operate at weekends and public holidays or to occupy the public cabanas. 

The PLC has said it plans to upload the list of the vendors who were approved to its website.

Eight permits have been granted to traders renting out beach loungers. These vendors are approved to rent up to 48 loungers each on separate designated areas of the beach, which means there will be a limit of 384 loungers in total allowed on 7MB on weekdays and none on weekends.

All vendors currently operating on SMB who did not receive permit approval must now stop trading there, and cease and desist notices have been issued to them to vacate operations by 14 February 2024.

In recent months, police have responded to various complaints and reports of illegal activity on the beach, including issues related to vendors. With the permit approvals issued, the RCIPS, the PLI and other enforcement agencies will work in conjunction to enforce regulations and ensure compliance with the Public Lands Act towards protecting and regulating the use of public beaches.

See the Seven Mile Beach Vendor policy and the cease and desist letter in the CNS Library.

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Category: Business, Retail

Comments (86)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The PLC Peanuts STILL have not notified the applicants.

  2. Anonymous says:

    As a long time stay over visitor (15 years, perhaps 20+ times):
    Get rid of the vendors on public beach. They offer nothing of value, only destroy the vibe of the place.
    ps – please, police SMB north of Kimpton’s. The bushes there reek of weed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said! And more visitors need to speak up! Your voices should and must be heard and listened to because they sure are not listening or hearing ours.

    • No vendors on the beach says:

      tell us about how vendors are selected?

  3. Anonymous says:

    All of the current politicians ARE responsible for this disaster! They (politicians) should be lined up in “Heroes” Square on Monday and given 34 lashes each with a cow cod!

  4. BAYA says:

    KMT! I do not care if you’re Caymanian or a foreigner; do not try hustling me NOTHING when you see I just want chill & relax on the ever disappearing seven mile beach! No sah! I will slap it out of your hand!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I read all these comments about Jamaicans this, higglas that but I wonder if bloggers realize that these 34 vendors approved are Caymanian owned and in some cases operated businesses. Yes there are other nationalities employed on the beach by these companies but what company in Cayman doesn’t employ foreign nationals. We admit that not every Caymanian will be doctors and lawyers and that we need to see more Caymanians on Tourism. Well here they are. Are we saying we don’t want them on Public Beach? If we remove them all, where will or should these Caymanian businesses go?

  6. Anonymous says:

    This is a public beach, not a commercial beach. There shouldn’t be any profiteering in this area. Period. the public shouldn’t be subsidising this limitless electrical giveaway either. $75 a year doesn’t even cover 3 months of power for a small 3 speed electrical fan. Who are the recipients? What were the criteria?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Twenty years ago I vacationed in Jamaica, worst vacation ever, continually pestered to buy local garbage and ganja. I will never go back. Most people just want peace and quiet on vacation for which the Cayman Islands were once famous for.

    • Cayman last Generation says:

      We don’t get rid of this current hoard here this place is going to rapidly go down the drain even faster! Not even one of our thatch leaf political nuisances will step up to the plate to stop this from happening to Cayman. Need dem wotes so they can remain in power to fleece our economy and govt coffers for their own benefit!

  8. Anonymous says:

    So Officially ‘Public Beach’ isn’t ‘Public Beach’ anymore, it’s now Govt’s stab at an ‘Enterprise City’.

    Think about Govt, a whole population has essentially been displaced from a pristine national area for the benefit of 34 primary individuals, good going, – f****ts

  9. Anonymous says:

    Jamaicans destroyed their own country but are still proud of it. Don’t let them ruin our islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      Kenny is licensing them (at a loss) to ruin it for us.

    • Anonymous says:

      Caymanians ruining their own – take some f**** responsibility and do something about it! Just sat there yakking and let it happen.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Jamaican’s Jamaicaning, why is anyone surprised? Most of the island is starting to feel like jamaica. Caymanians really asleep at the wheel. I would request of all politicians runing for election to tell me their stance OUTRIGHT, on what they plan to do about the over representation of Jamaican’s and their culture on CAYMAN! just vote for the other guy, 4 years and then you go back to work like the rest of us, no more life long politicians, unless the people approve! time to take back your way of life and your country caymanians.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thirty four raggamuffins jostling for front of the herd. What a mess the spot has become. Will KB move his office there on cruise ship day? Asking for my grandpa.

      • Anonymous says:

        7:24, Stop asking. 😡

      • Mumbichi says:

        “Raggamuffins”. Ugly talk. Belay such terms. You want to talk about nationalities, do so.

        When you use those type of terms, some people think that you represent the view of Caymanians. Caymanians are of all colours, and not racist. Please be mindful of how outsiders/visitors/tourists might view your comments.

        Thank you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Caymanians Caymanianing!

  11. JR says:

    The garbage pile up and stink left by this circus of annoyance is inexcusable and disgusting. I was at public beach the other day with my family when my 4 year old made the comment, “why is there so much garbage on the beach?” I don’t understand how our beach can be sold off like this and then not even cleaned up afterwards. It was a dump. I saw another family in a cabana cleaning up the mess of these cruise shippers and vendors just so his daughter could have a little birthday party. The government is allowing vendors and cruise shippers to exploit our beach without even the slightest bit of accountability. This policy does not benefit anyone who cares about our islands. Anyone who cares should be as angry about this as I am. Shame on all of the members who made this happen! The disrespect and disconnect is eye opening…

    • Anonymous says:

      Plenty of people needing work could be hired to maintain and police the beaches. Get them off NAU and give them a purpose!

      • Fed Up says:

        This! The RCIPS also needs to step it up against beggars too. 3 different guys aggressively begging.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thumbs up 100 times, this is a classic case of MP’s only listening to special interests. The people don’t want this.

    • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

      Only a matter of time until there is a major incident there as police are no where to be seen. Then after a major incident involving violence, place will be shut down.

      Geez, we are so stupid as we bend over backwards to accommodate cruise ship people. This is a disgraceful situation.

      • Anonymous says:

        Nope it’s the stayovers that are the biggest problem.

      • Anonymous says:

        The garbage is left by cruise passengers because we have allowed the beach to be turned into Coronation market. Before all this trading has been allowed the only garbage on the beach would be what the tides brought in or after Easter Monday picnics. The entire landscape has changed.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Bright colour outhouses.

  13. Sunrise says:

    I hope this includes licences for the selling of illegal drugs and alcohol. 😄😄. Cause, I can tell you, numerous complaints have been spoken of for the smell of marijuana on the beaches. I have seen numerous times, the vendors with a spliff in their mouth, while dealing with the customers. But, we are fast becoming; “me do what me want”, which is what is destroying a lot of places. But, it seems we don’t have the balls to show these people, “me can’t do what me want!” God help us, we are on a path to destruction!! Remember these words, 10 years from now.

  14. Anonymous says:

    The PLC Board was offered the opportunity to have a licensed provider of beer/wine/ liquor who had a vested interest in making sure the rules were followed but instead determined it was best to do business as usual.
    If you look at the PLC board there is not one person who has tourism or hospitality experience. Sad.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I assume the 384 lounge chairs will be completely removed from the beach each Friday given they can’t be rented over the weekend and that the vendors will return the donated cabanas to the local population now that they have their huts to conduct their business. Like all things in Cayman, the rules won’t matter as there will be no enforcement.

    • Anonymous says:

      You couldn’t get in the beach over the Christmas holidays because of all the loungers. PLEASE enforce their removal for weekends & holidays do the public can use the facilities. Who public beaches are actually intended for. Or just stop the nasty cruise ships & their cheap tourists

  16. MERVYN CUMBER says:

    This a backward step, simply put “weak politicians”. I see 10 huts in the picture, so where are the other 24 going to operate from?
    Whatever, as long as this during cruise ship days and not on Saturdays and Sundays when Caymanians and local residents use the Beach.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Little Jamaica is taking over. Tourist choose Cayman over Jamaica for this very same reason. No vendors should be allowed to operate on public land! Now its not a public beach it’s a Gov Beach.

  18. MERVYN CUMBER says:

    Successive Governments have totally ignored the over riding question. What is a Public Beach? A place where anyone who does not live on the beach can go and relax and have fun with the family. I have done this when many years ago I lived on South Church Street, We could access the Cabanas easily for children’s Birthday Parties and the like.
    Let the cruise ship passengers enjoy it, but like the Stingray Sandbar, leave it for Caymanian residents to enjoy on Saturday and Sunday without “Jamaican inspired “higglers” harassing people try to have family time. I lived in Jamaica, and lovely country, but any beach in the North Shore I confronted this sort of commerce. It’s not for the beach.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I went swimming with my family at public beach recently (at 10:30 am on a weekday, about a week ago or so) and we had to place our towels down in front of Harbour Heights (to the south of public beach), because there were rental lounge chairs (with rental umbrellas) scattered across the entire beach.

    There was nowhere for Caymanians and local residents to situate ourselves on the beach by the shoreline, unless we were to rent a lounge chair.

    To make matters worse, predominantly Jamaicans, who were renting lounge chairs and trying to sell stuff to us, were aggressive: they literally run up to you and try to solicit their stuff.

    The phrase (in a Jamaican accent) kept being repeated: “Welcome to the Cayman Islands, mon.”

    I had to keep telling them, “I’m Caymanian.” and “No thank you, I don’t want to purchase or rent anything. I’m just coming to take a dip in the sea.”

    It reminded me of being in Jamaica and being bombarded by pushy people trying to sell me something I didn’t want. I understand that’s part of Jamaican culture and their tourism product, but not ours in the Cayman Islands.

    I said hello to one Caymanian lady, who I knew, that was selling food in a polite and non-aggressive manner. She was not part of the problem, but the others were.

    Jamaicans were smoking weed in public. Beer (specifically cans of Caybrew) were being sold by one of the Jamaican jerk huts. Jamaicans, who were soliciting lounge chairs and other items, were smoking cigarettes and throwing them on the beach sand (not disposing of cigarette butts responsibly).

    This is reflecting a negative image of the Cayman Islands that will not fair well in the long run. Our tourism product is being damaged by this type of commercial activities, especially the pushy Jamaicans attempting to make money.

    Let’s see how these 34 licensed vendors fair over time. However, I seriously have my doubts about this, but will wait to see if things get better (although I doubt it).

    This is not the type of tourism product that will get return visitors to the Cayman Islands for vacation, as it doesn’t seem any different from Jamaica.

    I guess, ultimately, time will tell the story in due course. Let’s be careful not to dilute the things that made the Cayman Islands a special place to visit for tourists and which makes people want to return for an enjoyable vacation.

    • Anonymous says:

      I just avoid this beach. The anti-social behavior there has gotten out of control.

      • Anonymous says:

        There are more than enough police to manage the beaches and curb the higgling and resorts taking up space that isn’t rightfully theirs.

        They have ATVs to do this ans should have patrols daily and nightly starting today.

        The Dept. of Tourism should push this post haste!

        • Anon says:

          ATV’s? How they meant to get past all the loungers? Drive over them?
          Have been here nearly 23 years have yet to see any enfocement on 7 mile.

      • Mumbichi says:

        Isn’t that a shame?

        When I was a boy, families gathered on the beaches and cooked and spent time in the water and we enjoyed life. The beach was our weekly reward for working our tails off.

  20. V says:

    Government doing what the vast majority of people in Cayman don’t want. Disgusting.

  21. Anonymous says:

    This beach is ghetto and unsafe because of vendors.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Big mistake to legalize commercialization of SMB public beach. Have serious doubts about this.

    • Anonymous says:

      using government beach land for private money making schemes, not nice

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t worry. It will be sold off completely soon to Dart and the hotels.

      It’s coming. Eventually West Bay road will be blocked past Governors and that entire area will become a resort area with guards.

      Mark my words.

      • Johnny Canuck says:

        10:39, You are correct. The high paying Indigo Hotel people are not going to be happy when they see the cruise ship riff raff and all the vendors right in front of their hotel on the beach.

        The reviews on the internet will be devastating from a hotel business perspective.

        Dart will take action to protect their investment. In this case I cannot blame them, although I am not necessarily a fan of Dart to their credit they understand tourism better than the Caymanian political clowns.🤡

        • Anonymous says:

          Makes sense. The wealthy property owners across the island have been permitted to allow public beach access paths to be impassable everywhere.

          Guessing they don’t want the regular people next to their luxury properties.

  23. Anonymous says:

    All we do is sit back and complain. If 10000 people showed up at public beach on a busy cruse ship day maybe somebody would get the message. We can take it back you know.

    • Anonymous says:

      Caymanians will be joined by residents of other countries who see your beaches being privatized.

      • Anonymous says:

        The troubles at Seven Mile Beach are a reflection of what is happening to the country at large.

    • Anonymous says:

      I hope not but I guess that will be the lesser of two evils. At least the Dart group will keep it clean for themselves. We Caymanians have become the biggest lot of pushovers in the world.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Now we are allowing higgling on beaches like our well to do neighbors. The mentality of this little island has changed forever as its no longer its people in charge.

    • Anonymous says:

      Being run by Jamaicans who in turn have OUR Jamaican politicians in their pockets.
      Thanks Mac, Kenny! Saunders Seymour.
      Eff up Cayman for the sake of keeping your snouts in the trough.

  25. Anonymous says:

    The Jamaicanisation of Cayman’s beaches continues.
    Killing the peace and dignity of enjoying a walk on the beach without being hassled by Jamaican higglers…Just what people pay millions for beachfront living.
    Hope they will burn those ridiculous useless chicken coops.

  26. Guido Marsupio says:

    Are the inspectors in the photos standing in front of the “buildings” where the vendors will be doing business with the public and visitors? Is this the impression we want to give, even with fresh paint jobs? And who in their right mind would stand in a stall like that for even a few hours in the hot sun. Please enlighten me, master, I do not understand (Midnight Diner theme music playing softly in the background).

    • Anonymous says:

      Disgusting and distressing to read that our Minister of Tourism cannot see how Cayman is being destroyed by Jamaicans.
      Mac Saunders and Seymour certainly won’t allow him to take action , even if he wanted to.

    • Annonymous says:

      2.28pm Are you sure the Inspectors themselves aren’t Jamaican? I see the DVDL Driving Test officer is now from there. Will we ever learn.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Government sanctioned higgling. What could possibly go wrong?

    • Anonymous says:

      And PLC is not enforcing maintenance and compliance with public beach access paths widths or clearance across the entire island.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Should have been zero.

  29. Anonymous says:

    legalised higglers….thanks for nothing cig.

  30. Fed up Caymanians says:

    Will ganja and liquor still be available and the venue after this?? just asking for cruise ship friend.


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