New government won’t meet the press in 2023

| 04/12/2023 | 181 Comments
Governor Jane Owen and Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly on For The Record

(CNS): Government officials confirmed Monday that the United People’s Movement and its new leader, Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, will not be holding a press conference before the end of 2023. In an unprecedented move, the new administration, which formed after an internal Cabinet coup ousted Wayne Panton from the position of premier, will not face the local media to explain what happened, what their plans are, or address any of the issues that have been raised over the last few weeks.

This includes comments made by the new premier during her only media appearances so far since being sworn in to office.

O’Connor-Connolly appeared on Radio Cayman’s For the Record with Orrett Connor on 20 November in the wake of the fall of the PACT Government and the emergence of the UPM. During the show, she spoke of external forces influencing and even controlling previous Cabinets, but did not explain which ministers she was referring to or who was controlling them.

Since then, the premier has given the civil service a Christmas bonus of $1,500 and increased the duty allowance for goods being brought in by residents going overseas. These two moves have been greeted with a very mixed response from the public, with critics pointing out that this gives very little to low paid workers in the private sector who don’t have the money for a Christmas shopping trip.

Over the last few weeks, there has been public outcry after the earnings of local politicians were revealed in a special report by the Office of the Auditor General. Over 112 comments have been posted on CNS alone, most of them angry about the perceived unwarranted level of compensation.

However, the premier believes that the two ‘giveaways’ — one to civil servants and one to those in the position to take a foreign shopping trip — and her taking over have been broadly welcomed. In a second appearance on the government-owned Radio Station on Friday, this time alongside Governor Jane Owen, she said that the “reset” was “resonating” with the people.

Her optimism was echoed by Minister Kenneth Bryan in a message he sent to the show, which said that “things have been a lot more positive with the running of government” since O’Connor-Connolly took over. “As a minister of the UPM, I am very happy and excited about our country’s future. Just today’s appearance is an example of some of the little changes that are making a great difference. Communication with the public is essential,” the minister wrote, according to the premier.

Despite the premier’s decision not to face the independent press at all before the New Year but to restrict her public communication to the government station, the governor also spoke about the importance of communication.

O’Connor-Connolly said her government would be delivering a “people-centred” budget on Friday. She said she had managed to get the opposition to agree not to submit any motions or parliamentary questions during the forthcoming sitting, and her own members have agreed to keep their contributions to 45 minutes during the debate on the Throne Speech and Budget Address.

She said this would allow MPs to concentrate on the appropriations bill, which outlines the actual spending, and get that passed, assented to and implemented before the deadline of 31 December.

Watch the premier and the governor on Radio Cayman below:

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Comments (181)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like Juju. She’ll talk to the press when Alden gives her permission.

  2. Anon says:

    Say what you want to say about Honourable Premier Julie,
    But she has been an inspiration to me.
    Never lost an election.
    Never done anything difficult.
    Has not done much to improve the personal life of anyone that is not close to her.
    Has made herself a very impressive war chest of money since becoming an MP.
    Now she got all her friends close to her.
    And her enemies closer!

  3. Anonymous says:

    And as quick as that, CIG has put out an RFQ for the building of the new Cayman Brac High School. Juliana is a disgusting individual.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Come on people, we can’t expect her to do press conferences and talk. She is an award-winning internationally recognized LISTENER, not a speaker.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I hope she doesn’t read some of these comments. It is sad to see people so bitter and full of hate. How do you sleep making such negative comments.

    Then again the pharmacy line is so long these days and we wonder why. Living with such hate cannot never make you healthy.

    Take a chill pill y’all. You have a choice to vote. Otherwise focus on yourself

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m guessing you’re in the line to know this?

      There’s so much hate because it’s justified. Incompetent, criminal, greedy, and obnoxious individuals rarely garner praise.

  6. Anonymous says:

    shambolic..but its the norm…when did pact last meet the ‘press’??

  7. Anonymous says:

    surprised she even had the guts to go on the cig mouthpiece that is radio cayman…….zzzz
    welcome to wonderland.

    • Anonymous says:

      Afraid of questions like…how can she stand by and watch Kenny waste $600,000 a year to pay call out fees for port workers who don’t show up Telford work..?
      He needs their votes and she needs Kenny’s support.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Remember during Covid-19 when she was on one of the press conferences and could barely put a sentence together? She looked like she was either going to pass out or throw up 🤮She deferred almost everything to her staff as she had no clue. The new government is nothing more than rearranging the living room furniture. 😳😳😳

  9. Cheese Face says:

    Erm, don’t you work for us you jumped up religious freak? We are your boss, if we have questions, you need to answer them. Can we just kick them all out (except Andre) please?

  10. Anonymous says:

    The National Song should be something like “Wherever The Wind Blows”. lol

  11. Junius says:

    Has the Hon. Premier Julianna O’Connor Connolly resigned from the PPM, with whom she campaigned for her seat in CBE, yet?

    Also, I recall the Hon. Premier, when campaigning for reelection, make a promise that she would decriminalize cultivation of small amounts of cannabis on private premises. Whatever happened to making good on that promise? Or was that just to gain votes with the electorate when Mr. Elvis McKeever gave a a real run for her money in the last election?

    Staying in touch with the voting public, as well as the general public, is a hallmark of a democratic society that upholds the rule of law. MPs need to stay in touch with the public and engage, rather than shy away from it. When the public is ignored, that is when we start asking more questions and wonder whether there is something that they are hiding from us.

    God help us.

    • Anonymous says:

      The fact that so many people voted for Elvis really makes me worry for the future of this country…seriously???

      • Anonymous says:

        It was surely a protest vote against Ju Ju. There were only two candidates in that district I believe?

  12. Elvis says:

    Too busy counting their wages and massive bonuses?

  13. Anonymous says:

    An embarrassment to the world!

    • Anonymous says:

      To mankind

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s embarrassing that Miss Marples has to sit in on all this stuff now that Governors have zero powers other than the use of scissors to cut tape which is what Roy and Arden and Ezzard and Alden and Gilbert and McKeeva and plenty others wanted the role of Governor to be reduced to. “We can run things ourselves”.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hang on there. This is a democracy and the Governor is not elected. The UK offers these constitutional arrangements to territories that are sufficiently developed and they were voted for by referendum. Caymanians decided to change that balance of power. Other smaller territories moved to what we have now earlier than we did.

      • Anonymous says:

        To 6.26 Obviously coming from one of those Cayman haters who longs for direct rule and can’t stand to have Caymanians in charge.

    • Anonymous says:

      World doesn’t care

  14. Anonymous says:

    So that means the 2 year budget will be pushed through without any scrutiny by the press or public. Sad that our new Premier doesn’t think it’s important to speak to the people about her new government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Isn’t that the oppositions job ? The press is free to request the budget docs and attend the budget session to hear for themselves. Trust me we don’t want the likes of Hunny Chile mucking around with the budget.

    • Anonymous says:

      The budget goes through Parliament and is filmed for the CIG channel. How often is a budget given to the public before debate? Not even the Appropriation Bill is published before debate.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Shows how much they care with their rediculous salaries.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Free cheese only found in Rat traps guess who the UPM think the rats are???

    • Anonymous says:

      As they say in Jamaica.
      “When dog ‘ave money, him nyam cheese”. ..Right Saunders..?

  17. Anonymous says:

    People be reasonable, JuJu is making approx $90,000 less than the US President. That $90,000 likely returned the ‘daily’ to the US press briefings. 💵📰

    • Anonymous says:

      1:02. You are not comparing apples to apples. US president gets two homes security and all meals provided.

      I would think the US President compensation is more like $1m PA

      • Anonymous says:

        The context of the mumbo jumbo is, do you think it would make any difference ? My thoughts, nah, probably not, it’d make them worse if that’s possible.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think you’re missing the context of the mkmbo-jumbo I put up there, – the question is do you think it would make any difference ?

  18. Anonymous says:

    By 2025 all the bluff will be illegally mowed and no one will have been able to stop it

  19. Anonymous says:

    Wise move. Pict two, any two, UPM members and have them attend a press conference and immediately they will disagree on something.

    If you can’t get them “united” on anything, then silenced is the next best option.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Compass carried an article yesterday saying that Julie got an award for “listening”?!!!!!

  21. Anonymous says:

    “Communication with the public is essential” said Kenny. Which is why they are not going to hold a press conference.

  22. Anonymous says:

    any comment mrs governor???

    • Sir Humphrey says:

      The Governor does not control media relations or have any input on JuJu’s relationship with the media.

      You do not understand how limiting the Governor’s powers have become in the past decade.

      • Anonymous says:

        Here you go again when you clearly have no clue about government, economics and good governance.

        • Hubert says:

          Sir Alden said when he was in power “we can run everything ourselves”, he effectively cut the powers of the Governor to nothing more than a ribbon cutter.

          Caymanians need to grasp that simple fact.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not Worried!!only care about my fabulous post in Caribbean…

      • Anonymous says:

        And I am constantly entertained by every governor’s well known stalkers, the first to show up as soon as a new Governor is appointed, Cocktails, black tie events, all to entrap new business victims.

  23. Anonymous says:

    please just call an election

  24. Anonymous says:

    So the opposition is not allowed to ask questions about the budget? Just present and get it passed by December 31st???
    What is this nonsense?
    PPM if you are reading we expect questions! To not question the billion dollar budget is not representing your people.
    I understand the need to not introduce any new bill for debtate etc. but not sitting by challenge this ridiculous spending.
    People stop being sheep and get involved and ask questions.
    If there were “external forces” as the new Premier claims then that is code for we are on shaking ground in the international stage so keep your mouth shut until something gets figured out.
    The compass poll revealed people are not happy with this new UPM government despite them claiming a victory removing Wayne Panton.
    You will reap what you sow and hopefully at the polls

  25. Anonymous says:

    United Bowel Movement won’t be asked awkward questions. That’s the vibe I’m picking up here.

    • Hubert says:

      What are they afraid of?

      Ju Ju in her long political history never did like talking to the media for the simple reason that she does not think fast on her feet.

      Very sad state we are in here.

  26. Anonymous says:

    What does she plan to do about the illegal billboards? No action yet we note.

  27. Anonymous says:

    So will appear on a radio show, no doubt with agreed questions/topics beforehand, but will not give a press conference. Riiight.

    Gowerment of the people, I think not.

    Until we see proper electoral change nothing will change. I thought the change in system to one man one vote would improved matters, but I admit I was personally wrong despite the warnings from some.

    Cayman is too small for 19 voting districts as it is producing garrison districts and people with limited capabilities and disproportionate power to the relative number of votes they receive, the Premier being a classic case in point.

    One national vote, top 15 or 119 get in, with first, second and third choice voting system perhaps. I’m sure there are ways of doing this. We have to find a way to get the best more capable candidates elected, which will also encourage more new capable candidates to perhaps enter the race.

    Something has to change.

    • Anonymous says:

      don’t forget the radio station is the actual government mouthpiece, too!

    • Anonymous says:

      Things won’t change until Status holders are allowed to hold office. They have sacrificed and jumped through all sorts of hoops — not just found a Caymanian to marry — to obtain Status and make Cayman their home. Makes me wonder if native Caymanians are too afraid that if more competent people are allowed in office, hand-outs and graft will end. We’re all in this together. It’s time to utilise some fresh blood.

      • Anonymous says:

        “Makes me wonder if native Caymanians are too afraid that if more competent people are allowed in office, hand-outs and graft will end. ”

        This clear disdain in your words for a people whose lands you “jumped through all sorts of hoops” to occupy is exactly why the law is the way that it is. You are a disgusting human being, and Cayman does not need anyone like you here.

        • Anonymous says:

          calm down there. That’s not disdain. Also if you go to almost any country in the world and get citizenship or its equivalent you can hold public office. In the USA you can be any politician you’d like except President.

          Generational Caymanians are still the vast majority of voters, so if a “new” Caymanian wants to hold office and can convince the voters that he/she is the best for the job then what’s the problem?

          • Anonymous says:

            It’s not disdain … so, hate and disregard?
            You’ll do just what the current set of politicians are doing except, it’ll go to benefit your cronies, all of whom will be imported en masse.

            If you’re not thrilled with the inability of you to become the ruling class, there’s certainly another tropical ‘paradise’ somewhere where you can try again.

            • Anonymous says:

              Don’t be so divisive, you are acting like them! It is possible to work together if you have clearer minds and stop being so brainwashed and ‘bought’ by these destroyers of Cayman.

          • Annonymous says:

            12 45pm Generational Caymanians are no longer the majority of voters. 10.06am The majority of status holders are not competent. Hence the reason our elected MP’s are getting worse.

        • Anonymous says:

          Ignorance is bliss.

        • Anonymous says:

          Exactly why! Grow up!

      • Anonymous says:

        They don’t want it to happen until they have finished lining their pockets.

        Status holders will be in politics. It is happening. It just takes 3 generations.

        Give it 20 more years and we are right there.

        • Anonymous says:

          Kingston Town here we come!

        • Cayman Liberation Batallion. says:

          fresh blood yes caymanian blood, not no farein blood will enter our parliament. yall dont understand huh it will never happen, you will hav to walk over many bodies for it to happen. No threat, just a promise.

      • Anonymous says:

        May I suggest you begin to collect signatures as part of a People Initiated Referendum?

        • Anonymous says:

          Exactly. They don’t have my vote. People should do this on the basis we have no faith or confidence in the current government. We have the power to throw them out and should use it.

      • Some guy with odd shoes says:

        Born Caymanian, and I agree with you.

        However, there are consequences that we have to consider. I think that the current CIG structure — regardless of the specific players — is engineered to embrace foreign investment, overbuilding, general disregard for the environment, embracing WP people rather than Caymanians. To overcome that, we expect them — the purveyors of this broken system — to make meaningful changes? Nope. Might as well decide to wait for them all to retire, and hope that evolution provides something better.

        Consider the possibility of another culture overwhelming ours if Status Holders are allowed to run for office. This is the elephant in the room. My mother was born in Jamaica to Caymanian parents. That was how they did it back then. I have nothing against any people, and everything in favour of Jamaicans. Is this too frank of a statement? Sorry about that. We always talk around it.

        We need measurable noise standards. [some] Jamaicans aren’t the only ones. I hate generalisations. Generalisations are always wrong, how about that for a logical fallacy? Other Caribbean/Central American cultures are loud.

        Is this what I’m worried about? No, not entirely. Our tourism model is in dire jeopardy. We bill ourselves as a sleepy little island that time forgot, and then visitors get here and discover our traffic is worse than Miami. … and we’re frequently LOUD.

        We need to keep the noise down. The leafblowers, the riding mowers, the heavy-bass thumping from cars. We need to move back toward simplifying. Making and selling local crafts. Supporting the local farmers.

        Else, we will circle the drain as all other growing cities, and there will be the rich who come here and stay safely insulated in their boutique condo with a superlative view of the Caribbean Sea, and there will be the poor who services their needs.

      • Anonymous says:

        Jamaican status holders will take over. There’s more of them than the educated status holders of integrity that we hope for.
        Be careful what you wish for, cos Saunders, Kenneth, Seymour and a few other Cayjamians are waiting to take us all down to the scum levels of Jamaica….then cement their power by going independent.

        • Anonymous says:

          Well don’t vote for them, duh!

          • Anonymous says:

            I won’t vote for then, but thousands of Jamaican status holders will, just to be ruled by their own “kind”…and taking us all down into the cesspit , they all created and then escaped from.

  28. Anonymous says:

    heading for a fundamentalist christian state.

    • Orlando Bob says:

      Maybe align ourselves with the Orange Jesus in the USA.

      Then we will be guaranteed to all go to hell.

  29. Anonymous says:

    At least Mr. Panton was trying to be conservative with the peoples monies. People must realize that for the “cost of living” to be reduced, the government must curb the unscary spending. Anyone that was paying attention, should realize by now that the infighting was all about the budget. Now we have the right set to spend.

  30. Anonymous says:

    If she has 2 years of the Caymanian people work to catch up on, there is no need to get in front of any fake news to do so. Just get it done!! time is of essence.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Tell me you are not influenced or controlled by
    one or more of
    1) The Peoples F ront of Cayman Brac
    2) The Cayman Brac Peoples Front
    or 3) The Popular Front of Cayman Brac

  32. Pensioner says:

    Are the Pensioners getting the one-off payment? Please let us know asap. We pensioners are also hurting.

  33. James says:

    such disrespect to the people of these islands and the media. very concerning when a government does not speak to a free press. they can easily control the scripted questions from radio cayman.

  34. Anonymous says:

    ppm and alden were the first to stop cig press briefings…because they did not want the press taking p0t-shots at them….
    welcome to wonderland
    btw whats the latest on the dump???

  35. Anonymous says:

    I hope every single taxpayer on these Islands tune into the budget on release day.

    We are all about to find out hard and fast just what tin pot Caribbean style politics looks like. Expect every vanity project from these self serving traitors to be passed.

    The JOCC High School in Brac.
    The Big Mac High School in WB
    The Kenny B High Net Worth Terminal

    And many more.

    If we are lucky they may name these 3 line items after a decent, upstanding member of these Islands from the past. I doubt it though.

    • Guido Marsupio says:

      Taxpayer? TAXPAYER?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes. Stamp TAX.

        Duties — a tax.
        Fees — a tax. Taxes (BTW, I am not 7:34, just someone who agrees with them.)

      • Anonymous says:

        The duties and fees we pay on every day items is tax

      • Anonymous says:

        The money doesn’t come from thin air. The EPs that own the law firms = tax payer. Every person that guys a house = tax payer. Every person that spends a penny in fosters = tax payer.

        You think that billion dollars is just given to CIG through charitable donations?

      • Anonymous says:

        We all pay taxes every time we buy something in the grocery store or put gas in our cars. We pay it if we go out drinking at a bar, or out to eat at a restaurant. We also get TAXES taken out of our bank accounts every month – it’s called Stamp Duty. Cayman has what is called an indirect model of taxation. So, it is hidden. It doesn’t come out of your pay cheque as income or payroll tax and isn’t shown on a receipt as Sales tax or VAT – but we pay it. Every day. Boy, do we pay it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, many indirect taxes as opposed to direct taxes. Where do you think all this money comes from that they are about to blow, a tree?

  36. Anonymous says:

    Not acceptable.

  37. Anonymous says:


  38. Anonymous says:

    Bogus government gone from translucent to opaque. Cloak and dagger modus operandi, yet claim they’re for the people, could the lie get any more blatant? We need FCO to step in and pull the plug on these rogues before it’s too late.

  39. Anonymous says:

    This UPM government is a rogues gallery of the very worst politicians in the history of the Cayman Islands.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Our voting system needs upgrading whereby voters from any district can vote for any MP from any district and the ones receiving the top votes will be the Premier and the next 11 highest should be what we used to call the Executive Council.

    • Anonymous says:

      Essentially what is was before One Man One Vote was adopted. The most poignant change that ever that happened to the Cayman political system. The current system never did benefit the people it just allowed more pigs to to feed from the public trough. The people need to demand political reform by referendum. This is the opportune time to rectify this issue in addition to streamlining government and allowing vested expats with status and long tenure to run for office.

    • Anonymous says:

      Add ten more members of parliament and make them all national so that the best candidates can all get elected rather than being pitted against one another in tiny districts. Give everyone five votes to allocate to national candidates. Top ten get elected.

      Don’t allow all status holders to run but FFS allow the people who were born here, grew up here and spent their whole lives here to run. And civil servants. That’s 5,000 people from an already tiny pool.

      Parliament is too small. With 19 members it will always be a knife edge majority with a small group of powerful kingmakers holding them to ransom.

      I know it will seem inefficient but running the country is serious business. A couple of million on better decision making would be the best 2 mill this country ever spent. This is not the place for the country to scrimp.

  41. Anonymous says:

    She is vote buying civil servants. Plain and simple. Private sector employees and retired Caymanians are hurting! Why don’t retirees get $1500 credit at CUC?! We can’t afford to fly off island so buy local (100% mark up) or order online (75% mark up. Which other country charges tax on shipping costs ?!?!)

  42. Anonymous says:

    Ms. Juliana O’Connor Conolly is a false prophet and dangerous for the Caymans. God help us all.

  43. God is a Bracker says:

    All religious zealots are on the brink of doing crazy things and then explaining it as “God’s will”. Unfortunately, under this new Premier nothing will be any different. I fear things will be worse because she is the ultimate authority in this group and will not be questioned by any one.

    This new budget will show us all how irresponsible and out of control Julie’s United People Movement are with the finances of the country.

  44. Anonymous says:

    ‘Communication with the public is essential’ except when we say it isn’t.

    • Anonymous says:

      These otherwise unemployable, now very rich bunch of uneducated rabble, have forgotten that they are employed by US, the voting public.

      Too high and mighty now to answer any questions.
      Next elections can’t come soon enough.

    • Jus Dis says:

      UPM / Ju Ju and Co. want to talk “at” the people, not talk “with or talk to”. We need elections now. And new processes where we each get 19 votes, to vote for each representative.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why so many reps? Each is paid too much .. time to cut back on the number and their salary and perks!

  45. Anonymous says:

    Cayman is heading for many self-inflicted problems in the near future.

    • Anonymous says:

      @5:07 Spot on. Direct taxation will be their solution, when the good times end and the money pot for hand outs runs dry. It is so clear to see this train reck coming.

  46. Anonymous says:

    It’s like they’re actively seeking to be disliked before the year is out.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Her optimism was echoed by Minister Kenneth Bryan in a message he sent to the show, which said that “things have been a lot more positive with the running of government” since.

    Sorry Spendy, any validation from you typically means you benefit or it just isn’t relevant.

    sending in a message to the show 🙄🤡

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course Kenneth doesn’t want the press to ask any questions.. like how does he turn a blind eye to the average $50,000 a month call out fees , paid to replacement workers, because assigned Port Workers don’t show up for work.?
      No control, no accountability because Kenny and his politically connected board don’t want to lose voters.

    • Anonymous says:

      If Cry Baby Kenny is endorsing anything then you know it is automatically a steaming pile of ordure. That man could walk under a snakes belly with a top hat on.

    • Anonymous says:

      Guess the Kenny & Rosa memorial rich people’s private air terminal will get the green light now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wait til she cuts his balls off. 😂

  48. Anonymous says:

    I’m just thrilled that we wont have to be subjected to the propaganda regime that Panton clearly had in place with CMR.

    He can go on that show all he wants now that he isn’t Premier.

    Ps. I hear she is vex she wont be getting that sweet deal he was cooking

    • Anonymous says:

      Her source has also left GAB as a result so she’s reverted to petty traffic accidents and cheesy birthday greetings.

      • Anonymous says:

        OH yes, that’s why she broke the story about the DVDL issue yesterday because her sources have left GAG.

        Silly people … she has ALWAYS posted B-Day Greetings and traffic alerts from the onset and has never stopped. Even a blind man can see that one.

        I thank her daily for the traffic alerts.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re an idiot and simple. At least he spoke to the people. Now that you have Julie go sit down and take what she gives you since you believe this will be better.

      She wishes she could go on CMR but shes too fake for that. Say what you wish but Auntie Sandy has the #1 platform. Her deal was sweet before Panton and will continue to he so.

      • Anonymous says:

        Calm down Hunny Chile LMAO so obvious….Panton was no saint and us Newlands voters are well aware KABOOM

      • Anonymous says:

        Low standards if that is the #1 platform! Talks incessantly about her personal life and her damn dog and then moves on to slander a few people and signs off. I stopped eating BK because of their sponsorship of her show and I would never go to Recover!!

    • Anonymous says:

      What does this have to do with CMR? You love call her name so much. Seems someone is obsessed. 🤩

      • Anonymous says:

        CMR is responsible for the dumbing down of the population.. remember what our mother used to say ? That show will rot your brain!

        • Anonymous says:

          And that’s why so many are listening. Hahaha. Can’t wait to see her go from 60% listenership to about 99%

          Oh my, what will you do then?

    • Anonymous says:

      Ah yes, Wayne and Sandy are the problem… not a crazed religious idiot who lets a principle preform exorcisms on small children. Cayman is doomed. She is vote buying and they will act like they are for Caymanians but will do nothing for us except take their fat pay cheques to pay tithing and buy more fatty foods.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sandra is here defending her platform for dummies. We all know it’s you poor thing. And all the thumbs up in her favor are her.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sandra has been ranting and raving against the new Premier to such an extent that she sounds off the rails. I guess the new Premier ate her white fowl.

  49. Anonymous says:

    Totalitarian, Authoritarian or Theocracy – it’s one of the three but geesh, where are we supposed to look now ? yikes !!


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