MPs use fund to pay for DoE’s general budget

| 28/12/2023 | 42 Comments
Cayman News Service
Meagre Bay Pond, a protected area

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government is disputing allegations it raided the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF), which is paid for by fees collected from tourists and ringfenced for conservation, to fund part of the Department of Environment’s general operating budget over the next two years. Despite the denial, MPs did vote to use the fund in a way it was not intended for.

The DoE, which is already one of the most underfunded entities in government as it battles to preserve Cayman’s dwindling natural resources, should have been able to use the money to buy or manage land to preserve critical habitat. However, it has been redirected to its day-to-day operational spending.

Around CI$1.4 million has also been taken from the fund to continue financing the capping of the old Mount Trashmore, work currently being undertaken by the Dart-led consortium as part of its deal with the previous PPM administration. Another CI$13 million has been taken from the fund to pay for the DoE’s day-to-day costs. CI$10 million will be used to buy land for conservation but also for beach access.

As of 31 October, the EPF had a balance of $51.3 million. The money comes from the departure taxes paid by cruise ship visitors and departing passengers at the airports, and officials have claimed that around $5M to $6M is collected each year. It was created to fund specific conservation projects, tackle or mitigate threats to the environment, and buy land to protect important habitats or specific species. It was not intended to fund DoE salaries or put fuel in its boats or other general spending.

After the Cayman Compass described the decision by politicians for the cash to be used outside the original parameters of the fund, Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly simply took aim at the media, accusing the paper of “headline-grabbing negativity” rather than address the obvious question of why the DoE’s operational budget needs to be supplemented by this special fund.

Officials pointed out that the government cannot spend the money in the Environmental Protection Fund without explicit authorisation by the parliament’s Finance Committee, and with no opposition to the vote, it has been given a mandate to use the money. However, that does not negate the fact that the fund is being misused.

Cayman still has less than 12% of its land under any kind of formal protection, either under the National Conservation Act or held by the National Trust, which is far short of the recommendation to protect at least 30%. A global initiative, 30 by 30, aims to designate 30% of Earth’s land and ocean as protected areas by 2030.

See the vote in Finance Committee below on CIGTV:

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Category: Land Habitat, Science & Nature

Comments (42)

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  1. Anon says:

    At a time when we should have been building a fund to help with climate change impact we are raiding the only potential source. Are we ready for climate change? No! Have we taken advantage of surplus years? No! Heads placed firmly in the sand soon to be under water? Yes!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Simply Caymanians hate their green environment.
    Once its gone expays will be blamed.
    The special interests in this new government are so obvious, they don’t even try to hide whose pocket they are in.
    Ju Ju is Cayman’s Liz Truss.

    Grand Cayman voters should vote in MLA’s that want to make the Brac the new trash dump, so JU Ju can live in the trash she loves

    • Anon says:

      You are a prejudiced,poop-stirring person.

      Who the heck do you think made the laws to create a EPF, the National Trust for the C.I.’s, and DOE? Who runs the DOE and NTCI, who just lost his Premier seat…all good and thoughtful Caymanians.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Surplus? What surplus??? Sure, if you are misappropriating funds from places like the EPF it’s easy peasy ain’t it? Every day it’s something. Was about to say “something new” but it’s systemic, ongoing, enduring, blanket corruption just served up in different ways. Seemingly always has been, and always will be compromised leadership unless there is a sweeping change in our electorate to vote in world-conscious representatives who are free from influence and actually care about and consider the community, country, and our future as a whole we haven’t got a chance. Our current leaders, for the most part, are laser focussed on one thing, and it’s their own interests. How sweet it would be to one day actually holding our representatives to account? For example, honestly, when will Big Mac ever answer for his multiple crimes against women? This one is brain dead easy to figure out, but the system apparently does not have the courage to address in a timely manner. Justice delayed is justice denied.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Member of the Order of the British Empire
    Gina PETRIE, Director, Department of Environment, Cayman Islands. For services to the Environment and to the community in the Cayman Islands.

    Congratulations Gina
    Well deserved.
    Keep fighting these ecoterrorists.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Former Premier Panton had more care for our environment, and more integrity is his little toe that the entire bunch of the UPM Government has collectively.

    He was too honest to have survived a rabid group of self-serving politicians whos main interest are their own.

    BTW: Can one of the MPs help me with my energy bill this month as I’m struggling.

    I know they are as well. Has to be tough earning CI$305k per anum and managing to survive Cayman’s hostile socioeconomic climate.

  6. Anonymous says:

    just another day in wonderland…..zzzzzzzzzz
    time to petition the fco for direct intervention

    • Hubert says:

      11:30, Direct intervention and direct rule for 4 years to clean up the corruption mess.

      • Anonymous says:

        Or, alternatively, have a Commission of Enquiry appointed to clean up corruption, rampant unlawfulness and unconstitutional decisions/acts. Check out the Commission of Enquiry Act, which has real teeth.

      • Anonymous says:

        Forget it. Not gonna happen.But if you miss UK governing style so much then you should go to it because it is not coming to you.

        • Hubert says:

          2:54, Well, the Jamaica governing style is coming to us fast.

          Won’t that be great? Certain you will like that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman’s most depleted and abused resource is “Caymanians”. Use any resource to stop it. If you don’t we will talk to you at the polls.

      • Annonymous says:

        4.50pm You can talk all you want. You are now outnumbered on voters list by Jamaicans alone plus all other natuonalities.

  7. Anonymous says:

    don’t worry we can ask the hard questions at the next cig press conference…..ooooppps….

  8. Anonymous says:

    Please use some of those funds to plant trees and landscape our roadway medians. Our roads are like ugly scars across a once beautiful island.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are being silly if they are tearing down magnificent and majestic old trees for development why would the same individuals want to plant anything other than shrubs along our highways Get Real Please!

  9. Truth says:

    Third world voting for third world and getting third world. Why the big surprise? If you’re disappointed then you are too educated for this culture and might want to consider moving on before all the bad things start happening again. Regard that this is good news for many here. All the best in the New Year.

  10. Sunrise says:

    This simply means that Grand Cayman is screwed, when it comes to a conservation plan!! Believe it or not, when the ecosystem collapses, we are pretty much screwed!! Concrete development will not solve the issues, as you have to balance ecology with sensible planning. All we are doing in Grand Cayman, is building concrete cities, with no plans for conservation!! I was amazed 25 years ago, when I visited Roatan, and saw how they built among the natural environment. I have followed suit and love it!! little Cayman, here I come!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Little Cayman is well on the road to total destruction – study what is happening there before you leap –

      • Anonymous says:

        The Brac is the least protected at only 3% with no development plan and a quarry that runs the island.

        • Anonymous says:

          yes they chipping down the Brac Bluff and shipping it to Grand by 4 Barges per week. the only one of the 3 Cayman Islands that could be afloat in 500 yrars🇰🇾. They trying to ruin it. what a mess the greed of money have become us.

  11. Anonymous says:

    any comment mrs governor?

    • Jed Clampett says:

      yes “not worried” and we are creating our own hostile environment come back next year when we are broke!

    • Sir Humphrey says:

      11:48, Mrs. Governor’s mandate does not include the environment.

      Sir Alden stripped the Governor of all power except a couple of areas.

      We are on our own now Bobo.

      The day is soon coming when Daddy in London says goodbye.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Re-election fund! Just waiting to be handed out.

  13. Anonymous says:

    in the ‘featured articles’ there’s two icons, one shows ‘meagre bay pond’, the other ‘crime’. This article requires the ‘crime’ icon.

  14. Anonymous says:

    The esteemed leaders will do whatever they feel is right as they are the smart ones. Just look at Seymour and his smart comments, that should sum it up in a nutshell.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Sections 18 and 19 of the Bill of Rights!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      They are going to scrap the bill of rights

      • Anonymous says:

        In England, but not the Cayman Islands. England does not have a written constitution, but is currently subject to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), until they pass Bill of Rights legislation.

        That being said, if the Cayman Islands continues to subvert the rule of law, there is going to be a bigger constitutional crisis than already exists currently.

        Section 18 of Cayman’s Bill of Rights provides for a fundamental right to protect of the environment.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Diverting these special assessed and earmarked funds from their stated purpose is a fundamental breach of public trust.

  17. Anonymous says:

    give it to billionare’s….hope they have caymanians working at minimum wage soon…lol…i outta yah!

  18. Sasha says:

    I am absolutely sure they are thinking ways to spend the remaining 37million on their Pet projects!

  19. Anonymous says:

    Basically this regime, and ones like it, will continue to run down the EPF to zero, without having delivered any of its mandate/purpose to the public. This is theft.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Might as well get rid of DOE altogether. What’s the point of this branch of government? We have highly paid people giving the MLA’s advice on planning and development so it can be done in a sustainable way and they take zero notice. They just continue with their self serving destructive ways!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Stupidity x ignorance + idiocracy = Caymn Government

  22. Double Entry x2 says:

    The EPF is just too tempting for CIG’s sticky fingers.

    All that treasure just sitting there.

    The trouble is that CIG also uses it for book balancing optics. so if they actually pillage it all the accounting shenanigans will be jeopardised.


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