Witnesses wanted to fatal and serious crashes

| 15/11/2023 | 11 Comments
Fatal crash on 12 November 2023

(CNS): Following another bad holiday weekend on local roads, the police are appealing for witnesses as they now investigate the serious collision between a silver Chevrolet Colorado and a silver Honda Fit at Grand Harbour, as well as a crash in Bodden Town where the driver was killed after he smashed into a concrete CUC pole. Both of these collisions occurred on Saturday, and while the driver of the Chevrolet has been discharged from hospital, the driver of the Honda Fit remains there in critical condition.

The first of these two serious crashes happened at about 1:45am, when the Honda Fit was travelling westbound in the eastbound lane and collided with the Colorado truck. The drivers of both vehicles were injured but the Honda Fit driver came off worst with life-threatening injuries.

The later than same day at about 3pm, the 911 Communications Centre received a report of a single-vehicle collision on the Bodden Town Road, between Bronte Way and Longfellow Circle in the area of Midland Acres, involving a Ford F-350. The van, which was an Islands Supply delivery vehicle, left the roadway and smashed into a pole. Emergency services attended and the Cayman Islands Fire Service crew extracted the 50-year-old driver from the vehicle.

He was subsequently pronounced dead at the hospital and has not yet been identified. The police offered their condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

Both collisions are being investigated by the Traffic & Roads Policing Unit and anyone with information is asked to contact 649-6254.

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Comments (11)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Talk to the poles.

  2. Al Catraz says:

    Has the CUC pole been brought in for questioning?

  3. Anonymous says:

    And yet, STILL NO POLICE ON OUR ROADS. You lot can’t drive for shit and the RCIPS can’t do their job.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The Honda Fit was in the wrong side of the carriageway????

  5. Anonymous says:

    First time I’ve read that the Fit was on the wrong side of the carriageway. I think it’s safe to say either laziness or severe impairment was the cause here. There should be plenty of CCTV in that area, too.

    Breakers area, probably only eyewitness and possibly dashcam in the buildup. Unfortunately, the roads here are physically designed to accommodate good drivers, when what we have are many drivers with licenses that came in a pack of cereal, with insurance from a similar source.

    • Anonymous says:

      could also be a rental car driven by a tourist. they are not used to driving on the other side of the road.

      • Anonymous says:

        Tourists don’t drive on the wrong side of the road at 1:45AM in old Honda Fits from Deez Numbnutz Car Rentals.

        They drive Avis and Budget cars, usually during the day!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Poor education=poor drivers=lots of crashes. It will only get worst now.


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