Robbery suspect arrested in stolen car

| 13/11/2023

(CNS): Police have arrested a 43-year-old man from George Town after he was found driving a Honda Fit that police suspect was used in a recent robbery. The car had been stolen in September and the licence plates it was displaying were not registered to that vehicle, a common practice by those using cars to commit crimes.

The man was arrested on Friday, 10 November, after the stolen car he was driving was followed and stopped by police units, including the Firearms Response Unit, on Rock Hole Road.

Since the recent spate of armed robberies, the police have undertaken targeted operations focused on locating and apprehending those involved and suppressing further robberies. Police said the community could expect to see increased police presence on the roads, including vehicle checkpoints, as efforts continue to locate and apprehend those involved in this serious crime spike.

The RCIPS said that officers appreciate the community’s support as police and the public work together to keep the Cayman Islands safe.

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