Fitness coach sues realtor after bike race crash

| 06/09/2023 | 99 Comments
Patrick Harfield

(CNS): Patrick Harfield (45), a local fitness trainer and triathlete, is suing James Bovell, a local real estate broker, after a bicycle crash during a morning time-trial race in East End back in September 2020. Harfield claims he was injured when Bovell lost control of his bike, veered off the road and let go of the bike, which slid and bounced across the road where the race was taking place and collided with Harfield, who was thrown from his bike.

According to the lawsuit filed in the Grand Court this week, Harfield claims that Bovell is liable for his injuries because he caused the crash. He stated that Bovell failed to keep “any or any proper lookout; failed to maintain his bicycle on the road; failed to apply his brakes whether in time or at all and failed to steer or control his bicycle”.

While the suit does not specify on what grounds Harfield is making those claims about why Bovell is to blame, he said he was relying on the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, where the mere occurrence of the accident is sufficient to imply negligence.

In the writ, Harfield’s attorneys state that after the accident, their client had attended George Town Hospital, where he was diagnosed as having suffered bruising and abrasions to his right shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, left hand and shoulder. He was also unable to extend his right arm and has been left with scarring to his body and continued restriction to his elbow.

Harfield is seeking general and special damages, interest and costs, though no figure has been stated. The lawyers indicated in the court documents that more details of Harfield’s injuries and claim for the special damages will be provided at a later date but will include claims for medical treatment, loss of earnings, equipment and gratuitous care.

See the legal document cause G2023-0157 on the courts’ website here.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I guess the fact that Bovell is a real estate broker has nothing to do with Harfield’s decision to seek damages.

  2. Leo says:

    When you do sports there is an implied knowledge that there is a chance of an accident. Everyone knows this and accepts this. This was not a deliberate act and will be thrown out in court.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Better not enter any bicycle races in Cayman again where this “athlete” is racing in fear that you will cause him to crash. A little boy did that race – if he was to fall off his bicycle by accident and cause a crash, would you sue his parents as well? People like you who spoil the last bit of fun there is left in life.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Filing damaging nonsense civil claims in Cayman is far too easy, since they don’t receive any sensible merit-testing until a later case management hearing. By then, great vexatious damage may have been achieved via pre-trial media smears by Offshore Alert, and others. This shakedown technique only pays litigators who should be held to higher standards as stewards of the court.

  5. It was an accident!!! says:

    This is by far the most idiotic thing I have ever read about!

  6. Anonymous says:

    I know the cost of living has gone up, we all feel it, but WOW!

    Bruising and abrasions, that’s almost as bad as the McDonalds hot coffee lawsuit


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