Homeowners to get free energy efficiency upgrades

| 12/07/2023 | 75 Comments
Cayman News Service
(L-R) Resilience Cayman Chairperson Jan Gupta, Ministry of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency Chief Officer Jennifer Ahearn, Premier Wayne Panton and Senior Policy Advisor (Energy) Kristen Smith.

(CNS): Caymanian homeowners with a household income of $4,000 or less per month are being offered free energy efficiency upgrades to their properties to help them cut costly power bills. Applications opened Tuesday for CHEER, a new project funded by the sustainability ministry that will foot the bill for insulation, seal gaps and holes, replace inefficient appliances and modernise air-conditioning systems.

Cayman Home Energy Efficiency Retrofits (CHEER) will implement energy-saving retrofits for lower-income families in small homes facing high monthly utility bills. Officials said priority would be given to the elderly, families with children, and those with diagnosed health conditions.

The ministry has contracted a local non-profit organisation to deliver the programme, which has an initial budget of CI$500,000. Once this funding has been used up, the ministry will evaluate the programme and consider opportunities for extending the initiative, subject to the approval of more funding.

“Saving energy saves money,” said Premier Wayne Panton. “These retrofits will help lower the cost of living for people in our community who are struggling with the high cost of electricity.”

Under the CHEER Programme, approved homes will undergo an energy audit, conducted by a trained energy professional, prior to receiving tailored energy-saving upgrades.

“This summer’s record heat demonstrates that the energy crisis, the cost of living crisis and the climate crisis are all interlinked,” Panton said. “Programmes like this one that support our people, our economy and our environment, help make the Cayman Islands more sustainable, benefitting current and future generations.”

Jan Gupta, the chairperson of Resilience Cayman, the charity contracted to undertake the work, said the upgrades would be welcomed by many struggling families during the hot summer months. “It will also provide us with an opportunity to assist many homeowners to retrofit their homes towards a more sustainable energy future,” she noted.

Premier Panton said the CHEER Programme is a prime example of how sustainability measures that balance society, environment and economy can improve the quality of life for Caymanians.

To be eligible for the programme, applicants must be Caymanian, own their own home of 2,500 sqft or less and live in it, have a total household income of CI$4,000 per month or less and consume 2,000 kWh or more.

Applications open on 11 July and the deadline to apply is 31 August 2023.

See here to access the application page and learn more about the programme.

Resilience Cayman has issued a request for proposals for contractors interested in taking part in this project. See here for more information and submit a bid.

See more from the premier about the project below:

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Comments (75)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Yet another product of the woefully non-thinking Panton-PACTless Clown Car.

    Here is my situation:
    –Home is 2,500 sqft or less and I live in it;
    –I have a total household income of CI$4,000 per month or less;
    –But do not consume 2,000 kWh or more because I do not use the central AC.
    I am not eligible because I saved energy by downgrading to a window unit in the bedroom and fans in the rest of the house because there is now just two of u. I do need some re-sealing and an energy efficient fridge to replace the now 15 years old unit that is an energy hog. People who have a creeky old central AC turned down to a chilly temp will be rewarded for their careless usage.

    So, to qualify, I guess I will just power up the inefficient central air to cool every room in a house with just two people living in it most of the time. That will easily drive up my energy cost enough so I can qualify for the grant.

    What was PACTless thinking when they put the power usage criterion in the application?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Did CIG vet their partnership? Not sure I would put so much faith in the same people who haven’t yet brought you Eco Village…

  3. Anonymous says:

    Why should homeowners qualify for special gifts of public cash? If they own their home outright, don’t they also own all of that homeowners equity? Monthly income is somewhat immaterial needs qualifier at that point.

  4. Math Guy says:

    Ok just read the article.

    Who can afford a ‘ownership’ on 4000 a month.

    Just a thought

  5. V says:

    So, no help to the middle class of this country.

    The poor and wealthy always get a leg up. However the middle class again will carry the burden.

    • Anonymous says:

      And most of the current poor Caymanians begging not even from here. That’s why the natives can’t get help.

    • Anonymous says:

      V. What middle class? If they are middle class then chances are they are not Caymanian but more likely from UK or US. That means they don’t qualify anyway.

      • V says:

        If one person works for government and another in private sector combined income of 5k to 6k would qualify as lower middle class.

  6. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Yep. After getting elected there is only one goal, get re-elected!

    • Anonymous says:

      When did they stop? Billboards are still up, in contravention of the law.

    • Anonymous says:

      yes, to the same squeaking wheels in hopes for a vote or 2.
      What about that new roof for the squatters in the drug house?
      gets more votes

  7. Anonymous says:

    The attorney for CPA is now over OfReg. In what universe does this make sense?

  8. Anonymous says:

    This is rubbish. Stop building new roads that are destroying our environment.

    • Anonymous says:

      9.17 How about ‘stop impoting so many foreign workers that require new roads that are destroying our environment (physical and social)’

  9. Anonymous says:

    Elections on the horizon. New PACT slogan “Not just a fridge or a stove but so much more”?

  10. WBW Czar. says:

    This is great news! I signed up today after the kind lady at NAU told me about it.

  11. mervyn cumber says:

    Socialism Stinks! Look at our neighbour Cuba. Our Islands are fast becoming full of Government dependants waiting for their monthly rations.

    • Anonymous says:

      Say you are clueless about socialism without saying it.

      Sweden, Germany, Denmark, The Netherland, France, Spain, and the mother country all have successful socialistic policies while we steuggle in a banana republic ruled by people with your intellect.

    • Anonymous says:

      this isn’t socialism though is it? socialism would be across the board, not just for the few that can vote. what we have in our country is pure corruption for vote buying.

  12. Anonymous says:

    WTH!! So let me try and understand this; the wealthy get duty waivers and other govt breaks.

    Private sector employees gets the opportunity to withdraw from their Pensions, to pay towards mortgage and land etc.

    Households whose income is less than 4K, gets their homes upgraded with new appliances etc, while those in the middle are put to pasture & get no assistance?!

    Ministers who have no knowledge of what they’re doing, or hold the intellectual capacity to even read a prepared speech. Those who run organizations and have no qualifications/ experience to do so.

    The prices of land/ housing is out of reach for many Caymanians. What happens to them. Young Caymanians coming back from School and get get jobs, or get somewhere to live.

    We have a Govt who preaches sustainability, but is willing to cut roads though sensitive environmental areas, expand infrastructure, increase building heights, push airport development, review quarry digging regulations etc, etc etc.

    WTH is happening on this Island?

    • Anonymous says:

      What the hell happened is that, some years back when we were upgrading our constitution, a bunch of mindless people allowed party politics to be enshrined into our constitution.

      The same mindless bunch think by putting parties in place they will have a choice. Oh yeah… of course. And here is the breakdown: You can choose between the more or less worthless party, or, the less or more worthless party.

      The party situation in Cayman, and those who identify and support the two parties embody a famous George Carlin quote: “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”

  13. Anonymous says:

    Don’t study, don’t work, don’t make more… if you do, we don’t do any favor. We incentive not to do anything.

  14. Patricia Bryan says:

    Cayman Islands Government Ministry of Sustainability & Climate Resiliency please come up with relief for Caymanian ‘renters’. Many are not home owners but we also needed a solution. We are bearing extortedly high electrical bills also–whether by having an individual meter on the rental or being charged utilities through the property owner/manager.

  15. Anonymous says:

    What moron is using over 2000kWh per month on a household income of less than $4000? – You’d should be reserving your place in the (delayed) mental health home in East End.

    You’d be better off signing up to a course entitled ‘Do not spend what you can’t afford’ Chapter 1, Too much electricity, Chapter 2, New car loans.

    • Anonymous says:

      That person doesn’t exist, hence the whole program being a sham for Wayne to appear to be helping when in fact he is not going to help anyone.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree!! My 2,500 sq ft house has a.c run at 81 degrees 24/7. We don’t have a pool but I’ve never gone over 1200 kWh. Last month was just over 1,000. Are those places using 2,000 leaving their windows & doors open or running a.c at 75’? Put your thermometer warmer & get decent fans!!

  16. WhaYaSay says:

    Why aren’t things like solar panels also included?
    Oh, CUC don’t want homes to save too much energy. smh

  17. Anonymous says:

    Where is the assistance for those of us who have a $4500 monthly income and have CUC bills of $1600+ every month? Why not regulate CUC and let everyone pay what the actual cost of power is each month?

    • Anonymous says:

      Not going to lie, if your monthly income is $4500 and you somehow manage to run up a $1600 monthly CUC bill, I don’t have any sympathy for you whatsoever.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well, use less power. Turn the AC off (or adjust the temp).

      I’ve had a CUC bill of about $300 the last few months and I have 1000 sq ft place.

      Either you have an ENORMOUS home, or you are using an abnormal amount of electricity.

    • Sweaty says:

      Better turn that thermostat up a notch bobo.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Next up, free Silverados for Caymanians who use a bus.

  19. Anonymous says:

    If you have a total household income of CI$4,000 per month or less and consume 2,000 kWh or more, what you need is a good hard slap up the side of your head, because somebody else is already paying far too much (mortgage, food, car insurance, house insurance, health insurance, school fees, food, cellphone, tv, internet, gasoline, etc.) on your behalf.

    And the four grinning monkeys who have no idea what it’s like to live on less than $4000 per month, or use less than 2000kwh per month, need exactly the same.

  20. Anonymous says:

    another step towards a full time caymanian welfare state.
    how about trying to solve the problem instead of just writing cheques…?

    • Anonymous says:

      Totally agree!
      Keep kicking the can down the road to get more votes. Why I am looking else where to have a better standard of life.
      Cayman is loss……

    • Anonymous says:

      The entitlement mentality continues rather than incentivize

    • Anonymous says:

      I would say that is what they are doing you donkey! How in your world does it not make sense to help those who could really use it to improve the efficiency of their home, lower their cost of living and set an example for others to reflect on and maybe follow and obtain the same benefits?

      If you have some magic solution I am sure the Government is all ears!

      • Anonymous says:

        Hire better teachers and get rid of the principles who perform exorcisms on children…. there’s a start.

  21. Anonymous says:

    2000kwh ???? if youa re suing that amount of electricity you ought to be able to pay for it!!! I have successfully restricted my use to between 900 and 1300, and I can afford a 500-a-month bill during the summer months … why are you using 2000kwh if you can’t afford it???


  22. Anonymous says:

    Government will literally do anything except address the issue with CUC and their rates. Allow solar farms? NO. Allow people to be completely off the grid? NO.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is their response to absolutely everything.

      When there’s a bit of hard work to be done, they take the least difficult, most illogical path of least resistance..or at least the path that doesnt upset their paymasters. Time and time again.

    • Anonymous says:

      Protecting profits

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you understand that your answer to both of your questions is incorrect?
      1. Solar farms are encouraged. Off you go and bid when the request is published. Don’t forget to include your storage battery capacity so you can supply the grid at night and cloudy days.
      2. Free free to go COMPLETELY off grid. But do not expect me to pay for the generation capacity for you to be PARTLY off grid.

      • Jonathan Adam says:

        Here is my question;

        If a homeowner is willing and financially able to implement an alternative energy based system to provide energy for the two main residential energy draws (inclusive of an off grid and stand alone battery bank system), which is specifically for air conditioning and/or refrigeration, then is this type of set up allowed?

        In such a system there is no need for said use specific residential energy production to be a part and/or a parcel of any grid sharing agreement. As such, any perceived or real issues as it pertains to the CORE program would not be a factor.

        In such a system the homeowner would have resilience in times of catastrophic weather events. History has already taught us that A/C and refrigeration capabilities are arguably the two most important necessities after a hurricane.

        Is such a system allowed and if not then why not?

  23. Anonymous says:

    We’re just under the 4k so obviously we aren’t going to be burning a pile of electricity.. The most our lil place did was 1200 kWh.

    Guess we won’t get a slice of that 500k pie, while one developer gets multi-million concessions.


  24. Anonymous says:

    This isn’t a consumer problem, it’s a runaway unregulated capitalism problem where consumers don’t have representation. Fuel gouging is a serious problem. Pump gas is still hovering inexplicably near $6/gal even as refined gasoline in USA has plummeted to a range of USD$3.5-4.00/gal and leveled off for more than 6 months. CUC gets their margin either way, and passes their fuel rip-off through. Consumers in Cayman are not getting price relief in stride with real world prices, and not even on a delayed shipment basis.

  25. Anonymous says:

    These are the kind of programs we need to see happen. not giving rich developers millions of dollars in duty waivers. CHEER is a drop in the bucket but it’s a step in the right direction.

  26. Corruption is endemic says:

    What could possibly go wrong?

    I mean we have no accurate way to determine household income. This will likely be another giveaway to people who know the right people.

    More importantly there are a large number of lower income Caymanians that are renting. They will not see any relief under this plan. Those who are lucky enough to own a home are already much further ahead. What else is planned to more fairly help those who need it the most?

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow! I would much prefer if the government /Health Ministry would implement the plans to pay Cinico fees for all the vulnerable on the island as they promised. I think that would be more efficiently done with less corruption. Just saying!

    • Anonymous says:

      I feel more comfortable with the program due to the involvement of Resilience Cayman.
      They have impressive systems.

  27. Anonymous says:

    …gives millionaire condo owners tens of millions in duty waivers.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Ah the rich get richer and the government creates a welfare state for the people left behind by their own.

  29. Anonymous says:

    CIG. Always putting acronyms ahead of action.

  30. Anonymous says:

    When you read who is eligible, it’s a very tiny fraction of people.

    Meanwhile, duty waivers for rich developers to get richer…

  31. Anonymous says:

    Oh f**k off

  32. Anonymous says:

    Restricted to people using 2000kwh or more? Why? These people have already shown themselves unable to properly manage and budget. That is a crazy amount of electricity for a ‘poor’ household to be using each month.
    We used 760 kwh this month because we do not run our air con…can’t afford to pay for it…so because we already make these difficult choices to cut our consumption, now we don’t qualify for help.
    As usual, none of this makes sense!

    • Anonymous says:

      because its not a genuine attempt to help people, its just a sound bite, photo opportunity to appear to be doing something. Trust me $500K is nothing and only a select few of his Newlands handout crew will benefit.

    • Thank you for this feedback. If your average monthly consumption with AC running was over 2000kWh per month and is reflected on your previous electricity bills, we encourage you to go through the application process. Please visit http://www.resilience.ky/energy to access the application form.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thank you for your feedback. Please see 9:08am above.

      • Anonymous says:

        We have NEVER had consumption of more than 2000kwh. That would be reckless on my income.

      • Anonymous says:

        Some of us generously assumed that a formerly-principled Wayne had difficulty wrangling a dire coalition PACT, but now it’s clear to everyone that this is no different than all the other vote-buying regimes of the past 20+ years, and that’s both deeply unsettling and destabilizing. The gig is up now. Voters need to think hard about what kind of Cayman future we want for the remaining 100 or so years left above water.


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