‘Mango row’ shooting lands man 21 years in jail

| 12/07/2023 | 31 Comments
Cayman News Service
Lusito Eusebio Hernandez

(CNS): Luisto Eusebio Hernandez (28) has been handed a 21-year jail term for the attempted murder of his girlfriend’s father and a second concurrent term of 12 years for the possession of an unlicensed firearm. Hernandez shot his de facto father-in-law shortly after a row between the men over how to feed a mango to a child.

Hernandez, who is from East End, was found guilty by a jury last month of trying to kill his child’s grandfather at a family gathering in Windsor Park in April 2021. The mango argument had turned violent when Hernandez threatened to shoot his father-in-law, who in response threw a bottle, which smashed.

Believing the child had been cut by a shard of glass, Hernandez had left the scene but returned less than ten minutes later with a gun and shot the victim twice, hitting him in the stomach. The man was very badly injured but survived the ordeal, though with ongoing long-term complications from his injuries, including a bullet that is still lodged in his pelvic bone.

As he handed down the sentence, Justice Roger Chapple said the degree of provocation in this case was not enough to reduce the prison sentence. Hernandez had had “amply time” to calm down, having left the scene and then returned with a gun and “murderous intent”, showing a degree of premeditation and planning rather than a spontaneous response to the dispute, he said.

The judge said he was concerned, in this “serious and troubling case”, with the speed with which Hernandez had laid his hands on a loaded firearm, which was “a reflection of his lifestyle”.

The judge noted a number of aggravating factors, including several previous convictions for violence. He also noted that after the shooting, Hernandez had been on the run for several months before he was arrested, charged and remanded in custody.

Justice Chapple found few mitigating factors other than Hernandez’s relatively young age at the time and the provocation of his father-in-law throwing the bottle. But there was no confirmation during the trial over whether or not the child had been injured when the bottle was thrown. Although the child had been taken to hospital and neither the mother nor Hernandez had cooperated with the investigation and had refused to release any medical records.

Given the circumstances of the case and following the current guidelines, the judge began the sentence at 20 years. After all factors were considered and adjustments made up and down, he settled on the 21-year term with an order for time served to be counted.

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Comments (31)

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  1. Kadafe says:

    Father in law will be feeding the child mangoes how ever he pleases next year, must burn to think of that 😎

  2. Anonymous says:

    and the mother of the child is free to raise that poor kid while she tried to protect this dumbass even though he tried to kill her father. idiots having children are the world’s downfall.

  3. Anonymous says:

    This guy should get life.

    Clearly he is a danger to the wider public.

  4. Anonymous says:

    CNS please edit your headline. This person is not a “MAN” – he is an overaged child.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Man will never want to see a mango again in his life.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I used to buy weed from this guy. 😳

  7. Anonymous says:

    Considering his history of violence I’d be fine with 30 years. Then he’d be locked up for 20 and I wouldn’t have to worry about hm until he was about 50.years old. Good job Judge.

  8. Anonymous says:

    We need more judges willing to sentence criminals to an appropriate number of mango seasons in Northward.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Wow how crazy is that

  10. Anonymous says:

    The CMR crew are all over this, decrying the harsh sentence. They have an inability to read, it seems.

    Previous criminal record.
    Obvious speed he was able to get the gun.
    Having had 10 minutes to cool down, he still shot the guy.
    Injured person has lifelong health issues as a result.

    Considering he’ll be out way before 21 years, realistically he’ll be off the streets with his terrible haircuts for 10 to 15 years, and I’m quite happy with that.

    • Anonymous says:

      The ease of getting a gun should be emphasized.

      Our so called criminal justice system is way too lenient on these criminals. How about we make a deal with Biden and send them to Guantanamo Bay Cuba.

    • Anonymous says:

      21 years = out after 10.5 -= out in 2031 given time served on remand. Still in his 30s and still very very dangerous. The Cayman courts need to seriously revisit the time served system making people like this eligible for parole after 50% of their sentence.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Boy – punk

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly I was thinking the same thing. A real stupid punk. Now the child that he foolishly almost killed over, will grow up without him. I guess it will be better for the child anyway.

    • Anonymous says:

      yup, you got it. But if this was the US – he would sue the victim and probably win – go figure.

      At least he will be off the streets for a few years – amen.

  12. Anonymous says:

    This story avoids the bigger story. How do we feed children a mango??? I’ve got an idea, but I’d hate to be wrong and end up getting shot.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Mango to jail for a long time!

  14. Elvis says:

    Damn expensive mango dat

  15. Anonymous says:

    A bottle could have easily killed him! How is that not taken into account?

    • Anonymous says:

      so could a hotdog at the BBQ have chocked him.

      Did he shoot a hotdog too

    • JTB says:

      A meteor could have easily landed on him. How is that not taken into account?

    • Anonymous says:

      A bottle that did smash, but didn’t maim anyone versus a couple of bullets that are designed to maim or kill.

      Hmmm, I’m guessing you’re not a lawyer specializingin appeals?!?

  16. Anonymous says:

    Windsor Park dumb ass.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Add another 5 for that hairstyle.


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