Archive for July, 2023

NS police station still intact after fire

NS police station still intact after fire

| 31/07/2023 | 2 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS has confirmed that although the North Side Police Station on Hutland Road was badly damaged during a fire early Monday morning, the structure remains intact. There was no one in the station at the time of the blaze, but RCIPS officials said the station has been operational. The extent of the damage […]

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Airport OBC makes no case for runway

Airport OBC makes no case for runway

| 31/07/2023 | 98 Comments

(CNS): The outline business case that Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan is using to justify the continued development of Cayman’s airports makes no case for the $27 million runway expansion. The decision to extend the runway at Owen Roberts International Airport into the North Sound is part of a plan to upgrade Grand Cayman’s airport, but […]

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PPM intensifies campaign against Bryan

PPM intensifies campaign against Bryan

| 31/07/2023 | 66 Comments

(CNS): The opposition party has escalated its campaign against Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan. In another message that is critical of the minister, PPM Leader Roy McTaggart said he doesn’t “seem to understand what is happening in Cayman’s tourism industry”. However, sources have told CNS that Bryan is well liked by some of the local CITA […]

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UN chief warns of new ‘era of global boiling’

UN chief warns of new ‘era of global boiling’

| 28/07/2023 | 66 Comments

(CNS): Scientists are already certain that July will be the hottest month on record and might be the hottest month for more than 120,000 years. “We don’t have to wait for the end of the month to know this. Short of a mini-ice age over the next days, July 2023 will shatter records across the […]

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Cayman has room for full rollout of renewables

Cayman has room for full rollout of renewables

| 28/07/2023 | 65 Comments

(CNS): The suggestion that Cayman doesn’t have room to accommodate enough solar panels or wind turbines to generate all of its power from renewables has been debunked in the government’s new draft National Energy Policy. The revised policy, which is even more ambitious than the last one, has a target of generating 100% of our […]

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CIHC to focus on doctor-patient relationship

CIHC to focus on doctor-patient relationship

| 28/07/2023 | 10 Comments

(CNS): This year’s annual Cayman Islands Healthcare Conference will be focused on the relationship between patients and their doctors. Good communication between patient and physician is the key to improved health outcomes, Lizzette Yearwood, CEO of the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority, said about the theme, Bridging the Gap Between Patient and Practitioner; Pathways to […]

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Local mortgage pain continues with rate hike

Local mortgage pain continues with rate hike

| 28/07/2023 | 66 Comments

(CNS): Local banks will be putting up their loan rates but, in line with the agreement made with the government last month, they will be waiting thirty days before increasing interest rates on home loans and mortgages. Nevertheless, with the cost of living already squeezing people to the bone, the one-month reprieve will offer very […]

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Reporting $2.1B liability would create huge deficits

Reporting $2.1B liability would create huge deficits

| 27/07/2023 | 73 Comments

(CNS): Financial Secretary Kenneth Jefferson has said that putting the Cayman Islands Government’s future liability for post-retirement civil service healthcare costs firmly on its books would create massive annual deficits for public finances. But until it fully reports and accounts for these future expenses, the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) will continue to give […]

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Local bullfinch gets ‘Cayman status’

Local bullfinch gets ‘Cayman status’

| 27/07/2023 | 20 Comments

(CNS): The Grand Cayman bullfinch has been reclassified as a separate species, Melopyrrha taylori, having previously been considered a subspecies of a monotypic West Indian genus. As of this month, the American Ornithological Society now recognises the Cayman bullfinch and the Cuban bullfinch (Melopyrrha nigra) as two endemic species. The decision was a belated response […]

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OfReg finally makes telecoms warn of outages

OfReg finally makes telecoms warn of outages

| 27/07/2023 | 29 Comments

(CNS): More than six years after the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg) was established and over three since the auditor general raised the alarm about its numerous failings, officials have confirmed new rules that require licensed telecommunications companies to notify customers of planned outages. They must also now submit detailed reports on why communications […]

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Cayman’s last chance saloon

Cayman’s last chance saloon

| 26/07/2023 | 82 Comments

Theresa Green writes: As we all melt into Cayman’s ever-advancing concrete this summer, gasp at the soaring mercury around the world, watch opened-mouthed at the wildfires burning out of control and the floods wreaking havoc, only the most stupid or stubborn among us doubt that humans are in a whole lot of trouble. But it […]

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