Volunteers wanted to serve on disability council

| 19/03/2023 | 5 Comments

(CNS): Caymanians and residents of the Cayman Islands interested in championing disability issues are invited to apply to serve on the National Council for Persons with Disabilities. NCPD members, who are appointed by Cabinet for terms ranging from three years to six years, participate in public education campaigns and monitor the implementation of government policy. The council meets once per month and all members (who are not public servants) receive a small stipend for each meeting they attend.

The NCPD was first established in 2017 under the Disabilities (Solomon Webster) Act, 2016. It brings together and advocates for people with disabilities, while promoting equality and the elimination of discrimination in all areas of society.

Expressions of interest in joining the council should be submitted by Tuesday, 11 April. These will be held by the Cabinet Office and may be considered in the future as and when vacancies arise, officials said.

Potential volunteers should email DisabilityCouncil@gov.ky 

Or hand deliver an expression of interest to the Cabinet Office-Policy Coordination Unit at the Government Administration Building on Elgin Avenue.

Or mail it to:
Cabinet Office-Policy Coordination
Box #105
Grand Cayman KY1-9000

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Category: Community, Local News

Comments (5)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    If I am reading this correctly, they want volunteers for this? Volunteers to spearhead the protection for the most vulnerable? As in, people will not be paid for this?

    But you have ministers getting about $200k to cut ribbons?


  2. Anonymous says:

    Seriously, we can’t even get OfReg to require Flow to provide closed captioned service so that the hard of hearing and hearing impaired population can have that benefit! This council must be as effective as the the beautification council which can’t even get someone in Government politician or Civil Service to provide feedback much less take any action.

  3. WBW Czar. says:

    Maybe Georgie wants to try his hand at this?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Inert business-as-usual CIG seeks more amateur community councils to deflect blame from full-salary Ministries, Ministers, and government departments that genuinely have not a grain of competence. Our effort-phobic government can’t even open a browser window, search up what other standards and policies exist on this planet, and then adopt the top ten or best five of those trialed and tested solutions. 20 years of constructive policy research could be undertaken by anyone who knows how to use the internet, and inside an hour. Many of the first world comps have policy summary pages to make it extra easy. These policies could be compiled by country into an *xls spreadsheet in a single morning. There’s probably a UN site with comma-dileminated data set ready to go. Still too hard for our MENSA hires and professed experts.

  5. Anonymous says:

    With things like a lack of pavements, we’re lucky in that all of Cayman are discriminated against.

    Joking aside, the provisions made for disabled people here are a joke. If you’re lucky enough to park in a blue spot that hasn’t got some able bodied fool in it or encroaching in it, then you have the most bizarre locations for them. You know, like a lack of drop kerbs, or spots further away than regular spots!


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