Ebanks quits OfReg council, refusing to be ‘seat warmer’
(CNS): Just a few months after George Ebanks was appointed as chair of the Consumer Council, created to advise the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg) and feed in consumer concerns, the local businessman has resigned, saying he refuses to be a seat warmer and describing the council as a “cheap employee” of the regulator. In a scathing resignation letter, Ebanks said the terms of reference given to the council were nothing more than a straight jacket, preventing it from taking action to change things for the better or actually hold utility providers accountable.
In an email sent to the press, with a copy of his resignation letter attached, Ebanks said he was “silly enough to accept the chairmanship”, despite knowing the weakness of the provision in the legislation (section 60 of the Utility Regulation and Competition Act), which enables the creation of the council. He said the terms of reference, composition and appointment of the council are all at OfReg’s discretion, and having seen the ToR after his appointment and the creation of the council, it was clear to him that the council was nothing more than a PR exercise to create a “side-kick”.
In his resignation letter, Ebanks pointed to a number of long-running and legitimate complaints that he said OfReg could solve but is doing nothing, while requiring people to fill in complaint forms that are never addressed. He said that the public does not have confidence in OfReg, and the council is not able to do anything proactively without first reporting to the regulator. Ebanks believes the council has been designed to make “members mere employees of OfReg” without any of the perks.
“I cannot and will not be a ‘seat warmer’, sitting around a boardroom table twiddling my thumbs and wondering what we do next to protect the consumers of these beloved Cayman Islands. I know the answer,” he said. “We must act and act boldly and it must be now.”
Ebanks said that was the message of change that he had wanted to bring to OfReg’s Consumer Council. “I was demanding effective and quick action to address our many sub-par service providers,” he said, listing the utilities regulated by OfReg, all of which are facing complaints from consumers, from costs to poor service.
While Ebanks said he was ready to take action that he, as a private citizen, would have liked to see OfReg do, he said the regulator seems “content to remain in the backwaters of time, seemingly currently unable or unwilling to act”. He added, “I am of a different opinion and in direct conflict with OfReg.”
Given that OfReg is, under the terms of reference, the council’s head office, Ebanks said that he could not conceivably remain on the council. Listing some of his concerns about where OfReg is dragging its feet, Ebanks was scathing about its failings in relation to renewable energy in particular and warned that the country would not come close to its targets.
“The Cayman Islands should be and ought to be so much further ahead with solar and renewable energy,” Ebanks said. “However, we are miles away from its stated national target of 70% Renewable Energy — we are only at 3% currently and the 70% national target… is set to be achieved in 2037.”
Having resigned, Ebanks said he was free to be a vocal advocate and would now focus on agitating and arguing for a consumer bill of rights to renewable energy. He said that OfReg was perceived by residents “as being rather useless in effectively protecting their basic rights as consumers in the Cayman Islands.”
In a formal press release responding to Ebanks’ resignation, OfReg said it was the result of irreconcilable differences between Ebanks, OfReg and other council members over the role and remit of the chair and council.
OfReg pointed the finger at other council members, claiming they had complained about Ebanks acting unilaterally in speaking on behalf of the entire council on matters they had not agreed upon. They had also accused Ebanks of having an “aggressive and demeaning tone and behaviour” both in writing and at meetings, the release said.
OfReg Interim CEO Peter Gough said Ebanks’ resignation had been accepted.
“It is disappointing to find the Chair was not aligned with the role and remit of the Council and was in conflict with other Council members to the extent that the Council could no longer function under his leadership,” Gough stated. “However, we look forward to appointing a new Chair in due course so that the Council can get back to the work of helping OfReg represent and protect the rights of consumers in the utilities sectors.”
Ebanks decision to step down and speak out about the weakness of the council and the concerns about its part in the slow pace of adoption of renewable energy coincides with a damning statement from the chair of the Cayman Renewable Energy Association, James Whittaker about his concerns over the same issue, specifically CUC’s incremental “stop-start” release of capacity, frustrating local renewable energy installers and consumers. Whittaker argued that CUC’s approach is stalling the much-needed development of a local green energy sector.
See Ebanks’ resignation letter and OfReg’s response in the CNS Library.
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- Angry 3771%
- Bored 612%
- Afraid 36%
Category: Politics, Private Sector Oversight
At least he voiced what we all feel!!
When has ANY Caymanian been aggressive and passionate toward our RIGHTS!!!
THIS attitude is what fires change.
We as CAYMANIANS, as RESIDENTS, need to stop waiting for others to make it happen.
We are pissed at CUC and the BS red tap on solar.
We want change but we won’t fight for it.
LIKES on a post is not enough.
Sorry but he lost me at “yes she gave me a hard-on”
PUBLIC NOTICE /I MUST APOLOGIZE but I was also “played” by a certain Radio Station Talk SHOW Host!
See below a reply just sent to a Facebook friend of mine- Ms. Hollie Whitelocke.
Hollie Whitelocke well, the CMR fiasco (cause I’m sure that’s what you’re referring to!)was a most unfortunate act indeed. And I do sincerely APOLOGIZE to you and ALL OTHER PEOPLE’S of the Cayman Islands for it.
But do you know that I WOULD NOT HAVE EVEN PICKED UP MY PHONE to ANSWER the incoming call from Ms. Sandra Catron/ Hill if I HAD KNOWN I WAS ON OPEN MIC!??
I was called by Ms. Catron/Hill (and I thought it was her calling me to accept my lunch invitation that I had asked her to meet me on Friday- that would have been yesterday- Friday 16th March) at the Casanova Restaurant.
Low and behold, I picked up the call from Ms. Sandra, and only AFTER 45 MINUTES DID SHE WHISPER to me that I was on OPEN MIC with her at her LIVE RADIO SHOW!
My question to you now Ms. Hollíe is this:-
1. Was what Ms. Sandra did was ethical?;
2. Was what Md. Sandra did to me even legal?;
And, if I thought that I was only speaking to Ms. Sandra as a Private person, defending myself against her LIES and UNTRUTHS ,but was on a LIVE Radio Station show, WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT, PLEASE I PRAY, TELL ME WHO IS RIGHT AND WHO IS WRONG IN THIS MESS?..- and yes, I WILL AGREE that It was A MESS!
(BUT, a formar USA President- President RICHARD NIXON was also not perfecto, BUT I MAINTAIN THAT, with all of his human failties and weaknesses, President RICHARD NIXON was one of the GREATEST President’s the USA has ever had!).
I leave it to you, AND THE WIDER PUBLIC to read this FULL and FRANK reply to you and to either FORGIVE ME and further castigate me as one and one that I would call a totally INNOCENT man, who was RANTING and RAVING for 45 minutes on a RADIO SHOW on Wednesday morning (the Sandra Hill Radio show) but WHO WAS TOTALLY UNAWARE (and was NEVER TOLD BY THE RADIO HOST) that I was on OPEN MIC until the after about 45 minutes and THE ENDING OF the actual RADIO LIVE SHOW!
I will be calling the Station owner- Mr. Don Seymour- to alert him to what HIS talk show Radio host did to me.
Lisabeth Seymour
TOTALLY ILLEGAL ALSO if I might dear say.
Ps. Of course non of what I said above, should and I do not say it does, EXCUSE ME FOR THE MANY CURSE WORDS and other PREVILAGED information that I said to Ms. Hill (but I genuinly thought I was having a PRIVATE 2- PERSON CONVERSATION with Ms. Sandra Catron/Hill on Wednesday morning when SHE CALLED me).
I HUMBLY ASK FOR YOUR (PEOPLE’S OF THE CAYMAN ISLANDS) TOTAL FORGIVENESS and your UNDERSTANDING that I too was played (100%!!) and I am TRULY SORRY for the sort of WORDS I SAID and the other perhaps unnessary PRIVATE information that I perhaps disclosed in my 46 minutes Rant like a RAGING IDIOT!
But, I am not an idiot!
AND, lastly, I AM 100% HUMAN- yes, and with being human, comes ones failers, frailities, and other nonsense.
BUT, I HEREBY APOLOGIZE to EACH and EVERYONE WHO HAD THE UNFORTUNATE OPPORTUNITY to have heard my 46 minute RANT on Ms. Sandra Catron/Hill LIVE Radio SHOW, on the morning of Wednesday, March 16th, 2023.
It was her funny way of operating, I guess!
And, legal liability exposure might soon CONFRONT that particular RADIO Station and it’s OWNER(S).
Very soon!!
I’m still with you…………. everyone makes misnakes, you know.
.it is now 5 years and yet the Water Company licence has not been renewed. OfReg What is your excuse?
Plus the CWC water quality is not up to the standard of the Water Authority.
E.G. why does CWC water create mould in toilets that are regularly cleaned? I lived in the WA supply region for 30+ years and never encountered this issue.
Has anyone read the resignation letter in the CNS library?
Despite past situations that he may or may not have been in, (and horrible use of a semi colon) can anyone really argue that OfReg isn’t worth a thing to the consumers of Cayman? It seems Mr Ebanks really wanted to go to bat for the people and do his job – no? OfReg did just want a seat warmer, it looks obvious.
Am I missing something?
You’re missing ALOT. What is obvious is that ofreg gave georgie porgie an opportunity and he squandered it by immediately trying to make a power grab and abusing his other council members. Then he went on a particular morning show and confirmed everything that ofreg said about him. good ridance.
Got a source for any one that? I would love to read a report detailing these things.
he went on CMR and spent an hour confirming what ofreg said about him. go and watch the recording. just watch the first 5 minutes and you will have your investigation satisfied. watch the rest and you will be scarred for life.
That show was a bit like looking at the sun when you’re a kid, you know you shouldn’t watch it, but you just have to – that’s not something I’m going to forget in a while!
Safe to say, George did himself absolutely no favours whatsoever. – Now I fully understand why some people don’t take the stand in court to defend themselves!
“Don’t take the stand”. Sounds like George experienced the stand according to his racy comments to CMR.
Please see my reply posted on this page. I was ENTRAPPED!
@12:54am…and here is my reply on behalf of my good husband George Ebanks.
Thanks so much.
And here below is what a former Ombudsman said about the Data Protection Law…
“The Data Protection Law requires that when processing personal data, including the recording of a conversation, the person being recorded must be aware the processing is taking place and the reason for it,” said Sandy Hermiston, Cayman Islands Ombudsman.
That is correct.
Another private sector committee. Are we really surprised.
Filled with CIG cronies
Yep! Filled with CIG cronies, for sure!
Well……. What do you expect?
I think if you read the letter, it’s obvious that Mr. Ebanks is sincere in wanting to advocate for consumers. The problem is that he openly demonstrates hostility and aggression to the utility providers and wants instant gratification. That’s not how things work when you’re dealing with government agencies here or anywhere else.
Anyone with a brain knows that changing an entrenched status quo takes patience and some clever maneuvering. It’s clear this guy isn’t up for that.
He should run for office if he wants power to get things done faster. I think he misunderstood the role of the council and his role and as such it’s probably good that he resigned:
Don’t mistake me for trying to defend OfReg or any of the utility providers. Mr Ebanks makes good points but I don’t think he has the political savvy to influence change.
He did run for office once. Bodden Town I think it was. Guess how well that went.
I wouldn’t try to cast aspersions on Tooky just because he ran for office in Bodden Town. Especially if you look at what they have elected since that time, it’s hard to imagine that the people of BT care about intelligence, integrity, or basically any feature of a politician’s character that might be deemed a virtue.
I think we have witnessed that neither hostility and aggression NOR patience and clever manoeuvring works – no?
So now what?
OfReg moves along being completely useless.
I think clever maneuvering does help. By bringing injustices to light through the media for example.
A person with a role on the complaints counsel could properly document inaction and then use the media to shame OfReg and/or the utilities.
Nobody likes to see their dirty laundry aired in public. Change is happening in Cayman even if it’s slow.
Change doesn’t happen overnight.
CNS: The example you cited is an ongoing court case.
He completely misconstrued his role
OfReg did just want? … (horrible use of grammar)
George we are behind you 100% Those complaining don’t like when their own hypocrisy is used against them. Tookie for premier cause at least you try to help folks instead of your little Clique unlike the current holder.who’s indifference towards Cayman and his own people.
I don’t understand why he is protesting so. after all he resigned. If things were so bad and obviously he seems to have the answers then he should have stayed there and fix the issues. Why run away from the task?
Tookey for Premier! I can see the Banner now! Holy Father please do not let him read that suggestion, he might think the poster was being serious. We are tethering over the edge now- guess we will all let go and swim for the reefs. This goes to show that some on this Rock really don’t have any expectations. Perhaps that is why we get what we have.
very few people with ambition works for CIG. that’s why nothing gets done.
You are so wrong. What happened you couldn’t get a job there?. There are many hardworking, smart people working g there.
That’s strange. Where are they?
What gets done are the wishes of the elected government. Thats supposed to be the people’s mandate, ironically. But we never like the results and will pick new clowns to leads us again in 2 years. Round and round we go! Cayman’s pendulum politics.
I agree with Anonymous 2:51 pm 100 % !
I am still wondering what does OfReg do? Saunders brought a motion to change the composition of the board but now this. What does OfReg regulate, really?
Visit their website and read the laws if you really want to know. Or would you prefer to be spoon-fed the details via a CNS comment?
And how exactly do they accomplish the goal of protecting us, the consumers? It seems like they are more in the pocket of the business they claim to be protecting us against. As in, business as usual in the Cayman Islands. Pay up and shut up.
The only thing I knew was that OfReggers were paid a lot of cash for doing nothing. I am amazed at Mr. Ebanks for being truthful and stepping forward with the facts! This type of government has been going on too long! I say “George Ebanks for Premier!” This is the kind of man to bring the Cayman Islands back to life!
Please please calm down get a grip. What in his rambling causes you to want to appoint him Premier. First he has to be elected- that will never happpen.
I accidentally liked this idiotic rant.
I believe they pretend to make things better for the people…….. but the are only intere$ted in them$elve$.
What does Peter Gough do? Massive salary!
Another person getting a government pension and being paid a HUGE salary
How huge is his salary? Is it public knowledge?
He is the DG “lackey boy” so he aint going anywhere soon.
Well, that worked out well.
It would be good, though, if the relevant Cabinet member(s) did take a look at George’s resignation reasons and consider if they need to ‘tip the scales’ of the OfReg Consumer Council’s terms of reference. Maybe a touch more ‘actually solving problems’ would benefit everyone. (Since we all agree OfReg has problems.)
Maybe a good listen to george on cmr this morning could point to more reasons…
I agree, this morning he embarrassed himself really bad!! He is a Hog and wants to be the only one speaking and feels he is the only important person in the room…….I felt bad for Sandra, she is very stubborn and extremely outspoken but he did not allow her to speak one word in almost an hour!! I can’t imagine working with him let alone for him!!
Who on earth thought Ebanks would be good for this (or any other such) post? He’s simply not up to it.
I don’t think he could be any worse than what we’ve been getting in the last 20 years!
It appears as if many in the public think that the man stepped down from being the CEO. He was merely on a committee set up to liaise between the Regulator (OFFREG) the Providers of water, utilities and telecom and the consumers. It was mostly a volunteering committee with a monthly stipend. As I recollect reading on CNS or hearing on radio, when this committee was formed it was stated that due to the fact that so many complaints were being made in different medium instead of to these entities directly OFFREG/government decided to ask members of the community to volunteer to form the committee to listen to people’s concerns and grievances and the committee would advise OFFREG of their findings. It is not rocket science and I don’t think he was suppose to unilaterally control the Regulator nor the consumers. “Methinks he doth protest too much”
George, thanks for nothing.
Mr Ebanks’ letter demonstrates, among many other things, a remarkable confusion between the functions of a semi-colon and a comma.
just get rid of ofreg!
its yet another example of a bloated civil service trying to invent ways to look busy while producing zero results.
Then Gov will simply have to create another department to collect all those utility service provider fees and that department would be void of regulator status and be in less of a position to do anything at all.
What have you done to assist with the advancement of the utility sector besides consume electricity, water and fuel?
This is the same George Ebanks who yesterday posted on his Facebook page that no “paper Caymanian” should be allowed a trade and business license in this country.
The Hypocrisy is that George and his family are from Cuba, he is married to an expat, and is in business helping expats to get work permits, permanent residency and other citizenship documents.
No when such a person can publicly make such statements which are a complete contradiction of what their true life circumstances are, how can I believe anything he says? How can he be an advocate for consumer rights when he wants to restrict the businesses that consumers have access to, to be only those owned by people whose grandparents happen to have been born here (his public comments not mine).
The scary thing is that these are the people that put themselves forward for public office as “representatives” of the people. We are in so much trouble as a country, George is just a symptom of a deeply dysfunctional system.
Amen to thst. Anon.@ 7:40 you are so right,
CNS, please repost comments. They were posted and then taken down. Thank you.
CNS: No. They were borderline unhinged/xenophobic and I waivered about posting them in the first place. But when you called someone “limey”, it swung the balance. You understand that xenophobic name-calling is wrong, right? Just a reminder, you are posting on a site owned and operated by two first-generation Caymanians born in the UK. If you are so convinced that we should not be allowed to hold a T&B, you should stick to CMR.
Good response CNS. Most of us appreciate your good work. Time to put the haters in rheir place.
all the thumbs for CNS!
Whenever the ignorant masses want to rile up the ignorant masses they regurgitate this rhetoric. If they are given Cayman status they are “Caymanians” and have the rights as generational “Caymanians” I don’t believe that OFFREG had anything to do with the law that allowed that to happen. If there is blame then it lies with pass governments who passed the laws to do it. Like everywhere in the world we get the bad with the good. If George is so irate with that then I suggest that he go ahead and set up businesses like every “paper Caymanians” set up and own and compete with them. He should also hire all the Caymanians who benefit by working in those businesses and before I forget he should stop doing processing work permits, PR and other services that he provides and benefit from. And yes I am a 5th generational Caymanians but I guess I wouldn’t fit in to his narrative either. Glory to all “Caymanians” !!
George just bombed any chance of Bodden Town ‘Paper’ voters ticking a box for him, if he ever ran.
*Not that they would ever, in any election.
You’re right, 5:30, all the BT paper voters are Jamaican and vote for John John since he’s one of them in their eyes.
Well @7:57pm…But Mr. George, my hussi; is married to a Jamaican and they say, whenever he travels to Jamaica, the Customs people think he is a Jamaican and is from lovely St. Elizabeth (St. Bess…YEAH St. Bess is da best!)
You go George!…my sweet Jamaican husband.
If this was in fact written by Mrs. George Ebanks, then your best bet is to choose two seats in the back, take your husband by the arm, sit, and try calm him down. You’re not helping him, and he’s not helping himself.
7:40 annon.
George is referring to the original immigration status laws which should never have been tampered with.
It is what made Cayman. not the skackness of hand.
George may be a prickly character but he undoubtably has consumers’ best interests at heart, so sorry to see him go. Gough, on the other hand, is a wishy washy career bureaucrat who will never rock the boat. From the consumers’ perspective a disheartening state of affairs!
It’s an important gap that needs filling, but we need someone with their head screwed on.
I am so tired of the ignorance that abounds nowadays. 7:27 am, please do not even attempt to draw a comparison between George and Mr. Gough – there’s none. I have known both of these men for many years and while George frequently comes unhinged as he is obviously doing now making the rounds spewing his ideas, Mr Gough is working in his usual dignified manner. The offReg Chairman, Mr. Rudy Ebanks, is on medical leave from post and Mr Gough just quietly takes the licks and criticism thrown at him, working hard to serve the country as best he can, within the parameters of the law. Always trying to make a difference. George was not Chairman and will never be. Oh, let me state that I am as Caymanian as anyone possibly could be, very much multigenerational.
Whether you’re a consumer, voter, or property owner – we can see that our rights are in short supply, and the expected UK territorial mechanisms to protect these are found to be actively suppressed, nonexistent, or cosmetic. Par for the course with any corrupt unaccountable government. This is why the Cayman Islands can’t shake the watch lists.
If you want to be helpful, list out the rights that you feel consumers should be getting. Majority of consumers are just that, consumers – they want to consumer everything and put nothing back – not even to pay the rightful fees to cover what it is they consumed. Geesh.
George i tend to agree with you %100 but if you speak the truth people now a days try to condemn you its sad.
He is his own worst enemy, and the criticism is unfortunately justified. Pity, because consumers really need a tiger in that role – but they also have to be clean.
@8:53pm….well one thing that I know fully well; is that MY HUSBAND- George R. Ebanks (and I only came on here- my first time cause I am reading some slanted hate posts and posts from people who DO NOT KNOW MY OUTSTANDING HUSBAND George). A more OUTSTANDING FATHER you will NEVER FIND! A more responsible HUSBAND and FAMILY man- I would “bat” for him ANYDAY!
And yes, he genuinely regrets having to tender his resignation to OfReg…but many a night he would just say to me that there was SO MUCH work to be done to steer his beloved Islands towards a path of PROGRESS and PROSPERITY but being on the Consumer Council had exposed him to so much valuable information that if used by OfReg, would in itself, cause a great movement forward for the Cayman Islands and its peoples.
But he said sadly, OfREG seems paralysed with fear!
My husband is a man of ACTION! I know him. I do NOT have to guess when I write about him.
So, that is all I wanted to say here.
My first time to post on CNS- most likely my last too as I; unlike my husband George; am not an extravert. I am very much an introvert.
But, as they say. Opposites attracts!
Smile and peace and love to all…
something tells me George isnt lodge
George is not a Lodge man.
George IS a lodge man- goes to the one in the bush at Newlands. However he is joined by ex MLAs, current Ministers and MPs, Police, Customs/Immigration/ Lawyers/Bankers, ex Police.
I say all of that to say- that being a lodge man in this instance did nothing for George. While he maybe a bit ‘off-the-cuff’, maybe, just maybe that is what the misfunctioning OfReg needed or needs, cause they serve little to no purpose now.
Do some more research and you shall be shocked to know that he is a lodge man.
he literally is tho…
Good on you George”Tooky”Ebanks, proud of you for taking a honest stance on this nonsense and poor leadership at OfReg.You don’t bd a puppet on a string my friend. The Obundsman office has to take note and address the issues of green energy in Cayman, CUC is the dinosaur in the room and only interested in profit margins. We’re the richest island in the Caribbean, yet St.Lucia, Grenada and Dominica have invested more in sustainable energy and will most likely reach their targets by 2035. The treat of climate change will see stronger hurricanes and the rise of sea levels, which could see Cayman disappear in to the Caribbean Sea, start taking this serious.
The people of the Cayman Islands have no one to look out for them not even their government.
What more do the people want?
We have a booming economy, tens of thousands of job opportunities, Government offered university scholarships no other country can compare to, safe and excellent (for now) public education, clean roadsides, well paved roads, island-wide ocean views and access, excellent infrastructure, decent health care with less wait times than most of the world, people are LITERALLY lining up to move to the Cayman Islands in hopes of getting status or PR and the ones born here are constantly whining and griping that “they can’t get this that or whatever FOR FREE” the list could really go on about Cayman’s perks…
People want Government to pay all their bills while they sit under the almond tree awa?
Booya! Yes, your last sentence is 1000% correct 10:58
Clean road sides? Compared to where?
most of the rest of the world!! do you travel??????
Georgie Porgie, Puddin’ and Pie,
Pissed OfReg and made them cry,
When the Old Boys came out to play
Georgie Porgie ran away
Wow, another disfunctional office in Cayman. How shocking and unexpected. And sadly, another potentially respected official that cares, and is driven aside because he wants to BE ETHICAL! Cayman, you are a mess; of your own accord.
The guy just wanted to call the shots without regard to the positions of others. Then he starts a soap opera on the way out. So long mate!
the man clearly did not understand the assignment
When is going to sue CMR for defamation? She went all in on him today
Meh, don’t think that threat will go his way.
Well he called today and apologized. I think on this one Sandy called a spade a spade. He wanted to sue her because OfReg said he was “aggressive”?
He is a willing participant on CMR now, and a vulgar disgusting one at that. Always the good old church boys ya know….
OffReg was created to give cover to the politicians. The council is to give cover to OffRreg.
Need we mention that 2037 is 3 years beyond the IPCC modelled +1.5’C Paris Agreement Tipping Point, and that to reach net zero, we have to go beyond energy transition to C02 sequestering? Inconvenient facts brought to you by the beef and dairy industry.
Question is do you have a steak in that?
LOL! Stake is probably what you mean, not steak that you eat
Maybe you should read it again, ………….. or not!
A steak?! Ha ha ha ha!!!!
Yes, resident stakeholder on Earth with children who might desire a non-dystopian future.
Spreading more climate change scam baloney, how about you stop eating meat and dairy and leave the rest of us alone with your BS.
Don’t really care.
I tend to agree and believe old Georgie on this one!
I would be proud to befriend and or employ a man of the caliber of George Ebanks! Such men are becoming extinct.
oh dear! That long rambling resignation letter explains everything you might need to know. if I remember correctly when his appointment was announced mostly everyone on here expressed doubte that he would stay.
3:36 So then you need to go hire him!

Ofreg said.. good riddance

Have at it. Pretty confident that you don’t know George as well as you think you do.
Mmmm I’m not sure I would. He has some questionable history.
…and future