Hill alleges victimisation in face of latest criminal charges

| 02/02/2023 | 119 Comments
Cayman News Service
Sandra Hill

(CNS): Sandra Hill, the owner of Cayman Marl Road, has accused police and prosecutors of victimisation after learning she is facing more criminal charges in the wake of her civil court battle with John Felder, a former long-time Cayman resident and business owner. Hill is set to be charged with blackmail and obstructing the course of justice, which, she told CNS, is based on an email she sent to Felder during a defamation case following directions from the judge in that matter.

Hill believes the charges are another attempt by the authorities in their persistent victimisation of her fuelled by a catalogue of conflicts she has had with law enforcement stretching back well over a decade.

Speaking to CNS, Hill said she is being charged over what she described as a “without prejudice” correspondence she sent to Felder in 2021, via his attorneys, after he sued her over things she had written on her website and said on her online show about the former car dealer and his failing businesses, a case she eventually went on to win. Felder was ordered to pay Hill’s costs, a debt that remains outstanding.

But last month, Hill was told by the police that Felder had filed a complaint against her after judgment against him was made. The director of public prosecutions has concluded that charges should be laid based on the complaint, which Hill believes is absurd as the email was part of the effort she made at the direction of the judge to settle the case.

Hill said she had told Felder’s attorneys that if they withdrew the defamation allegations, she would be willing to stop writing further stories about Felder’s alleged poor business practices and bankruptcies, despite the mounting documentary evidence she held.

In refusing her offer, his attorneys made no allegations of bribery but focused instead on the original default judgment they had obtained for Felder after Hill failed to file a defence to the suit by the deadline. The judgment was later overturned in Hill’s favour. But in response to Hill’s offer, the lawyers said that further stories would have breached the initial default order.

Hill said this was inaccurate because by that time she had all of the evidence she needed to substantiate the allegations she had already published against Felder, as well as new ones. “We would not have been repeating any defamatory comments but instead revealing the evidence to refute the defamatory allegations,” she said.

By the time Felder complained to the police, the civil case had gone against him. The original default judgment was thrown out, and another judge found that Hill was the victim in the case because she could have suffered far-reaching negative repercussions to her own business and ability to publish. Hill accused Felder of trying to use the RCIPS to achieve what he had failed to get from the civil action.

But she said she was not all that surprised that the DPP’s office had pursued this complaint and was continuing what she maintains is their relentless pursuit of her in what will be the eighth courtroom battle Hill has engaged in with the authorities.

CNS contacted both the RCIPS and the DPP about Hill’s allegations and followed up on our initial correspondence. However, there has been no response to our questions about this accusation of victimisation, and the police have not confirmed the charges against Hill. She said that she has yet to receive the necessary paperwork relating to these charges or a summons for court.

Hill (née Catron) first went toe to toe with the crown in Summary Court in 2010 over charges of dog theft in relation to a stray animal she had rescued. She represented herself and the charges were dismissed. Charges that she damaged a commercial unit when she removed shelves after moving out at the end of a lease were also dismissed in the same year.

In 2016, again representing herself, she won a judicial review case over an unlawful search warrant in relation to allegations of abuse of an ICT network, one of three times the DPP’s office charged her with this offence. One was withdrawn ahead of trial, another resulted in no conviction being recorded and a third, in which she was convicted in 2020, is pending an appeal.

In 2016 charges of fraud in relation to the controversial Nation Building Fund were also dismissed. Despite a catalogue of concerns and complaints over the abuse of that fund, Hill remains the only person ever charged in relation to it. As a result, this has fuelled Hill’s ongoing concerns that she is being intentionally harassed, not just because of her successful courtroom battles, but over objections to how she uses her popular site and social media platforms.

Hill is well known for her efforts to push the boundaries on free speech, especially some of Cayman’s more restrictive practices when it comes to what happens in the courtroom and what can and cannot be published.

Hill also claims that in yet another matter, the police have threatened her with charges unless she removes stories posted on the site relating to a controversial case in the Grand Court.

Hill and other media, including CNS, reported on the prosecution of Evita Dixon, a former legal executive with the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), who was charged with a breach of trust. Dixon, who denied the charges and was acquitted by a jury, had implied that the prosecution of her might have been fuelled by improper motives. Dixon had alleged that the office was a toxic environment where black and Caymanian staff members were discriminated against during the period when Patrick Moran was the director.

Hill told CNS she would not be silenced by the DPP’s threats. After the alleged visit, about which she accuses the DPP’s office of doing no less than what they are now charging her for, she said she had refused to remove the related news reports.

“I refused and told them that no one should be brokering such a deal in a covert effort to silence the media. If I am being charged, then their officers should also be charged,” she said, insisting her offer to Felder was a legitimate part of a defamation negotiation to end a costly and distracting legal battle.

Since the visit from the police in relation to the Dixon case, Hill said she has made a report to the police commissioner. In the meantime, she said she plans to drum up attention for what she believes is the victimisation she is experiencing by the authorities here with human rights groups at home and abroad to fight for free speech in a country “hell-bent on criminalising it”.

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Category: Business, Crime, Media, Police

Comments (119)

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  1. Romellia Welcome says:

    I mean sue them for everything they got after winning.

  2. Anonymous says:


  3. Anonymous says:

    If you have one ear in the political world (like me) you would realise what is going on.

    Kenneth, Chris, Mac and Jay are Waynes biggest threats. In fact they are the root of his frustrations. They have openly professed that he canot be Premier again.

    Wayne then gives Sandra inside dirt on any of the 4 when it comes up (through a 3rd party) and she releases said dirt as punishment.

    Sandra serves several roles (remember she readily admitted she was financed by Wayne). Her main role is to spread his propaganda and to discredit anyone who criticises Wayne. Her second is to help him undermine his own members when they step out of line.

    Its all about power and struggle to be Premier. Chris was behaving for a while, but recently he has joined the “Wayne got to go club”, so now Sandra is on him like a tick.

    If anyone believes that Sandra is doing any of this for journalistic reasons or love of country you can think again.

    She takes credit for the PACT Government and will tell you that she is just that powerful!

    • Anonymous says:

      @10:25am with that kind of thinking, I’ll bet you are not vaccinated..What a bunch of foolishness. This is what you believe, your opinion. Just because it was you believe doesn’t make it fact, particularly when you can’t even sign your name to your foolishness.

    • Anonymous says:

      So, are you saying it is okay for her to cover up the dirt on the politicians, be it from Wayne or someone else?

      For so many years PPM, UDP and now to some extent PACT have seen getting elected as a license to do as they please? Where does it end? Should we keep covering up? Anywhere else in the world, some of these politicians would have been quit as soon as any negative story broke on them and many for less than what we know about these politicians.

      As much as you can say about Wayne, you don’t see him as a married man hanging out in bar rooms, chasing Spanish women or using their position to sexually harass women.

      If not calling out these politicians behavior is acceptable and this is the standard we need to accept from our politicians, what does that say about us as a people or as a country?

  4. HD says:

    Her time is running out, that is why she is calling out Kenneth, Chris, Mac & Jay. Wayne is upset and she can’t have that.

    • Anonymous says:

      So funny … so she’s calling PACT out. It’s a problem if she’s not calling them out it’s a problem?

    • Anonymous says:

      Huh? Has she called out Kenneth or anyone else unfairly? And how you know who she’s calling out since they were never named? Chris is that you?

      When the truth comes out we will all see she was 100% spot on!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Pot calling the kettle black. She preys on victimizing people as that is the only way she be acknowledged. Her blog, as it can not be deemed as any kind of genuine reporting, needs to be put to an end. She hides bullying behind the veil of reporting and damages people’s livelihoods purely for acceptance from sad like minded people.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m not sure it is necessarily victimizing people. There may be a few but from what I have seen she has done a great job outing those with criminal or underhanded behavior. For so long, everything in Cayman was swept under the carpet. So many have been called out for their xenophobic, racist, homophobic and criminal behaviors and it seems to be the only way that we can get some of these things to stop.

      She has an extremely large following so she must be doing something right.

      Even the people on here talking her down are some of the same ones that rush to her facebook and Instagram page whenever news is breaking.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Definitely not a fan of the woman, nor her website. The content basically says it all. If I want to hear about a rumour or a traffic situation, I’ll go on her site. Also if I want a great laugh as the comments and the obvious lack of intelligence from her regular viewers are very telling. If anyone tells me they regularly follow her site, I’m embarrassed for them. Much like those that watch all the nasty reality shows and the Kardashians for any other reason than the fashion.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I am still shocked by those buying ad time on her show.

    • Anonymous says:

      @9:24am Why? She has a large audience and why shouldn’t I advertise. I used to advertise in the Compass but why should I force my customers to pay to see my ad? Have to say my business has increased significantly since I started advertising with her..

      Mine is only a small business but when Burger King, Popeyes, Crighton Real Estate a law firm and even DART have decided to use her medium to grow their business,that speaks volumes.

      There are literally hundreds of people checking her website and facebook page every minute to get the most up to date breaking news.

      She may not be the most polished but then again that is a bit refreshing to hear someone tell you like it is and not just tell you what you want to hear.

      Just my two cents.. 🙂

      • Anonymous says:

        And now my large generational Caymanian family and I boycott your business as a result of your choice of advertising platform.

        • Really Now says:

          Please ensure you & your large family boycott Burger King, Popeyes, Dart & all other entities that advertise with CMR. Don’t just boycott the ‘small man’ and not the big ones because its too ‘inconvenient’. Thanks

  8. Anonymous says:

    A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple and knoweth nothing.
    Proverbs 9:13

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep, a law degree doesn’t make you intelligent all of a sudden, actions speaketh much louder. Gossip without facts.

  9. Anon says:

    Most of these comments are unjustified about CMR. I bet the haters sneakily have a look at the CMR thread every day to find out what’s happening in Cayman in real time.

    That is what news is all about, we don’t care about news a week later in the printed Compass on a Friday we are news hungry now, it’s human nature.

    If we all behaved in Cayman then we wouldn’t be so upset by CMR’s reporting. Corruption, con artists, theft, violence and crime is here unfortunately and we need to be made aware of it as well as the nice stuff too.

    CMR is doing a great job reporting and updates us on road traffic accidents and the relentless bad driving on island and constant traffic jams when we are sitting in it.

    I enjoy listening to her radio show in the morning on my way to work but admit I sometimes change stations when it digresses off subject, talking about her daughter’s new shoes, when I want to hear the news of the day, which is fine, that’s their prerogative and I read CMR later online.

    It’s your choice, don’t look at CMR if you don’t like it, no one is forcing you to look at it.

    We need current journalism in Cayman provided by CNS and CMR whether we like their style or not. They do a much better job than any of us can and have time to do.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Anyone can attend at the Parliament Building to purchase or search defamation or slander on http://www.legislation.gov.ky for the Defamation Law (1995 Revision). I am not aware of a newer revision covering defamation or slander nor see any online.

    The Judicial does not give legal advice but if asked where to get forms or information they apparently will direct you.

    Thankfully the Cayman Islands’ laws are some of the easiest law formats to understand compared to some6 other English-speaking countries (my opinion).

    Disclaimer: I am in no way by this comment encouraging anyone to attempt to sue CMR or Sandra Hill or any of CMR’s or Ms. Hill’s agents or anyone acting on their behalf. This is solely to share public, pro se imformation if anyone feels they have been defamed or slandered.

  11. Anonymous says:

    In fairness, once it hits 5pm on a Friday until around 10am on a Monday the reality is there is no other news source in Cayman. Just check back on CNS every weekend, last weekend for example last article ended on Fri 27 Jan, next article isn’t until 30 Jan.

    Whilst most of the CMR news is littered with awful spelling mistakes and errors, while we’re in the dark on a weekend when people need to know about any local news, collisions, travel delays etc at least CMR is the only media platform out there doing any kind of actual reporting and willing to work outside the normal 9-5 working week.

    • Anonymous says:

      CMR has pulled wayyyy back on the weekend news – go and have a look at this weekend’s “news” and the weekends prior.

      Nothing but screenshots from other news outlets in other jurisdictions.

      • Anonymous says:

        CMR’s facebook page is updated continually all weekend.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yep, with trash news that are screenshots, lame vids and lost and founds.

          • Anonymous says:

            But still the only news source on a weekend when others aren’t willing to work. Agreed most is useless, but the accident updates are useful so people know where to avoid for traffic hotspots.

  12. john says:

    Does she read these comments ? If I was her I would cancel my radio show. Maybe 2 positive comments about her character out of 40 – not good.

    • Anonymous says:

      The DPP’s concocted prosecution of Hill shouldn’t be mitigated by a popularity poll. Perhaps they are relying on that. That this could happen to anyone, even your worst enemy, should be of united concern, if we value truth and justice.

    • YES says:

      Sandra honey chile seems like the Ppm and those who they have covertly given residence snd status to as well as a few others clowns not excluding your aggressors have bandied together to discredit you.

      Anyway listen don’t Pay them no mind the ppm ain’t gonna see the light a day as a ruling government again for a variety of reasons which will play out and come out before next elections. Yeah ona go scrAmble but typo late the files have been leaked . Sayonara All ona !!

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s a thumbs up from me , just for reporting Port Authority goings on.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Oh this is tedious. Failed businessman entangled with local ‘news media’ person who uses shock and nonsense to drive traffic to her little part of the internet.

    What gets me the most on CMR are the comments. Just when you think you cannot get any dumber, you read a Marl Road comment that makes you wonder just how stupid some people are.

    If it’s a fender bender, it’s all “Jesus take the wheel, and pray for these Islands lord”, or “wow, how dey dun Dat. itlook bad for real.the red car was wrong cos u go round the roundabout in the outside lane.”

    Muppetry for Muppets.

    • Anonymous says:

      Then again, seems like you read it.

      • Anonymous says:

        I never said I don’t read it. I don’t follow the page, don’t comment on it. I can still critique the comments from numbskulls.

        It has a use for instant events, like if traffic is backed up, a quick look will show what and where.

    • Oh dear says:

      Worse still, these people breed – and _vote_…

  14. anonymous says:

    Marl road is designed to entice people through stirring up racial prejudice and gossip stories. She ruins people’s lives by printing information based on rumors and that she knows will be inflammatory.
    BUT, the reason that people continue to send her photos, videos etc. is because they know that her printing something will probably have more affect than contacting the police when a crime actually has been committed. Sad but true

  15. Anonymous says:

    I wonder if she reads these comments ? I might cancel my radio show if it was me. She will get her come uppance one day I think.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Cayman’s Tucker Carlson, ‘it’s not news, it’s entertainment’

  17. Anonymous says:

    karam coming sandra….sooner or later.

  18. Anonymous says:

    You can dislike her all you want and that’s fine, but these charges are ridiculous. The DPP is likely to lise another one. Their competence is questionable.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hallelujah, someone actually read and understood what’s happening here. It doesn’t matter how we feel about CMR, the DPP seems to be at least world class clueless, and maybe worse.

    • Anonymous says:

      In this case I think it must go beyond competence. How on earth are they going to meet a criminal standard for a blackmail charge based on this? I have no love for Hill but this does look awfully like a vendetta. She will be saved by the complete incompetence of the DPP in framing these charges – coupled with the fact that she has a back door into government. If Dwayne doesn’t get breathalysed after hitting a CUC pole on a Friday night, suspect we will see these charges evaporate.

      • Anonymous says:

        The PACT regime doesn’t own the judiciary, you have to go via the former Speaker who installed the Attorney General via coup. That guy won’t go away, whether sitting in the throne or not.

  19. Anonymous says:

    She is a reckless ambulance chaser who prefers to spew rumour and hearsay versus taking the time to fact-check the information being disseminated.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Poor, poor wicked woman

    • Anonymous says:

      in my opnion this morning’s show was dedicated to why she should be in charge of government communications. please nooooooooo

      I choose to never listen to her show again.

      • Anonymous says:

        and yet you continue to listen..

      • Anonymous says:

        If that’s your takeaway you’d simple at best! Why would she want that job? You have a clue how much she makes doing what she does?

        Jealousy is killing you all. Hahaha. Why were you listening to begin with?

  21. Anonymous says:

    I can’t say i enjoy her tight rope walking of the legalities, but she does provide a fabulous service with the Marl Road website/instagram. She and CNS have together managed to free us of the Compass. CNS and Sandra provide a near total news outlet when combined, in a country where news radio, news tv and news media has been cancelled for all intents and purposes. The fact people cannot see the censorship we live under here in Cayman is frightening. So many simply accept rather than question.

    CNS reports, usually a few days later and usually with good detail. Marl Road seeks to be as live as possible, usually completely unchecked. But nobody truly believes Sandra is the bastion of truth and authority on anything! What she does provide is the go-to service for traffic reports, crime, etc as its happening.

    She should settle down a bit for sure, but we need here to accompany CNS (and the multitude of small individual social media outlets) that combined give us some small inkling as to what is happening here, because your government and the powers that run the CIG from the ivory towers do not want you knowing anything.

    • Anonymous says:

      Truly a gutter person providing a service to gutter-minded individuals… so sad – a poster child for XXXX.

      Many apologies to children🙏🏼

    • Anonymous says:

      Some valid points here, but you lost it at the end with the government don’t want you knowing anything.
      Dude, CMR are the government’s press secretary – they are on the pay roll. Do you not ever wonder???

      I agree (begrudgingly) that there are elements of her posts (accidents etc.) that can be helpful, but let’s not forget she’s put photos up of minors and stuck a big target on their heads to, and has been responsible for more harm than good on these islands.

      I hope she gets what’s deserved

  22. Anonymous says:

    DPP and Police harrassing her because she has done more for Caymanians than they could ever do!

  23. Anonymous says:

    Sometimes she does some quite good journalism but sadly a lot of the time she seems to just want stir up hate and resentment.

    • Anonymous says:

      She weaponises media, which only emboldens others to do the same. Now she plays the victim card. She is despicable.

    • Anonymous says:

      She hasn’t done anything that would merit our justice apparatus being used to threaten her with prison – that only serves to underscore Cayman’s deeply corrupt judicial system. Everyone should be standing behind her on this one.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Pretends to be a journalist, with no journalistic standard applied. Absolute bottom of the heap gossip-monger. She defames and libels people knowing that in the vast majority of cases they cannot afford to take her to court and, even when they do, knows she can offer to settle and pay pennies per week.

  25. Anonymous says:

    By her own admission Sandra Hill tells us all we need to know, – Ms Hill gtfoh 😐

    Hill said she had told Felder’s attorneys that if they withdrew the defamation allegations, she would be willing to stop writing further stories about Felder’s alleged poor business practices and bankruptcies, despite the mounting documentary evidence she held.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Despicable human being.

  27. Anonymous says:

    It should scare everyone that our institutions of Justice, freedom and liberty are so deeply rotten that they can be used to execute vendettas. Even the judge should be alarmed.

    • Caymanian Donkey says:

      She is a dangerous person. She can write abiyt a person or business without following up on facts, just like the food delivery person the other day eating his own takeout amd of course 90% of you donkey ignorant readers believe her. Her investigations into story’s, sh… T what am I saying, she doesn’t do research, she just posts what is sent to her for the Cayman gossip that we love.

      Again 90% orlf her readers are ignorant and believes everything she writes, which can destroy a business.

      I will give Sandra (who we have grown up all our live together) complement, she’s gong a really good job pushing for a sex offender register or two and rwtrun wallets to people.

      • Anonymous says:

        She is certainly a destabilising force to those comfortably enjoying their status quo. Here, what matters, is that we have our judicial DPP attempting to criminalise a failed off-record good faith civil settlement attempt with a guy who declined the peace deal, and then went on to loose his lawsuit against her on evidence. All stakeholders should be paying attention to this, because it is bonkers.

      • Anonymous says:

        She made not always get it right but she certainly has shaken up many including the PACT Government and those who for the longest time have enjoyed having their own way to the detriment of others.

        The way I see it if you are doing things on the up and up, you most likely won’t end up on the AMrl Road.

        I’m amazed at how many don’t like because they are afraid they may be exposed for their bad ways or deeds.

        Necessary evil, I say!

  28. Anonymous says:

    If she had any integrity or even did basic fact checking she wouldn’t be in half the trouble she is. Posting fake news and gossip, bullying people and trying to assure everyone she will drag their name through the mud – is not freedom of speech. It’s exactly the kind of behaviour the ruins and costs lives. If she wants to play with the big kids she need to put on her big girl pants, and show even an ounce of professionalism and accountability.

  29. Anonymous says:

    And look what she said about Miss Cayman – shame on you honey child!

    • Anonymous says:

      Destroyed that young ladies lie, awful

      • Anonymous says:

        Did you read the trial reports by CNS? you go around to someone’s house and throw a brick throw a car window, then assault police officers, then I think if someone is ruining your life it’s not the person that reports it.

      • Anonymous says:

        @9:31am, Sorry Tiffany destroyed herself. She can only blame that on herself and no one else.

  30. anon says:

    Narcissistic Sandra’s vindictive traits.
    She brings out the very worst in people.
    Her fan following are simply the Illiterate bottom of the pile haters.
    She skirts the criminal line with the loving support of the current government and weak Online laws on harassment.
    Will watch until the day she falls on her sword which hopefully be very soon.

    • Anonymous says:

      She will never fall on her sword. That requires honour…

      Hoping she gets charged, locked up and shut down for good.

      She represents a lot of what is wrong with this world.

    • Anonymous says:

      Let’s see what happens. Reserving judgment.

      • Anonymous says:

        All stakeholders should monitor this latest instance of the weaponisation of the DPP Office to settle personal scores. This brand of destabilising institutionalised meddling, is the opposite of justice seeking. Those still doubting the subjective discretion of our DPP Office can ask themselves what happened to the RCIPS case file on The Speaker of the House, filed with DPP over 5 months ago.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is an accurate depiction of what is happening. The worst part is that the PACT government has properly endorsed and credentialised her as a legitimate news source, granting her interviews (including the Premier who knows better), capitalising and pouncing on her audience which is comprised of a significant proportion of the electorate who do not know any better. And before you start, I am a generational Caymanian who is quite concerned by the state of media in the country. We need journalists who we could trust to give us unbiased, factual, balanced information so we could make our own minds up about what is happening in our country. Not Marl Road being propped up as a proper news source by the government of the day. Shame on Wayne and PACT.

      • Anonymous says:

        Absolutely. An interview with the Premiere one minute then ‘exposing’ some poor delivery driver or stirring up hate the next. She’s horrid.

      • Isaiah Ezra Powery Fe real says:

        So Generational Caymanian why do we have to style ourselves as generational to anyone ya born here your records show your lineage and then? Why are we do dragging insecure in our land that we have to be spewing shiiite are we afraid of foreigners I hope not because if that is so dog eat our supper when the true revolution comes it nah far now. Leave them who criticize and malign us alone and try to unite our brothers and sisters and educate them as to how much more we can achieve if we stand together . An assault on one of us is an assault on all of us. Remember that . They don’t really care about Caymsn but they fear an uprising.

      • YES says:

        Shame on you generational Caymanian and all who liked your vitriolic BS. What you gonna do when they turn on you’

    • Anonymous says:

      But you have to agree that without her we would never know half of the underhand dealings of politicians and ambitious board members.

      • Anonymous says:

        Really ? What criminal acts of politicians and board members has she exposed ?

        • Anonymous says:

          Sadly nothing is done about her revelations.
          Did you hear her program on the Port Authority..?

          The minister chimed in but won’t do anything to question the UDP appointees’ actions.

    • It needs to be said says:

      Whosoever the three of you are go get a life. You don’t like her, you envy her for doing what you can’t do huh . Well guess what she dint got no sword snd there are fully educated listeners of her program behind her so you , the DPP and whoever else watch ya manners around that Caymanian voice “ Sandra Hill”.

  31. Anonymous says:

    DPP picking on Hill, if true, would be significant exposure of discrimination and unlawful treatment.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe she has a case against DPP.

    • Anonymous says:

      They should pick on her considering the countless lives she has negatively impacted. Prosecuting her is now in the public’s interest

      • Anonymous says:

        Public stoning next? Jesu.

      • Anonymous says:

        Who’s life has she impacted negatively that shouldn’t have?..

        For the longest time, we Caymanians have just sat back and kept our mouths shut. We are always known to be passive and hide everything..Exposing those who use to get away with it or want to now get away with it are now being called out.

        If you are doing the right thing and living a decent life, you should have no reason to fear her or her program. It is the crooks, the thieves, the liars, the underhanded politicians, the sexual predators, and the and those that seek harm others that she calls out. Sadly, we think she should keep her mouth shut and do like we have always done and sweep the dirt under the carpet.

        Many don’t like her or her program but a lot of the dirt in Cayman has been unearthed by her show. funny thing is, the very ones that are afraid to open their mouth publicly will call her to expose the dirt that she reports on those who would in most cases just get away with their dirty deeds.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Funny how some people who know -just- enough of the law are some of society’s worst citizens. Always by the hair of some loophole.

    • Anonymous says:

      Some of society’s worst citizens are lawyers and judges.

    • Anonymous says:

      Let’s see how quickly Wayne steps to protect her in this case, as he did recently with the traffic accident.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yet, always under attack, she hasn’t lost a case. You could say she has the best defense lawyer on island and it wouldn’t be wrong.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, she has lost a case. Check your info. Says so right in this article on which you are currently commenting.

  33. Anonymous says:

    You go Sandra! I hope you win all your cases. The corruption of the RCIPS and our Government needs to be blasted world wide so people can really judge Cayman and see what is really going on. Disgusting piece of work they are eh.

  34. Anonymous says:

    vile individual who will never change.
    but besties with wayne…..zzzzzzzzzzz

  35. Anonymous says:

    Sandra needs to understand that “without prejudice” is not a free pass to commit crimes and claim immunity. I thought she went to law school ?

    • Anonymous says:

      She did go to law school, but she is not an attorney. Big difference. Attempting to settle a civil case in “without prejudice” correspondence is fine, but, from what is understood, not sure the DPP was right (if this is true) to be preparing to charge Hill with blackmail and obstructing the course of justice.

    • Anonymous says:

      Offering a combative litigant in the wrong a generous “I’ll leave you alone” way out is unusually kind and rare in true give and take settlement discussions. Nevertheless, her determined adversary, who was suing her, declined that olive branch. She then went on to win her defense on evidence, and we should read that as a clearing of her name. The loser should have taken the deal. It’s not punishable to try to negotiate and agree settlements to spare the court time, and judges expect litigants to demonstrate that they genuinely tried to do that! Can you please reference any case law where the Crown criminally indicts a case victor for failing to reach settlement in a settled case they won based on evidence?

    • Tracy western says:

      clearly YOU didn’t lol

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you serious? What did the content of the email say that would equate to “commit crimes”?

      WOW … you all are very clueless here!

  36. Anonymous says:

    All I can say is that she has falsely Victimised many people and continue to do it. I note there was no mention of the case she was found guilty of.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Shame 90% of the time she picks on people who can’t take her to court

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you sure about that? She’s gone up against millionaires actually and still shining bright like a diamond!

  38. Anonymous says:

    Oh Sandra, play with fire you get a burn


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