Panton agrees to public discussion on building heights

| 16/12/2022 | 156 Comments
Cayman News Service
Watermark condo tower, artist’s rendition

(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton has accepted an amended private member’s motion brought by McKeeva Bush (WBW) asking the government to consider lifting height restrictions in some areas to allow buildings of 15-20 storeys, catering to the demands of wealthy developers. But Panton said the discussion couldn’t be confined to parliament but would be opened up to the whole country, despite Bush’s arguments that the “naysayers” would be allowed to block the idea.

In the last debate of this final meeting of parliament for 2022 Thursday night, Panton said he welcomed the motion as it “raised important issues that should be discussed”, but said it was an emotive issue. He disagreed that this was a matter to be debated only among politicians, calling instead for a wider public discussion. Given the pitfalls and risks, including increased population density, that have to be weighed against any benefits, he said the people should contribute to the discussion.

“I feel strongly that we need to include the people of the country,” he said, adding that it was important to plan appropriately. “We need to ensure our people are involved,” Panton said, and questioned the process around previous decisions to increase building heights and what planning there was around that decision-making.

“It did feel at times that it was more of a reaction to a specific proposal,” he stated, implying the last increase in building heights along Seven Mile Beach of ten storeys, steered through parliament by Bush when he was premier had likely been as a result of lobbying from the country’s handful of major developers. The ten-storey increase was then extended by the last administration to George Town and other coastal areas.

Dart executives and Frank Schilling have been vocal about their desire to lift height restrictions for development. They are supported in that by several other well-known developers and investors with deep pockets who are pushing hard for skyscrapers.

But Paton was evidently far more cautious about the growing clamour for a free for all on heights. He said that while some believe development has been a success with no significant consequences, people were now seeing the reality of the impact and the problems it has caused. He pointed to the recent surge in population from an estimated 65,000 at the beginning of 2021 to almost 80,000 now and the impact that is having on traffic and other infrastructure.

He said the problems of excessive development were compounded by the challenges of climate change and very poor planning decisions regarding development on Seven Mile Beach, which was a significant issue. He said the erosion of Seven Mile Beach illustrated the need to put an end to development anywhere near the dynamic beach zone.

Given the clear need for a managed retreat on Seven Mile Beach and to compensate owners for moving buildings back, increasing the height of buildings in those circumstances could form part of the solution.

“Managed retreat is necessary,” he said. “A compromise in respect of that is to allow buildings to go higher.” The question is how much higher, he said, adding, “That is what I think the people of this country have a right to have a say in and not just us making assumptions about what people feel.”

As he wrapped up the debate on his motion, Bush accused those concerned about the environment or the aesthetics of tall buildings of blocking things and preventing them from “getting done”. He railed against various unidentified people who he said had tried to stop him from doing things for the country.

He took credit for forcing the West Bay Road through, suggesting that Seven Mile Public Beach was better now because of the deal he had struck with Dart. He said he regretted not pushing on with the East-West Arterial and the cruise port that he had wanted to build for the good of the country. Bush spoke about being elected to lead, and that included making decisions regardless of those who tried to stop him.

Bush argued that allowing developers to go higher would be beneficial to them and would be more sustainable, as he pressed his view that Cayman’s success is due to development and foreign investment. Bush warned there could be difficult times again, and that “this island is not the only girl at the ball”. Allowing the development of tall buildings would generate commercial activity that he believed everyone would benefit from.

See the debate on the motion on CIGTV below:

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Comments (156)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Premier Panton

    We don’t need to join the discussions. We elect you to make the right decision on our behalf.

    Stop trying to please everyone!

    If this is right for us then go ahead and get it done. If it’s not then please don’t do it.

    End of the story!

  2. Really ???? says:

    it was 3 then 10 now they want 15-20 next 50. No thanks i am not for it. More traffic, condos for the rich while the crime is out of control. Can’t make this stuff up. Money laundering at it’s best! And yes i forgot the kickbacks. Totally insane. If one tourist get’s killed btw people will stop coming.

  3. Anthony Travers OBE says:

    An interesting approach from the Premier and now the precedent has been established we will surely see similar consultation with and a vote of those in the Financial Services Industry of the Cayman Islands on the existence of and public access to Beneficial Ownership Registers .

    • Anonymous says:

      If this taken to be the “precedent” as you call it, then the discussion would not be confined to parliament and the ones involved in the respective industry or narrow interest group, but would be opened up to all the people of the Cayman Islands.

  4. Anonymous says:

    would be great if this govt could focus on the current crime spree…

    I think 99.999% of voters can agree this is a top priority.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Development, development and more physical development. We are tired of hearing about that word
    here now. Who are we developing for, it cannot and should not be for outsiders.

    We need sustainable growth that is more than physical development. If district councils were out in place there would be more and better ideas coming from we the people as to how to tame this greedy monster Bush calls development. We need to develop our people and wean them off of construction so that prices can stabilize and retrain those who are employed in the construction sector.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The question these politicians should ask themselves, is, how does the ordinary caymanian benefit from these developments.

    If they cant answer that question in a positive way, than stop this madness.

    And stop the BS about it is good for the economy.


    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      The “average Caymanian” doesn’t benefit. The government benefits. That’s it. Our system is broken insofar as supporting the people.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Dozens of laws passed without proper consultation or time.
    Eg Contempt of Court Bill removes one’s right to remain silence in the face of self incrimination.

  8. Anonymous says:

    We believe we can change or stop progress, we cannot. People said there would never be 100,000 people, remember? So I predict it will be 150,000 people in the next five years. We no longer live in a bubble. We need to figure out what do we as an island get for all this development? I suggest we create a bill that tells developers who can build a 20-30 story building to compromise. We need low cost housing for our children and elderly families. Nothing is wrong with Grandmother living up 30 stories. You can buy her a pair of binoculars and she’ll be able to see you pass her high story apt on the highway. We need more industries to bring in more money.
    No cruise ship docks means numbers are going down. So all those people relying on that industry will take another 25% loss of guests next year. There is a price for everything, we sold 7 mile beach it’s going, going gone. We no longer have a free beach. It’s only a matter of time before we pay to go to the beach “somewhere in the island”.
    We need cheap land to build 20-30 story building for lower cost to buy for the middle class. Hmm… the only place is the Central Mangrove. There are plans to build a 6 lane highway to George Town? Elderly people shouldn’t be any higher than 5 stories so they don’t get frightened. We should have walking areas (parks) children’s playground, pools for exercise, medical clinics. Things that are necessary so that we don’t need transportation. Government offices, NAU, passport office, etc. Then when developers can offer these kinds of compromises, I say go ahead you have my vote. I can see it now less mosquitoes, hightened views Restaurants on the roof, feel like you on vacation.

  9. H says:

    “Wealthy developers”, please..
    more importantly, buildings should be made higher in Cayman to save these developers for buying up more land than they need and clearing it just to put up 500 lil ole ugly crap cookie cutter bs apartments and buildings 1 and 2 story speard across 50 acres of our Cayman land.
    Make these ‘developers’ create there own real estate up above and stop destroying all our environment for little ole stupid buildings under 5 storys. Ridiculous!

  10. Warning To CB & LC says:

    CB and LC are you watching GC? What is built in GC may be also the future for CB and evev LC.

  11. Anonymous says:

    “Bush’s arguments that the “naysayers” would be allowed to block the idea.”

    That’s right Mr. Bush, in a democracy if the naysayers’ votes are greater than that yeasayers’ then NAY it is! Get it?

    • Anonymous says:

      And this is why Panton wants it open to the people. He knows we’ll go on a rampage.
      Also need to revisit the desire to upgrade the cruise ship terminal!!

    • It had to be said says:

      Mckeeva Bush cease and desist XXXX and reflect on all the chaos you have caused your country of birth. Also reflect on the good now marred by your alcoholic actions and what that does to your legacy and how that will affect your family for a long long time.

      These Islands do not need anymore of your secret deals which everybody assumes has benefitted you McBush immensely ( that probably will be the story of the year once the tracing is finished). We don’t need don’t want no more stories until there is a proper development plan in place. A plan which considers “ we the people” and how it will affect us and provide substance for “we the people” not some of dem people that have bought you out McBush.

      Get off the soap box busha it’s not about people stifling ya money grabbing ideas it’s about finally the people having a say in their own affairs.

      The majority of right thinking people in this country can’t wait for the day when you don’t represent this country anymore. It will be a day of celebration amongst many who knew you and trusted you but you let yourself and a lot of people down with your deplorable actions . Be gone Busha ya time done!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    So what happened the first time around just over a week ago for Premier Wayne Panton to now accept ‘an amended private member’s motion brought by McKeeva Bush (WBW) asking the government to consider lifting height restrictions in some areas to allow buildings of 15-20 storeys, catering to the demands of wealthy developers.’

    Is the amended version solely for the purposes of developers ? Interesting Mr Former Speaker Guy, why is Wayne even entertaining this ? ❌🏗🏬❌

  13. Anonymous says:

    If Kenny can have illegal billboards, I can build 20 stories (without asking permission first). Watch.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I’m a WBW voter who has not voted for “my” representative in the past 3 or 4 elections.

    However, McKeeva Bush DOES NOT represent my views re 30 storey buildings. He has NEVER brought this to his constituents. How does that work?

    What a condescending, entitled bully!!


    • Anonymous says:

      When Bush says 30 story buildings, this does not mean more apartments. The planning laws would have to change to allow greater density.
      IE… if a parcel of land is zoned for 24 apartments per acre, it means that the developer can have the permitted number spread over more floors….it does not mean more apartments.
      The planning laws for density would also have to change…that comes next, eh Mac.?

  15. Anon says:

    Why is Bush allowed to speak? He serves himself only and the fact that he hasn’t been removed from office only shows the weakness of the government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because of a few hundred illiterates from WBW , as well as hangers on who benefit from the privileges he throws their way like cabinet status grant , or rezoning land …

  16. SustainableKY says:

    The Facebook Group from Sustainable Cayman @2022NCCNominations has 341 members. Additionally the report indicates there were many other nominations from private citizens as well at the National Trust for the Cayman Islands.

  17. Anonymous says:

    What is different between a 20 story building and a 10 story building? The higher stories conserve land, a scarce resource. Are people suggesting clearing more mangroves to build 30 more apartments? If the underlying objection is to more people, then that is like turning back the tide. The population in Cayman will grow and needs a place to live. People also need jobs, and many work in the construction/hospitality sector. There are many beautiful developments all over the Caribbean and the tropics that are more than ten stories in height.

    • Anonymous says:

      name one

      • Anonymous says:

        We’re still waiting for you to name one of these “many beautiful developments all over the Caribbean and the tropics that are more than ten stories in height.”


    • Anonymous says:

      Aesthetics, mate! You live on a Caribbean island 22 miles long and 8 miles wide. There is only a certain amount of development the island can take,; PLUS, the island does not owe the construction industry a living.

    • Miami Dave says:

      8:30, None in Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and many other small islands similar in size to Grand Cayman.

      You have spent too much time in South Miami Beach.

    • Ellen says:

      You have to be kidding me. Name one Caribbean destination with 20 story buildings that is a classy, beautiful, sought after destination. I challenge you to name one. One of our ONLY tourist resources is Seven Mile Beach. it’s one of the few treasures that we have here that the BVI’s and Bermuda don’t have. Put 20 story buildings on the beach and you have ruined what’s left of any charm we have retained since the Ritz went up with 7 stories and everyone else followed suit. You want to turn this tiny island with pristine waters into a Cancun or a Miami Beach, with the sole purpose of lining your own pockets, and with the shortsightedness that will destroy the last hope of retaining an island we can truly be proud of and call home. This makes me sick. I am ashamed of you people. Tacky, greedy, no care about the future of this island. Clearly you are planning to move your kids/grandkids somewhere else.

  18. Cayman After Dark says:

    All distractions Cayman and pure rubbish What about all this beneficial ownership and money laundering rubbish and regulations that has now been destroyed and overturned in the UK and European courts and governments yet we still here towing a line that no longer exists like idiots and subscribing to this utter nonsense . Not one word from this Pact Government about it what is going on besides some ID rubbish.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Given unlimited resources, could a building be so tall it would extend beyond the earth’s atmosphere?

    Billboard coming to your neighbourhood soon…

  20. Anonymous says:

    Oh really. But he can unilaterally allow ungodly music to be played on a Sunday without first consulting the Ministers Association?

  21. Anonymous says:

    Wayne is not entirely wrong in this instance. PACT has no mandate to govern.

  22. N says:

    I completely agree with Premier Panton here! This is a huge decision with long term consequences. And no MP other than Mac (who is not to be trusted! as he is only concerned for himself) spoke of any desire or plan to increase building heights past 10 floors.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Anyone know what happened with the Kailani/Hilton development across from Kirk’s by the cemetery? Construction has stalled and there have been workers there in a couple months. And the crane has been dismantled.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Higher buildings for the wealthy, awesome. I love not being able to see SMB anymore and knowing that 90% of the year the condo’s sit empty. Its heart warming to learn of how wealthy the developers and a few realtors from the cireba cabal have become after they stitched up everyone by forcing thru the change in Strata voting rules

    But what really tickles me is seeing all the trickle down economics in action thanks to all this development. As promised by every single major developer and b*llsh*tting realtors and MLA’s, the benefits are for all of us…i mean, the fact we have no crime, zero poverty, incredible standards of living for around 85% of us that can’t afford much at all and live in tiny overshared properties

    I’m so happy to think we can see even higher empty vessels of worship to greed and cannot wait to see the same very few people absolutely fleece us again

    go mac, go cireba, go the f*ck away

    • Anonymous says:

      Whilst I share your opposition to these out of place buildings “can’t see the beach does our argument no favours… unless you’re 20ft tall you can’t see over a single story either!

    • Anonymous says:

      taller towers must come with greater setbacks 500+ feet. This will open up views and access to SMB for all vs the 10 story condos and stratas on the beach trying to keep people off.

  25. Anonymous says:

    There is already going to be a referendum on gambling etc. Adding a question on building heights will add nothing to the cost of the referendum and would allow the electorate to express their wishes….. which is why Mac and the UDPACT will never allow this issue to go to a referendum. Too much in ‘consulting fees’ at stake.

  26. Anonymous says:

    EXCERPT: Bush warned there could be difficult times again, and that “this island is not the only girl at the ball”.

    This man has battered our once beautiful motherland in this Wealthy Developer’s Ball that he help to create. Grand Cayman and her people have been battered, bruised, and abused at this party of the lotus eaters while our politicians gorge themselves on the spoils and scraps from their masters with deep pockets.

    If I were Bush, I refrain from mentioning how many women are at a party for the taking.

    I’m faithful to my lovely Cayman Islands and have no eyes for any other.

  27. Anonymous says:

    At this point the only thing Bush needs to do if he is against anything is publicly support it. BDS will prevail.

  28. Anon says:

    I didn’t realize that PACT was a referendum party
    That can’t make a decision “without going to the people”( Gambling , possession of drugs and now building heights?)
    Scared of making a Decision and passing the Buck to the electorate.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not really. They are rigging everything and making it to look like the results are what the Puppet Premier and his supporters wanted.

    • Anonymous says:

      Honorable Bush is a very wise elder statesman, we should honor him for all he has done. Long Live Mr. Bush!

      • SMH says:

        Yes ya arrrrds kissing bush follower how many fridges ya got over the years?

      • Anonymous says:

        A knighthood is in order for the Honorable Bush in 2023.

        Let’s lobby the new Governor.

        A God in West Bay.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes lobby the new Governor…to have his OBE removed.
          He should in all conscience also give up his JP honour, but then Mac and conscience don’t exactly go together.

    • Anonymous says:

      IMO a smart move if you don’t trust that your fellow MP’s will vote against when there are juicy “consulting” and “brokerage” fees up for grabs. It’s easy to “convince” a handful of MP’s. Much harder to convince the whole electorate.

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      I finally have a bit of faith in the PACT government, since Mr. Panton has indicated that he wants to consult the people regarding this extremely important ideal.

      If you are not a troll, trolling for the shits and giggles, then I suspect you are a prospective foreign investor. Either way, it is clear that you really don’t give much of a crap about The Cayman Islands or its people, except as how it might fatten your digital pocketbook.

      p.s. Piss off. We don’t need you or your ilk here. You should be courting US, not making judgement on government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Panton is incapable of making a decision.

      • Anonymous says:

        He not only needs to consult the people; he also needs to LISTEN to what they are saying and abide by it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Switzerland does this regularly. People driven referendums occur every quarter.

      There is a clear process to follow.

      Would the electorate be more engaged if they were asked to participate more often on topics?

      • Anonymous says:

        maybe, works well in Switzerland perhaps not so much in California. Depends how educated and engaged your voters are.

    • YES says:

      Anon please go hide under a rock. This is 2022slmist 2023. Being pragmatic and conscious of the eill of the people who elected you is a mark of great leadership which we haven’t had in quite a long while( and certainly not from the previous 2 term Govt which we know you support).

      So swallow it chew it up or whatever else you want to do with the Premiers decision. It is what it is and so shall it be!!!

  29. Anonymous says:

    A big question the MPs need to consider: Does the current fire service have the necessary resources to combat fires at this proposed height for buildings in Cayman? If not, the answer to this question is quite clear.

    • Anonymous says:

      good point. if course the profits of the development go only to the rich while the infrastructure costs such as specialized fire trucks will be borne by the general public.

    • Anonymous says:

      They can buy a new truck.

      • Anonymous says:

        who is the they that will be paying for the equipment and staff? general public or those profiting by dumping their costs onto the general fund?

    • Anonymous says:

      PACT Ministers are suggesting multiple Fire Departments for different altitudes.

    • Anonymous says:

      Last report showed they didn’t have the grades to pass much more than cleaning and driving the trucks (at least those not stationed at Brac airport). Eg CIFS are supposed to pressure test commercial hydrants every 3 years under the adopted fire codes from 2009. Never seen it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Any building over, say, seven stories includes something called a “rising main”, which is essentially a big pipe(s) that rises up the building that can be accessed on each floor. It has its own water supply so firefighters have to simply attach their hoses without having to worry about pumping water.

      At least one of the elevators is on a special separate circuit, allowing firefighters to take full control of the elevator.

      So short answer is yes, firefighters have the resources and training in place.

    • Anonymous says:

      This can be easily overcome by some new Ladder Trucks & to insure they can get to the high-rise in quick-quick time, a test run along the airport runway will be demonstrated along with the new RCIPS patrol cars, all running at W.O.T (wide open throttle), then we can test the brakes & dem tings, at the end.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wouldn’t trust that they do so I certainly wouldn’t want to live in one of those.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t forget the poop!

    • Anonymous says:

      What fires? The last fire was Pageant Beach about 40 years ago, and most people suspect that was arson. Cayman buildings are built of concrete, which doesn’t burn. The fire department regulations are ridiculous and unnecessary.

    • YES says:

      Come o niebosiple we don’t want 40 story buildings for sure, but , think before ona talk. Buildings thAt high would ress as hire sprinkler systems. Who would in their right mind be on a ladder 30 feet up. Boy ona daft Fe true .

  30. Anonymous says:

    It is interesting that this appears in the same week that our illustrious legislators passed an amendment to the Anti-corruption Act that will have the effect of making it almost impossible to convict corrupt politicians and other public servants. How many of us believe that is a coincidence?

  31. DAVE says:

    Cayman island should be a paradise island, now it will be lost due fast building and become like New york/Miami! Sod them these deep pockets investors, they can take their ass to somewhere else!

    • Anonymous says:

      I know right. When I’m driving on the Brooklyn bridge into Manhattan or crossing the Venetian causeway into Miami I sometimes get confused about where I am, the resemblance to Cayman is striking!

    • Anonymous says:

      Hope the take Mckeeva & Alden with them when they leave

    • Anonymous says:

      Most are Caymanian but cool.

  32. Anonymous says:

    I wonder what the “consulting fee” is for pushing 20 floors through?

  33. SoniaStarfish says:

    This is only to the benefit of one developer. Have we not had enough?

  34. Anonymous says:

    Dwayne Seymour is a dunce. He can’t even read post it notes!

  35. CayMiami says:

    Can anyone remember how many volumetric parcels the Dart Group got approved above the tunnels? Are they still seeking to put a hotel on the Royal Palms site as high as possible (now with a 150 ft setback) so when you stager that to building those same stories on top of the tunnel’s it’s starting to look a lot like the city of Miami when you sprawl that out to the Kaboo site and the Public Beach hotels redevelopment. Further afield the Mandarin Oriental is being built as 10 stories in Beach Bay, 10 stories are approved for Crystal Harbour. Plenty of unbuilt parcels with 10-storey approvals so yes it’s coming to your neighbourhood soon.

    How many people do you plan to squish on the island bobos?

    Proper 3D visual modelling is needed to realise what is being proposed and education of the public in order to understand planned area development with a GREEN footprint.

    Has anyone seen that…ever?

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed. That site above the tunnel should be 50 stories max with 20% designated to affordable living and education facilities

      • GT East says:

        I think there is only Dart capable of going 20 stories or even 30
        It’s a whole new ball game for the construction industry would be a 4 to 5 year project and massively specialized
        Having been lucky to stand on the 10th floor actually 12th the view is breathtaking of the whole island and you can see that if it was a restaurant or observation deck the pull would be immense
        There is a massive risk for the developers going this high the market is not as solid as we think the building and design cost and the price point on the sales and the operation cost will scare many off let’s see how this is pitched

  36. Anonymous says:

    Please, please, please don’t increase building heights beyond 10 stories. Let’s save what’s left of Cayman’s character and charm.

  37. Anonymous says:

    “Premier Wayne Panton has accepted an amended private member’s motion brought by McKeeva Bush (WBW)” – translation – “Mac orders Wayne complies”.

    • Anonymous says:

      accepted by Wayne but not on McKeeva’s terms…big difference..

      It really is time for Mac to move on. He is kin of becoming like Trump now, nothing more than a real nuisance..maybe he should start a digital card program and retire quickly..

      • Anonymous says:

        how did you catch Trump Derangement Symptom down here?

        I prescribe two courses for you: critical thinking and how to escape mass psychosis brainwashing.

        Then you can be free and achieve higher intellectual achievements.

  38. Anonymous says:

    When CIG start fining Dart $25k a day for the mess at the old Britannia, plus the backpay he should owe, then we should have the conversation about going higher as it’s only really going to benefit one parasite.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ask the home owners, hotel staff and golfers about the state of the easement roads over Dragon Bay Land, formerly Safehaven – Dart’s responsibility for past 11 years. Crystal Harbour residents have been paying to patch and fill Dart’s failed obligation to keep the easement in good condition. CIG should rescind the land transfer and take it back with other penalties.

      • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

        11:26, very good point. But what I don’t understand is why no one in those areas of Safehaven / Crystal Harbor don’t take legal action against Dart?

        Seems that everyone is so intimidated by Dart that they refuse to take action and pick up the costs themselves for paying to patch roads in that area.

        You are right, CIG should rescind the land transfer and take it back as Dart has not lived up to its legal obligations for years now. The case is cut and dry.

    • Anonymous says:

      Plus Dart should be fined for the unsightly mess and piles of fill and rubble he leaves at the roundabout by the entrance to Britannia. UGLY. Why is it allowed?

  39. Anonymous says:

    Neatly done by Panton. He knows the public have no appetite for skyscrapers, and that going to the people is the only reasonable thing to do.

    Let the moneymen know how we really feel about overdevelopment. Push back this narrative that only the rich and powerful can make good decisions for us. They think we are babies, that they need to tell us what we want, and we should be grateful.

    • Anonymous says:

      2:41 pm Absolute BS. This is not a referendum issue. Elected representatives ought to know what their constituents want and don’t want. Take it to parliament and vote damn it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Did anyone run on a mandate of raising the height of buildings to 30 stories besides than McKeeva? Sorry McKeeva does not speak for me nor for the entire country..He other the government has no mandate from the people of this country to do this..

      • Anonymous says:

        They don’t know what we want, they only know what they want and they will get it one way or the other.

      • Anonymous says:

        You’re right but do you trust ‘your’ representative to vote according to your/our wishes? I don’t.

        • Anonymous says:

          My representative is part of the opposition who support increased development with tall buildings and Plan Cayman implemented. A plan that is not at all fit for for purpose to account for taller building heights. There is still no enforcement.

      • Anonymous says:

        Huh ? You know full well that while we elect our representatives, who in turn should know what the electorate wants, the reality is that once elected, the mps do what they want, and usually without reference to, or consideration of, the people who voted them in.

        • YES says:

          You are absolutely totally wrong. The people who fund their campaigns tell our elected MPs what they want and what they should do. We lose power over the Mzp as soon as “we” cast a vote for them. Truth!!’

      • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

        5:06, You must be new here. When the majority of elected representatives are in the pockets of developers they don’t vote in the interests of their constituents. Very simple to understand why it is a referendum issue.

      • Anonymous says:

        Your elected officials are glove puppets

      • Anonymous says:

        lol at 5:06. hi developer. what’s up did you think you had enough mps on side and now you’re fxxxxd? unlucky.

      • Anonymous says:

        Damn you developer

    • Anonymous says:

      They actually think that we don’t matter. if they live as long as methuselah did they will be ok. They do not have to decide whether they should pay Cinico or pay the light bill each month! Cayman is only a minimum number of square miles and instead getting larger it is shrinking- at least the beach is. Why the hell all of these rich people think that they can come here and change everything about our island home. We were here, we scraped and scraped to make a living. Some of us were able to get our children educated and now that they are able to save a little money towards a house that dream seems to be impossible. They want a single family house, not 30 stories piled up on each other that they will never be able to own. Some politicians don’t give a shit about us and our children, because they have already made their deals at our expense, their children and grandchildren will be ok. They carry the water for these arrogant people among us so in their greedy callus heads that is all that matters. they have lossed their souls.

  40. Anonymous says:

    I am curious about Joey Hew’s comments which said all the right things, but they are in sharp contrast to Alden’s comments which said ‘f the environment’.

    PS I miss the days when McKeeva was speaker and more silent. This man has way too much air time.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sir Alden is back and has always been the true political leader of the Progressives.
      Roy is keeping his seat warm and Joey is uneducated and unqualified to lead the party. The members do not trust him because they know he dart’s proxy. Progressives are in trouble as they lack substance and quality on the opposition benches but it is clear Alden has the final say on all matters.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes – John John and Jay illustrate the superior substance and quality on the UDPACT bench – seriously??

  41. Frank says:

    I believe the whole SMB corridor needs to be changed. The beach is eroding and no one is going to stop the height of these buildings. Planning now would be expensive and long in the making, but you could set these buildings further back and keep plant life on the beach so you would still have a beach. Yes, SMB will be like South Beach, just a matter of time, money runs it, might as well di what you can to save the beach.


    The MLA’s desperately pushing for an increase to 20-50 stories are the MLA’s that have been sponsored or “bought and paid for” by the wealthy development mafia. They are the dark hand who control successive governments over the last twenty five years.

    Most maintain record profits by securing massive concessions and rebates on their projects from their ‘friends’ in government.

    Why are concessions being considered or granted by successive governments when the Cayman economy is overheating and there is a development boom in the Cayman Islands?

    Where are the official investigations? That is further evidence that nepotism, corruption and abuse of office by public officials is allowed to thrive in the Cayman Islands.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Bush needs to be blocked at all costs and banished forever from politics. He’s the scourge of Cayman and has only wrought damage on this land, everything he has done has been only for his own good. He alone opened the Pandora’s box of skyscraper mentality and the people need to be allowed to close that box for good.

  44. Anonymous says:

    Mckeeva thinks he knows what’s good for cayman but he obviously doesn’t. If he did, he would have retired to obscurity and shut up a long time ago. Read the room bobo we don’t respect you and we don’t want you any where near policy decision. Can someone please escort this unqualified bufooon far far away from cayman politics. And to all unnah ppl out west that keep voting him in just to troll the rest of us… He’s trolling unnah too. Please we beg you, find a better representative and stop embarrassing us.

    Talking about 15-20 stories… Fix the dump first. Fix public transport first. Fix energy independence, food independence. There’s a long list of things cayman needs to sort out before even considering going higher. Any politicians saying otherwise should lose their job immediately and be replaced by someone with sense and expertise. It’s infuriating watching cayman fumble around in the dark. Shout out to Panton for at least attempting to inject common sense into the discussion.

    In 40 years caymans population went from 16k to 80k and our elders sat there and watched that dump grow…how stupid and shameful can you possibly be. We had every opportunity to learn from the rest of world and implement solutions other jurisdictions have researched and developed for us and what do we do? I don’t want to hear anything from that generation about leading cayman anywhere. Unnah blew it. Let in the educated young blood now and please, stay out of their way and keep your dirty hands out of their pockets. You’ve done enough.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said. But nothing will ever change.
      Besides, the world is at the point of no return. Japan and Germany have announced massive military investment. Japan is increasing its defense budget and Germany wants to increase its budget by 100 billion annually. Is it right for these two countries who committed horrific atrocities during the second world war period to again increase their military capabilities?
      To make matters worse, the entire system of international agreements on disarmament has practically collapsed, leaving little hope for improvement in the near future. Who will blink first? The stand off between Moscow and Washington could eventually see atomic weapons used.
      If nuclear war happens, it will be the last in the history of mankind, civilization will roll back to the Stone Age.
      THE World Has Gone Mad unless you failed to notice..
      So keep debating about your freaking high rises. Cayman is already nothing more than an ugly and stinky Dump and concrete jungle. Everything is poisoned-flora, fauna, air, water, soil, people, marine life and sea.
      It took less than 3-4 decades to turn God given jewel of the Caribbean into a CANCER CLUSTER. Humans are not sapient beings. Never were, never will be.

      • Hubert says:

        7:26, What about Russia? They are the ones who invaded a sovereign state earlier this year.

        The German, Japanese, Swedish and Finnish reactions are a direct result of the fear from Russia.

      • Anonymous says:

        #VoteNo – it’s that simple. Maybe it will buy us time.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Panton would rather clear every piece of “primary habitat” remaining than allow responsible development.

    • Miami Dave says:

      Beyond me why we cannot just have 10 storeys.

      Developers can still make great profits selling luxury condos with 10 storeys.

      Problem seems to be massive greed by too many Caymanian developers and real estate agents.

      Certainly do not want to see the Seven Mile Beach Corridor turn into South Miami Beach.

      • Anonymous says:

        This is simply untrue. Most redevelopments need to give a condo to each owner, which means the first three stories are pure cost. The next three to five stories recover the cost, and the remaining stories can generate a profit. With only ten stories to play with, many of the existing three story developments are simply not economical to redevelop. Another way to think about it is that if each condo costs 2 million or more, and there are 30 existing condos then the cost of the “land” is sixty million dollars. It takes a large development to generate enough revenue to pay for that amount of “land”.

    • Patricia Bryan says:

      For me personally who watched the debate on the Motion it’s my opinion that the Premier’s speech was a direct leaning toward “responsible development”, at least in this particular instance.
      He started off saying what he would say would be surprising. I was surprised. He made the right decision in making note that our people need to have input. Watch the speech.

      • Anonymous says:

        2:47 pm Except that our Premier has no clue what “responsible development” is and he’s got no backbone or Cabinet support. So his last resort is to “ask the people”….if these elected officials don’t know what their constituents want, let’s have a vote of no confidence and have another general election.

        • Anonymous says:

          @5:09pm..No one but McKeeva ran on this issue of raising the heights of buildings to these heights. It doesn’t matter, elected or not, when something as detrimental as this is voted on without any input from the people then it is those people that should go not the ones that ask the people for their input…Remember the CRUISE PORT…Alden thought he had that one in the bag too..and you see where he is sitting now..

        • Anonymous says:

          This Dart/PPM misinformation campaign is ridiculous. A vote of no confidence in elected officials that want their constituents to finally have a voice? Ridiculous. Go far and stay long.

        • Patricia Bryan says:

          Since he’s left it open for the people to have an input and that’s still not pleasing to some people. If he hadn’t done that then there would have been another comment. Give him some credit at least. He’s doing what the people expect him to do and I hope this is something that they will do with all emotions.

    • try being honest says:

      Skyscrapers are NOT “responsible development”.

  46. Anonymous says:

    Panton will give gone in less than a year anyway. Pay him no mind.

  47. Anonymous says:

    We don’t have more than 10 buildings over 5 stories, and less than 5 in the 10 story category. There isn’t any shortage of square footage to go to 10. Call back in 20 years.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly! Plenty 10 storey capacity. We are already at 78k people and the country isn’t working. We need to fix it.

  48. Anonymous says:

    At what point is the Premier going to stay in his lane and let the planning ministry, planning department and CPA weigh in on this or refer to the draft National Planning Framework that was sent to the ministry in September??

    • Anonymous says:

      McKeeva Bush is planning minister now?

    • Anonymous says:

      I guess he will stay in his lane ( can’t believe I am defending him) when these buffoons heading these ministries have the decency and respect for their constituents to have an honest discussion with the constituents and explain the pros and cons of these planning issues. They were not elected to go ahead and ram through their decisions that will negatively effect us forever. We the people elected them to serve us!. If at anytime they are unable to do that then they can feel free to step aside.

      • Anonymous says:

        7:07 pm The Premier is out of his league here. He is NOT the Planning Minister and has no regard for the Development Plan process which is set out in Law. Follow that process and see if it results in taller buildings. Don’t bother taking it to a referendum when the Development Plan process INCLUDES PUBLIC CONSULTATION !!

    • No sah says:

      The Premier must stay in his Lane? What section of the constitution describes his “lane” ?you some kinda regurgitator with a fixation on lanes o wa!!?! KMT.

    • Anonymous says:

      Idjut bout lane

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