Archive for November 29th, 2022

Panton: We must face truths about violence

Panton: We must face truths about violence

| 29/11/2022 | 41 Comments

(CNS): Last Friday was the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which launched the global 16 Days of Activism. In his statement to mark the event, Premier Wayne Panton said the community is being challenged to confront some uncomfortable truths about what is taking place within Cayman’s homes, institutions and the country, […]

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Cops spook robbers into fleeing empty-handed

Cops spook robbers into fleeing empty-handed

| 29/11/2022 | 15 Comments

(CNS): Three men who attempted to hold up a restaurant in Prospect on Friday night were spooked by police patrolling the area and fled empty-handed. The police officers were stopped around 9:25pm by a member of the public who had been at the restaurant, who told them that two masked men had entered the location […]

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Police arrest wanted suspects in North Side bust

Police arrest wanted suspects in North Side bust

| 29/11/2022

(CNS): Police have tracked down Mitchum Kenjo Wood (35), who was wanted by police in connection with burglary allegations. He was arrested during an operation in North Side where police also arrested a robbery suspect at the same time. Wood had been on the run from police for more than two weeks. He was already […]

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Dart advised to ‘retreat’ as it cleans up Royal Palms

Dart advised to ‘retreat’ as it cleans up Royal Palms

| 29/11/2022 | 122 Comments

(CNS): There was great consternation within the community last week after people saw boulders dropped into the ocean at the Royal Palms site, as well as the appearance of screens and heavy equipment on the beach. But although Dart, which owns the site, had failed to make any public announcement of the intended clean-up operation […]

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WORC rounds up illegal workers on 7MB

WORC rounds up illegal workers on 7MB

| 29/11/2022 | 63 Comments

(CNS): Four people were arrested for immigration-related offences last Wednesday, 23 November, after a raid at Seven Mile Public Beach by the Compliance Unit of Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC), the Department of Commerce and Investment (DCI) and the RCIPS. Three people were arrested for working without work permits and one was handed over to […]

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More Cuban migrants arrive in Cayman Brac

More Cuban migrants arrive in Cayman Brac

| 29/11/2022 | 2 Comments

(CNS): Following news that a motor tanker rescued eleven Cuban migrants at sea on Saturday, Customs and Border Control has also confirmed that another two boats arrived on Cayman Brac on Thursday and Saturday carrying a total of seven more migrants from the neighbouring island. On 24 November, four men arrived at about 6:30am. Then […]

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