Panton sought deal with opposition, Sir Alden claims

| 10/10/2022 | 132 Comments
Cayman News Service
Leader of the Opposition Roy McTaggart (left) with Premier Wayne Panton

(CNS): Sir Alden McLaughlin has claimed that Premier Wayne Panton recently approached the opposition about forming a government with them. Speaking at a PPM press briefing on Friday after the opposition members boycotted parliament, the former premier said the Progressives had brought a no-confidence motion in government because various members of PACT had been speaking to the PPM about their dissatisfaction with and lack of support for Panton and had raised the idea of forming a new government with them, while the premier himself had also spoken to Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart.

“Premier Panton himself has spoken to the leader about the possibility of him and some of his team forming a government with us,” he said. “The problem with that… was he insisted he remain as premier and I am afraid none of us have any confidence in his ability to lead… So that conversation didn’t get very far.”

CNS contacted Panton over the weekend about the claim and so far the premier has not refuted the allegations.

McLaughlin also said the person who had been leading the charge to bring the government down was Dwayne Seymour, which he described as ironic, given that just before the press briefing Seymour had tabled in parliament and debated a successful confidence motion in the PACT Government.

During the briefing, McLaughlin said that Minister Jay Ebanks had been less than complimentary about Panton and that McKeeva Bush dislikes Panton “very much”. PPM Deputy Leader Joey Hew implied that both Julianna O’Connor-Connolly and Kathy Ebanks-Wilks were among those who had engaged with PPM about leaving PACT.

“I had multiple conversations with Dwayne Seymour,” McLaughlin said, adding that all of the Progressive members have had conversations with PACT members over the last year and on each occasion it was the leadership of Panton that they were calling into question.

The former premier said he believed outside influences that were keen to keep “PACT intact” had come to the rescue, having seen what the PPM had originally believed was a revolt by members of the government group.

“There has been significant intervention by certain people,” he said. Although McLaughlin was unable to confirm the details, he said he had been in politics long enough to “recognise the signs when somebody else is moving the pawns around on the chess board”.

Hew said that the only reason why the opposition filed the no-confidence motion, which was withdrawn from the order paper on Friday when the opposition boycotted the meeting, was because of the clear divisions on the government benches that were preventing the government from doing anything.

“We would not have brought that motion if we had not had reason to,” he said, noting concerns about the lack of any major legislation in two years and the limited work reflected in the Cabinet briefs. He said they were “approached about bringing this motion a long time ago”.

Hew said that if what had happened brought PACT members together and brought the country forward, then so be it because lots of people needed help. He said PACT may have hit the reset button but the way they had done it was terrible.

He said that given the situation with the speaker and the aftermath of the storm, which the government still hadn’t addressed, they made a decision to file the no-confidence motion. When the government delayed the start of parliament, they assumed it was to add a no-confidence vote in the speaker, but when instead Seymour filed a confidence motion in PACT, they filed their motion for a vote against the speaker, he said.

When that was declined and PACT prioritised the confidence vote over the no-confidence vote, rendering that original motion meaningless, coupled with the resignation of Bush on his own terms, leaving him in office until the end of November, the decision to boycott the meeting was then made, Hew said, as he laid out their concerns.

McTaggart insisted that the PPM would boycott the rest of this current meeting until Bush steps down, even though parliament voted on Friday afternoon to accept Bush’s resignation from the speaker’s chair. McTaggart said the deputy speaker should take up the position now because Bush should not be allowed to continue on as though nothing had happened.

Even though the PPM members all stood with Bush the day after he was convicted and sentenced for assault in December at the ceremony to name the House of Parliament, the party continues to argue that their situation with Bush was different and that they had opted to call the election as a way of dealing with him. But following that unclear result, they refused to have him back post-election, which is why they are now in opposition.

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  1. anonymous says:

    Mr Panton is a principled man who is 1000% more intelligent than the rest of his cabinet. Whoever listens to a word Jay Ebanks says is very deluded and Mr Panton would do well to keep trying to poach some brans from the opposition.
    Get rid of the dead wood and start again Mr Panton – stand up for Cayman and do your best, which will definitely be better than anyone else if you stand your ground and get rid of some in your party who are only there for self promotion (which they do not deserve)

  2. Anonymous says:

    Just because ALden said this doesn’t mean it’s true..I wouldn’t trust Alden as far as I could throw him and with all that grease on him that will be more than difficult.

    Why didn’t Roy make this accusation. Why didn’t he back up Alden? Why was alden pulling names out of his ass? I know why, throw it out there and get us talking about it and possibly believing it..He is the slickest and slimiest of all politicians and his thirst for power will never be quenched.

    • Anonymous says:

      A key point in the article: “CNS contacted Panton over the weekend about the claim and so far the premier has not refuted the allegations.”
      Why has Panton not yet refuted the allegations?

  3. Anonymous says:

    As I watched this press conference by the PPM, I was surprised that Roy who is supposedly the Leader of the PPM had only a very short statement of pure innuendo and it appeared that Alden pretty much ran the entire meeting..Is Roy really in charge? Is it really possibly for Alden to cede his power to Roy? Something is amiss here or was it just me that noticed this?

    • Cha says:

      Would the background Leader of the PPM present himself at the steps of the Courthouse and swear hand on Bible that his statements about The Premier the zHon Wayne Panton are true. That has the only way that he can truly ( no pun intended) be believed. FOIt( full of It).

    • Anonymous says:

      Wayne’s colleagues know it is very much true. They are also well aware that they went knocking on the same door in an attempt to oust him. The Catron led government is untenable and they all know it.

  4. Anon says:

    Now now…this was never going to work. We have two governments Dart vs. Schilling.

    Lets just be honest.

  5. Anonymous says:

    My point is there is NO way the Deputy Premier is going to wait until the end of this Premier’s term and potentially a 2nd 4 year term before he gets the chance to become Premier. THAT is who we need to be watching and his complete silence on what has been a very public political situation is telling.

  6. Anonymous says:

    If it is true that Panton has approached the opposition about dissolving the current government and forming a coalition with the opposition, then at last we have a clear admission from him regarding the truth about his Panton-PACTless Clown Car.
    Panton has effectively admitted that his Clown Car is unfit to govern. He is admitting the error of his ways and totally exposed the extent of his own pathetically poor judgement and the breadth of his monumental ego in making deals with the devil in order to become Premiere. Even Panton is now saying that his Clown Car has to go. However, Panton’s insistence that he must return as Premiers tells us all we need to know about his motivation. IF Panton indeed was doing this for the good of Cayman and its people, he would be willing to negotiate on the issue of who becomes Premiere. As it stands now, Panton is merely trying to claw out a way to safely remain in the seat of power.
    Now that the very Premiere has effectively cast a no-confidence vote against his own government, how can we the people support its continuance? It is high time Panton do what is right by the people of the Cayman Islands: leave PACT as an independent and join in a call for a no-confidence vote that would lead to calling an election in which the people can decide on who should replace the Panton-PACTless Clown car.
    Panton has basically admitted the he has has zero integrity. His greed for power motivated him to make deals with devils in order to get into the highest office. Now Panton wants to make more back-room deals to remain as Premiere. How pathetic is that?
    New elections must be called. How can we expect the Clown Car to act in a unified manner and govern effectively when the Clown Car driver has thrown them under the bus? If it is also true that some members of the PACTless Clown Car may have approached the opposition about forming a new government, we clearly now have a totally dysfunctional government that must be replaced.

    • Anonymous says:

      Things will be fine if Panton steps aside and let the rest of the PACT take the reigns.

    • Anonymous says:

      The key words here “if it is true”. Surely it is the PPM’s purpose to cast doubt on this government and when their no confidence motion failed to get off the ground, the next step was to hold a press conference. Was there any other reason for this press briefing?

    • Anonymous says:

      If you do what you’ve always done you will get what you always got.

      It makes no sense to go to the expense of holding new elections when the most likely outcome is that the same 19 clowns will be re-elected.

      Leave them to fight it out and we will have to suffer, like we have always done, under the rule of incompetents. Perhaps one day we will transition to electing people with honesty and integrity as core values.

      • Anonymous says:

        What!!! You sayin’ all our leaders are lacking in honesty and integrity? The bad thing about that is you are right. It’s all about greed!

    • Anonymous says:

      @7:31am.. I hope you are not believing everything Alden says. When the time came to outing people, Alden was the only one willing to through people under the bus.. mentioning John John and Wayne.. notice though how he changed his posturing and said it wasn’t him that Wayne was talking to but It was Roy. Watch that part again and see the look on Roy’s face of disbelief. He had a choice there either correct his leader Alden or hang his head in shame .. he chose the latter.. speaks volumes!

      This is nothing more than Alden being angry because once again his antics to seize power failed. Trust me this will continue for the rest of the term. The only thing that might change is that after this latest blunder they will likely fire their Barbados political advisor..

      • Anonymous says:

        @2:37 + @8:09:
        Whether or not it is true will not change the fact that the Panton-PACTless Clown Car has proven to be a band of dysfunctional incompetents. Panton and the PACTless minions trying to make back room deals is just tolling the bell.

        • Anonymous says:

          Further to @2:37 + @8:09:
          From the article: “CNS contacted Panton over the weekend about the claim and so far the premier has not refuted the allegations.”

  7. Anonymous says:

    2 words. Direct Rule. Thats the only answer. It will allow for the corruption to be removed. You can’t build a house on sand. They need a better foundation. Im saying direct rule for a decade. Then it will clear up and good Cayman people can be brought into power again.

    • Anonymous says:

      Direct Rule by the UK?


      The UK recently directly ruled TCI – the corruption got worse!

      • Anonymous says:

        Cayman is a young territory in respect to it’s available local educated professionals. It has scant history of very educated lawyers, ministers, etc that can guide its evolution. Sadly, Cayman has evolved into being controlled by corruption, greedy developers (both foreign and local), and those who will sell their souls for a short-term quick profit. Cayman cannot govern itself! It is out of it’s league. I support UK to step in and do what they can to assist us to evolve a professional, ethical, anti-corruption surplus of educated ministers – this we clearly do not have.

        • Anonymous says:

          To 5.13 So Boris Johnson was forced out of office because of his ‘lack of corruption’ or because he was corrupt?

    • Anonymous says:

      Hush with this foolishness about direct rule..Do you see the mess the UK is in right now..You really want them to have direct rule over us?

    • Anonymous says:

      @ 8.00pm You and your crowd at it again. You are not allowed to run for elected office so you at least want the UK directly involved here. I guess you figure to be some high office by them. I am of the opinion that there is in Cayman a bunch of Brits who want to hold elected office and who constantly post comments berating our local elected officials and calling for the UK to implement direct rule. Guess they just believe they are superior.

  8. Crab Claw says:

    Any members that are anti ESG and NGO’s that will not allow the country to be given over to the WEF great reset or surrender anymore of our sovereignty to #UN2030 is worthwhile running this country. PACT isn’t because they running under the mandate of all the evilness listed above.

  9. Anonymous says:

    PACT need to pack it up – they have done nothing but fight amongst themselves trying everything possible to get rid of each other! A bunch of power hungry amateurs led by Wayne Panton who could not lead this bunch into anything more than disaster; which obviously he has done that well. Then there’s McKeeva – who they are either afraid of or worship – they can’t seem to decide which. A royal hot mess PACT – wouldn’t want Wayne to have to lead me period!

  10. Anonymous says:

    We need a phychiatrist who specializes in political disorders to evaluate our Parliament.

    Here are the details to help him/her with the work:

    1. Alden, Roy, David, Barbara, Joey and Moses are PPM. They will vote as a bloc and without having seen their manifesto (no I don’t want to see it either) will give them credit for subscribing to the same principles, and will vote broadly in line with those principles. That’s a solid 6 votes.

    2. JuJu is Party in Power (PIP) and always has been. She is happy to set any principles aside will vote with anyone who will give her a seat at the head table. It’s a Ministry for her or adios. That’s 1 swing vote.

    3. Isaac is PIP same as JuJu. Although he just wants to hep his EE people and isn’t yet ready for a Ministerial post. After watching Jay, Bernie and Sabrina, he will surely think he is ready by the next election. That’s 1 swing vote.

    4. Wayne thought that he was Independent but after 18 months of trying to herd cats he is probably cursing the PACT he made with the devil. That’s 2 votes, since Heather isn’t capable of independent thought. She is not the only one in Parliament that description applies to, but I don’t want to digress from the topic.

    5. Bernie hates McKeeva after their falling out, but he also now hates Wayne for belittling him in public. Like JuJu, he votes where he gets the best salary.

    6. What can we say about Jon Jon? It really doesn’t matter what we say, because like Cryin Bryan and Sauntering Saunders, he will get re-elected with a huge majority. That’s why he can stand up and admit that he was plotting against his own government and his reward is to bring a motion stating that they are a great government. Obviously nobody trusts him, but when you are counting votes he will always be 1.

    7. Sabrina, with only 37% of the vote in her District is eager to do whatever it takes to stay on the side of whomever is in power, so 1 more PIP vote. Like JuJu she is more than ready to switch sides if it comes with a Ministry.

    8. Kathy I had high hopes for but she turned out to be a disappointment. The only good thing is that her dog would still have made a better representative than the noble Captain she defeated.

    9. Andre, it’s time to put on your big boy pants and speak out. You can’t take the pay for four years and then say you didn’t agree with many of the PACT machinations.

    10. Bryan and Saunders are locked in a battle to see who will become the most incompetent Premier after the Big Mac.

    It’s hard to believe the PACT government will stay together for the entire four years, but there doesn’t appear to be any way of forming a decent government of 10 people when we have elected less than 10 decent people in total.

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      Good Lord, that was brutal, and also spot on.

      Will someone explain to me, very patiently, why the Parliamentary system “works” for us? I think we’d be better off with elected officials that were somehow forced to work together toward a common goal.

      Yeah. I have other ideas also, like how to repeatedly re-use single-use plastics.

    • PIPpy Shortcomings says:


      Nail head, meet hammer. You have striked a 10 out of 10.

      A perfect score. #8 and #10 get extra praise for saying out loud what most of us know, come to learn since PACT was forged in some dark, hidden corners of the island.

      Let’s Keep reminding people up until election day about all of the above points. I’m not sure who I will be voting for again, if I even bother this time around.😒 And PPM doesn’t impress me anymore, all about big development, what’s in it for them. “soon come help the less fortunate” – that’s their thinking. Typically they believe in trickle down economics and less protections and help for the environment, nature and from the lack of seeing any real Progress, the poor. Lip service Alden, all lip service. ‘Soon come’, indeed.

    • Anonymous says:

      4:12 PM. Nailed it BoBo!

    • Anonymous says:

      Incredibly inciteful. Would you consider running for office????? Logic like this is very needed.

  11. Anonymous says:

    And don’t forget the personnel trainer

  12. Sheriff says:

    Good Lord what an embarrassment. They are behaving like a bunch of mean kids on the playground. They all need to GROW UP!

  13. Raise the Standards says:

    “Hew said that the only reason why the opposition filed the no-confidence motion, which was withdrawn from the order paper on Friday when the opposition boycotted the meeting, was because of the clear divisions on the government benches that were preventing the government from doing anything.”

    Can PPM come forward and list the matters which it would like PACT to attend to which PACT has not been able to do because of its perceived “division within”….

    PACT have gotten more done in the past 18 months than PPM got done in its 12+ years…

    • Anonymous says:

      Let’s see your list of achievements then ? They have talked a lot but what have they done ? The lack of parliament meetings is proof of that, how many changes have they made ? They are still operating on the ppm agenda that the ppm left behind

    • Anonymous says:

      Both PPM and PACT have not done much anything but cause hardship for the Cayman Islands.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Whoever that PR woman is from Barbados that the PPM is paying big bucks to, I think you need a refund!!!!!!!!!! LOL.

  15. Anonymous says:

    That press conference was a real eye opener for me.
    David adjusting his tie and trying to keep up with the conversations. Clueless.
    Barbara all of a sudden found her voice ( Err Alden’s voice) and looked like a dear caught in a head light when she spoke. Sorry Barbara can’t take you seriously now after you were silent when Mckeeva mauled the bartender. Where was your outrage then? Stop making men use you woman!
    Roy looking like the scapegoat as usual
    Moses just looked sleepy and bored.
    Joey trying to sound relevant and intelligent but made no real impact.
    Alden naming names and saying who hates who. Sounded like a bully who just got the shit beat out of him and outsmarted by the underdog!

    The whole lot is pathetic. No integrity in the LA since Ezzard left.

    Wayne you are a good man do not let these dirty unworthy rascals change your character. You keep doing what you were doing from day one and that is looking after your country and people!

    I really wish someone would put out an island-wide survey to rate each and every person in office. Sad times!

    • Anonymous says:

      Do not forget that kitchen appliances, etc….. and CASH still work wonders during voting time in the Caymans!

  16. Anonymous says:

    …and this is just the start, fairly certain there will some much bigger stories to come out over the next few days….surprised Sandy has put anything out there yet to be honest….

    • Anonymous says:

      surprised Sandy has put anything out there yet to be honest.

      Familiarize yourself with the role of spin doctor.

  17. Anonymous says:

    The members of PACT have been negotiating and complaining about Premier Panton’s leadership since taking office.
    You can clearly see that there is a lack of trust, order and competence among members.

    Premier Panton gave Mr Bush a specific date and time to resign, and he didn’t. If he issued a ‘strongly worded letter to the Speaker”, how strong could it be if Mr Bush did nothing in the time he was supposed to?

    The Dep Speaker should have allowed for the motion to be debated, she shouldn’t lie or cover-up.

    As Sir Alden said, I will wait to see if Mr Bush really steps down.

  18. Moi says:

    Just watched this shambles. Not only do they appear illiterate, but not even bothered by it. Wouldn’t you want to prepare, address major issues? Nope. Looking for scraps of paper that you can’t even read. Shame on you all. Standing there saying Mr Speaker?! And embarassment. Where is Mr Roped to get these jokers out of here before Cayman is a laughing stock of the Caribbean? Crime, and idiots ruling.

  19. Anonymous says:

    It is very unprofessional and cheap for Sir Hair Cream to disclose information like this. It’s underhanded and an attempt to cause disruption at a time when the average person is struggling to deal with soaring living costs, chronic traffic on our roads and increasing gun crime etc. All they care about is getting their fat faces back in the trough.

    It’s pathetic but I wouldn’t expect less from the big sell-out. Their paymasters / Dart must be getting impatient.

  20. Anonymous says:

    The real travesty to the country was when the best of the elected people could not come together after the last election to form a competent government. Simply too many egos in play. Now we suffer the pig swill on both sides.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Wayne should very made that outreach to PPM right after elections. He should not have included Jay or Kenneth. Worse McKeeva.

    But he was rushing to form a Govt of Independents.

    Coalition with PPM would’ve been better!

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh please. He was to busy patting himself on the back. He had his dream job but didn’t realise it took more than dreaming. Shame on him. Right now he should have the testicular fortitude )) as the member for BTW like to say) and call early election, If he wants to have any semblance of respect at all. I don’t know what his PACK promised him but he should know by now that they cannot be trusted call election and give us an opportunity to do what you cannot or will not do. You never know you migh be lucky.

    • Anonymous says:

      He did. but the ego’s on both sides could not put the country first.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Bumbling incompetence on both sides of the aisle. PPM’s no-confidence motion now just looks pathetic and ill-advised. They should have had a deal in place before making the move.

    Despite his weakened position, I don’t think PPM should have rejected Panton’s offer of a deal which would keep him as Premier. If they could have swallowed their pride (which is obviously too big of an ask, based on Mr. McTaggart’s comments), this would have rid us of Kenny and Saunders and put them back on the margins where they belong.

    If the adults in the room can’t come together, not only will we be left with the rest of this term but possibly another after this with KB and Chris at the helm. It’s wishful thinking to imagine them not winning their districts for the foreseeable future.

    What a mess you made, Wayne, by joining up with these guys in the first place. You’re the Premier, sure, but these islands are worse for it.

  23. Anonymous says:

    McLaughlin said that … McKeeva Bush dislikes Panton “very much”

    Wow! That’s the best you got ? PPM is pathetic. LMAO!!!

  24. Anonymous says:

    Alden better watch out Jon Jon doesn’t trample over him with his donkey!

    • Moi says:

      And Mary upon it!

    • Anonymous says:

      Jonjon is a complete idiotic embarrassment and should be kept indoors at all times.
      I wouldn’t trust him to clean my car, yet he has a voice in our Parliament.
      What is the most dangerous part of this is, the fact that a few hundred of his own kind exist and vote for him.

  25. Caymanian says:

    What a hot mess!!

    Bush should resign immediately or a no-confidence vote done immediately to remove him. PACT and PPM should come together on that.

    Past that we have another hot mess called PACT.

    Only Lord knows the best way forward. Two bulls trying to lead.

  26. Anonymous says:

    This to me sounds like PACT has tried to reach out to the opposition in good faith on a way forward for the Government and PPM in turn responds by passing along the nature of the discussions to the media in order to discredit Mr. Panton. Just another despicable attempt by PPM to undermine this Government that is trying to achieve their goals of helping the average Caymanian and protection for the environment. This story should have a disclaimer on the bottom – paid for by Dart via campaign donations to PPM in exchange for permission to build a dozen more hotels on Seven Mile Beach that the average Caymanian won’t be able to afford to visit.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t see any good faith there. WP was using the PPM because he couldn’t get on with his PACT members but he wanted to do it on his terms so he would look good. Good faith would have manifested in the Deputy Speaker accepting the PPMs motion as well as removing the Speaker outright instead of giving him a month’s notice. can’t eat your cake and still have it. I guess it might have worked and Roy would have been the de facto Premier while Wayne strut around as the “Premier” I am not so sure if that should have been expected from Roy and the PPm?

      • Anonymous says:

        You are naive. Good faith in allowing the vote on the Speaker? The whole issue has nothing to do with the Speaker, it’s the vote of no confidence in the government. Killing the vote in the is the price Wayne had to pay to get Mac and his entourage to stay on side and kill the no confidence vote in the government. But if PPM had agreed to form a coalition government the no confidence in the Speaker vote would have been a breeze. POM played the odds and lost and now a) we are stuck with Mac for another 2 months b) there is no functional opposition and c) the government remains on the edge and is completely disfunctional as well with the Premier unable to control his ministers. A coalition would have sorted all 3 problems, but ego over who the Premier would be killed it. Bunch of children.

      • Anonymous says:

        It would be just like it was the last time. The Big Boys would get it all!!! THEY ARE AS GREEDY AS IT GETS!

    • Erika says:

      ….and few more ugly concrete tunnels on West Bay road as well.

  27. Anonymous says:

    What a mess these Islands have come to. Sad, very sad indeed.

  28. Anonymous says:

    It sounds like PPM thought they had a deal to take over, but it fell through, and now they’re upset. The fact that Alden is airing details of meetings with the opposition shows how salty he is.

    • Anonymous says:

      But as Honorable Roy is the leader of the PPM, why is Honorable Alden doing all the talking? Sure looks like he is the head dog and all the rest are just following him around like little puppy dogs, couple of them look like they do not even know what is even going on.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wag the dog. Alden is the puppet master pulling Roy’s strings.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sir is the most knowledgeable and experience of the PPm leadership. I can see Roy being advise by him but definitely not Wayne. The hardest thing in the world is to try to mentor someone whose entire political philosophy is contrary to your own.

    • Anonymous says:

      Panton, Andre, Heather Kathy, and possibly Isaac should form a government with PPM.
      Whatever the cost to PPM, the benefit and value to Cayman would be enormous.
      We would be rid of Mac, Kenneth, Saunders, Jay, Seymour,

      C’mon PPM, for the good of the Country, reach out to Wayne and carve out a better future for us all.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well you got one thing right.

        Wayne is not number one, while Andre is his number two.

        Premier has always undermined Saunders, rather than treat him like Deputy Premier.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Jay and McKeeva don’t like anyone that stands up to them. The Premier is an honourable man. It is too bad that the coalition government did not get formed.
    Very disappointment with all of the games going on. This is what happens when so called independents are not independent and were elected based on their lies.
    PACT will not be united going forward despite the theatrics last Friday in LA. Too many egos and agendas.
    May 2025 can’t come soon enough

  30. Anonymous says:

    If my 8 and 10 year old kids behaved like this I’d send them for counseling.

    • Anonymous says:

      What, you as a parent cannot guide your own children? No wonder Cayman politics is such a mess.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Did anyone see that look on Roy’s face when Alden said it wasn’t him but Roy who spoke to Wayne?..Poor Roy, he couldn’t even chime in and say yes he did..He just looked at Alden in disbelief and I’ll bet was hoping that Wendy didn’t ask him to corroborate What Alden had just said.

  32. Anonymous says:

    PPM was searching deep to drive home the division yesterday..I wonder sometimes if Alden actually goes back and views himself on these press briefings. What a bunch of sorry ass losers!

  33. Anonymous says:

    i honestly feel pact is for the poor ppl…and wayne is an upstanding leader….and yes i am a voter…

    • Anonymous says:

      There is some logic to that. If you want to stay in power you have to keep the majority of the people poor so that they will always vote for you in return for handouts.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t know about that. WP certainly was during the campaign, handing out the shiny objects left right snd centre, while the shameless constituents were there with their hands out grabbing it up. I suppose that revenue stream has dried up and NAU is now overwhelm and all hell is breaking out.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Pitiful bunch of waffle trying and failing to put a good spin on the dog’s breakfast they fed themselves.

  35. Anonymous says:

    PACT = Pure And Complete Travesty

  36. Anonymous says:

    Wayne Panton should not have been having those discussions and expect it would not upset his pact. There is a price to pay for that sort of politics.

    • Anonymous says:

      Discussions are just hypothetical until they are on paper. You’d be surprised by the “hypothetical” discussions that happen within CIG.

    • Anonymous says:

      Panton is disloyal to his own PACT!

    • Anonymous says:

      You think he was the only one? The others tried to bring Kenny and get shown the door.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh but he was not the only one “talking” to the PPM. I understand Jon-Jon was whining to them every other day but the PPM told him that they would never trust him again.

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s fine, because the Caymanian people will never trust the Oppressives and Alden ever again.

    • Anonymous says:

      How do we know that Wayne even spoke to Roy about this? Alden said this, not Roy and Roy didn’t back him up so something smells damn fishy there. Anything that comes out of Alden’s mouth be prepared to take it with a grain of salt..

  37. Sunrise says:

    what a mess, everyone is fighting for power!! Time for the real government, the people of the Cayman Islands, to come together and call for an early election to replace the whole lot!! This is really disgraceful and insulting, to the people of the Cayman Islands!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Problem is we’ve never really had any good choices. Jude tried but too smart for the job I guess. Kenny and Jay are obviously not over bright people if not plain dumb and both love hanging with the women beater. Think we might be screwed.

    • Anonymous says:

      yes. let’s just have one of the accounting firms draw random names out of a hat that are Caymanian and have a real degree from a real college and no criminal history as the three qualifications.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Nice grip guys.

  39. Anonymous says:

    And so it starts: Bloat people scurrying off the sinking ship.

  40. Anonymous says:

    clown show.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Funny smell here. Sniff, sniff :-{ Smells like something you might step in in a farmyard!

  42. Anonymous says:

    Cayman Gov’t reminds me of my childhood; watching movies of the “Keystone Cops…” Utter incompetence in all respects.

  43. Anonymous says:

    can we drop the “Sir” nonsense please.

  44. Anonymous says:

    To be honest, yea I believe all of the above is true.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Just one big joke. All of them sound like a bunch of spoiled little brats. They should all be ashamed of them selves.
    Maybe direct intervention from London isn’t a bad idea after all.

  46. Anonymous says:

    Such micky mouse politicians. It sounds like a school playground with X not liking Y all just frstheti g there own very large bank balances and no regards for cayman

  47. Anonymous says:

    Independent, purportedly non-party affiliated candidates were elected in both of the last two cycles. The founding alliance mantra of PACT was to establish a new running order of responsible thinking, opposing past overt party corruption and the decades of opaque backroom dealings which were hallmarks of successive PPM and UDP regimes. PACT even allowed the backbench opposition members to shadow the government (as they are supposed/required to do in a Westminster Parliament), and participate with transparency, something the previous Unity and PPM regimes wholly disallowed for the entirely of their terms, preferring to scheme and approve crony-tailored legislation and waivers in private caucus. PACTs lame duck alliance membership, was unfortunately corrupted by including those who shall never be trustworthy, and that corrosive force is what has undermined the initial ambitions. We should not be surprised to witness forces in PPM and UDP that proudly oppose good governance and are willing to do anything to sabotage it. This isn’t a positive look for Cayman. Voters need to petition for much tougher restrictions on who might be eligible to stand for election and serve as Members of Parliament. Until the voters decide to do that, and compel legislative change, the worst elements of Cayman will remain eligible for office, and in control of its governance at all costs. Economically, Cayman should expect more blacklistings as it fails to address the oft-cited political corruption, drug transhipment economy, and money laundering. Socially, the Cayman People will continue to pay a high cost for undelivered services, infrastructure, poor accounts, and institutionalised theft.

  48. Anonymous says:

    PACT outplayed PPM and left them looking foolish for being power hungry and then too lazy to show up to work. That was their biggest mistake and exposes their lack of leadership and responsibility to their constituents and Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      You really are not reading the tea leaves aren’t you? Progressives knew what they were doing here, showing the gaping cracks in this sham on a government. There wasn’t a real expectation to bring the government down (yet), rather show how barely cobbled together PACT is. And the fact that McKeeva will be a fully functioning voting member of the PACT administration once his resignation date of Nov 30 is realised (and trust me this is absurd – resign and leave, what is this two months’ notice business), is what is the real travesty and “outplayed” is.

      • Anonymous says:

        I disagree. Everyone knows that PACT is cobbled-together and ineffective.

        And yet they’re still in power as a result of the ineffective timing of this move. PPM tried to capitalise on the bad news surrounding McKeeva and have been out-maneuvered again.

        And we’re all worse off for it.

      • Anonymous says:

        The Big Mac has been controlling Wayne from day one. I remember early in his first election they were having a debate in the LA, Wayne said something to the Big Mac that he didn’t like and his response was to remind him that iif it was for him he would never have become a partner at the law firm he worked at. Everyone chuckled and moved on. Not sure if there was any truth to his comment but that was clear indication that one has to be very careful how not to friend friend with others because it might come back and bite you .

  49. Anonymous says:

    Without politicians who actually have political beliefs of some kind, this is what you get. A bunch of individuals who are in it solely for their own personal power and money in tiny little voting territories. Make them all run island-wide and you’ll do better (Little and Brac can be an exception.)

  50. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know who is advising the PPM but looks like they are trying anything possible to remain in power and poor Alden, banding around peoples names to try to continue to disrupt the Government.

    Why the hell would the Premier or anyone in the PACT Government want to abandon his Government to go with these pitiful remnants of the PPM?

    Alden, people are tired of your nonsense..

    • Anonymous says:

      He needs to retire to his farming and take Mckeeva, Julie Joey David Barbara Kathy Jon Jon and Moses with him. Pathetic the lot of them

    • Caymanian says:

      You would be surprised or would you. Obviously you are pro-pact. When we lose objectivity we become blind.

      This is the underlying problem with people. We allow our “politics” to blind us from truth.

      I voted PACT but does not mean I cannot see their faults. I hear from many civil servants saying PACT is disfunctional at best.

      PPM is better organized but is probusiness and not propeople.

      We are in a hot mess.

    • Anonymous says:

      Very short-sighted observation. You clearly don’t see the machinations at play. PACT has done nothing of real note in its 18 months of government, and we’re about to enter the deepest recession of our lifetimes this far. Keep the electorate ignorant, they said.

    • Anonymous says:

      because members of PACT were ready to support the motion of no confidence, that is why. We would love to know how much it cost to keep that from happening.

      Nobody noticing the elephant in the room? Deputy Premier has made NO statement either way?????????

      • Anonymous says:

        Neither did any Minister ???? So what exactly is your point?!?!?

      • Anonymous says:

        Him is more like the helephant inna de room.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t forget they did the same thing just after the election. So many of them were joining the PPM, then of course they must have been offered better remuneration and they switched to form the PACk of wolves and it has been downhill from them. If I live to be 100 I will never forget seeing the bunch of nimbies at their first press briefing.- square pegs in round holes!! Would be so funny if it was t so serious.

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