Speaker accused of sexual harassment at CTO bash

| 14/09/2022 | 465 Comments
Cayman News Service
Speaker McKeeva Bush

(CNS): Speaker McKeeva Bush was reportedly escorted off the premises of the Ritz-Carlton hotel on Tuesday evening, by a colleague, after he was accused of sexually harassing two female government employees at a cocktail party hosted by the tourism ministry for the Caribbean Tourism Organization event. While there has been no confirmation from officials that Bush was the culprit, both the police and the premier’s office said they were aware of the allegations about the behaviour of a senior member of Parliament towards women present at the event.

CNS learned early this morning that it was the speaker and member for West Bay West who allegedly behaved inappropriately towards two women employed by different government departments during the course of the evening and had reportedly been asked to leave as a result.

Police have confirmed that they were aware of the accusations. “No formal complaint has yet been made to the RCIPS by either of the women concerned,” the police stated. “The RCIPS has commenced an investigation and will interview both women to ascertain whether a complaint/complaints are to be made.”

CNS reached out to Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan and Premier Wayne Panton for comment. Bryan, who is hosting the CTO event, has not yet responded but the premier has acknowledged the allegations.

“Although I was not in attendance at the tourism event on Tuesday evening, I have received reports through social media and otherwise alleging an incident with a Member of Parliament,” Panton stated in an emailed message. “I have been informed that the RCIPS commenced an investigation on the matter and have issued a statement. In the current circumstances it is not prudent for me to make further comment at this time.”

When Panton formed the government with Bush in April 2021, he had agreed to a number of conditions, including the immediate implementation of a Code of Conduct for all Parliamentarians, where any infractions would lead to immediate dismissal from their position. Bush also agreed to donate 10% of his monthly salary to the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre and to continue supporting women’s issues.

The conditions were set because of Bush’s conviction for assault in December 2020 in relation to a well-documented incident at a bar in Seven Mile Beach earlier that year. Bush, who was intoxicated at the time and had passed out on the premises., assaulted the female manager when she tried to assist him.

However, there is no indication that Bush has met any of the conditions. There is no evidence that he made any donations to the Crisis Centre or any other relevant charity. And almost 18 months after the election, there is not sign that the code of conduct for MPs will be on the statute books anytime soon. While the premier steered through the first-ever Ministerial Code of Conduct for Cabinet members in July last year, Bush is not a member of Cabinet.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (465)

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  1. Daniel Johns says:

    When there is no accountability for behavior like this, and is done repeatedly thru the years, he just figures he is above what ever laws are in place. Sound familiar folks??

    • Debra says:

      I agree many of Politicians feel the way while we the people are the employers and they are the employees but they feel it the other way around we the employees and they the employers .

      wake up ppl

  2. Concerned Citizen says:

    As part of the 21 Dec 2020 court ruling, https://cnslibrary.com/wp-content/uploads/William-McKeeva-Bush-Sentence-Ruling-21-Dec-2020.pdf

    – Para 9 – the defendants personal mitigation “The Defendant advises that he has ceased alcohol consumption”
    Note – this reduced his sentence, so should his sentence be re-visited?

    – para 24 – he was on a curfew – to be home by 6pm – did he break the court order?

    – para 24 – He is able to leave the house on curfew and not confined to house arrest as long as he does not have any “new offences”

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you!

    • Anonymous says:

      So it appears he has allegedly committed another offense within 2 years of the December 2020 judgement, so it’s off to Northward we go. Right?

      Interesting that Mr. Moran, who prosecuted, was forced out of his important office.

      Who the hell are the 19 people who wrote to the court attesting to Mac’s unblemished and exemplary conduct?

      Governor, you paying attention?

      • Anonymous says:

        Before he can be dispatched to Northward for breach of a suspended sentence he would have to be convicted of another offence. He hasn’t even been charged. Do you really think he wil be?

    • Anonymous says:

      Who is really the PREMIER ?

  3. Definitions says:

    a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.

    Personality qualities include thinking very highly of oneself, needing admiration, believing others are inferior, and lacking empathy for others.

    Here are ten signs of a narcissistic sociopath:

    1. They Live In a Deluded Reality
    Narcissistic sociopaths don’t see the world in the same way other people do. In their distorted version of reality, they are entitled to whatever they want, regardless of what it takes to get it or who is hurt in the process.4 They will justify their actions, even ones that are inexcusable, and show no remorse.

    Their narcissism may also lead them to develop delusions of grandeur about being important, special, or exceptional in some way, or paranoid delusions that others are out to get them.1,2

    2. They Are Obsessed With Power & Control
    People with NPD and ADP are often power hungry, and put a lot of time and effort into acquiring positions that give them power or control over other people, bowling over anyone who gets in their way. Once they obtain power, they may demand to be addressed in a certain way or make others follow rules that don’t make sense.

    Their obsession with power and control also tends to show up as a refusal to acknowledge any other authority, including rules, laws, policies, or requests made of them by others.4

    3. They Take Advantage of & Use Other People
    Narcissistic sociopaths have a habit of using, exploiting, and taking advantage of others. This tendency shows up in all of their relationships, including romantic relationships and any friendships or family relationships they’ve been able to maintain. They seek out codependent, nurturing types who are more easily manipulated and controlled through guilt, shame, or fear, and will hold onto these relationships only as long as the person is “useful.”4

    4. They Have No Moral Boundaries
    There are no lines a narcissistic sociopath won’t cross to get what they want. Their moral compass is non-existent, leaving them without the sense of “right and wrong” that most people have. After doing something harmful, illegal, or sadistic, they won’t feel remorse, regret, or guilt. In fact, they may even feel a sense of satisfaction knowing they were able to deceive, emotionally manipulate, or hurt someone.1,3,4

    5. They Have a Limited Range of Emotions
    Malignant narcissists don’t experience feelings of love and affection, or more vulnerable emotions like guilt, shame, or sadness. The only strong emotion they seem to be able to access is anger, which will show up as outrage when they’re slighted, offended, or not granted something they feel they deserve.4

    Their stunted emotional range also keeps them from being able to have empathy for other people, and may also lead them to destructive behaviors that allow them to feel something.1,3

    6. They Have a Huge Discard Pile
    Narcissistic sociopaths are known to discard people and things that are no longer useful to them. Over time, their discard pile stacks up and may include former friends, lovers, colleagues, and mentors who they betrayed, abandoned, or abused. Their discard pile may also include expensive material things they got bored or tired of, as well as roles or activities that served a purpose at one time, but are no longer useful to them.4

    7. They Become Hostile When Threatened
    Narcissistic sociopaths are most dangerous when they feel threatened, which may be more often than most people. Because of their natural tendency to be paranoid, less trusting, and more easily offended, threats can be a routine occurrence for them. When they feel threatened, the narcopath will often become hostile and aggressive, lashing out and becoming abusive towards others.1,2,4

    8. They Feed Off of Negative Energy
    The narcissistic sociopath is a person who feeds off of negative emotions and energy. There is something about drama, other’s fear or pain, or the chaos of disaster that seems to excite them or give them energy. This kind of parasitic attraction to negativity is a telltale sign of a sick person, including a person who may have traits of NPD and APD.

    This behavior is also what makes a sociopathic narcissist sadistic and dangerous, causing them to enjoy the pain and suffering of others.1

    9. They Get Bored Easily
    A narcissistic sociopath is constantly seeking sensations and cheap thrills because nothing can hold their interest and attention for long. They become easily bored with people, things, and activities, and will abandon them once they are no longer entertained.

    Their boredom can also turn into a restlessness that causes them to find destructive outlets, which is why people with these traits tend to be impulsive, aggressive, and engaged in crime, violence, or drug use.1,4

    10. They Are Empty Inside
    A narcissistic sociopath may have worked hard to craft a powerful, important-looking exterior, but this is a front. Lacking the ability to feel a full range of emotions makes them hollow and empty on the inside, keeping them from really experiencing things, expressing themselves, or connecting and relating with others.3

    This internal emptiness is what they’re trying to hide from others with their narcissism, and also what they’re trying to escape within themselves by using drugs or maintaining a level of entertainment, power, or destruction.

  4. Neurons Do Not Connect says:

    When we look at the UK and we see some of the scandals surrounding sitting MPS and ministers and even prime ministers who have had to resign for much simpler scandals. Shouldn’t we wonder why the UK didn’t intervene or the governors have an intervene in the conduct of this man over the years? When the UK will try to dictate and control many of the aspects of what’s happening in the Cayman Islands or in other jurisdictions yet they have not tried to intervene in the conduct of this man over the years. He repeatedly belittles women. It is if he feels it as subservient to him. He has female women in his life in the closest forms any man can have. What is it about his head that does not make that connection that what he does is wrong?! He is sick.

    • Anonymous says:

      Like the fact that it’s the UK government s fault. Nothing to do with the morons who keep electing him.

  5. Anonymous says:

    PACT better not say anything when more citizens start calling out governmental failures. It’s coming soon. Brace for it. The truth about many things is going to come out. Get your popcorn ready.

  6. Anon says:

    Unna wait – Saunders, Mac & Kenneth trying to turn this place independent, just like Jam & Bahamas. We’ll end up just them too if we don’t do something to stop it. Andre is as bad as the rest of them. WP is way out of his depth, he’s too ethical to understand those that aren’t.

    • Anonymous says:

      Chris Saunders is definitely looking to have Cayman move towards independence. The reason I know this is because he told me so.

      • Anonymous says:

        So you’re not the only one.

      • Phil says:

        Chris is idiot. Cayman Islands cannot become independent.

        • Anonymous says:

          No. My guess is he wants us to be incorporated into Jamaica.

        • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

          Phil, we can become independent, but with a massive cut in our overall standard of living as it would be the end of our vibrant financial services sector here.

          On top of that, it would be essential to have personal income tax to make up for the loss of financial services revenues to the CIG.

      • Anonymous says:

        Independence from prosperity, just like his homeland Jamaica.
        Saunders and his extended Jamaican family here will get their greedy hands into whatever is left of Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        Dear God.
        An independent cayman ruled by self serving uneducated unemployable incompetents , hell bent on turning us into another Jamaica..?
        Just watch out for brain and investment drain, as these fools grab defeat from the jaws of victory.

      • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

        Independence is the refuge of fools, and those who would control us by their unprincipled means.

        • Anonymous says:

          What are we going to survive off of our money is one of the highest we go independent and watch that drop like Jamaicas.

    • Nottodaybobo says:

      Over my dead body.I was not educated,raised to work hard and earnestly to inherit a nation of ashes upon which to lay the heads of my unborn children. ruin lies that way folks. if that is their stated agenda, let’s trigger an election and get them out now before they do anymore damage.They were not elected with that mandate.

      The relationship with the UK can be stressful and down right painful at times but there is still mutuality there and respect – and whether either side will admit it, a quantifiable benefit to both.

      I am all for strengthening trading relationships within the Carribbean region but I am a student of history. If you want to know the damage run away capitalism can cause, look no farther than Jamaica. If you want to see the damage a loss of political stability can cause look no farther than the overnight destruction of the Bahamas financial services industry. If you want to see the damage going independent half cocked can cause consider consider any of them. perhaps another master appeals more? the us perhaps? look no further than the sad mess in Puerto Rico and the USVI.

      I have not heard a single tenable argument for independence yet. please folks, remember Brexit – remember the way politicians twisted the minds of decent intelligent British people and used emotion and a hatred of feeling out of control at an uncertain moment in history to get them to support am action that is even now causing economic damage that will scar generations to come.it all sounded so compelling at the time,more for the NHS,more control over immigration, total freedom to legislate. None of that has manifested. I don’t care what they tell you, don’t let them use your emotions around difficult points destroy our home and our future. Think for yourselves.Theh promise you fish and you’ll come home with an empty gut and a wet backside.

    • Saw The Govt. Formation As A Mirage says:

      This is what happens when there is no patriotic party politics. The Hon. Premier took faith and invested his own finances in MPs Bryan and Saunders. When there are ‘independents’ that means they have independent thinking and ways of doing things. They do not conform with party way of operation. At least in a party you know the members are expected to rally collectively. If the Premier had foresight he likely would have formed another government. Kenny let him down because he performs as if he is head of government. Jay let him down because they are on different sides of the fence. McGeeva let him down twice by showing he XXXX needs mental health help and they have all let to an the people of our islands. Adding what a bewildered mindset the world must have looking from the outside.

      • Anonymous says:

        “This is what happens when there is no patriotic party politics.”

        You are a fool. This is what happens as the rebuilding stage after having patriotic party politics in a small jurisdiction that does not need it.

        It did far more damage than good and the PACT is the product of growing pains getaway from the destruction of party politics.

        Go back to wherever you came from and go be a good patriotic supporter to your political party from your country of origin. Moron.

    • Anonymous says:

      Big business has already started packing their bags in anticipation.

      • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

        Good. Then Big Business can just get the hell out and move to a climate which is more befitting their lack of moral fibre.

    • Anonymous says:

      Andre and Saunders are who to watch out for. Wayne has more integrity than Alden and MacKeeva combined, but he is not smart enough and is not tough enough to get the job done as well as the fact that,?despite being a decent man, Wayne is undoubtedly an elitist (just like Alden).

  7. Anon says:

    There was the me too movement. Let’s start another one, #NoMore. Get him out, Wayne! Enough!!!

  8. Anon says:

    I would rather subject this country to the direct rule of the United Kingdom than support another Government which this man is a part of.

    • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

      Caymanians in West Bay get what they deserve. Ignorant people vote in ignorant people no matter how stupid they prove themselves to be.

      Really? You had a clear choice the last election and you chose the darkest horse.

      Wake up West Bayers.

      Sorry to say we are not the brightest candles in West Bay.

      • Anonymous says:

        If there is going to be a by-election, then Mario Ebanks should run. He has integrity and is a bright man.

        • Hubert says:

          After all the things that happened to McKeeva the past few years absolutely phenomenal that Mario Ebanks was not elected in the last election.

          It should have been a no brainer.

          Problem is that West Bayers are generally not very politically sophisticated XXXX.

          • Anonymous says:

            Politically sophisticated? Like not selling your vote is the definition of political sophistication? We are not arguing over the subtleties of policy choices between candidates here – we are talking about voting for a man with a criminal conviction for assault and a trail of financial and drinking scandals going back decades. Donald Trump once said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and still get elected – it’s that kind of mindset up in WBW.

        • Anonymous says:

          West Bayers don’t like bright men.

      • Anonymous says:

        We all need to speak up – he is embarrassing us all. He must go. F o r e v e r.

    • Anonymous says:

      Better do this quick.
      Now that Mac has resigned as speaker, he is again in a position to gang up with Kenneth, Saunders, Jay, Seymour to overthrow Panton and make the treasury his personal piggy bank , with a cut for his UDP cabal.

  9. IGuessWeAreTheCavalry says:

    This is quite enough. What message are we sending to the young women of this country – that its okay for people in power to abuse them? What message are we sending to young people in this country – that propriety, duty and lawful conduct are optional?

    This man needs to be publicly castigated and banned from ever holding office again. This has gone quite far enough. I am unable to support any Government that will associate itself with this man going forward. Mr Panton needs to rid himself and his Government of this man before any further damage is done to his reputation and the quickly vanishing credibility of his Government. The ends cannot justify the means.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Heading for 400+ comments! Yeehaaa!

  11. Anonymous says:

    The truth is this. MacKeeva has embarrassed himself and Cayman on numerous occasions.

    Wayne is a weak leader, but he’s not as bad as Alden was. Neither is or ever was fit to lead.

    Chris and Andre look like they are waiting to be leader next. Andre is just a smoother operator.

    Rather than keeping playing all these political games, it would be nice to see Government and Opposition take a stand against Mac’s behavior.

    Last time around Ezzard and Arden took a very bold stand, while Alden stayed quiet.

  12. Anonymous says:

    if you want to know whos responsible for all this just look in the mirror

    • GottaLoveIt says:

      #Truth. The Cayman electorate is ultimately responsible. Now will come the excuses: Only West Bay is responsible; We didn’t elect him to be speaker; yada yada yada. Cayman – educate yourself!

  13. ppm Distress Signal says:

    Bush Bryan Ebanks and Saunders are clearly de legitimizing the post of premier to almost a ceremonial position actually down to planting trees for The government it would appear !

    • Anonymous says:

      Alden should be planting trees instead of Wayne.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wayne should get on with allowing us to plant 5 cannabis trees per household per premises.

    • Ears Can't Hear... says:

      If only The Premier had the foresight. He didn’t heed warnings from Alden, Ezzard, and Arden of how difficult working with Kenny would be. When you see Dr. T was thrown to the curb after putting his financial support behind Kenny in 2017, that Judas action should have caused a red flag to the Premier. Isaac likely would have been a better minister.

  14. Yea I said it... says:

    What happened to the code of conduct?

    The same code of conduct that he used to deflect from the people calling him (and his govt) out for siding with Mac just as PPM did?


    The same one that was supposed to be completed and presented within the first 100 days?

    Does anyone know where this is at? I’m sure it’s going to be pushed back even more.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Has the DG or Portfolio of the Civil Service reached out to support those civil servants who were affected or who witnessed what happened? Of course not.

  16. Bird says:

    Boss Hogg strikes again ! Poor Cayman

  17. Anonymous says:

    This type of behaviour is facilitated by what is known as the “Hush” or “3 Monkeys” (see no evil, hear no evil.. etc) section of the Public Service Management Law – s5(2)(h)

    “a public servant shall not directly or indirectly disclose information which comes into his possession in his official capacity unless authorised or allowed to do so under this section, the Freedom of Information Law, (2018 Revision) or any other Law;”

    Civil servants witnessing this sh!t on the job or at CIG related functions think that they will be punished if they report it.

    • Anonymous says:

      9:43, nice try in your effort to stir up trouble. But try to read the section carefully and take note of the expression “in his official capacity”. In other words, if, because of my job as a civil servant ( “official capacity”) I discover what, let’s say, your income and debt obligations are, I am NOT ( quite rightly) allowed to disclose these except in the exceptional circumstances mentioned. Only a doofus ( and you’re not that are you, bobo?) would think that being drunkenly sexually harassed at a reception would constitute “information that came into his possession”.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I wonder what on earth his wife and family make of his continuing behaviour. One would think a family member would intervene, if only to save him from himself rather than the rest of us. We really need a national vote rather than single member constituencies, or at the very least bigger voting areas such as West Bay, SMB, GT, Prospect, Bodden Town, East End/NS. And just one for the Brac and LC. So a total of 7 or so constituencies. These lifetime career politicians voted in with a few hundred votes a piece is the cause of many of the ills here. It could be so much better…….

    • Anonymous says:

      That would be taking steps backwards in time. You are clearly new to Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      His family and close supporters, really believe it’s all a conspiracy against the self styled “man of the people”.

  19. Anonymous says:

    So where are Sabrina, Ju-Ju and Barbara in calling for Big Mac to be removed from the chair🤔🤔🤔🤔 What about these gals defending women’s rights🤔 so what if PACT tumbles, call an election then we can vote out whomever including KB, just saying……

  20. Anonymous says:

    I remember Kenny as a student.Give him a chance to implement his ideas. His will is good.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Convicted drug dealer and women beater/mauler M P’s, what a cess pool these Island’s have become ?.

  22. Anonymous says:

    His behaviour is not a surprise. A leopard can’t change its spots. The fact he was appointed Speaker of the House was a disgrace and does nothing to promote a better image of Cayman around the world other than a place to launder money and avoid tax with corruption in public life rife. If this man had any drop of integrity he would resign and those around him should do something about it if he won’t otherwise they are as equally guilty of condoning assaults on women. Just imagine if that was a female relative/friend of yours this had happened too. How would you feel and what action would you want to happen?

    • Anonymous says:

      Well, that’s just it, he is a con man and notoriously doesn’t have a drop. For 30+ years he has sought and surrounded himself with the opposite. Even if he is forced into overdue retirement, he has planted similarly morally and ethically bankrupt cronies all through Judiciary, CIG, Committees, Boards, and SAGC entities. Having them in place secures his unofficial impunity, while robbing opportunity, quality of life, and capacity from all Caymanians.

  23. Anonymous says:

    obviously governor will not do anything…time to petition the uk directly.

    • Anonymous says:

      Based on recent appointments they will probably give him knighthood.

      • Anonymous says:

        His OBE should be taken away, and he should be stripped of his JP honor.
        Both honors denote at a minimum, a person of integrity and someone who represents the highest community standards.
        Mac fails miserably on both counts .

  24. Anonymous says:

    Well, without a Parliamentary Code of Conduct, Mac might be able to do the electric slide again.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Looks like PACT priorities just got shifted. Now both PPM and PACT can lay claim to similar failures.

    • Anonymous says:

      Incorrect PACT was only able form because of macbeater. Unlike mac’s start with a PPM led government, PACT knew and didnt care knowing that he was already convicted when they formed a government with him. So they are much much worse. Even worse is that the same people who called afoul about him supported him so that PACT could have their power. PPM called early elections because of him and refused to form a government with him when they could have. The entire last election was due to this abusers actions and Wayne and the rest the clown car enable him. What is so hard to comprehend about this?

      • Anonymous says:

        PPM also suspended the lawful path to Permanent Residency and Caymanian Status for like 10 years. Peas in a pod happily stabbing independents in their backs and linking up with UDP after 2017 election. Took legal action against same sex Caymanian household trying to get their union recognised. UDP and PPM have no moral high ground.

        • Anonymous says:

          Lol clearly a disgruntled expat. Stay in point. We could go on and on about any government. Thw above only really benefits non-caymanians. This issue is about the people who are actually able to vote in this country. Most PPM (other than Juliana and Jon Jon who are independent) voted in favour of same sex unions. Get your facts straight and come back when you can vote.

          • Anonymous says:

            He won’t be able to come back when he is able to vote because they are no longer processing status applications. And even PR is down to a dribble. All in contradiction to the law and all doomed to eventually fall could of a judicial review and a mass grant, but there you go. Rather than openly change the law, just don’t process the paperwork.

          • Anonymous says:

            Sure all the gay Caymanians will be pleased to know it’s just an expat issue, and that corrupt and ineffective government is only an expat issue as well.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mac wouldn’t be there if Kenneth Bryan hadn’t hijacked the vote to remove him when PPM was in.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not true. PPM refused to take action against him as Speaker, when Mac was part of the PPM led Unity government. KB didn’t support a private member’s motion from the Opposition MP, which required one more vote. That would not have ensured Mac had to go, because PPM was standing behind him in silence.

  26. Anonymous says:

    When does Parliament meet next? Who will preside as Speaker?

  27. Anonymous says:

    At times like this it makes you wish that the only embarrassment to Cayman was silly comments from Dwayne Seymour. How bad have things got when that becomes a desire? PACT and PPM are the definition of insanity. Aligning themselves with Mac and expecting a different result.

  28. Anonymous says:

    MacKeeva’s song must be Opps I Did It Again.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Direct rule is coming soon, unless early elections come first. Let BVI and TCI be warnings for Cayman. What a mess.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Ladies, stand up and do not enable disgusting ‘people’like this get away with it any longer-it is 2022!! Police,Courts and other enablers do your jobs,what other proof do you need on this POS and others!

    • Anonymous says:

      Equal Opportunities office needs to be established to handle sexual harrassment cases with pro bono lawyers as in England or cases sent there for independent review

  31. Anonymous says:

    When you’re the speaker, you can do whatever you want. You can grab em by the ____.

    Ladies and gents, your new defense to any illicit activity. These people set the tone from the top. Can you expect the place to be anything but a cesspool?

    • Anonymous says:

      and this is what Wayne Panton left government for and brought back. what a joke

    • anon says:

      Bush has set yet another record for the number of negative comments on CNS.. Congratulations Mac!.

      • Anonymous says:

        West Bay and Bodden Town MPs are destroying the Cayman Islands.

        MPs from the Brac are useless. MP for WBW is just as bad as the one for Red Bay.

        We’re in a mess. GTS and GTW MPs are more clueless than Seymour.

        GTE MP is controlled by Alden. Wayne and Andre are colluding against their own PACT.

        Looks like a clean sweep of all current MPs may be a reality in the next election.

  32. Anonymous says:

    He did the same f***** thing when he went to Denbigh Agriculture Show / JA independence in Jamaica in August … a report was made then swept under the rug … We ALL cower when he comes on the GAB … will I be next ????


    • Anonymous says:

      Wait, what?

      • Anonymous says:

        What he did in Jamaica would be taken as perfectly acceptable by Jamaicans…”No big ting” ..which is why Mac so loves Jamaicans….He can do no wrong in their eyes .

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s Jamaicans who have destroyed our political system, Saunders and Mac both are complicit

          • Anonymous says:

            British have done just as much harm as Jamaicans. Let’s be 💯 percent clear.

            • Anonymous says:

              What civil behavior does still exist here, was gifted by the British.
              Jamaicans , with encouragement from Saunders, Mac Kenneth Jay and Seymour are busy unraveling the rule of law which has made Cayman the envy of the Caribbean.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry what is the GAB? Also, unless someone is willing to stand up and make this public it will simply continue. Nothing will happen unless details are made public and the press and opposition can demand answers!

  33. N says:

    This man and his supporters have no shame! What he has cost Cayman in money and in reputation is incalculable! We can hope the many powers that be (both in parliament and in government) will ensure he is held to account, but I wouldn’t hold my breath!

  34. Anonymous says:

    A massive all-day protest in front of government house that gets major media attention spelling out this disgraceful conduct may be the catalyst to get some change and let government know just who owns this country – and it’s not them. They are elected to serve the citizens not fondle them!

    • Anonymous says:

      We already did it Feb 2020 in front of Glass House. Pathetic attendance as usual because people talk the talk but when it comes to showing face or showing up, all excuses. Everybody just sits back hoping others will fight the battle.

      • Anonymous says:

        The ones that protesting then are the same that out him back. Its absolutely disgusting. #shameonWayne

      • Anonymous says:

        Attendance more likely due to fear of administrative or employment reprisals I would have thought. Not just wp holders either. The fact is 250 people who post on CNS are not representative of voting Caymanians, the majority of whom evidently think this behavior is acceptable.

    • Anonymous says:

      Protests don’t do anything in Cayman. Petitions can. Create a petition to the Governor to change the Elections Law to disqualify those with any past criminal convictions (like any employer for a position of trust), or facing serious charges, including DUI Traffic Court. If you don’t do that, nothing will change. Many enjoy the current levels of unaccountability and corrupt behaviour and won’t change the rules against themselves. Voters must initiate that change.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is so difficult for expats to protest here in Cayman. Many of us woud be out in the streets propesting now if we didn’t fear for our work permits

  35. Anonymous says:

    The problem is no longer Bush. Its everyone around him that allows him to do it and do nothing about it. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

  36. Anita Motard says:

    Sounds like Cayman has a similar issue to the US and the former potus, Mr Orange Cheeto Head. And everyone keeps letting these criminals get away with it.

  37. National vote long overdue says:

    we need a national vote in cayman I should be able to make a vote in west bay even if I stay Bodden town.

    • Junius says:

      There should be one national vote for Premier (who, after winning, should be able to choose their Cabinet from outside Parliament, but let Parliament approve the chosen members of Cabinet) as well as one simultaneous national vote for Speaker.

      That way, without doubt, it takes much unhelpful horse trading out of the equation. Let MPs, who are elected to Parliament, carry out legislative functions and let the Cabinet (led by the Premier) carry out execution branch functions.

      A National vote for both the Premier and the Speaker is more democratic.

      • Anonymous says:

        What garbage! Unelected but appointed ministers from outside parliament but appointed by cabinet who are actually ministers. That makes absolutely no sense. You should just be quiet, seriously !!!

        • Anonymous says:

          You obviously do not get it. Not everything has to be done the British way. How has that been working out recently in the English House of Commons? Not too good.

      • Anonymous says:

        In a parliamentary democracy it does not work that way. Sorry folks.

        • Anonymous says:

          No duh, Captain Obvious. Glad you are kinda paying attention, but not really. Maybe you and MacKeeva can finish high school.

    • Anonymous says:

      Bermuda approved recreational weed by vote, and UK then vetoed it. We shouldn’t expect a different outcome here.

      • Anonymous says:

        Weed has nothing to do with a drunk Speaker Bush’s wrongdoing and National embarrassment.

  38. Whatiseehappenin says:

    Only in Cayman politics could a convicted cocaine supplier be elected to a post and that not be the most embarrassing thing that happened at a conference.

    • Anonymous says:

      To paraphrase Janes Anderton “swirling in a human cesspit of their own making”.

    • Anonymous says:

      4:06 pm, you are correct convicted drug dealers should NOT be allowed to run for M P ever. Thats a very, very serious offence that could ruin hundreds of young people for life. Only in Cayman Islands that are allowed. Why Cayman have become so corrupt ?

  39. Anonymous says:

    At this point the blame is not even on him, its all on every Caymanian who voted for him!

    Broaden your thoughts, go out of the island see the real world and come back to make this a better place.

    Conceit, Pride, and arrogance that there is nothing learn gets no one anywhere

  40. Anonymous says:

    My Chemical Romance said it best.


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