RCIPS dog dies in kennels at police station
(CNS): The RCIPS has confirmed that an investigation is underway into the death last month of a Belgian shepherd from the K-9 Unit in the kennels at the George Town Police Station. CNS has learned that ‘Baron’, who joined the unit in 2018 and was noted for his crimefighting skills was left in the heat without sufficient water.
The RCIPS has not commented on the allegations but told us that he had died overnight on Saturday, 9 July, and the matter had been referred to the Department of Agriculture’s Animal Welfare and Control Unit, which is overseeing the investigation.
“Baron was a Belgian shepherd breed dog who was a valued member of our K-9 team, and had given five years of service to the RCIPS,” a police spokesperson stated. “We extend our deepest condolences to his handler and the other officers in the K-9 Unit.”
According to the police website, the K-9 Unit falls under Specialist Operations, which is headed up by Superintendent Brad Ebanks. In 2018 the unit had three dog handlers and was planning to increase the number of dogs. CNS has contacted the RCIPS for an update on the current number and we are awaiting a response.
CNS note: PC Bill McLaughlin was Baron’s handler when he first joined the K-9 Unit but he has since left the unit and was not involved in this incident in any way.
- Fascinated
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
Honestly, the person / people charged with this dogs well-being should be prosecuted and fined severely.
“We extend our deepest condolences to his handler and the other officers in the K-9 Unit.” Seriously???
What about condolences for the poor dog. The dog had greater value and COMPETENCE than the cops who was supposed to be taking care of the dog. SM*H
“Baron was a Belgian shepherd breed dog who was a valued member of our K-9 team…”, a police spokesperson stated.
Good Lord! If that is how a “valued member” is treated–left to die of neglect, heat, and thirst, I would hate to see poor treatment.
That statement is totally, absolutely, utterly, hopelessly, chock-full of bullshit! This–coming form those who we entrust to serve, protect and exercise integrity–is an insult to the public they claim to serve.
I can not fathom how the police spokesperson could say those words without choking on them.
Offering an apology and pledging to prosecute those responsible would be more in line with what we should expect from the police service. Instead we get a plate of BS.
Yes this is sickening but what’s worse is the level of animal cruelty and neglect that’s been going on in Cayman for decades and probably centuries. Third world behavior. It will never change unfortunately
Keystone cops.
Totally unbelievable this could happen with not one consequence.
You watch.
Absolutely not one thing will come of it guaranteed
If a whitewash prosecution, public should force a proper investigation. I am happy to lead with petition.
Inquire about 2011 Misty’s death investigation as well.
Post the link.
While I am also angry, it is amazing to read the level and volume of angry comments calling for someone head, punishment and justice and it is hard to not also recognize that the outcry is not as energetic when a human is the victim and worst yet, if that human also happens to be Caymanian! RIP Baron
I’m going to go out on a limb here 5:18 and say if a child was neglected for a sustained period and left to die without access to water there’s a fairly good chance the parent/parents would be in a queue to acquaint themselves with a prosecutor, – whether that might happen if the child were Caymanian ? I’m hesitant to extend my confidence that far

That’s because humans aren’t as innocent or end up not being at all, repeating themselves with avoidable issues, even as help is given. Sames we don’t learn from history, but I think it’s because we don’t care that much anymore because the outcome will be the same, there will always be those that fall through the cracks, sometimes at their own detriment, other times self inflected, or just what life chose for their path. It’s getting harder for people not to be cynical.
We generally know better, dogs not necessarily, not always. So in this case, Baron could not get away from his enclosure to seek a cooler shelter, water. Unless we cage a human, if a human can walk, crawl, by instinct we’ll seek life saving shelter and water and help. Sadly Baron didn’t get the chance to save himself, it was the responsibility of his caretakers, his death shall forever be on their hands. I hope it haunts them for the rest of their lives.
This isn’t just another case of civilian-level negligence, this death was the result of several criminal counts perpetrated by sworn high-trust law enforcement K9 dept officers and superiors. Investigators might also consider other criminal motivations for deleting a very expensive, specifically trained, and rare breed drug sniffing dog. Replacement, if possible, will be months, removing RCIPS capability even further. Who does this benefit? How does a law enforcement officer just forget they have a partner?!?
CNS: The dog’s regular handler was on leave – see the new story on this.
Those may be the facts CNS, but it does not excuse the handlers superiors who are and were entrusted and paid to have an operational control over the RCIPS K9 department.
By the way, Jacqueline Carpenter, Communications Officer for RCIPS, relayed three years ago, that PC Keiron Davies, having earned K-9 instructor certification in Michigan on our dime, was given RCIPS permission to set up a concurrent private business to import and train Belgian Malois puppies via his company “Cayman K-9”.
“Pure bred Malinois 8 week old puppies (top European bloodlines) CI$2500
Trained Malinois trained to bite, release, track, find articles with human scent and find narcotics are CI$6000
Trained Malinois trained to bite, release, track, and search for explosives are CI$9000”
These dogs aren’t just companion animals that ride shotgun, they are highly trained to track and apprehend fugitives, suspects, missing persons, search vehicles and premises for narcotics, firearms, and explosives, search for currency, and locate items that have recently been discarded or hidden. Tens of thousands of interactive training hours have been invested. There is only one sector of our dark economy that benefits from the elimination of one of the top evidence collectors.
When was the last time a government agency left a human in a cage to die of heat and thirst?
What’s interesting here is that if you did something to a police dog I’m sure there would be some kind of charges coming your way, Oh what a stink would be made, they’d be claiming that the dog is an officer and such. Now that the dog died by the RCIPS negligence it’s just a dog? No big deal? If a dog is an officer of the law then manslaughter charges should be appropriate then. There must be some custodial sentence here, otherwise this will continue. I’d never leave my colleague in the sun with no food or water as much as I would love to do that to some of them. Belgians are inside dogs in this climate with the thick double coat and need at least a shaded and properly ventilated area. I have one I know.
Normal incompetence for here. Nothing can or will be done to make sure it will not happen again and again so best to just expect it.
This is extraordinary incompetence, even by Cayman standards, to a level where it seems almost intentional. DOA should not be investigating this or handling evidence. This should be a UK Met investigation, and CoP Byrne should be issuing a statement or welcoming a press conference to reassure the public that RCIPS understand the trust implications of what is at minimum, a few counts of criminal negligence, each carrying jail time.
Some of the so-called officers cannot take care of themselves much less a dog. A 2-year-old would know to make sure a dog has fresh water and food, especially in the heat. These are the idiots that are hired to protect us. What a joke!!!!
It’s going to be up to the public to ensure this is treated as criminal negligence under three applicable counts of sections 70-75 of Animals Law (2015 Revision), and properly referred by Animal Welfare Officers to the DPP for prosecution.
§70 Cruelty to animals an offence
§72 Causing avoidable pain or suffering to any animal
§74 Causing unnecessary suffering in killing an animal
A person who commits an offence contrary to sections 70 to 75 is liable on summary conviction to a fine of five hundred dollars and to imprisonment for six months.
If the owner of any animal commits the offence of cruelty to the animal within the meaning of this Law, the court, upon his conviction, may, if it thinks fit, in addition to any other punishment, deprive the convicted person of the ownership of the animal and disqualify that person from having custody of any animal for such period as is specified in the order.
DG please Stop saying ” ever civic service workers are working hard doing a good job “.
This is so disappointing, yet not surprising.
Seriously, is there a canine equivalent of a coroners inquest?
It’s just a dog.
Every 2 seconds a child dies in the world as a result of poverty, decease, murder, accidents, hunger etc .
and your point is????
With the climate heating up we have to pay extra attention to our service and pet dogs. They will need more water and also less exposure to the 10-4 o’clock sun. Very
ppffffff 10:10, I think you might might missing a teeeny weeeny piece of overtone here, – sure it’s a just a dog but then isn’t a child just a child if we remove the empathetic fundamentals and their significance for us as sentient beings ? – especially when it’s been proven in studies other species experience the same. I can only hope you’re children aren’t fed dog food

You are an idiot, but the island needs those too. What is decease?
And there’s many, many, many people, agencies, organizations, companies et al that help, try to help and give life, comfort, food and water, shelter, etc to these children.
The biggest problem? There is the issue of people having Too Many children!
Poorer countries/people mainly, because they want security from those children in their old age, so the more they have, the better chances they have to be taken care of. That’s the concept, line of thinking, the norm and is as old as time itself.
From various studies/statics:
High child mortality rates
Care for elders. As children grow up, they not only carry on their family’s legacy, but also the responsibility of providing for and protecting their parents and siblings. This is especially important in countries without strong governmental safety nets. In these cases, having more kids may provide an extra sense of security for parents, with the added hope that one day, one or more children may be successful enough to lift the entire family out of poverty.
Limited access to education:
Generally, the higher the degree of education and GDP per capita a country has, the lower the birth rate.
Increasing girls’ participation in school over time also decreases fertility rates. An educated woman is likely to marry at a later age and have fewer children.
Early marriage and gender roles:
In some countries, a woman’s role is expected to be as a wife and mother. This may often mean she gets married younger and begins having children sooner.
Limited access to contraception:
An estimated 225 million women in developing countries would like to delay or stop childbearing, but are not using any method of contraception.
Need for extra labour:
More than 70 per cent of the world’s poor live in rural areas, with most families depending on labour-intensive agriculture to survive.
Religious beliefs may mean a family chooses not to use contraceptives. In Latin America, social norms and religious tradition mean family planning services aren’t available to many communities.
Earth’s animals deserve our care and loving, especially family pets. No living things should suffer unduly and this Malinois’ terrible death from heat and lack of water is some of the worst ways to die, because it’s slow and painful. The life is literally drained out of the body.
“So how does heat kill? When core body temperature rises too high, everything breaks down: The gut leaks toxins into the body, cells begin to die, and a devastating inflammatory responsecan occur.”
The medical term for excessive body heat is hyperthermia. The first phase is heat exhaustion, a condition marked by heavy sweat, nausea, vomiting and even fainting. The pulse races, and the skin goes clammy. There’s thermal injury to the the brain and other organs. And then you die.
So, the outrage you see here on CNS is very warranted and does not mean people care any less if it was a child dying from same extreme heat exposure. That has happened many times over and will happen many time more. Education, awareness and in this care, justice must be brought down on those responsible for the care or lack of care in this case for Baron. May he rest in peace and run after that rainbow.
Just a dog!!? You are “just an ignorant POS!!”
Just a dog! It’s obvious that you are not an animal owner, and I hope that you are not a parent. You are a disgusting human being.
Nobody cares about the Humans. Humans are killing and destroying humans. We must care for Animals at a higher level.
Your mentality says it all. You are part of the problem!
Dogs have been our dedicated and loving servants and companions for as long as there has been civilization. Our relationship with dogs has been integral to the process of civilization, since agriculture and the domestication and management of animals would not have been possible without the help of dogs to protect crops, domesticated animals, and ourselves against predators, pests and enemies.
They ask nothing in return other than our care for their simple needs, and they have given us so much. There are still jobs that remain impossible or impractical without dogs. They guide the handicap, protect the vulnerable, detect the dangerous, and provide emotional support. Dogs save people’s lives every day for a meal, water and a pat on the head.
Sometimes one wonders whether we deserve the selfless devotion of our best friend.
It is said you can judge a society by the treatment of its prisoners, and of its animals. You are not representative of Cayman. Whilst we still have some way to go, we are much better than you.
I would bet that dog has contributed to our society than you have!
Dumb a**
Idiot your part of the problem
Supt. Brad Ebanks – do you realize that YOU must make a statement to the public on this matter??
Beyond his capability, or sense of responsibility
The person that let this happen should also be caged in the Kennel with little water… Perhaps two days in the sun. Let’s see what happens.
Dogs, dogs, dogs! That poor dog!
“Working dog of 5 years”
“We NEED better laws to protect the well-being of animals here”
I mean yes, that poor dog but there are bigger issues here.
Lets work on better laws to protect our people before we start focusing on what they deem to be important again. You know anything is more important than a person of color!
I don’t want to hear anything about dogs when we have headline like “Over 650 families going to bed hungry”.
Sick of hearing all this noise about animals when we can’t get people right.
Can’t we do two things at once? Dealing with issues of hunger and poverty in the community is a huge, important challenge that needs more attention, but does that make it okay for a service dog to die of thirst in police care?
Sometimes, a lot of times dogs are preferred over people, since people don’t always want care, give and protect and love unconditionally. Like the person commented, can we not do 2 or more things at once, help those truly needing help and try to make their lives better and also help the suffering of animals, in this case, the total disregard for a living thing, a dog who by all counts, was a member of the police services and equal to their human counterparts. You person, you just will never understand empathy on one living thing does carry over to another living thing.
Seriously, just shows the complete lack of empathy you have. For many people, some who can’t have kids, have no family,are old or disabled a dog is their closet, most loyal companion. Plus this is utter neglect by the people we are supposed to trust to take care of our communities. Its disgraceful that in such a rich nation kids can go hungry but this story is also upsetting and the fact rcips senior management basically tried to hide it makes it even worse.
Why would it be one of the other? Both can happen simultaneously, and should.
Stupid police force, always around with their biggest ego thinking they are better than everyone else and half of them can’t read or write properly.
So true. Have you ever had an RCIPS office take a statement from you? Barely literate.
How long does it take for a dog without water to die in these circumstances?
I would assume at least 24 hours.
Now, given the #worlclass RCIP will only operate in 7.5 hour shifts, is it safe to assume no less than 4 officers failed in their duties resulting in abject cruelty, death, and the destruction of a valuable asset?
So that’s 4 arrests and firings, imminently, right?
Then there would have likely been hours of barking and whimpering, with large numbers of world class officers of the law within earshot – none of whom appear to have acted.
Too many of them are unfit for the responsibility that is inherent in their roles.
Further, the bog is a breed adapted to a cold climate. No temperature controls in the kennel? Seriously?
While the Belgian Malinois prefers cool climates, they readily adapts well to warmer, hotter climates. Mali’s are truly one of the best working dogs and life long friend, guardian, companion who will do Anything to help you and protect you.
If you are thinking about getting a Belgian Malinois, you better always have a job for them to do, nothing less than a 2 or 3 mile walk/69 30-40 mins of daily exercise and interaction with them is a must, anything less is cruel and unfair for this type of breed. Yet still people don’t live up to the standards needed and sti) the Malinois will still protect its owner, no matter how bad or poorly it is treated by that owner. That’s something you hardly get from humans, we just aren’t unconditional, mostly. Sigh, you deserved better Baron, much better. Thanks for your service in making the Cayman Islands safer for all.
RCIPS is an embarrassment on all levels. Too many idiots in the force.
National Police Dog Foundation (US)
Q.Do police dogs live in the house or a kennel?
Normally after working a full shift they go to their kennel where they eat and get the much needed sleep and rest they will need for their next shift. However, it is not uncommon for them to come in the house on their days off, or even daily before or after their shift begins.
Q.How much does the training cost?
For full training in Patrol Work, Detection, and Hard Surface (Urban) Tracking, you can figure the cost to range from $12,000.00 to $15,000.00 total, per dog, depending on the length of each class.
These dogs cost “us” close to $40,000.00 to be fully trained and shipped here. But hey didn’t come from the caretakers wallet! easy come easy go….
A caymanian police officer who served 24 years for his country and murdered in Honduras gets 9 responses and not one member of government attended his funeral service last Saturday. Says it all! May his soul RIP !
Anonymous 03 @ 8:14 am – Yes, that is appalling. Most of our current “MPs” don’t have a clue about proper official protocols or even common decency. They are in it for the money, corrupt power, free perks and all the food they can eat!!
For those that are worried about the cost of living, that was $100,000 dollars of your money thrown away by your unaccountable and wasteful civil service.
Police dog killed on road while off duty
Cayman News | 30/11/2011
…but officials could not say how the dog, Misty, came to be on a main road when it should have been secured by its handler
Police confirmed the Belgian Malinois, ‘Misty’, died as the result of being struck by a car.
A thorough independent investigation must be done by one of the private Veterinary Services. To have the investigation done by the Department of Agriculture is the same as having the Police investigate the Police. The poor animal deserves nothing less and wherever the investigation leads, whoever is responsible must be held accountable. Sadly, nothing will come out of this act of gross misconduct, and like everything else, nothing more will be heard regarding this.
For goodness sake get a grip. “The poor animal deserves nothing less”. It’s a dog killed by human negligence and that’s it. If it “deserved” anything it was to live a long and happy life. But it’s too late for that, thanks to our ingrained incompetence; seriously, a child could have looked after this animal better than the RCIPS.
Everywhere you look, every stone you turn, beneath its shiny veneer our public sector is shambolic. And in its persistent failure to enforce the rules it introduced in the first place (except occasionally against those who can’t fight back) or hold anyone accountable, ever, it is institutionally corrupt.
This is corruption beyond the reach of the Anti Corruption Commission or indeed the law. It’s the nod-and-the-wink, the shrug, the funny handshake, the tacit agreement between public official and wrongdoer that nothing will be done. It’s the corruption of omertà and turning a blind eye: small-town, pork-barrel corruption which inevitably thrives in a community where everyone knows everyone else.
As for the officer responsible for the dog’s death – well, nothing will happen. Maybe a quiet meeting and a quiet slap on the wrist – and maybe, just maybe if he/she can’t fight back, a transfer to traffic.
As well as the clear neglect and animal welfare horror – which is immeasurable,
– what is the financial cost of training and obtaining one of these specialised dogs?
What is the cost to replace this animal? (The cost on the public purse)
This is terrible. I know this dog and worked with him many times, and if it is true that he got put in the kennel and then abandoned, then heads must roll. This is typical of the culture, and someone must be responsible. Why was he in a police station kennel anyway, and not with a regular handler – because they are unable to put proper kennels in at home?. This should be investigated by the ombudsman, not DOA, who are not exactly renowned for their in depth investigations and prosecutions.
Its hell of a thing to let that dog die like that. Some one needs to be punished for that, but as usual nothing will be done about it and the D G will say every one is working hard during a good job.
The dog was essentially an officer on the force and commands the same respect and care as a fellow officer. In the military this kind negligence gets a court-martial. In any first world police force it is amounts to manslaughter.
I hope whoever is responsible will have nightmares for the rest of their life ! bastards what a way to treat a loyal friend and coworker
RIP Baron
Disgusting and someone must be held accountable. This needs major media and social media coverage; this should be the final straw (pardon the unspoken pun) against animal cruelty. Name, shame, fire and prosecute the public servant responsible!
I hope this is treated as a crime against an officer of the law. Lets see where and how far this goes.
K9s and their handlers are life partners in the states and US military. In the states, K9s often live with the handlers too.
Why in bloody hell was this good dog left in a kennel with no water?!
So, when do the firings begin?
After the arrests, and contemporaneous with the prosecutions. (If we are a country of laws).
Don’t you mean prosecution? This is a travesty.
This is the Cayman Islands.
Waiting on the Deputy Governor Mr. Manderson’s flim flam statement.
When they had good dedicated handlers like Mr. POWERY he was treated like dirt to be discarded.
Poor dog was not appreciated.
This is criminal and whomever is responsible should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! Imagine these are the characters who are supposed to be guarding and protecting this society. RCIPS needs a cleanup!
Yes #justiceforbaron
law enforcement dogs should live with their “handler”. The dog thinks of them as their deity. I don’t know what happened here, but the dog likely deserved better than to die alone in a kennel, wondering where his people are.
Working dog for 5 years and his life is over already because of their incompetence. Disgusting… although why would I expect better from RCIPS
Failing to care for an animal resulting in its death is not incompetence. It is a crime.
This brings tears to my eyes. How can people be so cruel to animals, they are pure and innocent. I cannot begin to imagine his suffering before he passed. Someone needs to be held responsible for this, why did no one check on him before, during, and after shift??
Would love to put them in a cage, in the heat, without sufficient water and see how they fair. This is absolutely awful. Animal cruelty is high within these islands and it sickens me! We NEED better laws to protect the well-being of animals here, too many people are getting away with cruelty and neglect.
To 7:05 – This is SOOO sad – but animal cruelty is a world wide problem – not just in these islands.
In other places people get arrested and go to prison for this kind of crap. Just sayin.
This isnt a pet and people are paid to take care of the animal. At a minimum firing….maybe criminal charges.
Someone had a duty to care for which he/was compensated, therefore your excuse doesn’t apply here.
Put the responsible people in his cage wearing a fur coat and no water and see how long they last. Disgusting treatment of an animal that would die for you.
This is awful and tragic. Its like a child in a hot car death omg. The RCIPS should give ‘Officer’ Baron a state funeral as a uniformed service personnel.
Actually it is not. Child deaths in cars that you are describing are tragic accidents, resulting from a single individual’s momentary forgetfulness.
poor dog…poor chickens at the agriculture dept. persons responsible sat in the air condition.
Unbelievably shocking, poor dog – he would have been in great distress. I hope the idiot that did this is fired.
I hope the idiot is put in prison!!!!!!!
this is embarrassing and shameful!! That poor animal
Not the first time something like this has happened. Those poor dogs.
No doubt the Department of Agriculture’s ‘investigation’ will determine that there was no wrongdoing, and so nothing will come of it, and no changes will be made. The lack of enforceable welfare laws here is something that needs to be fixed immediately.
Very sad to hear .
Too many questions that will no doubt need to be answered .
How difficult is it to have insured an assigned staff member to check on this animal , to ensure something as simple as a half gallon of new water checked twice daily in a bowl ?
Left in the heat ? Why, SPDT’ Ebanks?
“the matter had been referred to the Department of Agriculture’s Animal Welfare and Control Unit, which is overseeing the investigation” Well nothing to see here then, quite possibly the most inadequate and poorly run department within the civil service. They enforce nothing and reward cruelty. So no, the investigation will just get brushed under the rug like all the rest of the animal cruelty cases and so it will continue… RIP Baron – you deserved better treatment for providing such courages service.
The Humane Society should bring a private prosecution if nothing is done by officialdom.
If there is no arrest, the anti corruption commission should be required to explain itself and our police. Enough of this shit! We literally cannot afford for these levels of incompetence, waste, and near absolute lack of accountability, to continue.
This shouldn’t have happened, shame on those responsible.
Shame? This is criminal.