Armed men assault staff in Savannah robbery

| 20/04/2022 | 22 Comments

(CNS): Police have opened another robbery investigation after a small business in Savannah was targeted Tuesday night by three men, two of whom had guns. Police were called to the stick-up in Homestead Crescent at around 9:40pm on19 April. The three masked men entered the premises and demanded money. One of them fired a shot in the ceiling with a handgun and another assaulted an employee before they made off in a light coloured SUV with an undisclosed sum of cash.

The man who was assaulted received a minor injury but he was not shot, the police confirmed.

Detectives are encouraging anyone with information to call the Bodden Town Police Station at 947-2220.

Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS via the Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777
or via the RCIPS website.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (22)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    We simply don’t have the political, judicial or law enforcement leadership needed to deal with the issues at hand. It will unfortunately get worse.

  2. Anonymous says:

    If and when Jamaican stop coming here who are we going to blame then for the crime problem here just asking ?

  3. Anonymous says:

    The police need to get a handle on this quick, these guys keep getting bolder, offer a big bounty, and let the friends they brag to sell them out!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cayman, what is happening to you?! I had to read this again to be sure it is Cayman, the beautiful, peaceful island that I remember! Is the government asleep at the wheel? Seems you have continued to give gunmen work permits by depending on so called clean police records. That is a joke and they are likely doing what they are good at, that is recruit your youth and teach them to become gunmen. You all better wake up and take control of your islands fast or you will soon be like another island nearby, ruled by violence. Very sad.

    • Anonymous says:

      The same still problem exists I see, blame someone else, auto work permit holder? what about the deplorable level of parenting around here, and the way some of these kids behave in public with such disrespect, the kids must grow up someday right?

      • Anonymous says:

        It seems to be an acquired fashion to blame work permit holders for pretty much everything here. Probably including the rising sea levels. Always an expat fault.
        I remember a lot of good citizens losing sleep and protesting same sex marriage as if it was something to worry about. Good old days, eh?

    • Anonymous says:

      6:57 Spot on! Cayman is becoming more like Jamaica every day. Very sad the gov is allowing our country to be destroyed all for the sake of a work permit fee. TIME FOR CHANGE!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Why is it always like Jamaica, what about every other places in the world what about America, well if Cayman was to be like America then we would really be in a world of shit, especially with the mass shootings of innocent people and children in public places and schools, so in a sense what your saying is that it’s better for us to be like Jamaica than America,spot on!!.

        • Anonymous says:

          Jamaica is a little island nearby. The US is a large country farther away and hard to reach by boat. Spot the difference?

  5. ELVIS says:

    Same ones doing all this crap I hear?

  6. Anonymous says:

    No description of the suspects???
    With the excessive amount of budget surplus money the Cayman Islands should have extensive video surveillance like Singapore

  7. Anonymous says:

    Minimum 20 year sentence with no parole. Then deportation if they are foreign.

    • Anonymous says:

      Our woeful police have to actually catch them and convict them first. And then if that were to happen may I suggest they be deported immediately (if applicable) because why should the people of Cayman pay for their prison stay?

      • Anonymous says:

        Police don’t convict people.

        • Anonymous says:

          10:33 – You’re right.. kudos to you. However, if police do a good job in gathering evidence and making arrests as they’re paid to do, it strengthens the case for prosecutors and usually results in a conviction.

        • Anonymous says:

          Police evidence does, if they find any.

    • Anonymous says:

      We need to establish a penal colony at this rate.

    • D. Truth says:

      A death penalty costs much less. Let’s try using it for a while and see how it works!

      CNS: Not true. Financial Facts About the Death Penalty (in the US). It’s a moot point anyway so long as the Cayman Islands remains a British territory.


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