Unvaccinated people dominating positive COVID-19 cases

| 10/11/2021 | 169 Comments
Cayman News Service
Chief Nursing Officer Dr Hazel Brown delivers the weekly COVID-19 update

(CNS): According to an update on the current trends of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Cayman Islands, 70% of all the new positive cases of the virus recorded during the first week of November were among the unvaccinated. Chief Nursing Officer Dr Hazel Brown said that 14 people were admitted to hospital with COVID-19, twelve of whom were admitted for just COVID-related illness, and six people were discharged. She also noted that 87% of those who have been hospitalised to date were unvaccinated.

This second ever video report on weekly trends data is being reported by ‘epidemiological week’, or epi week, which runs from Sunday to the following Saturday, which is the standardised method of counting weeks to allow for the comparison of data. For the week of 31 October to 6 November there was an average of 178 new COVID-19 cases per day and a weekly total of 1,251. Just 1% were recorded in travellers.

The ages of positive cases ranged from three months to 90 years, with an average age of 30 years, and 54% of the cases were among women. “There were three babies under the age of one year, 405 cases were between one year and 18 years, and 16 were over the age of 70. Most of the cases are in the workforce,” Dr Brown said.

“As the community transmission continues, Public Health is encouraging compliance with the government regulations and continuing vigilance to protect yourself and your loved ones,” she said. “If you are isolated or quarantined, you may still prevent ongoing transmission if you adhere to the recommendations. Wear your masks, use hand sanitizer, and practice physical distance.”

All over the world a similar trend has emerged. While vaccinated people can be infected, they are less vulnerable to infection, and more often asymptomatic or experience only mild symptoms. They tend to be infected for shorter periods, and while they can still spread the virus, a shorter milder experience with COVID also means the window of opportunity for them to spread the virus is reduced.

See Dr Brown’s full video update on CIGTV below:

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Comments (169)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Update: 15 hospitalized and many VERY sick, and 4 now on ventilators (Did Premier Panton offer up these figures in his radio interview this morning?) — Dr. Lee announced that we have a total of 55 beds available for Covid-19 sufferers — and still CITA encourages tourists to come to Cayman even though we’ve been placed on the CDC red list; CIG have not delayed the census so people are going door-to-door — in the middle of a rising pandemic! Really? Are the data collectors vaccinated? No 6ft markers on the supermarket floors to aid social distancing, retailers have given up on anything other than putting a “No Mask, No Entry” sign in the window and putting out a spray of Lord only knows what. Some sprays certainly do not contain alcohol that’s for sure. People with masks around their necks and not over their noses in indoor spaces. I predict the hospital beds will be fully occupied in 2-weeks time after people ignore the health and safety protocols over this long weekend.

    • Anonymous says:

      On the bright side, weather was nice today and it’s a long weekend to sit back, take a dip in the pool and have a few cold beers and a smoke.

      Life is good.

      Praise the Lord

  2. Anonymous says:

    It is nice to talk about personal choice of vaccination.
    But your choice stops at your home.
    If you want to come to cayman for work we have some rules.
    Same way if some one wants to come to piublic places some rules like mask social dist vax etc. Then it is upto any ones s choice to go to those places or not
    But to say I dont want to get vaxed and my freedom shouldnt be stopped is ridiculous.
    Actually not allowing unvaxed in public places is for his own protection. They should understand that.

    • Robert Mugabe IV says:

      We have rules that we impose on WPH’s but not on our own working population. That simply makes no sense.
      Mandates based on science but only for some.

      • Anonymous says:

        So let’s say no vaccine requirements 7:45, workers immigrate here, a large percentage on minimum wage, a lot on the cheapest medical and they get sick from COVid. Is it Govt’s responsibility then to assume the costs after the policy limits are exceeded and especially if insurance stipulates no coverage for COVid treatment for unvaccinated patients ? That’s a Govt decision perhaps made with economic science

  3. Anonymous says:

    I think the HSA or Ministry or CMO there should be one concrete agency for data reporting of Covid positives,vaxed vs unvaxed etc.

    A standard format of a table with tested numbers on daily basis ,results age and sex and vax status of positives , symptomatic vs asymptomatic vs vaxed and unvaxed etc.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I think the vaccinated should be happy that they are vaccinated. Move on and stop worrying about unvaccinated. Let the unvaccinated worry about themselves. After all you are vaccinated. Why the worry by vaccinated. After all you are less to likely to catch covid.

    • Anonymous says:

      Except the unvaccinated kept our border bait for a year!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        @9:53 It shows the minority have power!!!
        VACCINATED couldnt let the borders be olen.cone again

    • Anonymous says:

      You obviously don’t understand how public health and vaccines work.

      If you want to enjoy the perks of being a part of society, you have to play by the rules. That’s the compromise that we are all born into. If you don’t like it, go live in the bush by yourself where you can’t affect others with your stupidity and selfishness. You want to join the party? Pay the fkn admission and shut up.

  5. Anonymous says:

    If you can’t see how the government has contributed to discrimination, I don’t know what else to tell you. Your ethics is messed up

  6. Houston - "We have a problem!" says:

    We have our first person on a ventilator and 325 new cases!

    Please shelter in place and get vaxed for your own sake.

    It is about to get very very real here.

    • Anonymous says:

      @6:17 Thanks for your concern. But stop worry about the unvaccinted. People make their own choices. You chose to be vaccinated some people chose not to. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated will handle the outcome. Go fixed Santa some milk and cookies he is coming from the north pole where they dont need to be vaccinated!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Worldmeter has us at 3,427 cases and 2 deaths. Compass has us at 2,485 cases and 2 deaths. That’s the same Worldmeter that has 5,069,099 deaths globally.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sigh. I would explain this to you, but …. You’re an idiot and I would be wasting my time.

      • Concerned Citizen says:

        Just because a person may not understand doesn’t mean they are an idiot.
        I don’t understand why that is and I would genuinely like to understand – if you would care or have the patience to explain?

        • Okay then says:

          @Concerene Citizen

          The Compass has Active Cases and Worldometer is total cases. So Compass dashboard shows 2k+ currently infected and Worldometer 3,247 total infections since the start.

          It seems to me there are only two reasons for @4:03pm post:

          1. They are an idiot, or at least lacking in basic reading comprehension and numeracy.

          2. They are an asshole trying to discredit the total death number on Worldometer because it doesn’t mesh well with their political views.

          In either case they are objectively wrong and actually worsening an exploding public health crisis.

  8. MackB says:

    The way to get everyone vaccinated is for the government and the health insurance companies to stop covering the COVID-19 care for unvaccinated people that are eligible to be vaccinated. When people start to get bills that send them into bankruptcy the word will quickly get around and everyone will get vaccinated.

  9. Basil Brush says:

    Give us all the data , ages etc. Not half a story to suit the political mandate/ agenda.

  10. Anonymous says:

    How much of this “70% being unvaccinated” are school-aged children? Who likely contracted COVID at school?


    This is fearmongering

    • Anonymous says:

      This isn’t fearmongering. It’s just the truth. If you took the time to read the article you’d see that she said that 405 cases were between the ages 1 – 18. I guess you could complain that she didn’t break it down to 1-11 since people 12 and over can be vaccinated. She also said that the majority of cases were in the workplace, not the classroom but the workplace.

      Either way this shows what we already knew – unvaccinated people whether they are children or adults are more likely to catch covid. That’s why it’s so important all adults that can be vaccinated are. That way they will be less likely to catch covid and spread it to children.

      It kinda seems like you don’t want to face the truth for some reason.

    • Not very Clear says:


      So, 1251 cases:
      3 under a year, 405 (18 and under). No breakdown of the younger group that is vaccinated? This is very misleading to present the data in this fashion. If the numbers excluded the group that isn’t able to be vaccinated (the young) then what would the numbers say?

      375 vaccinated people are sick (30%)
      876 unvaccinated people are sick (70%)

      But, a large number of the under 18 group won’t be vaccinated due to their age.
      408 unvaccinated crowd of the 876 may not be able to take the jab. Regardless the young group faces very low risk.

      If all of the 18 years and younger were removed then:
      843 cases are 18 years and older.

      That would mean up to 44% of the sick are vaccinated (we can’t tell exactly because they don’t give the numbers how many under 18 are vaccinated).

      So, roughly of those sick above 18 years old:

      44% are vaccinated and 56% are unvaccinated. It would probably be closer to say 40% to 60% since some of the under 18 crowd is vaccinated but it gets old having to point out misleading information.

    • Anonymous says:

      Designed to attack unvaccinated adults, using the data from children with COVID.

    • The Science says:

      Additionally, unvaccinated people have to test more regularly in order to go to work, the gym etc.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not fear mongering. Even if you exclude the 14% that are children, the cayman stats show you are currently 20 times more likely to be in hospital if unvaccinated. Including children in the 20% of the island unvaccinated increases the total unvaccinated population when calculating % of total unvaxed that are sick, so it reduces the stats on % of all unvaxed ill compared to the % of vaxed given we know the vast majority of cases are workers with an average age of 34.

      • Anonymous says:

        My friend on the ventilator is unvaccinated and was very vocal about others needing to avoid vaccine.

    • Anonymous says:

      I mean if you read the article and passed elementary math you should be able to deduce that. I’m guessing that you didn’t actually read the article tho. Seems to be a trend with y’all that struggle with common sense. Do you even know wtf fear mongering is? You know what is more scary than the actual stats? The amount of bonafide idiots we have in our populace.

      The bottom line is, the minority of the population is unvaccinated, yet somehow they make up a majority of the positives. Does it matter whether they had a choice to vaccinate or not in this case? Absolutely not. It’s just more prove that you’re less likely to catch COVID if you are vaccinate. Period point fkn blank.

      Should be required to pass a comprehension test on the article before you can comment.

      405 / (1251 x 0.7) = ucandooooit

      • Anonymous says:

        Pompous a$$
        I’ll bet your condescending attitude goes over well with all your friends…

        Do you realize that not everyone has the same access to education that you did? Or maybe some have learning disabilities? EVERYONE is allowed to comment and state their opinion.

        You should have to check your entitlement card before commenting.

        • Anonymous says:

          Which is the exact reason why vaccine mandates are necessary. Imagine a bunch of people with little to no education or learning disabilities, dictating public policy in regards to public health. Spouting foolishness on public forums encouraging other people incapable of critical thinking to do the same while drowning out the few voices of reason. just because everyone is allowed to comment doesn’t mean that they should. Some people like the OP should read the article before trying to imply there is some conspiracy going on.

          Some people don’t know what’s best for them and the way society is setup, some decisions have to be made for them to protect the whole.

      • Anonymous says:

        why didn’t this happen when no one was vaccinated?

    • Anonymous says:

      Well the last set of statistics did show that it was mainly over 18s, unvaccinated with it, so not real fearmongering going on, just, y’know, facts.

  11. Anonymous says:

    It is time to start allowing unvaccinated Children to be able to travel again without quarantine. They can do daily lateral flow testing like in schools.

    This is a ridiculous situation given how heavily Cayman is seeded with Community spread of Covid that we are still treating unvaccinated children as a threat to society.

    Families should be able to travel over the December Holidays and return home without having to go through 15 day isolation. enough is enough.

    • Anonymous says:

      Worse. That was going to be allowed and the idiots in government reversed it. They’ve screwed over a good percentage of the population. I appreciate some may not be from here, but anyone here contributes to our society! We are behaving as if there is no vaccine! We are six to nine months behind North America.

    • Anonymous says:

      Should have considered this before you created a walking disease sponge.

      • Anonymous says:

        And what of your parents?

      • Anonymous says:

        Shame your parents didn’t get consider this before having you.
        What an mean spirit you have become, since your innocent childhood.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hey friend, just because you’ve never been laid in your life doesn’t mean other people have to follow your obligated celibacy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can’t they come back and not quarantine as they are coming from somewhere with at least 60% vaccine rate? If not why are cayman kids different than America kids?

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyone can agree on this, regardless of beliefs over Covid…leave the kids alone and let them travel freely without restrictions

  12. Anonymous says:

    Let’s get the under 12 vaccinations rolling.

  13. Anonymous says:

    If this includes students/those under the age to be vaccinated then of course the unvaccinated numbers would be higher…

  14. Anonymous says:

    You’ve got just over a week Wayne until the borders reopen, just over a week, – are you really going to be ready, does that challenge for PACT to be tested still stand ? 🤦🏻‍♀️

  15. Do better says:

    You guys still rambling on about this like it really matters. How many unvaccinated people you see dying or severely ill? Why all of a sudden the Government stopped publishing how many people infected are vaccinated vs unvaccinated? Hmm, how convenient (not like you could trust the stats anyway).Even if there were more vaccinated people infected than the unvaxxed, you wouldn’t see that on a headline because it doesn’t fit the agenda. I respect everyone’s choice whether they take the jab it or not, but the hostility toward the unvaxxed is unreal. All of you that took the jab need to stop walking around like you’re invincible, especially those that are piling up KFC/Burger King drive through, drinking/smoking copious amounts of alcohol and cigarettes everyday like they can’t get heart disease, cancer or other diseases. You don’t see the unvaxxed telling you what to do with your health, so respect our decision.

    • Anon345 says:

      What are your thoughts on different health insurance premiums for the vaxed v unvaxed?

      Insurance companies in Cayman base their premiums on companies claims from the prior year plus a profit margin.

      There is a significantly higher chance of being hospitalised with covid if you are unvaxed. We can see that readily from the numbers in this article.

      If you work at a company with a significant number of unvaxed staff there is a higher chance that more will need expensive hospital treatment and the companies insurance premiums will rise the following year for all staff.

      The vaxed will ask why they are paying extra (essentially for unvaxed) when it is their choice to remain more at risk.

      It is inevitable that companies will start realising this when they renewing policies and will try to instigate different premiums for the vaxed v unvaxed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry but this is incredible. Did you even read the article? It gives you the unvaccinated vs vaccinated stats that you claim aren’t being published. I think you need to do better.

      And heart disease and cancer are not contagious. Your choice not to get vaccinated for an infectious disease impacts other people in the community.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is the problem 9:28, – if I pay and take you through the ‘drive/thru’ in a LH drive vehicle, and between the time from ordering to getting to the pick up window you die from COVid I won’t be pleased I can’t reach to get my BK 🚘 🍔

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Amazingly, the sentence before you said unvaxxed aren’t telling people what to do with their health, you were in fact, telling people what to do.

  16. Anonymous says:

    bring in vax passport for all social settings….now!

  17. Anonymous says:

    So what is the point of isolating travelers if they are vaccinated.
    They have had their OCR test before arriving and will be tested again on arrival.
    Pure stupidity

  18. Anonymous says:

    Cases are going down rapidly. 70,986 people not in hospital.

  19. Anonymous says:


  20. Anon says:

    I see the article, AND SO WHAT ??? Is this to make a judgement based on the first week of November ??? You guys seriously need to leave people alone with their free medical decisions. Alot of unvaccinated have recovered from Covid and doing good as well!

    • Anonymous says:

      then please don’t go to the hospital crying because you’re unvaccinated and extremely sick. Stay at home and leave the beds for people with other illnesses. Your free medical decision is to not go to the hospital and recover at home by yourself. Goodluck

      • Anonymous says:

        Amazing. I hope not much people like you in Cayman. The hospital has always been a place for ALL CITIZENS. What a cold, cowardly, and indifferent thing for you to suggest it is not!

        • Anonymous says:

          Citizens only? We don’t actually have any of them here…

        • Anonymous says:

          Hopefully we never get to the point where the hospital is turning away people with other illnesses because it’s full of covid patients as has happened in other countries. Another reason to get vaccinated is to take a preventive measure so that you don’t need to be hospitalized because of covid and the hospital is available for all citizens.

    • Anonymous says:

      The vaccinated are being guided, why shouldn’t the unvaccinated be helped. I see no harm done, it’s still a choice.

      • Anonymous says:

        It is a choice to protect your brothers and sisters too and obviously the selfishness of certain individuals only care about themselves. The evidence is out there. Vaccinated people aren’t getting as sick as the dumbasses who decides not to.

    • Anonymous says:

      And a lot of unvaccinated are dead. Including younger, healthy people.

      The point of the article is to report the facts. Although I personally hope that anyone who is unvaccinated will consider going for the jab.

    • Anonymous says:

      Despite taking no action to help protect their community, the unvaccinated are occupying beds in the community hospital, when if they had acted on behalf of the community and not just themselves they would not be using the healthcare resources of the community. Selfish, “I’m all right Jack” people.

      • The Logic says:

        I suppose the following persons should also be refused treatement at a hospital?

        Drunk drivers, drivers who speed, any person in a car injured while not wearing a seatbelt, any worksite accident that resulted in an injury to someone not wearing a helmet…..

  21. Anonymous says:

    Not judging or disrespecting anyone
    – remove all animal protein, processed, rice, beans from the diet.
    – eat fruits and vegetable with seeds
    – eat what and how much you like and as often as you like.
    – eating organic is better
    – planting own food is even better
    – stretching to Aligning the body and walking is good
    – black coffee for energy
    If healthy, you may not even know you have it.
    To be unvaccinated change is required
    We had 20 months but it’s never too late.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Can’t cure stupid.
    I guessing these unvaccinated morons who ignore scientific research and medical advice will now be relying on scientific research and medical advice to get cured!

    • Anonymous says:

      LOLOL. I sure hope population control deals with them first.

      • Mumbichi says:

        You are a terrible human being, and probably don’t have skin in the game of living in the Cayman Islands.

        I hope you (and me!) get what we deserve.

    • Anonymous says:

      The vaccine does not cure you from COVID. My gosh when did it become okay to tell others what to do with their own bodies!! I’m vaccinated but I respect the autonomy of my fellow human; one should not assume to know what motives others.

      • Here's your sign says:

        You also have weak reading comprehension.

        The point is that a person who chose to ignore medical advice i.e. science is now in hospital relying on modern medicine i.e. science to treat them and potentially save their life.

        In a play this would be ironic. IRL it is beyond stupid.

    • Anonymous says:

      Covid cures stupid in many instances

    • Anonymous says:

      And you think the shot is the cure? Please direct me to the ‘scientific research’ that says the vaccine is the cure.

    • GoJoeB says:

      I’m just guessing here but ignorant people who believe they know more about other people than the other people do about themselves usually die of stupidity. Which you can’t cure.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Interesting, at this rate we will be 100% vaccinated in a few weeks so long as the cases continue on their current trajectory.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes it’s called herd immunity.

      • Say it like it is. says:

        8.30am Well we had herds of cruise ship passengers, but they certainly didn’t have immunity.

        • Anonymous says:

          Cruise ships are safer than Cayman! 1,300 / 600,000 vs 2111 / 71,000. These are the figures whether one is for or against cruise ships. If such facts are simply dismissed, one appears to be biased, ignorant or worse.

      • Anonymous says:

        you do realize that the DIRECTOR of the OXFORD
        vaccine group has gone on record to state that herd immunity is an impossibility because the vaccinated are still getting infected.

      • Anonymous says:

        Except that it isn’t. Even the science says herd immunity is almost impossible

  24. Anonymous says:

    Why are LFT test results only taken into account if they are positive?

    If you test positive you have to isolate.

    If after a certain amount of time the positive person tests negative with an LFT they have to remain in isolation until a PCR is done via a house call, and they are busy and cant attend for two days!

    In a friends case, they will likely be required to stay in isolation 4 additional days after a negative LFT waiting for the results of the PCR.

    • Anonymous says:

      And they will never be counted as an official positive case!

    • Anonymous says:

      because the LFTs have lower sensitivity than PCR. So to be sure someone is clear you use PCR.

      LFT Clear + no other signs = assume clear. the chance you are not is outweighed by the cost and time to do a PCR.
      LFT Positive = assume positive. very little chance you are not, so very little value of PCR.
      LFT clear + other signs (like a previous/recent positive LFT) = assume positive until PCR clear. Positive, though below LFT detection limit, but possibly infectious. so worth cost and time (to the community) to do PCR.

      that is the logic. it errs somewhat on the side of caution, with a dash of pragmatism. opinions of the balance between the two may vary.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Someone help me with the math, cant remember what day i looked at these numbers but they are in the ballpark.

    Based on an 80% vaccination rate and 87% of hospitalisations are unvaccinated, what is the likelihood of either group going to hospital.

    My guess is about 1 in 1200 for the unvaccinated and about 1 in 18,000 for the vaccinated or you are 15 times more likely to get seriously ill if you have not had the shot.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds about right, when will all the hysteria end? People still acting like covid is a death sentence when it’s just a little more deadly than a flu.

      CNS: According to the WHO, up to 650 000 people die of respiratory diseases linked to seasonal flu each year annually. Since March 2020, more than 5 million people have died from covid-related illness. Not the same.

  26. Aq says:

    Deaths among the vaccinated in this wave rocketed to zero too.

  27. Robert Mugabe IV says:

    It is an absolute disgrace how the stats are being ‘published’ by the HSA. Why are we not being given full breakdown of ages/Vaxxed/unvaxxed/underlying conditions.
    This is deliberately being done for control, it’s done to put fear in people. If you don’t agree with me, give me another explanation!
    If they give us the correct breakdown it will show Covid is dangerous only to people with underlying conditions especially the elderly, whom should be protected by their loved ones as much as possible.

    • Anonymous says:

      Pretty irresponsible 11:54, there have been plenty of cases where there appears to be no underlying health conditions but more importantly how about those that may not yet be aware of any.


      As for ‘control’ maybe take control of your wild imagination

      • Robert Mugabe IV says:

        Whether one is aware of their underlying conditions or not is moot. Most would be happy to find out they have them.

        • Anonymous says:

          you’re an idiot RMIV who is obviously unable to see the dangerous implications in their message. You’re stating Covid is only dangerous to those with underlying conditions which (besides wrong) by default suggests if you aren’t aware of any underlying conditions you may consider yourself just fine, not the case. You are correct however in one aspect of saying ‘whether one is aware of their underlying conditions or not is moot’ because even if you don’t, or think you don’t have any such conditions there is still the possibility in contracting the disease and to that of it being fatal.

    • Anonymous says:

      Think they are too busy to manage the granular breakdown

    • Anonymous says:

      by getting vaccinated

  28. Anonymous says:

    So vaccinated people cannot contract, test positive or spread Covid-19 now? Am I missing something?

  29. Anonymous says:

    In other, late breaking news; scientists have confirmed that fish do indeed fart underwater.

  30. Anonymous says:

    When can we get rid of these stupid masks? It’s ridiculous, should be personal choice.

    • Dr. Strangelove says:

      Maybe,…. maybe not. To my knowledge, no research with the results has been actually in the field. I have doubts about their effectiveness outside myself.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes it should be a personal choice. But what about those who wants to be protected. Shouldn’t they have a personal choice to want to be safe? (from people like you). Mask are stupid yes if you can’t reveal your $50 lipstick you’re wearing or that fresh new botox look you just bought or even stupider to wear a mask if it’s covering your brand new collagen filled lips. Yes Mask are stupid because?……….

  31. Anonymous says:

    405 cases under the age of 18? Of course it’s going to look like the majority of cases are unvaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      Check the maths
      66% of the positive cases are over 18 and under 70 – 830 cases. Whereas 405 are under 18 (vaccination is available for 12+)

      It’s not just unvaccinated kids testing positive.
      As Dr Hazel said, most of the cases are in the workforce

      • Anonymous says:

        They really don’t want to here that…

        This is all a conspiracy to control them.

        Except it is only the Sheeple that are too stupid and follow the medical advice. The majority of the “critical thinkers” are way to smart to be controlled like this.

        I’m not sure why there would need to be a conspiracy to control We the Sheeple as We the Sheeple are the ones that go along with things.

        And in terms of being controlled, not being able to leave this island because you are too smart to be controlled and won’t cave into the conspiracy, sure seems like giving up a lot of control.

        If I’m an idiot for getting vaxed what are they?

    • Anonymous says:

      thank you

  32. Anonymous says:

    How is it even possible that 70% of new cases are in unvaxxed people when they only make up 20% of the population? That’s horrible. Come on Wayne it’s time to stop unvaxxed from going to restaurants and bars. And who even wants to work with an unvaxxed if they are the majority of cases.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s bizarre that we don’t have a passport system. Ban unvaxed from bars, restaurants, cinemas and non essential shops, and have a alphabet one hour a week shopping hour in non peak times for them at the supermarkets.

      • Anonymous says:

        Better to do that now rather than having another lockdown for everyone because the healthcare system is overwhelmed later. Panton did say that another lockdown was possible if the hospitals couldn’t cope.

      • Anonymous says:

        That would be fantastic. Less people on the road and inside places. An introverts fantasy

      • Anonymous says:

        Totally agree with your post as it is absolutely based on sound public health principles. Unfortunately the people that issue instructions to PACT will never allow it as it might negatively affect their bottom lines.

  33. Anonymous says:


    • Unvaxxed :) says:

      Indeed. All I can say Natural Immunity, Natural Immunity, Natural Immunity … Let them post all they want. It always wins.

      • Anonymous says:

        So you are going to intentionally catch the virus, to try and avoid catching the virus.

        Best logic ever

        next, to avoid being run over by a car accidently, unvaxxed is going to jump into moving traffic on purpose

      • Nodso Smart says:

        O.K. Where can I get it?

      • Anonymous says:

        It always wins? I don’t think 70% of cases and 87% of hospitalizations despite only being 20% of the population shows that natural immunity is winning.

      • Anonymous says:

        Natural selection too.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Mandate ALL civil service workers to get vaccinated. What makes them so special that they can say no? Oh, I forgot. They are mostly woters!

    • Neverwannabeacivilservant says:

      7.37pm you hit the wail on the head!.

    • Anonymous says:

      Read the Constitution on Bill of Rights. That is why they can’t touch civil servants. Expats don’t fall under the supreme law, so they could do that to you. Please spare us parroting the same comment. This is the second or third read this comment.

      • Anonymous says:

        The very purpose of the relevant aspects of the Constitution are to protect ALL people, especially the more vulnerable, from government overreach. The fact that these requirements are not being applied to civil servants is what makes their application to expatriates in the private sector unconstitutional, and therefore unlawful.

  35. Anonymous says:

    In other news, the sky is blue and the earth is round. Pandemic of the unvaccinated… it always has been.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Most cases are within the workforce? And Yet offices are operating as normal, even where remote working is possible? Any transmission control efforts, or are we just to let ‘er rip?

    • Anonymous says:

      Companies should voluntarily go to remote working if feasible. My work place has had allot of positives. Im vaccinated but I would feel better at home.

      I think we can all agree we will have to do better than the government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Try telling that to my employer and my workplace is filled with positives and many of us can work remotely.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why wouldn’t they? The government had given them no direction otherwise. We need leadership.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not all

    • Anonymous says:

      Hopefully they are doing something to protect their staff. It would be irresponsible for businesses to not require their staff to be vaccinated or at least test regularly if not. People should be able to sue if they don’t have such a policy and end up getting sick.

    • Anonymous says:

      Offices are operating as if there is no covid. People refuse to wear masks in some work places that are not client facing.

  37. Anonymous says:

    You unvaccinated cowards.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cowards? You are sick! You wouldn’t last a day with how we the unvaccinated people are treated by our government who implement rules that show no regards to the unvaccinated persons due to medical issues. We are the ones that out at work with the infected vaccinated person who feels entitled because they won’t get sick. Yes we bleed and have families that we are worried to carry home this virus to our loved ones. Sad that we have to go through this modern day discrimination implemented by our government.

      • Anonymous says:

        Im not sure how the government is discriminating against you. I don’t think the public is critical of people that can’t be vaccinated for legitimate medical reasons. Please do make sure that you speak to your doctor though because very very few people actually can’t be vaccinated and sometimes the people with medical issues are actually the people that should have been vaccinated first.

        • Anonymous says:

          THere is ONLY ONE medical reason not to be vaxxed and it’s rare, so I call your BS!

        • Anonymous says:

          If you can’t see how the government has contributed to discrimination, I don’t know what else to tell you. Your ethics is messed up

    • Robert Mugabe IV says:

      That is one of the most idiotic comments I’ve ever seen on this site. It’s a choice. What part of that don’t you understand.
      Practically all of the people I know who remain unvaxxed are healthy and extremely confident that they will have no bother surviving this pandemic, just as they did before they were any vaccines available worldwide.
      At this stage the stats are hugely in favour of theme staying above ground………thanks to all the vaccinated people. We are one of the highest vaccinated countries on the planet. This is as good as it’s going to get.
      “Unvaccinated cowards”….utter nonsense

  38. Anonymous says:

    Compass said 12 were discharged.

    CNS: The Compass gets the same info we do. Dr Brown is reporting on the data for the first week in November, when six people were discharged from hospital. In yesterday’s report by Dr Lee (see here), he said that 12 people in total had been discharged. You’re muddling the two reports up.

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