Murder charges dropped in Vic’s Bar killing

| 25/11/2021 | 23 Comments
Cayman News Service
Crime scene at Vic’s Bar

(CNS): All of the charges against Ezekiel Nelson Carter (36) in relation to the murder of Wayne McLean at Vic’s Bar in July and the attempted murder of five other people have been dropped. On Thursday morning, prosecutor Greg Walcom appeared in Grand Court on behalf of the crown and revealed that, in light of new evidence received on Wednesday, they were dropping the case against Carter and entering a nolle prosequi, abandoning the prosecution of the George Town man.

In September Carter had pleaded not guilty to seven counts, including one of murder, five charges of attempted murder and the possession of an unlicensed gun. He had been due to stand trial next week.

However, the court ordered his release from HMP Northward on Thursday morning following the hearing, where Carter had appeared via Zoom. The court heard that the evidence leading to the decision was related to a specialist report from an orthopedic doctor. Walcom said this medical evidence meant that their was no realistic chance of a successful prosecution against Carter.

The evidence against him had been largely based on the video taken at the time of the mass shooting outside the George Town bar, where one of two gunmen involved is caught on film, though the man’s face is covered.

No one else has been charged over the killing of McLean or the attempts on the lives of five others.

The police have said that this murder was connected to another mass shooting in Martin Drive a week earlier, in which Mark Andre Ebanks (36) died at the scene and Eldon Charles Walton (55) died in hospital some time later.

Several people have been arrested in connection with this killing but so far the only charges relate to possession of a gun.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (23)

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  1. tonnie says:

    What a Joke the system is! What makes it worst is that most people on island have the mentality of ” I aint no snitch” ” me nah talk to the police ”

    It’s all good until the injustice happens to you.

    The police need to use their resources better and work smart not hard, alcohol is the main culprit in most of the accident and crimes in Cayman, its deep rooted issue on the island that everybody keeps sweeping under the carpet. We have to do better.. lets see how many people crash this weekend , how many attacks that go unreported due to arguments while drinking and women getting abused.

    • Unhappy Caymanian says:

      Women are abusers as well, not just men.

      • Anonymous says:

        26 @ 11:06 am – Bravo! Absolutely correct, especially mental abusers!! I’ve been married to a female Donald Trump for years…..tooo long! I stayed because of kids.

  2. Unhappy Caymanian says:

    Perhaps the RCIPS should concentrate on “dance offs” in George Town.

    As we have no tourists perhaps it could be like the BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing but inter-departmental along the lines of traffic vs Police Commissioner etc.

    Actual policing from RCIPS ? Way beyond their capabilities.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The police will never please everybody you go to an assault or murder scene nobody wants to talk to them or assist in any form then if you pull over a drink driver it’s a waste of resources yet there’s to many accidents.
    It’s an extremely tuff job and the pay is low have someone die in your arms then go tell the family that a son, daughter, farther or mother has died try and do a job with constant scrutiny and be expected to take both verbal and physical abuse but remain professional at all times because the minute you slip it’s on video don’t label a service that has people trying to make a difference

  4. Anonymous says:

    Everyone too focus and making COVID vacation mandatory instead of solving crimes

  5. Anonymous says:

    Would LOVE to read the case file that went to the DPP office!

  6. Anonymous says:

    How about we just set up some speed cameras and a proper traffic court for those refusing to pay their tickets. We could then hire some decent qualified Police that can investigate a crime scene, collect evidence properly and be able to produce a case in court that is not thrown out every time.

    How about investing in proper CCTV cameras not provided by Eric and Stuart that actually work and have night vision. These are used all over the world and help tremendously in solving crimes.

    The Police Commissioner needs to be held to account on this one.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Would be interesting to see or know what this orthopedic evidence that suddenly appears six months later just before trial due to start.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Must have been Shaggy, even though he claim it wasn’t.

  9. Anonymous says:

    RIP Wayne. My friend. A really decent human being.

  10. Mikey says:

    A julian drink and a beef pattie…. that’s Cayman

  11. Anonymous says:

    If the police really don’t want us thinking they’re a bunch of bungling incompetents and believe that this is not their fault, they should issue a statement explaining what happened here.

    Unless, of course, it shows them to be a bunch of bungling incompetents…

  12. Anonymous says:

    OMG!! How big is the island? You cannot find the shooter? WOW!!!! You never will now…

  13. Anonymous says:

    I saw the video, pretty disgusting tbh. Just mag dumped through an open door at like 7 people.

    Good to know the DPP and police have no evidence and are keeping people in jail lol for 5 months with 0 evidence or cause.

    Wonder why this keeps on happening?

    Total and utter incompetence, truly world class.

  14. Anonymous says:

    No murder conviction but at least we have operation Quaker.

    Misguided RCIPS place greater focus on lesser infractions and do not instill public confidence.


  15. George C. says:

    World Class Jerry! World Class!

  16. Anonymous says:

    6 months in custody and no evidence. Disgusting.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Cayman spends tens of millions on deficient grainy CCTV efforts and hobbyist-level maintenance and monitoring, where they are found to have recorded anything at all. Do security companies even need to put working cameras in those enclosures? Unfortunately, victim families will need to file claims against business, property owners, and monitoring firms, that have cavalierly given fake or misleading impressions of competent surveillance in assessing and limiting personal harm and mortal danger risk. Plenty of foreign case law in this regard. All that’s missing is a local precedent to change the industry and shift that liability to where it belongs.

  18. Anonymous says:

    awesome work again from rcips and the dpp.
    uh-oh spaghettios….

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