John-John joins PACT after MPs lobby for his ‘talents’

| 30/11/2021 | 258 Comments
  • Cayman News Service
  • Cayman News Service

(CNS): Following two direct and very public invitations from the PACT government over the last few days to Dwayne “John-John” Seymour to join the administration, he did just that Tuesday evening. During a public meeting in his constituency of Bodden Town East he sought the approval of his voters to join the current government, crossing the floor from the opposition benches, after what he said was the lobbying of MPs for his “talents” and experience.

“This is not an easy decision,” Seymour told his district audience, adding that it might not be popular with everyone but he was doing it to help his constituents.

It does not appear that Seymour has been offered a ministry, but Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan said that Seymour would be working with him to fix the transport problem and assisting various other ministers with projects, such as helping Planning Minister Jay Ebanks with the affordable housing project.

It also appears that the PACT Government will be calling on Seymour for his experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, despite his less than stellar record as health minister.

Premier Wayne Panton arrived late at the meeting to welcome him into the fold and appeared to give his blessing to the new addition to the PACT line-up, despite their past disputes over the environment. Panton said it was a pleasure to support what he hoped would be the newest member who would help unite the whole of Bodden Town under the new government.

Jay Ebanks, who had been one of those offering the overt invitations to Seymour, said he was the “missing link” in the PACT Government.

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Comments (258)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Maybe he is the missing link? Any anthropologists reading this will be busy scratching their heads for a while.

  2. Anonymous says:

    PACT has no shame. They will take anyone. I hear there are some guys in Northward they are swooning for some prime seats.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just like PPM. Politics is a numbers game. Why is Juju still education minister for PPM and PACT?

    • Anonymous says:

      Idiot..PPM had him and you weren’t complaining. There is strength in numbers and unfortunately PPM has been weakened one more time today..

      By the way, I hear they are looking at Joey and Moses..Soon won’t be anything but dregs left in PPM.

  3. Anonymous says:

    PACT continues to prove they are making poor choices. So sad for our islands.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This is why I will never vote again. It is useless and a waste of timeAnother person died from COVID 19 and this is what we get? . So angry with this horse trading.

  5. Anonymous says:

    His ‘Talents’? Pray tell, what are these talents no one has seen any evidence of.
    Is being an idiot and an absolute embarrassment to the country a talent?

  6. Anonymous says:

    I don’t understand all this, my simple mind asks if this is an example of extreme politicking, – give John John a position to fend off a possible PPM vote of no confidence ? My simple mind is savvy enough to know this crossing the floor action wasn’t done for the right reasons.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Shows what these guys are really made of. Same with Turner, JUJU and that other guy i havent heard from since he was elected.

    Contstand party switching to suit their best interests. Whatever gets them the fanciest title before their name is all they are interested in.

    This was never done for his ‘people’, only himself.

  8. Anonymous says:

    So if we see donkeys carrying tourists from the harbour to SMB we will know whose idea that was.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Outstanding. For a man that needs velcro shoes due to the complexity of laces, he’s doing great.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Missing link is one way of putting it.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Birds of the same feathers flock together.

  12. Anonymous says:

    This is just plain funny

  13. Anonymous says:

    Just when you thought the average IQ of CIG couldn’t get any lower.

  14. Anonymous says:


  15. James says:

    Wayne arrived late. Wonder if he was invited?

  16. Anonymous says:

    The “missing link” indeed

  17. Anonymous says:

    And this is what PACT and Jon Jon does instead of updating these Islands on enhanced measured to restricts COVID ripping through this little place.

    On the bright side, Jon Jon will likely hold weekly press conferences to give us all jokes.

    JaJaJaJa… Jon Jon will understand.

  18. Anonymous says:


  19. Anonymous says:

    does this mean big mac is no longer needed?

  20. Anonymous says:

    This really goes to show what government and integrity has become. In all honestly I would never want to enter the political arena again, I would be too embarrassed by this bunch to do so.


    Every Honorable past member of Parliament

  21. Ironside says:

    “It is easier to fight for ones principles than to live up to them.” ~ Adler

  22. Anonymous says:

    Minister for turning out the lights, leaving the doors unlocked, and heading out to sea with a paddle just for him.

  23. Anonymous says:

    You can’t call him the missing link

  24. Anonymous says:

    It’s sweet that he actually believes he has talents and that they want/need them. 🤣🤣🤣 Bless him.

    Nothing but political horse trading.

    • Anonymous says:

      He don’t have the sense that the good lord gave a soldier crab and,the worse part is, he is blissfully unaware of his lack of sense.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Jesus and a donkey comes to mind. He certainly didn’t display any talents during the press conferences last year.

  26. Grin Till de Face Crack says:

    Pantson is wobbly. Slanders is da facto premier from time and swinging an outsize cod. Jaysus has put the come-along onto JohnJohn who reels in Miss JuJu to make up the Party like she always do. And what a Party! Or is this the Last Dance? Or just a Shot in the Dart? Does A Nerd know more than he should?

  27. Anonymous says:

    The PPM’ers will be out in full bot attack on this one. Of course up until yesterday John John was the best thing next to slice bread but now he will be dog shit under their shoes…Wait for it…

  28. Anonymous says:

    The remaining PPM are too proud to ever change their ways and unfortunately they will wither away in the next election.

    Roy is full of hot air and complaints with no good solutions. Alden will kick him to the curb next election and I have feeling that Moses most likely won’t even bother to run again.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Donkey man rides again!

  30. Anonymous says:

    missing link indeed

  31. Anonymous says:

    As long as he is not the Minister of Health again, I’m glad to see him make this decision to join and work with the Government. This is a good thing.

  32. Anonymous says:

    So this leaves PPM with just their 4 seats in GT and 1 in Cayman Brac.. Boy they fell from grace fast! PACT has wrapped up the entire Eastern Side of the Island and West Bay…Now if in the next election we can get the remaining remnants of PPM gone, what a wonderful world this will be.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Well, I for one feel much better to have his talents at the ready. Perhaps he can translate all the signs for tourists into a few dozen languages.

  34. LOL says:

    UNITY or else

  35. Anonymous says:

    ROFLOL “John John is the missing link” said Jay Ebanks. He sure got that right. God help Cayman.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Another clueless addition. Now the circus is complete!

  37. Perilous times for the good ole 345 says:

    If Jay Ebanks is saying that JonJon is the missing link, then he, Jay must be the missing chain. I never fail to be in complete dismay each time I hear this man talk. To think we have an uneducated and pompous person such as he is, as a Minister is nothing short of shameful.

    It grieves me to say this but I hope Wayne give JonJon a Cabinet position and removes the numb-nuts MP from NS.

  38. SMH says:

    Chris Saunders just picked up another proxy vote. SMH

  39. Anonymous says:

    Wayne what the hell are you thinking?

  40. Anonymous says:

    Joke Joke just pissed all over Wayne’s guy Ozzie in BTE

  41. QAnon says:

    This is a big move by the controllers of PACT ministers who spent large amounts sponsoring them during the campaign. The Deep State are watching the master plan unfold. Is Joey Hew next to jump ship for the power play?

  42. Anonymous says:

    Maybe Waynecito is building up the numbers f so he can jettison MacBeater before MacBeater strikes first.

    Just sayin’.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Panton better sleep with one eye open and never travel off island again if he wants to remain Premier.

  44. Sheriff says:

    You can’t make this S%&T up.

  45. Anonymous says:

    This is train wreck waiting to happen!

    • Anonymous says:

      The train wreck has already happened, this is just bolstering the team to tell the National Transportation Safety Board they’re unable to determine the cause of the accident

  46. Anonymous says:

    BAD move Wayne. Chris, Jay plus Jon Jon are 3 blind mice controlled by special interests like dart and the master of the udp

    • Anonymous says:

      You got that right.
      We have woken to a nightmare future of being ruled by Mac Jay Saunders Seymour and Kenneth.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Follow the money!

    Can we all join the PACT government for the handouts?

    They promised hope and change, we just got the good old CDP/UDP nation building rehashed, taking us down the path to populist failed statehood.

  48. MackB says:

    Talents? What talents? That event was one of the most disgusting political presentations that I have seen in a long time. It was a real circle jerk.

    Politics really does attract people with very questionable ethical and moral values.

  49. Anonymous says:

    Blue mooooooon

    • Anonymous says:

      UDP fully reformed with Wayne Panton as leader while the Crocodile lay-in-waiting to his far right.

      Who would have thought… LOL!

  50. Anonymous says:


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