28 more community COVID cases recorded

| 21/10/2021 | 98 Comments
Cayman News Service
HSA COVID-19 Testing Clinic

(CNS): More families are in lockdown after another 28 community cases of COVID-19 were recorded in the latest batch of 874 tests, including six children, according to the CMO Dr John Lee. According to this week’s figures, 99 people in the community have tested positive for the coronavirus since last Friday as well as 23 travellers. Officials have not released the latest number of people currently in quarantine as a result of a positive case in the household but with 1,555 people isolating at the last count, mostly as a result of community spread, hundreds of families are being impacted.

The current number of active cases is now 258. Well over half of these people, 155, have symptoms but the CMO said in his video message on Thursday that most are only experiencing the mild symptoms associated with the virus.

Just two people have been admitted to the hospital; both remain in a stable condition and are breathing unaided.

Meanwhile, although the vaccine programme continues, there were no new figures today.

Government is scheduled to hold a press conference tomorrow at 1pm to update the community on all issues relating to the virus, including the reopening plan.

See the vaccine schedule on the HSA website here.

For more information on vaccines contact the HSA Communications team at

See here for more information on securely verifiable vaccination records.

See Dr Lee’s update below:

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (98)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    So the government FB page says that the timing of today’s 1PM press conference has been moved to 3 PM because the 8 AM breakfast ran late and they need time for lunch. So 3 PM instead of 1 unless lunch runs into dinner in which case it will be cancelled.

    • Anonymous says:

      Like “we gonna open November 20, no matter what, and it’s up to the people to be honest and report their test results even though we have no clue how to do that properly” The business community and wealthy villains demand your sacrifice for the profits. This should go swimmingly well

    • Anonymous says:

      These people are your masters

      • Anonymous says:

        Not mine. I call out their corruption at every opportunity.
        I refuse to be ruled by dishonest and corrupt people.
        The trouble is, a lot of decent people have bought into their lies through fear or monetary gain.

  2. anon says:

    press conference delayed until 3pm ha ha you cant make it up.
    They havnt a clue what they are going to say.

  3. Anonymous says:

    So I just heard that our business leaders have instructed our elected officials to put out an announcement today regarding the date of the ‘WELCOME TO CAYMAN Sars-CoV-2’ parade.

  4. Anonymous says:

    So….last week Panton said there will be an announcement this week about an opening date (removal of quarantine for vaxxed arrivals).

    Only four hours left in the work week….so an announcement this afternoon?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Government has a press conference about dropping quarantine at 1 PM Government time. Translated into the time that the rest of us use, that means some time between 1:30 PM and midnight.

  6. Anonymous says:

    CNS: Please ask government if they will be instituting the restrictions like curfew at 12am like Turks & Caicos since Reopen Cayman is putting them up as Cayman’s model. Also how about the reduced capacity of taxi cabs, tour buses, vetting of suppliers, etc. This is all at Turks & Caicos. A simple Google will bring them all up.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think we should ban taxis and busses. Only way forward. Enjoy a healthy walk – the sun kills covid.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t forget the TCI vaccine mandate to enter bars restaurants etc and the mandate for tourism employees.

    • Anonymous says:

      The curfew is from 1 am to 5 am. I’m assuming taxis and tour busses would rather have reduced capacity than no capacity. Maybe Cayman Reef Divers will bring the four boats that they took to T&C when things looked so hopeless here back.

  7. Anonymous says:

    CIG’s Facebook page indicates that CIG will announce the date of Armageddon at 1 pm – exactly as they were instructed to do.

  8. Anonymous says:

    So, Dr. Lee, how many community cases exist in total please?

    99 community cases since last Friday, 258 total active cases (which includes travelers). How many TOTAL community cases?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Clearly vaccinated are not bullet proof because the the shots are wearing off. You have symptoms like flu you have a flu. Can’t wait until the island opens —but it won’t because of people we have in govt

    Cayman you are brainwashed and panic when you see flu cases of 17 or 28.

    People need to realize you have a great than 99.3 percent of living if you get without a vaccine—

    • Anonymous says:

      Newsflash – Covid is not ‘flu’

      • Anonymous says:

        History flash – Similarities: COVID-19 and the Flu


        Both illnesses can cause fever, cough, body aches, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhoea (especially in children). Learn more about COVID-19 symptoms.
        Both can result in pneumonia.
        Both flu and COVID-19 can be asymptomatic, mild, severe or even fatal.

    • Anonymous says:

      So you are fine when you say 0.7% will die. Across 70,000 you realize that is 500 people would die when first infected?

      • Anonymous says:

        Just think. Our Government seems to say that is a price you have to pay so tourists can come and provide money to a foreign dominated industry. That is insanity.

      • Anonymous says:

        i think the point you are missing is that you can die whether vaccinated or not. Being vaccinated may give you a better chance of not dying, but that’s debatable as its really determined by your pre-existing vulnerability if any
        and the main point is that covid19 isnt a problem worthy of the past 2 years efforts to address it

        the average age globally of people dying ‘from/with’ covid is 82. And most have 2+ existing comorbidities.

      • Anonymous says:

        A small price to pay for the profits that will flow to the hotel owners, developers, etc.

      • Anonymous says:

        You should pay attention to your knowitall open no matter the cost buddies who claim that Covid is inevitable for everybody – cannot have it both ways.

      • Anonymous says:

        Die with Covid.

  10. anon says:

    No word on vaccine availability for children 5-11 years. US is ready to vaccinate in two weeks. Would be a relief to many parents to have the option- understand that not everyone will chose to vaccinate their kids.

  11. Anonymous says:

    According to last night’s Public Health press release only 7% of those who are at risk because of declining immunity have received a booster in the weeks since boosters have been available. Seems like the perfect time to open the borders and infect as many as possible.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lots of people are not eligible for the boosters yet as they have been vaccinated within the past 6 months. You have to wait until 6 months or more to get a booster.

      • Anonymous says:

        According to HSA website, you have to be 50+ or vulnerable, to get it, even if your second dose was administered over 6 months ago.

      • Anonymous says:

        A lot of people over 50 had both doses prior to April 22nd. The booster rate is surprisingly low given how quickly over 50s stepped up for the first two doses.

        Was a Lion Center yesterday later in the morning. No lineups at all.

  12. Anonymous says:

    How on earth do we still have some unvaccinated adults in cayman? Free vaccines have been easily available since March. Disgraceful.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Great news from a uk study release yesterday showing that a third booster of Pfizer returns you to 100% protection. We will be fine.

    • Anonymous says:

      100% protection – I call BS on steroids. Please provide a link to that study.

      • Anonymous says:

        Close to 100%. Wasnt a UK study, this was a large Pfizer trial comparing boosters to double vaxxed people. Impressive result though.


        • Anonymous says:

          Pfizer trial, no conflict there.

        • Anonymous says:

          This is yet another example of conflating “efficacy” as reported from clinical trials and studies, and “effectiveness”. They are not the same thing! The proper number to express performance in the general population is the “effectiveness”. Efficacy is defined as the performance under ideal and controlled circumstances (i.e. clinical trials and controlled studies), whereas effectiveness refers to performance under “real-world” conditions. The figure the story refers to–95.6%–describes the efficacy of the booster vax and is the result of a study based on a controlled, randomized trial which had more than 10,000 participants aged 16 and older. Many ignorant reporters irresponsibly mix up the two terms. An example is an Axios report on the booster dated Oct 21. The reporter conflated the terms on more than one instance. Irresponsible, careless, inaccurate reporting, along with people on forums like this cluelessly parroting those reports, is a major reason that the public is confused about C19.

        • Anonymous says:

          So why is Israel already on its 4th jab and Sweden none?

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s more like 95.3%

    • Anonymous says:

      That was the famous TikTok Rainbows and Unicorns study was it not.

    • Anonymous says:

      Another study says that by the 5th booster, you get quasi Ironman powers.

    • Anonymous says:

      Same study showed that vaccinated pigs can fly and vaccinated cows can jump over the moon.

    • Anonymous says:

      I want all future boosters available as a cereal topper for maximal daily antibodies.

      No boosters, no breakfast.

    • Anonymous says:

      i will take 5 boosters if it helps me avoid a month in quarantine if I have a asymptomatic case.. way more scared of that and its impact on my mental health than the shots themselves.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Question is why are we putting people in quarantine just because they might have come into contact? We have a high “vaccination” rate and we need to “live with Covid in our community” so this isn’t living with it.
    It has and will continue to spread so why are we placing financial and mental hardship on people?
    Worse now I read that government is getting the Water Authority to cease disconnections due to hardships that government is responsible for creating in the first place.
    How will these water bills be paid back or is government going to pay for that too?
    Government is also subsidizing the quarantine by providing groceries to people in lockdown.
    When this is all over the backs of the middle class will break under the inflation as government will have to raise indirect taxes to recoup.

    • Anonymous says:

      You clearly have not thought of how much the mass spread of the virus is going to cost once quarantine is dropped – lost wages, hospitalisations, deaths, etc. Is your middle class inflation bearing back feel about that?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Hurry up and announce the border reopening before someone dies

    • Anonymous says:

      Soon come no doubt. It is inevitable once quarantine is dropped and the virus is officially invited to spread in the community.

      • Anonymous says:

        It was officially invited by the dominoes player. And the young man who escaped quarantine twice.

        • Anonymous says:

          And an inept and ineffectual police and prosecution service who repeatedly fail to do anything in a timely manner. It is a farce. Skylar proved what our systems are capable of. Why the one- off effort?

      • Anonymous says:

        It already has been by people who didn’t think they needed to participate in the previous protocols.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s already in the community. You act like something different is going to happen because tourists are coming. You all have been traveling for months. In and out. Tourists are no different. Covid is not just a tourist illness as you can see by your covid numbers. Over 1,000 cases of covid now before the border has opened to tourists. That has been brought in by Caymanians and residents. Sorry to inform you.

        The tourists that will be coming when the border opens will be vaccinated. The ones who are unvaccinated still have to quarantine. Stop the panic.

    • Anonymous says:

      After the damage is done and constituents of the Cabinet members who support re-opening start dying I expect that the border will close again. I just hope that not too many have to die for the profits of the hotel owners.

      • Anonymous says:

        They could get vaccinated and lower their chances. Unfortunately, the world can’t continue to revolve around a hand full of people that trust someone that trusts an uneducated YouTuber vs. actual science.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hopefully the remaining people will get vaccinated before we reopen to protect themselves and their loved ones.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I hope you stay home with your symptoms!

  17. Anonymous says:

    Has the HSA genome sequencing program been adjusted to test for the new Delta Plus strain that has been identified in the UK and a number of other European countries? It is supposed to be more infectious than even the Delta strain.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Numbers are no longer the game. Fever and cold symptoms as if covid. Since most of them dont need trt just stay home. Manage and live as if the usual flu. Some senior citizen and comorbids get bad situation like flu. We have to manage it.
    Testing a lot and isolating them is no longer needed. It was ok in the beginning.

  19. Anonymous says:

    they must be expats and foreigners, caymanians are virus proof and don’t need vaccines

  20. Anonymous says:

    28 more cases today on top of the 24 on Wednesday and the 17 on Tuesday and the 53 reported on Monday so more than 120 this week so far. When we hit some where around 350 cases for the month of October we will graduate to the CDC Red List and a warning to tourists not to visit Cayman even before quarantine is dropped and the virus is officially welcomed to Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Under the present circumstances, Cayman will not be able to emerge from the challenges it is obviously now facing , or will face. I wish it were not the case.

    • Anonymous says:

      if we stopped testing at 40+ CT”s on the good old PCR and reduced it to 28 where it should be, we’d have no cases

  21. Anonymous says:

    Nope, not getting tested. I’ll ride out the “symptoms” thanks.

    • Anonymous says:

      and that is part of the reason that the virus is spreading. Same as the demands to drop quarantine – personal convenience over public health.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s fine, but if you aren’t riding out the symptoms at home with the rest of your household, you are a selfish asshole who could actually indiscriminately kill someone.

    • Anonymous says:

      As long as you are isolating and not putting others at risk, that’s fine.

      • Anonymous says:

        I put my life at risk every time I take to the roads. At an average speed limit of 30 MPH, we should have no deaths on our roads! NONE! Fact – we have Covid in the community. How many Covid deaths versus road deaths in the last two months? Reason? Most adults are vaccinated and children can handle the virus. Will some die with, not of, Covid. Yes. But that is also true of our roads.

    • Anonymous says:

      And infect others

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes. No need to be tested. Testing was ok initially. Now watch out.if mild stay home or if symptoms go to flu clinic.enjoy life rather than fearing and dying daily

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