Archive for October 8th, 2021

Dump project slows but not dead yet
(CNS): The PACT Government has said that the dump deal signed by the previous administration with the Dart Group had left a number of conditions outstanding, many of which were unaddressed due to the complexity of the project. Following allegations made by the opposition that PACT had allowed the ReGen agreement to lapse, Premier Wayne […]

Baby with COVID-19 admitted to hospital
(CNS): A baby under the age of one has been hospitalised with COVID-19, Public Health officials revealed Friday. The infant joins another young child in the hospital but both are said to be in a stable condition and neither of them need help breathing. The baby is one of 21 new local cases, 16 of […]

Premier denies school break is overreaction
(CNS): The sudden decision to close schools for the next two weeks, creating an extended mid-term break, was made in the interests of parents, students, teachers and principals and was not an overreaction, Premier Wayne Panton said in a video message Thursday. The decision to close government schools more than a week earlier that the […]

DoE ramps up feral cats campaign
(CNS) Feral cats are causing irreversible damage to critically endangered native animal populations across all three Cayman Islands. As a result, the Department of Environment is ramping up its education campaign on social media, making the case for a humane cull. The experts say the cats cannot be allowed to continue to roam freely and […]

All vaccine reactions reported, say officials
(CNS): Public Health officials are documenting and reporting all adverse events in the Cayman Islands that could be connected to the COVID-19 vaccination and no attempts to cover up any possible links are underway, officials have said. While making a direct connection to the vaccine when someone becomes ill after the shots can be difficult, […]

Rapid test pilot programme coming after half-term
(CNS): Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee is hoping to see the first deliveries of rapid test kits arrive next week so that government can begin a pilot programme with the home COVID-19 tests that officials hope will help them manage the spread of the virus in the community, especially in schools. When families are […]