Police urged to stop being rude to public

| 20/07/2021 | 108 Comments

(CNS): The Office of the Ombudsman has urged police officers to treat the public with more respect, because many of the complaints about the RCIPS it is handling are about officers who had been rude to the people they interacted with rather than because they were breaching the rules. In the office’s annual report for 2020, Ombudsman Sandy Hermiston said that complaints about police conduct went down last year to 57 from 62 complaints filed in 2019. And although the service is also making strides in managing complaints procedures, she has identified a need for RCIPS officers to treat people with respect.

“Too many of our police-related complaints concern simple rudeness or unprofessional conduct, even in cases where the officer has done everything procedurally ‘by the book’,” Hermiston said. “Police officers can still enforce our laws while acting in a professional and cordial manner and we will hold them to that standard.”

During the third year in which the ombudsman has had oversight of police complaints, the office has also been working with legal advisors and the senior management of the RCIPS to resolve issues relating to the discipline of officers when complaints are upheld.

“We received 57 new complaints in 2020, in addition to the 24 carried forward from the previous year, which is down slightly from the 62 received in 2019. A total of 66 cases were closed by way of informal resolution or investigation. Of the 28 investigations undertaken in 2019, 18 complaints were supported and recommendations issued, while 10 complaints were not supported,” the reported stated.

The complaints resolved were diverse, ranging from the way officers conducted searches to an arrest at a workplace that led to the person losing his job. In one case, an arrested drunk driver was in a patrol car when the officer driving engaged in a high speed pursuit of another suspected drunk driver. In another, the victim of theft was forced to investigate his own case after police ignored the information he gave them.

The office received almost as many complaints about the RCIPS as it did about maladministration throughout the rest of the civil service. In 2020, there were 59 new complaints about maladministration, described as “inefficient management or mismanagement of government”, some of which were caused by the lockdown relating to COVID-19.

But in general, the ombudsman said the complaints are caused by a lack of policies and procedures in some areas, which leads to the inconsistent application of laws and exposes gaps in the delivery of adequate services.

“Our office has identified a lack of policies as a significant shortcoming for many government departments and continues to encourage development of these written documents,” the report stated.

Hermiston said that public officials are cooperating to resolve more complaints, meaning that fewer time-consuming investigations are needed to address people’s problems. “However, we are still seeing too many complaints about government delay and failure to respond to customers,” she said. “Our office continues to work with government entities to improve and strengthen internal complaint procedures, as well as to ensure the civil service has appropriate public policies in place to underpin lawful and fair administrative actions in day-to-day operations.”

While the freedom of information arm of the office continues to do important work to make government more transparent with key decisions, FOI complaints now account for the second lowest of the sectors that the office deals with. The top of the pile now is the opposite side of the FOI coin: data protection.

Of the 332 inquiries that the ombudsman’s team dealt with last year, 120 of these related to data protection, in its first year of full operations in this area . The ombudsman issued her first enforcement order under the Data Protection Act, which required the registrar of companies to immediately cease gathering and processing personal data of non-registrable individuals because there was no legal basis for its blanket approach.

The ombudsman also issued a number of information orders, directing both public and private sector entities to provide documents as part of data protection investigations, because the entities were not responding to requests in a timely manner.

Data protection also covers the private sector and the first year in operation has led to decisions that are setting precedent. A complaint made against an insurance company in which an applicant for medical insurance was asked if they were ever involved in homosexual activities led to the removal of that question from the company form, as there was no legal basis to ask such a thing.

The law is also exposing the amount of human errors that lead to the inadvertent leaking of private information and the trouble that can cause. One wealth management firm notified the office of its breach of personal data, as required by law, when a senior manager sent a performance appraisal to the wrong employee by mistake, and a bank sent an email to a client with the partial account number and account balance information of another individual.

See the ombudsman’s full report here.

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Category: Crime, Government Administration, Government oversight, Police, Politics, Private Sector Oversight

Comments (108)

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  1. Police Supporter for a safe cayman says:

    Meanwhile as the bloggers blast the police non-stop, they worked assiduously to bring murder and attempt murder charges in the horrific shooting on July 9th at Vics bar.
    Meanwhile as you continue to criticize you will have by now viewed the interview on the Resh Hour where statistics were given on the amount of prisoners at HMP for murder and firearms possession AND the amount of guns seized during police operations over the past five years. The RCIPS may not be perfect but be thankful for what you have and if you have come in contact with a rude officer report it to the ombudsman office who is charged as an independent body to investigate police actions. At least there is a transparent process – which other Dept in Govt can you think of that comes under such intense scrutiny on every action taken daily and under such conditions? Try talking to a person high on weed and alcohol outside a night club on a Friday night and see how that goes; most people will walk away whereas the cops can’t and yes they may raise their voice if necessary to take control. This can come across as ‘rude’ to bystanders. Nonetheless, report bad or rude cops so these can be dealt with. Support your police for a safe community. We are the envy of the world, less we forget.

  2. Nobody says:

    Can’t change culture.

  3. Concerned says:

    I am residing in the UK. I was listening to a radio station called LBC. One the topics was regarding recruiting of police officers. Back in the days for you to join the Police Force here in the UK and I still think it is still done in Jamaica you had to be vetted, by an officer coming to your house to interview you and family and also associates. This would make a determination if you were suitable for the job. Maybe this is the reason why RCIPS has so much unprofessionalism and unscrupulous officers. When you are recruiting firstly start with the vetting process, maybe it would deter and adjudicate better officers. You cant just hire any and anybody off the streets and officers from neighbouring countries. The Cayman Islands has to safeguard our National Security. So evidently it starts with the recruitment process.

    • Rick says:

      Your commentary drips with silliness. Are you saying the RCIPS hires just anyone from neighbouring countries without being discriminating? Obviously, you know nothing about RCIPS hiring practices. The RCIPS has a better officer conduct performance than any UK or Jamaican police force or service. People will always complain and police officers are human who will make human mistakes. The RCIPS encourages the public to complain when this happens, so improvement can be made. The public is misled into thinking that most police officers are abusive or rude. But the police deal with the worst in our society daily, including hundreds of contacts with the public each day. The easiest way for a suspect to escape prosecution is to complain, and this actually works sometimes. It would be a miracle if at least one complaint is not made every day. The police is not perfect, but they have a difficult job to do when so many in the public want the law to be enforced but not when it comes to them. The public should have the right to complain and should expect action to be taken for unprofessional police behaviour, but when this is done we should see it as a sign of a healthy society, not evidence of low standards.

      • Anonymous says:

        Everyone should remember a few years ago a police officer was hired from nearby Island, that had an on going murder charge against him, he was even giving time off to go back home to attend court and was eventually found guilty and sent to prison in his hone country. That proves that NOT every Police officer hired here are checked out correct.

  4. Anonymous says:

    What some police officers forget is that they are simply civilians in uniform, with a few additional rights granted by statute. They’re not a private army of the state, paramilitary, military, militia or any of the rest of that nonsense, and they need that drummed into them by their superior officers day in, day out. Perhaps then they can start to learn the humility that should come with their position.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Been on this rock going on 20 years. Have not had much interaction with the police other than going to the records office to obtain a police clearance. Always courteous. Always pleasant. A bit understaffed at times but efficient. Have also had to deal with the Traffic Department to obtain reports and many of the officers that I have had to interact have become very good friends of mine. FWIW I think the way how the public deals with certain police officers needs to also be looked at. The disdain that the local population has for police officers from Jamaica, Barbados and other Caribbean Islands leaves a lot to be desired. Police officers doing their jobs in hostile situations while maintaining calm should be the norm but when you are called out of your name and treated as if you are a pariah, then I guess that sunny smile and have a nice day while getting a traffic ticket is not going to happen.

    Also, when the police stop you while you are speeding, just take the ticket. Makes no sense to argue that you were not speeding. You were. Every single time I am heading into work and no matter how much my foot is not on the gas, I look at the speed markers on the highway, and yes I can confirm that even though I think I am doing 40, I am usually doing 60 or something similar.

    • Anonymous says:

      You must be driving a McLaren to not feel the difference between 40 & 60.

    • Anonymous says:

      200..pm Don’t lump Barbadians in with the rest. We’ve never had problems with them as they are educated and courteous. I assume the RCIPS H/R manager is Jamaican as that us usually why we only hire from there these days. The G/T hospital also needs to recruit elsewhere.

  6. Anonymous says:

    the police farce is full of poorly educated, lazy, work-shy bullies who could not get a real job anywhere else.
    until i see improvement, i will treat thenm with the didain they deserve.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lose the attitude and entitlement. You’d be surprised how much better people treat you.

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree. That attitude will no doubt result in a poor experience with the police. They are doing a job most of us could not / would not perform. They should be held accountable for their actions, like everyone else, however they do deserve the support and respect of the community. My $0.02

      • You would know. says:

        @21/07/2021 at 2:08 pm, I love how the entitled and privileged are always calling Caymanians “entitled”. Takes one to spot one, I’m guessing?

    • Anonymous says:

      Ex-officer here. University educated, post-grad qualifications. Worked 12 hour shifts, no leave for almost a year. Funnily enough, now employed elsewhere.

      What’s your point?

      Let’s hope people don’t treat you with disdain for your lack of skills in capitalizing words, or even spelling them correctly. That would be terrible.

      • Anonymous says:

        Listen, you can be one of the good ones. But you know the ones we deal with and they taint it for you all.

        • Anonymous says:

          Your point is noted, but that’s true of every organization.

          There’s some great people everywhere, but they don’t generate fun headlines for being competent.

          For all the people pointing out there’s around 400 officers, there’s only around 1 complaint a week. So it’s hardly an avalanche of complaints, considering every day there’s literally thousands of interactions.

          Unfortunately, the DVDL is the same. I’ve been served by some great staff, but it’s the few that have really unimpressed me that I remember.

          • Anonymous says:

            Completely agree. But you worked close with the other cops here and I know you saw some astonishing 3rd world shit.

  7. Anonymous says:

    another glorious day for the civil service.

  8. Anonymous says:

    While I do not support poor behaviour by police officers or anyone in general, do we really accept that this is good value for the taxpayer to have costly but predictable reports from the Ombudsman. How does this improve policing and the lives of our citizens? How will policies fix inherent human behaviour?
    My suggestion to those officers behaving badly – treat people the way you would expect to be treated.

    • Anonymous says:

      Due to the nature of the role of police officers there will always be people who have complaints. Having an established mechanism for dealing with these complaints is definitely good value for taxpayer money, since the taxpayers are the persons who would be making the complaints and wishing to have them resolved in a fair manner.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I was asked to step out of my car for a simple traffic ticket last year. Was very embarrassing. I always thought being asked to step out of your vehicle was for serious offenses.

    • Anonymous says:

      The police have NO power to get you step out of your vehicle other than if it is dangerous for you to remain in it. You can’t be arrested for it unless you are actually being arrested for something.

      • Anonymous says:

        You have no idea what you are talking about, which is probably why you spoke in the first place.

    • Anonymous says:

      You had to step out your car? Oh the humanity! How terrible for you!

      • Anonymous says:

        spoken like a true egotistical cop.

        • Anonymous says:

          What does pointing out that someone is being a pathetic little snowflake have to do with being egotistical? Do you even know what it means?

      • Anonymous says:

        When you’re asked to step out of your car but a driver behind you didn’t have to, it IS embarrassing. It DOES feel degrading and it IS a terrible feeling. Must be nice to have never felt embarrassed before or singled out. Good for you!

  10. Anonymous says:

    My (young and pretty) colleague was stopped by a policeman while driving to work and told she was speeding even though she was sure she was not. She was told to give her name and phone number.
    Later that evening she got a call from the police officer asking her out on a date. When she politely declined, he threatened to give her a ticket for speeding and became threatening and abusive. I was there for that phone call and said she should complain, but she was here on a work permit and afraid to make a fuss. Basically he was threatening her with a ticket unless she slept with him. I have never been so appalled by anything.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ll take never happened for 100 points.

      • Anonymous says:

        Happened to me years ago but not like that.
        He actually came to my house the following day instead (This was before cell phones)
        He was very nice/polite and when I did not take him up on the date offer (was waiting on a permit at the time), he was still very kind and never threatened me with a ticket after the fact (because it doesn’t work that way! Lol)
        So I too do not believe the last part of the story.
        PS. I was young, female and semi-attractive and still asked out on a date, so… not sure the point of that)

        • Anonymous says:

          You don’t recognise this as an abuse of power? He had no right to use your personal information in that way.
          Perhaps this man has escalated since the days before cell phones and is now more aggressive in his advances. Or perhaps it happens with more than one policeman.
          This should NEVER happen – by phone or by personal visit to your home.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m betting 100 points you’re a dude who has no idea the audacity of your kind. My guy friends and my husband are shocked when I tell them the crazy things guys do around us women.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh, you think these things don’t happen?

        Let me educate you sir. I am caymanian. Years ago, I was stopped for speeding (rightly so), and was told by the foreign officer (who was alone btw) there were “things I could do to make the $200 ticket go away”.

        By the tone of his voice and look on his face, I knew he meant some kind of sexual favour. I instantly got upset and told him angrily “give me the ticket and I will go pay it first thing Monday morning”. He seemed surprised that I had gotten offended and I’m sure I wasn’t the first person he’d done that to. This is a clear abuse of power!

        I’ve never felt more pride in myself when I walked out with my $200 receipt two days later.

        So don’t act like these things don’t happen, many people just don’t report it!

        And back then there was no office of the ombudsman to fairly take your compliant. I didn’t report it because it would’ve hit the bottom of the bin.

    • Rick says:

      I do not believe you for a minute. Not even a word of what you say. This is pure invention. Maybe you hate the police or there was something which you developed into a dramatic story. Prove I am wrong by making (even an anonymous) report to the police headquarters about the matter, naming the principals. Or, name the supposed abuser publicly!

      On the extremely remote possibility that you were even 10% correct, any complaint of this nature would almost certainly result in dismissal of a police officer on confirmation. If you fail to complain, you are the real culprit here, by not doing your civic duty; by protecting the abuser in remaining silent. Prove you are not lying and name the police officer, I dare you! Otherwise, you are nothing but a liar or an aider and abettor.

    • Anonymous says:

      10.02am I can guess his nationality. I go out regularly and can tell you only men from one place out of 134 countries imported here are predators that think every woman wants them. I many times wish I was able to legally carry a small pink gun as that is the only thing they might fear.

  11. Anon. says:

    As with most police organisations, there are a few bad apples that make the entire organization look bad.

    That said, I firmly believe the Police is an organisation where you cannot afford to have any bad apples.

    I support the Police in general and admit they have had to deal with some very rude civilians too but I alsl know there are also some officers who allow the authority to get the better of them and they act like egotistical jerks.

    • Anonymous says:

      If they showed up, or were really good, or were predictively wiser than our single-industry career gangs, one might understand some basis for the ego/regular contemptuous media remarks, but they’re not. Ego predicated on performative ineptitude just widens the public mistrust divide. Their leadership doesn’t even understand how that relationship degrades through their regular “public disappointment” press releases.

  12. anon says:

    And the government trying to force locals on business when this is how they operate. Look at the civil service and this is what you get if you employ a local. No policies, no discipline and no dismissals shows how entitled to a job locals think they are. Inefficient, ineffective and unemployable. Period.
    Ombudsman, take a look at the RCIPS ‘L’ drive. EVERYTHING is on it for all to read – including personal data and images of people across the islands. Anyone and everyone can read it. It is a significant breach of GDPR. Finally, the Premier can decriminalise ‘ganja’ but it doesn’t stop a company putting in policy anyone under the influence of any substance will be dismissed and even to allow drug tests – there is no way any ‘stoner’ is working in my business. We will be writing in contracts of employmwnt anyone found with any intoxicating substance in their system will be dismissed imnediately. So go for it. Legalise it. I will still not employ anyone who gets stoned.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I will never forget when I got pulled over by and english cop in town. He asked if I had gotten anything for christmas, Because he was going to give me a ticket for christmas. I told that limey must hurry and write my ticket and boy how lucky they are that im trying to make it to heaven.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Do you know how many cretins the average police officer has to deal with on a daily basis?

    They have to interact with adult man-babies and women-babies who genuinely believe the solution to their problems involves punching or threatening someone, breaking something or gobbing off in earshot of everyone who isn’t actually bothered about their melodrama.

    They deal with scum that most people don’t ever see.

    Cut them some slack, the vast majority try, but it’s the minority that tarnishes the group.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you can’t handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen! BS excuse! Don’t work as a police officer if you cannot keep composure and act professionally.

    • Anonymous says:

      P!ss off buddy. I can assure you these complaints are not in regards to what you have described. Just read the article.
      They are unnecessarily rude in almost all circumstances.
      I have never been involved with what you describe. All of my interactions with the popo here have been innocent/casual and the rudeness that spews out of them is amazing. Like this is their only power in their lives. The rest of their life must be out of control.

      Here is just one example that happened during the mask mandate (I have plenty of others);
      I’m walking towards the grocery to join the line, digging in my ridiculous handbag for my mask. By the time I am 50ft away, I am obviously opening the mask to put it on (it is IN MY HAND, up to my face).. The policeman bellows from across the way, I am literally 50ft from the line, still in the parking lot practically, and he is shouting at me to put my mask on. Meanwhile people are staring and a few even reaching for their phones to capture an altercation that it seems this guy just may progress to.
      I don’t think I have ever been that humiliated and embarrassed in my life.
      When I shook it at him just before attaching it to my ears, he says that I must have it on when I get out of the car…300ft away…
      As I gazed out at the parking lot watching people getting out of their vehicles without masks on..I nodded in their direction and winked at him. Twat

      And then the next week, was spoken to by another popo (female) in a very kind manner, while she kept her professional expression on her face. The 2 extremes were crazy.

      • Anonymous says:

        That was probably a Special copper, the supermarkets were almost exclusively policed by volunteers.

        As for “can’t handle the heat” comment. I’m very able to control myself, thanks. You? Probably not so much. I cannot speak for other cops though, but like I said, it’s the minority, like in any workplace.

        • Anonymous says:

          “I’m very able to control myself, thanks. You? Probably not so much.”

          Being Unnecessarily rude and presumptuous towards some random anonymous person on the internet doesn’t exactly scream self control. I hope you have more class and self control when you’re in uniform.

      • Anonymous says:

        “Popo”? Seriously? What are you, 14?

  15. Anonymous says:

    “Our office has identified a lack of policies as a significant shortcoming for many government departments and continues to encourage development of these written documents,” the report stated.

    This part says it all. Lack of policies. Lack of ability. Lack of enforcement. It’s not a world class service by any means.

    • Anonymous says:

      You extrapolated quite a lot from that one sentence which only mentions one of the things you brought up.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Try calling the traffic department and ask if they are taking the day off. I politely ask for police to be present on any road and they laugh. Well, great job because another life was lost today on the roads.

    • Rick says:

      It is not the job of the Traffic Department to be present on your road to prevent traffic violations. I know it does not sounds sensible, but that is the reality. Their job is to deal with national-level traffic problems, which are numerous. There are not enough of them to respond in the way you mention. It is the regular police who are sometimes able to do these things and there are not enough of them either, to be at everyone’s location when they are wanted. But I agree that better use can be made of police resources to avoid the problems you complain about.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I loved when i was pulled over and the officer said “you know who i am” me:nope… “well my name mannie and nobody dont like me!” I was like okay then….

    • Anonymous says:

      Can you imagine how this report would read if the ombudsman had authority over the performance of the private sector. Golly!

      • Anonymous says:

        You’re right, there are a ton of caymanian receptionists who are blatantly so rude because they know they can’t get fired.

    • Rick says:

      I had two colleagues named Manny. Both are now deceased; may their souls rest in peace. Both were very delightful human beings and it was a pleasure to have served with them. They were both well-known by the public, but also well loved. I can assure you that in the very remote off-chance that either of them said this to you, there was no intention to be arrogant or rude and you simply misunderstood or more likely, misheard. It is unfortunate that you used that name in your message.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Oh here we go. Starting to trash the police. How about people obey the rules and follow the laws? What’s next? The dumb defund the police chant? Ask places like New York and Chicago how that has gone.

  19. Anonymous says:

    The problem is people are too offended easily these days, grow up and stop being soft. I have an idea, don’t be a criminal and you’ll never have to encounter the cops in the first place.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sometimes you’re not the criminal but the victim 🙁 you’re already traumatized and have to interact with a so full of themselves officer who is supposed to be helping you

  20. Anonymous says:

    I’d prefer rude over unprofessional. However I’ve repeatedly had (as a cooperative citizen, witness/complainant etc) awefully ignorant, and yes rude, lazy, biased, unprofessional experiences with RCIPS over the years.
    In person-and over the phone too!!
    From experienced local cops too!
    Terribly unprofessional and unlearned re the law, to the point of endangering possibly good cooperative citizens.
    I’ve seen them interview a witness with the criminal within earshot. Show up to the wrong house for a report. Stalk an innocent young woman. Issue warrants unjustifiably etc.
    Not only in their personal attitudes but also in warped policies and practices!
    So I now stay clear of them.
    If in possible trouble, just refer them to your lawyer.

  21. Anonymous says:

    How about the community officers introduce themselves to the community they are meant to oversee.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I don’t blame them at all. Some of the attitude and disrespect they get for doing their jobs from some people is appalling. Especially the little, youtube watching, plastic gangsters.

    I was taught to be respectful and 9 times out of 10, when I’m respectful and polite to them, they reciprocate. There’s always a few, power-crazed clowns in the pack but that’s my experience.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Typical police behavior … being rude hard a$$es on the honest working folks while the criminals are out getting away with gun smuggling, drug dealing and shooting people.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Who wants to bet those complaining started the encounter with a bad attitude? I’d put money on it.

  25. Anonymous says:

    It may be worth the effort as we do this in my town. An organization (church, service, school) will hold an officer appreciation day – we cook a good meal, meet and great the officers, and the interaction does wonders as the public can see that the Police are not monsters and the Police can rub elbows with the citizens in a nonconfrontational setting. Remember, there are not many times that happens in the course of a normal day.

    • Anonymous says:

      I feel like they should cook something on a bbq and get to know people in the problem neighborhoods.

  26. Anonymous says:

    It is by design.

  27. Guy Fawkes says:

    It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the majority of the RCIPS are from the country with the 5th highest murder rate in the world. They come here and treat the average person in Cayman as if they are still in their crime-ridden country.

    Most of them are unprofessional, disrespectful and abuse their power. They need more scrutiny and governance. This is the main reason why hardly anyone respects the police here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly, rude and uneducated Jamaicans in police uniforms are still rude and uneducated Jamaicans.
      What do you expect from them , professional behavior…?

      • Anonymous says:

        Same class as American public servants, uneducated about human rights and ready to kill especially if you are black.

        • Anonymous says:

          6:42 – I am very sorry to tell you, but the police in the USA kill way more whites than blacks….


          • A half truth is not the truth. says:

            @20/07/2021 at 9:28 pm, You left out the fact that whites make up the majority of the population in America, hence the higher white death toll. However, this does not negate the fact that biases, racial profiling, bigotry and outright racism have plagued American law enforcement (not to mention the criminal justice system as a whole) for centuries.

          • Anonymous says:

            All those mass shooters weren’t killed but many unarmed blacks continue to be killed. That’s the only statistic that matters.

        • Anonymous says:

          6:42 you are an idiot. Since you’re so easily sold a bag of s%#t. I have some swampland up here in Florida I’d like to sale you. You taking? I mean, why not, the news and social media said it’s good. Fool

          • National Treasure says:

            @21/07/2021 at 8:06 pm, You’re kind of proving his point, you illiterate hick. And the word is spelled “SELL”.

    • Anonymous says:

      When the dump was on fire there was a British motorbike cop directing traffic where Eastern Avenue hits West Bay Road. His hand-signaling was impatient and hard to comply with. I honestly couldn’t understand what he wanted me to do. I rolled down my window to ask, a respectable middle-aged motorist trying to do as he was told, and received a torrent of foul-mouthed abuse. I was genuinely astonished and shocked.

      So much for “it’s the Jamaicans”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh, you’re back. Gas attendant guy.

      Is it a Force or a Service? You cannot seem to decide.

      I’m guessing you’re the one claiming these ‘low income’ people are never literate. Let’s just hope they didn’t attend the same school as you, or at least avoided your English teacher.

      Who is boasting about being the jewel of the Caribbean, exactly? I think most Caribbean islands say something of that sort.

      I enjoy sensing the anger in your posting. I’m guessing you applied, but were unsuccessful.

      My tip is to join the RCIPS Specials, please do pass on your wisdom.


    • anon says:

      How on earth did so many Jamaicans get in the police here. It’s a joke. They are terrible police officers that now have RCIPS in a stranglehold.

  28. ELVIS says:

    Police need to remember they serve the public. not intimidate them or be rude or look upon them with attitude. I see it every time i see one

  29. Anonymous says:

    Worst Police Force in the world. Too much domestic helpers, nannies , gas attendants and other low income workers. What do you really expect? Professionalism ! Plus with a combination of officers from neighbouring countries. Until you raised the morals, qualifications and standards it will remain like this and be worse. An island like Cayman which boasts about jewel of the Caribbean, you should have one of the best Police Serviice in the Caribbean. Sadly not so!

    • Anonymous says:

      What are you babbling about?

    • Anonymous says:

      This reply was posted to he wrong comment. Here you go 1:57p;

      Anonymous says:

      20/07/2021 at 5:45 pm

      Oh, you’re back. Gas attendant guy.

      Is it a Force or a Service? You cannot seem to decide.

      I’m guessing you’re the one claiming these ‘low income’ people are never literate. Let’s just hope they didn’t attend the same school as you, or at least avoided your English teacher.

      Who is boasting about being the jewel of the Caribbean, exactly? I think most Caribbean islands say something of that sort.

      I enjoy sensing the anger in your posting. I’m guessing you applied, but were unsuccessful.

      My tip is to join the RCIPS Specials, please do pass on your wisdom.


      • Anonymous says:


        I posted in the right spot, but got that stupid “you’re posting too fast” message, despite posting about 3 things that day. When the message did post, it ended up here!

  30. Anonymous says:

    On the Brac we have a great Inspector and most of the officers are great, However there are some real pop-show-johnny-come-lately that need show some respect! Caymanians really need to start stepping up on these careers! Good jobs that should be for our own!

    • Anonymous says:

      Let’s not get started on Brac cops. Ask ANYONE on the street who drug pins are and they will tell you. Well, maybe not tell, but they will know. Why are cops hiding it?

  31. Police favouring their own says:

    All police officers regardless of where they are from, Cayman included, need to be more respectful of the public and not show bias and favouritism especially to their fellow civilian countrymen.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wonder if the thumbers down are RCIPS? If so you need a refresher on how to be respectful and unbiased or get off the force.

  32. Anonymous says:

    I have had 2 interactions with police recently. I got a ticket for speeding in West Bay, which I admit that I deserved. My first speeding ticket in about 15 years but it was my fault. The officer and his partner could not have been more pleasant. One was a white male, and one was a black female. Both were entirely polite and professional. My son was with me and even he said that the police were nice and then he tore a strip off of me for speeding. LOL!

    Not long after that, I called and reported some suspicious business that my neighbor was up to. The officer that came to my house was grumpy abrupt and quite frankly rude and seemed very disinterested in what I had to say. The exact opposite of my other experience.

    2 situations, and the one in which I ended up getting a ticket was by far the more positive experience of the two.

    I don’t think it’s a Police problem really. There are great officers and there are poor ones. There are great doctors and poor ones. Even when you go to a restaurant. You get some fantastic wait staff that make your meal memorable, and at times you get ones that ruin your meal.

    The ombudsman is exactly right. Police have a hard job but in the end, maintaining a level of respect is key.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Police being rude to the public?

    Now there’s a surprise!

  34. Anonymous says:

    Great call Ombudsman Hermiston! But RCIPS Officers have had that attitude for decades, Caymanian & Jamaican especially! I also had a similar experience with 1 English officer (but the total opposite experience with another English officer)

    But, guess what? When you give someone barely literate a badge and a stripe on his/her shoulder invariably that authority will go to their head. The biggest achievement of their sad life!

    That’s where their leadership should be accountable – training, training, training!

    Hope CoP and his Seniors are paying close attention!

  35. Anonymous says:

    When you take dishwashers and gardeners and make them police what do you expect?

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