Vaccine rate slows as teen take-up remains low
(CNS): Just over 150 people stepped up to get their first COVID-19 vaccine over the last day, as the rate for both doses stagnates at around 63% of the population. Figures released by public health revealing the take-up across different demographics shows that parents are still not rushing to take their kids to get the shots. Just 32% of children aged between 12 and 18 have now had their first dose. More than 82% of those aged over 40 have at least one shot, and the over 60s are well past herd immunity levels at over 88%.
Meanwhile, 75% of those aged between 30 and 40 have had their first dose. Adults under 30 are slowly getting to the bare minimum rate required to reach herd immunity, with 68% of them getting one shot.
There were no positive cases of COVID-19 in Wednesday’s results and there are just 14 active cases of the virus among the 952 people in quarantine and isolation. The one person with symptoms remains in hospital, but according to reports released yesterday, is on the road to recovery.
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Category: Health, Medical Health
I reckon that if we were in a real pandemic, the two future would be Kings, Prince William and Prince George, would not be allowed to join 50,000 football fans at Wembley. Tells you everything.
If they are not worried. Why should the world be.
They’re vaccinated. Tells you what you need to know about reliability of vaccine. Get one!
Mind boggling ignorance on the vaccines throughout the planet. Some of the comments here are literally crazy. Many people still believe that the vaccines will stop transmission of the virus.
That is scientifically impossible.
The borders should be opened up immediately. Those who are vaccinated should have no complaints about that and anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated shouldn’t complain if they get sick or any of their unvaccinated loved ones get sick or die.
What else are we waiting for ? Yet another variant of a variant ?
It’s crazy the amount of arm chair doctors in this comment section lol.
You pay a mechanic to fix your car because you don’t have the knowledge and skills of car repair. You pay a pilot/airline to fly you to destination because you lack the experience (1000 hours flying minimum btw), skills and knowledge to do so.
Why all of a sudden the pharmasists and scientists you pay to do the jobs you don’t have the experience & knowledge to do are suddenly under some big conspiracy and your 2 hours of googling is somehow better than 7+ years of medical knowledge and experience?
Y’all buggin and quite frankly it’s shameful. You can’t be an expert at everything, let people do the jobs they’re paid to do and stop undermining their hardwork. I wouldn’t come to your place of work and say you’re doing a crap job.
btw for those who lack knowledge on covid-19’s experience to teens, children and young adults is that while yes all of these age-groups will survive the virus. They will end up with lasting or even life changing damage to their organs, more particularly their lungs. The virus doesn’t discriminate
Wait a second, if the vaccine is a medical wonder, then as long as you got the shot, you should be good, yes? I had covid-19, for all 3 days, done now. have anti-bodies, don’t need to take the new wonder drug that seems to kill more people across the board, than covid does.
I would kinda like to know who is paying them – you know the doctors and the pharmacists. Ask your mechanic what type of of brake pads he recommends and I will tell you which sales rep is taking him to lunch.
Lockdown is not scheduled to end any time soon. Watch for the UK to push back freedom yet again in mid-July (round about 15th).
Of course, Cayman will be all over this and we’ll keep dragging our feet as is already planned.
It makes me laugh when people say that the Government does not have a plan. Of course they have a plan, they’ve always had a plan and it is in full swing.
Watch for new variants and subsequent lockdowns.
No surprising. I asked my nephew why he hasn’t gotten vaccinated. He said his employer will not give him time off; and even if he gets vaccinated he doesn’t have enough vacation leave to make it worth his time if he has to Quarantine. So, his words, he is waiting to see if government does something more reasonable.
There are plenty of days to get vaccinated. Saying your boss won’t give you time off is an excuse for laziness.
There are plenty of days to get vaccinated. Unless he works 17 hours a day 6 days a week then it’s just an excuse for laziness.
Actual data from the 2010 Census:
There were 55,456 residents of the Cayman Islands counted in the 2010 Census. This includes 420 persons that lived in institutions (prisons, dorms, retirement homes. etc.)
See the PPM used ESO’s estimate, then PAC had ESO do another estimate.
2010 Census link:
Ivermectin and other therapeutics could have ended this pandemic months ago. The suppression of these therapeutics from the start has been disgusting, but alas, no money to be made by Big Pharma from these cheap cures.
How are we doing on Ivermectin and HCQ stock here in Cayman?
Dr. Lee you mentioned these in the press briefing, patiently waiting to hear more.
Rubbish, why should we be stocking up on these drugs when you could get a free vaccine and possibly not get covid in the first place?..and if you get the vaccine, at least, your chances of survival are much greater.
Covid or vaccine..I choose Vaccine.
Ivermectin – Anybody out there is free to take all the horse de-worming medications you want. I am happy with the vaccine.
That is your choice.
Many would have preferred it not to ever get to needing a vaccine in the first place.
But no money in cures.
To the original poster on Ivermectin- you do realize that Merck is the producer of it don’t you? Wouldn’t they belong in the same basket with the rest of big pharma?
Ivermectin does show promise as both a treatment and as prophylaxis. However, there are risks to taking this drug that are far worse than the vaccine. It’s really an option for countries that have no access to the vaccine yet but for here, just get the jab…
This is utterly false. Site your sources.
7 of my direct family members have taken ivermectin for CV – all with great success not including more friends than I can count. I am on it right now as is my wife and son.
Don’t bother hating on me – you wouldn’t care unless some government official told you it was ok. My doctors seem to think it is great as do everyone I know that have been sick with the CV.
If you can’t site your sources this all sounds made up..7 people in your family had covid? Where do you live, New York City?
I call BS!
Check out “yellow card” events for all the vaccines in the UK Government website. Now think if you want to risk any one of those adverse effects on your child. Children are hardly even affected by covid but they can be dramatically affected by the vaccines. The vaccines don’t stop you from getting a new variant of covid either as Israel discovered. Will need booster shots.
CNS: Fact Check-Reports made to Britain’s Yellow Card scheme are not confirmed adverse reactions to coronavirus vaccines
The vaccines are still highly effective. Here’s a good overview – COVID cases are rising in highly vaccinated Israel. But it doesn’t mean Australia should give up and ‘live with’ the virus
Who produces Ivermectin and these other therapeutics that you are talking about? Are they not Big Pharma? Are they being produced in your backyard for free? Do you know what Ivermectin is used for? So you would rather use something designed to deworm horses rather than take the vaccine made to provide protection from covid 19..
You sound like that stupid druggie turned lawyer, turned Christian that was on Radio Cayman the other day spewing out antivax foolishness. If you are going to come up with conspiracy theories and Big Pharma money making schemes don’t use the same Big Pharma drug makers to try to tell people to take worm medicine for horse to cure Covid 19.
Trump supposedly took this and obviously didn’t work as he ended up getting the vaccine even after having covid 19..Guess he wasn’t taking chances again..
There is no patent on Ivermectin, therefore big pharma can’t make money on it.
Ivermectin is not just used on animals, but is used to treat conditions in humans, this includes head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis.
Also, University of Oxford are studying it as a solution (, so maybe you should inform yourself better, as this is not some conspiracy theory.
It is completely unethical to inject anyone in such a low risk group, especially when all vulnerable groups have been protected.
So you’re saying children shouldn’t be vaccinated?
Funny how the entire world’s medical community disagrees, and almost every country on earth vaccinates children and babies.
Childhood vaccination is why we don’t have smallpox, and fatal instances of almost every childhood disease known has never been lower.
The correlation between childhood vaccinations and this Covid vaccination are incomparable.
Children are at risk from childhood diseases, hence the name, which of course, yes, they should be vaccinated against. No one has disputed that.
Regarding Covid, they are at very minimal risk from Covid, so no, they should not get vaccinated, which many in the medical community agree upon.
World Health Organisation recommendation: “More evidence is needed on the use of the different COVID-19 vaccines in children to be able to make general recommendations on vaccinating children against COVID-19.”
Source: WHO
Your comment is misleading to the extent that it is highly selective and omits what the WHO says about the Pfizer vaccine. Cayman is in fact doing exactly what the WHO, the US, the UK, and Canada recommend:
“Is this vaccine recommended for adolescents?
A Phase 3 trial in children aged 12-15 years showed high efficacy and good safety in this age group, leading to an extension of the previous age indication from 16 years onwards down to age 12 onwards.
Evidence suggests that adolescents, particularly older adolescents, are as likely to transmit SARS-CoV-2 as adults. WHO recommends that countries should consider using the vaccine in children aged 12 to 15 only when high vaccine coverage with 2 doses has been achieved in the high priority groups identified in the WHO Prioritization Roadmap.”–vaccine
Except the UK doesn’t recommend, yet. The healthcare professionals vaccinating these children are leaving themselves wide open to lawsuits in the event of an adverse reaction.
The wilful participation in this experimental vaccine is mind blowing. People have brought into “Project Fear”, hook, line and sinker, just nodding along, haven’t questioned anything, all the while lining the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies.
Tinfoil alert
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in the UK has approved the vaccine for this age group so there aren’t going to be any lawsuits against healthcare officials offering it. The UK is not currently vaccinating that age group for a variety of reasons – including that the risk from covid is so low for children and they are focusing on vaccinating adults. However, there is pushback on that because covid is now spreading more rapidly through that age group. You’re going to look very silly once they start vaccinating 12 – 15s.
Show me your source that says the UK doesn’t recommend the Pfizer vaccine for 12-15 year olds..I think this article from the BBC might clear it up for you..You know we couldn’t do it here unless the UK approved it right?
okay let me see your FOX News posting saying the UK hasn’t approved it..
My 19 Yr old nephew in the UK contracted Covid a year ago. Complications led to multiple organ damage, including his colon, which has now had to be removed.
He was fit and healthy, with no underlying conditions, a competitive Judo player on the fringes of the UK Olympic team, and now he will spend the rest of his life pooping in a bag.
Get the damn vaccine.
no underlying health conditions that anyone was aware of !!!
OK Dr. Google
Many people have underlying medical issues that they are not aware of
Dr Google
Fake news. Reference please?
11.36am – the data says otherwise.
While the uptake is a solid 63%, the real issue to advance that is simply that there is a disconnect between the real havoc that COVID-19 brings to a country when it arrives in the public space and the pseudo-reality that Cayman residents now live in; where its practically jsut another normal day without masks or restrictions.
I guarantee that when (not if) COVID-19 arrives later this year, there will be many that wished they’d taken up the early offer to vaccinate. Its a real pity that the likely outcomes will be lessons learned the hard way (severe illness or loss of life for those we love).
Notwithstanding the misinformation being spread about the vaccines themselves and the fearmongering that been so successful. a real 1-2 punch. Such a pity indeed.
Of course vaccination teen take up remains low and will continue to do so for not only teens but everyone going forward. Everyone has lost faith in the Government and doctors pushing this narrative. You only have to look to Europe and the UK to see things are not adding up. The hypocrisy of the G7 Summit, Hancock, Ascot, Footy leniency for players with Covid and Wimbledon. I fear we have all been conned whilst making some people very, very rich.
How are things not adding up? The rates of serious illness and death from covid have plummeted in the UK since the vaccination program was rolled out. G7 and football have nothing to do with it.
Keep telling yourself that.
choose re-opening date and then tell unvaccinated folks that they wil have certain restrcitions because of their choice:
no travel
no indoor dining
no cinema….etc
this is what is being brought in in ohter countries
That would work if all staff of hotels, restaurants and tour operators are also required to be vaccinated as well as all taxi drivers and bus drivers.
Great so my 10 year old who has almost zero risk from covid has to be subjected to that? How about just open and leave everyone to make a personal decision about their own health?
Because people not getting vaccinated are making decisions on OTHER PEOPLE’S lives too. It is exceptionally selfish. Just get vaccinated for goodness sake.
@12.17 Can’t you see that by your own logic you would then be doing exactly the same, “making decisions on other people’s lives” by imposing the vaccine. How exactly does it effect your life if you have been vaccinated, as I am? I do not worry about those that aren’t. Relax, being vaccinated means just this. Let people make their own choices. Take it up with the government if you are frustrated with their rules, not fellow people living in Cayman. People are allowed to make their own choices, this is a free society last time I checked….just.
Except it isn’t because the border is basically closed.
Shows how selfish you really are. Telling people what to handle their healthcare matters because “the border is basically closed.”
you selfishly want to risk my children’s health for your selfish benefit?
Do you selfishly drive with your children? They are more at risk on these roads than from covid.
It is for everyone’s benefit in society, including people’s jobs. Covid is not going to go away. Get vaccinated or not, it’s your choice BUT don’t hold the entire population in lockdown and then moan when god forbid one of your loved ones catches it. The borders WILL open eventually and COVID will spread in the community. Those not vaccinated run the risk of serious illness or even worse death. It is coming make no mistake about that.
He does not have to be vaccinated..only 12+
Try to read first..ugh!
12+ don’t need to be vaccinated either, if they don’t want to be
its for adults.
No – minimum age for vaccination is 12 …
Yes. Tell them how there will be full out discrimination if people dont “consent” to taking an experimental jab that is not eligible to be fully licensed or approved till early 2023. Because unvaxxed are a public health threat…but oops, vaxxed can still catch and transmit the virus…
Once again ignorant, selfish anti-vaxxers trying to pretend that being vaccinated is the same as not being vaccinated. Get it through your head that vaccinated people are highly unlikely to catch or spread covid. Of course no vaccine is 100%. That’s the whole reason for vaccinating as many people as possible.
Unvaccinated people are the problem. I can’t believe that we are waiting on these idiots to be able to get on with life.
@12.15 – you are waiting on the Government and their ever changing goalposts. Huff and puff all you like but that is the reality.
The government has created this problem by setting a vaccination goal rather than just setting an opening date once the vaccine was readily available.
@2:39 The government is delaying opening trying to save your unvaxxed a$$. They are trying to ensure everyone is offered as much protection as possible. You have a free vaccine that could possibly save your life if you get covid and you would rather take your chances with full blown covid..Please stop talking foolishness.
According to your logic I should suppress my selfish desires for your selfish desires.
Getting vaccinated helps protect everyone. How is that selfish?
How can you restrict people based on their medical history? Supposed they are unable to take the vaccine.
Medically supported evidence is fine for not taking the vaccine but you will need to be very careful, ie wearing masks and social distancing. These people are not anti-vaxxers they have a logic reason.
The anti-vaxxers are those that peddle the conspiracy theories of injecting magnets and tracking devices, using medicine designed to de-worm horses (ivermectin) and get this, covid is just he flu, you will get over it, no worries..
time for a legal challenge to the continuing restriction on peoples right to travel.
just because no-plan-pact are seriously out of their depth on such matter is no reason for this madness to continue.
yet again i will ask…what do they think will happen if they let vaccinated people travel…..please spell out the consequences in a scientific manner please.
This has nothing to do with PACT. This is 100% Roper.
Ummm, what restriction? The limitations are only those which are rational and prudent given the public health and economic risk associated with open borders. Everyone with a right to be here can come. Everyone with a right to be somewhere else, can leave.
That would be true if most of us weren’t vaccinated
That’s not true. There are no seats on the approved flights until after the school holidays.
I just flew in from Miami yesterday and there were plenty of empty seats.
You are really lucky because I’m struggling to find a flight out of here.
So exactly who is stopping you from travelling?? I don’t know of anyone at all being held hostage here. In fact every time British or Cayman Airways leaves they are full and on the the return just the same..
You problem is that you want to go on vacation without any restrictions..that’s not happening yet and until it does you have to abide by the public health guidelines.
Suck it up Buttercup. If you are vaccinated it is only 5 days in quarantine..stop moaning and groaning.. We could be like Canada where only vaccinated Canadians are allowed to come and go. Be grateful for small blessings and a covid free environment in which to live.
Hmmm, no flights
Yes we should be EXACTLY like Canada where vaccinated Canadians and residents are free to come and go without quarantine. Unvaccinated Canadians and residents can still enter but must quarantine for 14 days.
Oh and flights are based on demand and not the limited flights currently being allowed by government here.
Exactly. The death rate on the roads is more likely to kill a vaccinated person here in Cayman. Those that haven’t been vaccinated are running the risk. Just open the bloody border!!!
My family and I will not be taking it until all members of the Government have (with verifiable proof)
Why do you care what those clowns do?
Sure risk your life based on the decision of one politician from the Brac that refuses the vaccine on Religious grounds. Are you listening to yourself? Take the vaccine or not but don’t justify it either way because of other people poor choices…Trust me at her age and size she should be getting the vaccine as covid will take her down really quickly.
If people don’t want a vaccine, that’s their choice and that is fine. What is NOT fine is delaying opening due to their choice.
The most vulnerable (60+) are at 88% vaccinated!
Also……those 40+ are at 82%, 30-40 year olds are at 75% and 18-30 are at 68%.
Each of these groups are at or above the magic 70% number government has chosen.
Set a date and open!
The Delta variant requires well over 80% for herd immunity. Your proposal would kill people . Literally.
The vaccine works against the delta variant.
Yes. But it doesn’t stop a risk of transmission to an unvaccinated person, or 20,000 of them!
Then… Maybe they should take the vaccine?
@11.25 The unvaccinated are on board with borders opening, this mindset that they are not is a falsehood, everyone is united in looking to the government to open up. The unvaccinated have made informed decisions as have you. Stop worrying about the unvaccinated. Everybody wants the same thing, this rhetoric only serves in creating a divide where there doesn’t need to be one.
They shouldn’t have been so stupid and got vaccinated.
People have had enough time to get vaccinated. If they fail to and then catch it’s their own damn fault. Just open the bloody border. NOW!!!
All 20,000 are going to die right?
No. But 10 will, and another 100 will suffer lifelong effects All so you can vacation without 5 day quarantine.
But why weren’t the ten vaccinated?
Because they were under 16, or had allergies, or suffered from a medical condition that prevented it, or had a devout belief in a sky fairy that told them not to, or were vaccinated but became one of the breakout exceptions to vaccination working. Whatever the case, they didn’t deserve to die so you could vacation without a 5 day quarantine.
Not sure why you assume that everyone wanting the border to open up is going on vacation. I don’t know a single person like that. Most want it open because they are suffering economically, want to see family, or need to travel for medical or business reasons. The whole point of vaccinating everyone that can be is to protect those that can’t. We can’t stay closed forever. you have Instagram or Facebook? I think many people are enjoying vacations at our expense..
All 20,000 of them (unvaccinated) have decided that they don’t want to take the vaccine so it’s on them. They have had their chance. If they get covid, let’s pray it’s mild and we have no deaths.
Trust me the minute we open up and the Delta variant is putting a few in hospital, you will see people flocking to get the vaccine.
Exactly. Like a bear to honey.
11:25, except the vaccine actually does stop the transmission. If a person chooses to remain unvaccinated, they’re willing to risk catching it. That’s fine, just open up!
People have had the chance to be vaccinated. Personal choice = personal responsibility.
Pfizer vaccines ARE highly effective against Delta variant. Push your fearmongering on someone else!
Says who?
NHS (for example). The 70% original number was an estimate based on the less virulent original strain.
The r0 of original was 2.5. Of Delta it is estimated to be 7. Herd immunity in an open society is now likely an impossible goal. We have to either keep Covid out, or mask up and close schools. That’s the choice.
So why have other islands been open for almost a year and that was with over 8 months without vaccinations.
Mortality rat of 0.09%.
Delta just reaching them now. Their economies are in relative free-fall.
flu virus kills people every year too.
you think cayman can keep its virus free bubble forever???
Our most vulnerable have decided to protect themselves. Well done.
The younger people have chosen to not take the shots as they feel having the virus will not seriously effect them. OK.
The country has spoken. Time to open up.
What age group did they randomly had those 6,000 ghost people too, when they increased our population number?
You do realize that the number the PPM were using was from the census of 2010. that was 11 years ago. You think since then all we have had are ghosts moving to this country..Simple math would tell that just the rise in work permits alone could account for 6000.
Same numbers PACT is using. This is all just a projected population since the 2010 census. PPM used the predicted population and PACT is using the upper band of the confidence interval for that same projection… it’s how estimates work – there’s always a margin for 95 or 99 confidence intervals.
Which all basically means there will be no discussion on the border opening at anytime in the near or mid term future.
there will be discussion…but it won’t involve our government(no-pan-pact)
There is a difference between “vaccine” herd immunity and “natural” herd immunity. The latter one is by acquiring natural antibodies in yourself that is lethal to the Covid 19 virus and its variations. I think that is the best “vaccine” anyone could have, not the artificial one. My concern is, will the artificial one improve my immune system to fight other future wild viruses; or, will it be setting me up to have to depend on more inoculations? I think that is why those who get the Covid and recover don’t need the vaccine. There seems to be a divide among doctors on that question with the doctors for the natural herd immunity being censored.
There is also Natural Selection, for those refusing to be vaccinated.
This one I like..Time to $hit or get off the pot.
Dont talk science. The pro Covid vaxxers dont like it and dont want to hear it!
So happy to see that there are some well-educated scientists here. Please enlighten us all with your knowledge.
The antivaxxers have plenty of heresay and conjecture. I suppose those are forms of evidence? When TikTok and YouTube videos are more proof than peer reviewed papers, you might be dealing with an idiot…
@8:53 or FOX News..or a good ole Trump rally!
People have lost trust due to the ever changing border closure announcements.
They should pick a date to reopen give everyone 1 month to get vaccinated or sign a waiver absolving their health insurance policy of responsibility and then just reopen!
Holding Caymanians hostage is not acceptable any longer!
We should have the freedom to choose to travel, whether for business, pleasure, study or to see loved ones.
And until we reopen, it is simply outrageous that they are not increasing the amount of flights for July and August so that Vaccinated Caymanians can travel with ease.
Enough is enough. We can no longer let the vaxx hesitant persons to hold the rest of us hostage.
@10.28. As a vaccinated person we can all clearly see it is not the vaccine hesitant holding anyone hostage. It is the government plain and simple, always has been. This whole thing is political.
Just set a opening date and make a plan, that will make them get vaccinated.
The rest of the Caribbean is open, what are we doing?
Or, just leave people alone to make their own personal choices, set an opening date and move on.
What are we doing? Being safe and making much more money than any other Caribbean country. We are doing it right. Wait for the Delta variant to do its thing. Not a single person should die so that hoteliers can make money, especially since most of them already have plenty.
The vaccine works against the delta variant. People are tired of being locked up because some people refuse to get vaccinated. Tired of being locked up because PACT can’t make a decision on opening up.
Who should die because you are tired of being locked up? (And by the way, you are not locked up).
We are virtually locked on the island, due to the lack of flights & quarantine requirements here.
No one is locked up on this island virtually or otherwise. The flights might be full but there are lots of other ways to get off island if you need to go and if you have the vaccine, it is a mere 5 days which is likely to be removed soon.
The flights are for Essential travel only but the problem is too many people are using them for shopping trips and vacations. If anything the government should be vetting these people more so that students and those with medical issues that need to travel can.
We want daily flights back, allow us to travel. We are ok with quarantine, but why no flights available in July and August?
Soviet union?
Flights are for ESSENTIAL TRAVEL!!!
The reason all of these flights are full is because people are using them for pleasure.
Travel Cayman is to blame for this because they let every Tom, Dick and Harry on the flights. It is to the point now that students can’t go back and forth to school because someone wants to go on vacation.
The vast majority of people that I know want to travel to see family that they have not seen in a very long time. Is that so horrible? Maybe it’s essential to their mental health. Especially since there is no opening plan and therefore no hope to see them anytime in the near future.
CIG does not want to allow more flights because they know it will hurt the local economy. That’s why they were begging people to do staycations again this year and restaurants are complaining about the five day quarantine. Government can’t convince enough people to get vaccinated to safely allow tourists so they are purposefully trying to keep people here spending money.
Even if there are staffing issues with monitoring the quarantine, they should be able to add some flights now that the quarantine is cut in half. And I’m sure most people would be willing to pay a fee if that’s the issue. Our freedom of movement is being restricted because of economic reasons and not public health reasons.
Who gets to decide what is essential?
Apparently Movie Filming is essential, while persons visiting dying relatives is non essential.
Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.
IMHO as long as persons are Quarantining there should be no limitations on travel.
Just add flights, Caymanians wellness will go way up!
10000%. I have an ill family member. I don’t begrudge people for taking vacations, since no one approves what is or isn’t essential. But I really felt trapped when I was trying to find a flight out.
“Not a single person should die so that hoteliers can make money, especially since most of them already have plenty.”
Exactly this. No one should become ill, be hospitalized, suffer from long covid, or die just so a rich person can make more money. We’re all safe here. Let’s stay that way a bit longer yet.
That will be years. Covid isn’t going away anytime soon if ever. We need to live with it.
nonsense…there could be variant for the next 3-5 years….you still think cayman can stay covid-free forever?
Your example is extreme, but if we want to, and our economy can operate despite closed borders and with strictly enforced quarantine, YES!
But it can’t.
But it is, and in many areas, thriving!
There will not be any area that is thriving if Cayman stays closed for 3 to 5 years as in your example. Even no plan Panton knows that we need to open up. So easy to say when it doesn’t affect your livelihood.
Then all alcohol, tobacco, fast food restaurants, and processed foods should be banned immediately because those things are killing plenty of people. And they are only sold to make money. While we’re at it, how about we have the government mandate that every person here follow a strict weight loss and exercise regime to save lives. You up for that?