Driver critical after Queen’s Highway smash

| 17/04/2021 | 8 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): The driver of a silver Suzuki Ertiga is currently in the Cayman Islands Hospital with serious injuries following a major single-vehicle collision on the Queen’s Highway in East End early Thursday morning. The driver was said to have come off the road just west of the Morritt’s resort and smashed into a fence and garbage dumpster before landing in the bushes, causing extensive damage to the car. He was taken to the George Town hospital, where he remains in what police said Saturday was a critical but stable condition.


Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Exactly correct. It’s the morons behind the wheel. There may be some drop offs but if you actually have control of your car and keep it between the lines….no problem.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Brac bluff road has drop of on the sides all along it up to 6 feet or more in some places

  3. Anonymous says:

    The Queen’s Highway is a badly constructed road with drop offs of a foot or more along its entire length. No work has ever been done to level the roadway with the shoulders/verges since it was upgraded from chip and spray to black top. Inexcusable for any public highway and especially a 50 mph zone.

    • Anonymous says:

      The road isn’t the problem it’s the retards using it dude.

    • Anonymous says:

      What a dumb ass comment lol

    • Truth says:

      If your a moron any road is too hard to safely drive on. Lots on morons here. Expect more crashes.

    • Anonymous says:


      No matter if the speed limit is 50 or 15, we’ll still have fools driving like they’re in the Grand Prix. Some of them then throw alcohol in the mix. Even if there are “fixes” done to the road, you can’t fix stupid!

      What does drop offs have to do with it?

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