Miller: Premier misleading on Bush departure

(CNS): Forcing McKeeva Bush to resign as speaker of the House of Parliament should not bring down the government and Premier Alden McLaughlin is misleading the public with these claims, Ezzard Miller has said. The North Side MP maintains that asking Bush to step down does not mean an early end to the administration and that the speaker must now be removed. Miller said that he was not only disappointed with the sentence handed to Bush but also with the comments McLaughlin made to CNS.
“Equally disappointing is the statement attributed to the Hon Premier on CNS,” he said, referring to his position that it would cause the collapse of the coalition Government of National Unity. “I take strong issue with this position of the premier from a number of points of view. Further, I do not think that his stated prediction on the end results necessarily obtains,” Miller stated.
“Currently there are eleven members on the government bench and seven members on the opposition bench, five in the official opposition. If the Speaker is removed, even if fellow West Bay representative MP Capt. Eugene Ebanks does opt to ‘cross the aisle’ to join him, there will still be ten on the government bench,” Miller explained.
“Eight members cannot bring down the government,” he said. He noted that he had already told the premier privately, said so publicly and now reiterated that he would not join MPs in a vote to remove the government.
“I remain firmly committed to the view that we must, as a matter of urgency, set about repairing the breach created by the reprehensible actions and consequent conviction of the speaker and that now further threatens to damage our islands’ reputation locally and internationally,” he said.
Appealing to McLaughlin and the others in the Unity government to “please do the right thing for Caymanians and Cayman and to publicly ask the speaker to resign by December 24”, Miller said that if Bush will not go voluntarily, the premier should convene a special meeting of Parliament to remove him and replace him with someone other than a currently serving MP for the remaining three months of this administration.
“Considering all the circumstances, I urge that this meeting be convened on the first working day of the New Year,” Miller stated. If the speaker will not step down and the premier and the rest of the government members will not demand it, Miller said his only option is to file a request for a no-confidence meeting himself and hope that he can get six other MPs to sign on.
“I consider this a matter of greatest priority and importance for maintaining the moral rectitude of one of our three branches of the Cayman Islands Government. We must maintain the values for civility, integrity and respect for our laws and rules for which our governing institutions and the Cayman Islands have always so proudly stood and exemplified,” the independent member added.
He told CNS that he remains very disappointed that, even at this stage in the proceedings, other MPs are refusing to speak out. Miller said he wondered if they were now waiting for Bush to serve out his home curfew or even the two year suspension period before any of them are prepared to say anything.
Since the premier’s comment in response to the CNS question Monday, neither he nor anyone else in government or parliament have commented about Bush’s conviction and sentence.
Up to this point, MPs have claimed they were remaining silent because the case was sub judice, even though it was not. Now the case is closed, the facts established and the ruling public, but still no other MP besides Miller has issued any statements. CNS has again contacted all members of Parliament but we have not so far received a response from any of them.
Meanwhile, despite being under a doorstep curfew between 6pm and 6am, Bush has recently circulated an invitation to his constituents to attend the opening of a children’s park in Boatswain Bay on 26 December. The event, which will be hosted by Bush, is said to include various giveaways for adults, such as microwaves and toasters, as well as gifts for children. Special Christmas music will be supplied by the Cabinet Secretary Samuel Rose, who is playing in his personal capacity, starting at 5pm, just an hour before Bush’s curfew commences.
See Miller’s full statement in the CNS Library.
Category: Politics
I believe that the courts should send a clear message that no one is above the law, however, I do not expect to see that happen anytime soon.
I am praying that this disgraceful premier and his bush pal will never sit inside of parliament again. The speaker has admitted disgraceful behavior and the premier seems contented to turn a blind eye to his behavior. The rest of the house seems to support bush by their silence. These high positions should be filled by individuals of integrity and not by the examples we are seeing today.
I believe the courts should look at cases and not personalities. Based on the sentence I have to wonder.
The last time Mckeeva was removed by his own colleagues Alden and Arden brought a motion of no confidence which the majority supported. Supposedly the member did that because it was the right thing. Now Alden is saying he won’t remove him even if it’s the right thing because of political expediency. Poor leadership Alden, you did a good job with the pandemic but you really disappointed with this decision.
So his only excuse for doing nothing is actually based on a flimsy lie. What a surprise.
CNS: great reporting on this and good to see it staying on the front page! I am sure all your readers have enjoyed the in-depth coverage as much as the slime balls have hated it.
Alden goin pardon him in a few months anyway.
CNS: The Cayman Islands premier does not have the power of pardon.
Ezzard. You are gaining massive respect for putting your head above the parapet and speaking out. Only hearing good remarks about you standing up for justice. Keep going.
He has to be removed to stop cayman being the laughing stock of all the overseas territories, not to mention the rest of the world !
Mr Miller, just want to say I appreciate and applaud your leadership to call for the removal of Bush from the position of Speaker!
I’m so very saddened by the deafening silence of others.
And even more so by the excuse given by the Premier! Even if it does bring down the government it would be worth it – it’s the right thing to do! Set the right example…please!
The lack of ethical maturity by most in Parliament is a sad sad indictment on Cayman’s reputation.
I hope DPP Moran has the guts to also appeal the pathetic sentencing decision for this homophobic, misanthropic, troglodyte boor.
He showed us how tough he is by tossing an unreservedly repentant tourist teenager in jail, why doesn’t he take down Big Mac for an encore…
Surely, our DPP can’t be bought and paid for as well?
What Alden meant to say is that if Bush goes he will take everyone else with him. Except Millar. Please Make Bush go.
I mean it’s pretty obvious to me that the reason none on the MP’s are putting up a fight against “His Imperial Majesty” is because the “Big Mac” can bring them all down with him. Where there is smoke, they is usually always a fire or smoldering heat… “Big Mac” is no fool. He has dirt on each and every one of them. So the best thing for them to do is keep their mouths shut or, LMAO we won’t have a “government” at all!
I agree with Mr. Miller. But, unfortunately, this is their way of “politricks”… Don’t for one minute think that outside of the Parliament/LA that these folks aren’t friends, because they are. What Arden should do is STOP going to West Bay to see “His Imperial Majesty” in different cars whilst thinking there aren’t people on his tail watching. The same can be said for a few other MP’s. LOL Happy 2021!!!
He is bringing them down with him anyway. I doubt there is a single person in the country that thinks they are worthy of re-election. So why not speak up?
Correct. It’s a classic cabal. Drain the swamp.
Ezzard is totally right. Shame on you Alden. Shame on you Tara, Juliana and all the rest. Does no one but Ezzard have a moral compass? All of you make such a show of attending church… which is where they supposedly teach morality! Do all of you just sit there with your ears closed while the minister is preaching??? For heaven’s sake, be the role models you’re supposed to be, like Ezzard is. Join him in condemning the shameful behavior of McKeeva Bush and ousting him.
Sorry Cayman islands. Third world voters want third world leadership or they will not survive living here. Vote third world and get a job and a fridge. Don’t and you have to get a real job doing real work. Not gonna happen in this life time Bobo. Third world rules and laws for third world folks and real laws for the rest of us. Caymankind.
9.27am Your comment is xenophobic and totally disrespectful to Caymanians .I guess it really bothers you “first and second world”? people that you have to come to Cayman to make a living. If you don’t like being governed by Caymanians then just take the next repatriation flight out of here.
Your just pissed because I am right. P.S. I did not expect third world to see what I see.
No he is not pissed y you being right he is pissed by your dostesoect asshole., referring to 1o:16 am.
It never stops. McKeeva’s already in breach of his probation, and should be re-arrested and remanded to HM Northward. The event on the 26th is already punishable by a fine of $2000, or 1 year in jail, per the Elections Law 2017.
Elections Law 2017
§96. The following persons shall be deemed to have committed the offence of treating under this Law-
(a) every person who corruptly, by himself or by any other person, either before, during or after an election, directly or indirectly, gives, or provides or pays, wholly or in part, the expenses of giving or providing any food, drink, entertainment or provision to or for any persons for the purpose of corruptly influencing that person, or any other person, to vote or to refrain from voting at such election, or on account of such person or any other person having voted or refrained from voting at such election; and
(b) every elector who corruptly accepts or takes any such food, drink, entertainment or provision.
§99. A person who commits the offence of bribery, treating or undue influence under this Law, or of procuring, counselling, aiding or abetting any such offence is liable on summary conviction before a magistrate to a fine of two thousand dollars or to imprisonment for twelve months.
Problem is that Mac woters are uneducated creatures dependent on Mac feeding them, so no hopes of a change there.
Sad but true.
McKeeva is not under the laws of man. He follows the pirate code so your laws mean nothing here. If you don’t like it then there is a plane out every other month or so and I hear that Caymanians will pay for expat tickets.
9.25am How do you prove ‘intent to influence’ by the individual giving or receiving. eg Mr Bush can say he is giving toasters etc because he realizes people have hard time this year and who is going to be able to prove otherwise.
While I find the Beast reprehensible 9:25 I am not sure your marbles are straight either. Hope you had a good Christmas with positive effects.
The treating law you cited is applicable after the election proclamation has been given and during the direct election period. Notwithstanding this, it is a fact that our elected officials for umpteen years have trained the populace to beg and receive favors for their vote all year round, and this too should. be an offense perhaps but as of now it is not so.
Just for clarification.
Organized “Treating” is an Act of Corruption that is always contrary to the Nolan Principals of “integrity, accountability, honesty, and openness”. These are always in effect once an electee has taken their initial Oath. BTW: there is no requirement to renew that Oath with each season, or after each declaration interval, it carries forward forever. Election Writs for 19 District Officers were issued by the Governor on December 9th, and the Election period has already begun, whether or not the current 19 MLAs/MPs seek re-nomination, or are even aware of this commencement.
The Seven Nolan Principles:
1. Selflessness.
2. Integrity.
3. Objectivity.
4. Accountability.
5. Openness.
6. Honesty.
7. Leadership.
SIPL §23: “wrongdoing” includes –
(a) the commission of a criminal offence;
(b) failure to comply with a legal obligation;
(c) miscarriage of justice; or
(d) corruption, dishonesty, or serious maladministration.
Anyone with reasonable grounds, can report “Treating” to the SIPL Commission and they are legally obliged to open a confidential investigation file with a determination on whether to proceed to RCIPS/DPP within one month.
SIPL ya nipple. Tell me back where ya come from what do your politicos do just stand pretty on a platform and that gets you elected. Ah and you know it. Keep ya slippery. Nipple out of the conversation, or would you prefer pluck the big most outa you own eye
How about Juju giving money away in Ministry Xmas cards…
Looks like every MLA except for Mr Miller failed the big test. Cayman cannot afford to keep these people in power next election. They made a choice to support Mr. Bush and the Premier. Now voters take note and make yours for change this country needs.
Voters can’t force alternate candidates to run for elected office. Nobody is qualified, or willing to sully themselves, it would seem.
Who is going to form a reasonable law-abiding government with 19 or more candidates?
Voters should have pushed to change the Elections Law when there was still time to do so, with the fresh memory of the last back-stabbing governmental installation.
We haven’t changed the flawed party criteria, and the current and past membership are all in the wings waiting to cycle themselves back to the trough.
It’s not even a very big test. They failed the easiest test imaginable. They just had to answer one question: “is it acceptable for the speaker of the country’s legislative body to beat up and abuse a woman who is trying to do her job then threaten and abuse her by text and take no responsibility?”
Apparently that is too difficult for them.
Face facts Cayman. We have third world leadership because we have more third world voters than not. Bush is the best we have. If the majority of Caymanians want something else we need to prove it by not voting third world this time around.
A free appliance is too hard to pass up and more important than a functional democracy for too many Caymanians.
Can anyone help me find that bit in the Constitution where it says that there must be a unified majority government so that they can enjoy a private caucus agenda on everything, negotiating and approving bills and deals in secret, discarding House debate, due representative process, allowing all the Ministries under their remit to do whatever they want, and dismissing the entire, and fully paid, shadow function of the Opposition? Everyone seems to have read that part, but I can’t find it. Crooks.
I am so happy that I am not the only person who questions the authority of the caucus in the legislative process. There is nothing in the Constitution which provides for this. Public officers are compelled to give presentations to a political organisation which meets in the government building. Hmmmm
Microwaves, toasters, bicycles, tablets… This is vote buying pure and simple.
Also, what sort of message does this send coming a few days after his (non) sentencing. The impunity which he enjoys is breathtaking.
Anyone attending, organising or entertaining at an event hosted by this man should be ashamed.
It’s defined as “treating” under the Elections Law. 1yr Jail time and 5 year ban from both voting and running for office. The Police can re-arrest him for probation violations immediately.
Not before nomination day
Treating, whether by an elected official, or by an aspiring hopeful (after an initial declaration) is a violation of the Nolan Principles (which seem to be fully suspended), a crime under this law, and under SIPL law. There is no inter-election amnesty loophole, no leave where the electee’s oath no longer applies, though many might wish it were so. Section 5 of SIPL requires any person to report breach to SIPL Commission within one year. The Commission then serves “notice” on the person, effectively “tipping” them to start their shredders and coordinated obstruction – which are also criminal acts.
As a Caymanian I used to get defensive when a foreigner call our country a Banana Republic but now I have to agree with them. That is exactly what we are thanks to a bunch of criminals running the show, the biggest one being the illiterate from West Bay.
Samuel Rose—either as a civil servant much less Cabinet Secretary or a band leader—should not be associated with an outright vote-buying event (get a microwave and a bicycle for your kid).
I think there was a lapse in judgement here. Samuel is usually more political savvy than that.
And, of course, the invitation, in highlighting Samuel Rose, did not help. That seems to me a deliberate move. Surely Bush should have had an awareness of how that would look to the public.
I call Members of Parliament mops these days.
Why? Despite doing their job, at the end of the day they’re full of dirt. (and that’s why mac got them by the balls)
Brilliant, let’s dunk them in buckets
Would like to see Mr. Samuels cancel his participation.
Why? And miss out on a brand new toaster.
What exactly is the “West Bay Enrichment Council”? Is this a properly registered charity? Has this council performed any “charitable” actions which are not associated with The Honorable Premier?
The flyer is this article is suspicious… I can only hope the police visit this party at exactly 6:01PM and do their jobs.
I read the magistrate’s judgement yesterday and it does not appear there are any curfew exceptions for “government” or “constituent” business so if he is not in his house at exactly 6:00PM he should be immediately arrested and taken to Northward.
True. But they don’t even check on the prison ankle bracelets so…just saying…
Did any of these idiot MP’s (besides Mr Miller) read the job description before signing up ? Mr Miller standing alone on this is both disturbing & pathetically disgusting
I, and a great many other affluent West Bayers, are very disappointed and ashamed of Both Capt Eugene Ebanks and Tara Rivers.
We expected them to do the right thing, even if in private,by pulling support of Mckeeva Bush, in light of the recent CRIMINAL CONVICTION, as well as abide by proper political process, in demanding the stepping down and disqualification from office of the aforementioned convicted criminal.
By not standing up and doing what they surely KNOW IS RIGHT, it leads one to have serious doubts about these person integrity and honesty relative to anything. It leads one to question, and wonder, what they would not do, or have already done, in furtherance of their ambitions and their personal enrichment.
If they abide by a simple criminal act such as this then what else would they not do or have already done.
When one bad APPLE is allowed to remain in the basket it eventually turns all the apples bad. Is this not the case with the House?
Use your name and speak truth to power. Caymanians need to stand up and stop being afraid of the crooked politicians. Being anonymous plays in their hands
I am not the original poster, but I just wanted to point out that it is not always the best thing to identify yourself. In many cases good, honest people with integrity are bound by fear of repercussions for speaking out in their own name (for example loss of employment, and yes that is a very serious threat, especially in these current circumstances). I agree with the original poster, but like that person I cannot sign my name as I would have major issues to deal with.
They are all bad apples that show they is cowards. Why are they afraid of McKeeva? Why are they afraid to state their views in public? They all gots to go
Hope we not paying for police for this ‘event’!
How many of his goons gonna be there? Let me go count!
Father Children’s Park? He beat a father’s chikd!!!
This skunk bush has no remorse and no shame.
Now that is an insult to Skunks.
The Boatswain Bay flyer seems to be missing the final event….
@10pm watch a drunk McKeeva Bush beat the sh!t out of a defenceless girl
I am disappointed in Samuel. Not too late to pull out, Samuel
4 months in jail for an 18 year old girl for breach of quarentine. 0 months sentenace for public official beating woman in drunken rage. Port =catastrophe, permits-backed up for 3 months. When will the UK step in and take control of this 3rd world country
Have you been paying attention to what’s going on in the UK recently? They can’t even set their own house in order. You want that ilk to turn their attention to Cayman? Better learn to help yourself.
0 time at all for CMR after conviction when when she pleaded not guilty.
So the parliament has no succession plan in place? Really? Sorry, I’m not buying that crock of shite. The guy was on paid vacation for almost the entire year and everything was fine without him.
I hope there is a protest organized for that event at the park! I’d show up!
Don’t protest, participate. Get as many people as possible there, swamp the event, have a nice time talking with everyone there about how people should be filled with brotherly & sisterly love for each other this Christmas, clean out the refreshments and try to win as many of the prizes as possible. Oh, and if you need more conversational fodder a lively discussion with anyone who will listen on the fine grey line between treating the public to a nice event and ‘treating’ in an election sense, i.e., graft. Merry Christmas.
Beat a women.
Get a prize.
Booby prize for the Booby?
That’s funny?
Get rid of the disgraceful premier and the whole country wins. I will admit that at one time I thought he would be the best thing to happen to Cayman but unfortunately I have lived long enough to come to the realization that I was sadly mistaken.
Maybe Judge Gunn can swing by the park at 6:01, have a little juice and see what’s up.
What if Mac talks and tells all the dirty secrets…I think this is the only reason he was charged with the weakest of his offences last time he was kicked out of office.
Is the music being provided by Samuel Rose in his position as Cabinet secretary or in his capacity as a band member of Swanky Kitchen Band. If it is in the latter role then I think CNS needs to correct this post.
‘CNS has again contacted all members of Parliament but we have not so far received a response from any of them.’
Maybe because McKeeva has got enough dirt on most of them to encourage their silence?
The only reason you defend and refuse to sanction someone who has stepped this far over the line is because he’s got you by the balls.
It is too late for Alden to rescue his credibility. In for a dime, in for a dollar. McLaughlin and Bush and now two sides of the same coin.
Imagine your integrity being bought for a microwave oven or a toaster

….I’d want at least a 65″ Samsung plasma…with a sound bar.
I don’t care if Miller has an agenda or ulterior motive. He’s the ONLY one to speak out. Wonder if Bush stole his lunch money or girlfriend when they were kids?
“I am not sure that the country will be well served now by my taking action which precipitates the collapse of the government ”
A serious indictment on the ethical values of our elected leaders especially Premier Alden McLaughlin, his cabinet members and all the other elected yes men and women.
So Mr Alden politicians have carte blanche to do as they please without consequence the general public would be subject to? Another example of how horrible Mr Alden is, his arrogance and elitism has no bounds. We really need an election asap and hopefully some honest, credible candidates that put the people first, not their enormous ego. Just sickening!
A massive amount of people should show up so he cannot buy the votes he needs with a $50 microwave or $20 toaster in the 50 minutes before he is arrested (lol). FFS, everyone should throw his “gifts” in a dumpster. I was going to say ocean, but that isn’t good for the environment. What a specimen!
There’s a saying… ‘em out, drink ‘em out and then vote ‘em out. That needs to happen here.
Lots of non-West Bay folks should show up and win the “prizes” before those being bribed to vote can win them.
Cabinet Secretary providing music for Bush’s event?
Is he not a Civil Servant?
When will Popeye Roper intervene? Or is he appearing at the event as a Special Guest?
The Cabinet Secretary (in his personal capacity) is a member of a traditional Caymanian band, that is probably what was meant in that section
I know Samuel comes from Christian parents with the highest moral principles, pity they didn’t teach Samuel the difference between the shallow world of corrupt politics and simple integrity.
Shame on you Samuel , you are judged by the company you keep.
If you judge someone by the company they keep, you’d be indicting all of us. Don’t think your sin don’t stink either.
Agree with everything except dissing the Governor. Lowbrow and uncalled for. There may be a time when we desperately need him to get the wheels back on the track.
Time for us to vote all them crooks and pretenders out in 2021. They have showed us they do not represent us
Problem is you CANT vote them out, you can only vote someone else in. If there is no one else running or no one better then they win again. You need some new younger, better candidates or else you go down the same old road of a few hundred voters having the say for the whole island.
I am ashamed Alden McLaughlin is the Premier of my country given his actions or lack thereof. He is a bigger disappointment than McKeeva Bush
12.50pm I am proud of what Alden has accomplished for my Cayman Is.
3:30 As in ‘nothing’? I’m assuming you are being sarcastic here.
Alden McLauglin – NO SHAME
Moses Kirkconnell – NO SHAME
Roy McTaggart – NO SHAME
Joey Hew – NO SHAME
Juliana O’Connor-Connolly – NO SHAME
Tara Rivers – NO SHAME
Dwayne Seymour – NO SHAME
Barbara Connolly – NO SHAME
David Wight – NO SHAME
Eugene Ebanks – NO SHAME
Austin Harris – NO SHAME
Arden McLean – NO SHAME
Alva Suckoo – NO SHAME
Chris Saunders – NO SHAME
Anthony Eden – NO SHAME
Bernie Bush – NO SHAME
Kenneth Bryan – NO SHAME
Their silence says everything about them individually and collectively as leaders of the country. The burying their head in the sand mentality is unacceptable. It is clear they are a large part of Cayman’s problem and must not be allowed to continue in any leadership role as they lack the qualities we need e.g. morals, ethics, decency, integrity and ability to do the right thing for Cayman.
What more evidence is required after this latest mess to conclude they are all unfit for public service? Time vote out all the cowards.
This is not entirely correct. Bernie Bush, the former Deputy Speaker of the House, actually resigned in PROTEST of M. Bush being the Speaker. Bernie even lost the extra pay which comes with being Deputy Speaker for this! Barbara Connolly is now Bush’s Deputy.
Well if it’s true that he’s holding an event during his period of curfew he NEEDS to be arrested!
I’m so embarrassed being Caymanian with this sort of conduct being ignored and by the lack of voicing the outrage, encouraged.
The people that organised the protest a couple of weeks ago should put one together for the event he has planned on Boxing Day. The pressure needs to stay on him until he resigns from politics and stays out of the public eye.
Does anyone really believe he would resign?
Bush home arrest is from 600pm at night through 600am in the morning.
This event isn’t taking place during those hours.
I get the disgust at the two standards of justice but where was the outrage when the young XXXX boy ran over and killed a poor man pushing a shopping cart, fixed the dent and got a paint job and then two weeks after “turned himself in” and received no jail time or the outrage at Arden’s son bringing in and hosting illegal exotic “pets” and getting a slap on the wrist?
Politicians and their cronies cover for each other and they always have.
CNS: I’ve only XX’d put the name because I can’t remember the details and don’t know if you got the name right.
Alden has always been a fraud. He is all about him not the country. The ppm is no different than udp just different set of characters and con men. The bar is so low in Cayman people thought Alden was better than Big Mac but they have proven to be kindred spirits and exactly the same self serving egotistical shameless leaders. They are loyal to power and nothing else.
You are correct…… but can we make that “power AND wealth”?
alden is just a spineless man who is afraid of his own shadow. end of story.
McKeeva owns Alden that is clear. They are both the same type of horrible leaders that embarrass Caymnians
The Premier and many of our MPs ain’t got no BALLS, their just “Human Samples”.
Tell Ellio that…
I think they are all cut from the same cloth…trying to take as much from Cayman as they can during their likely last terms. Can some of you young folk out there run? Looks great on a cv.