Deportation of isolation breachers denied
(CNS): Cayman Islands officials have denied claims by Dennis Mack, Skylar Mack’s father, that seven people were deported from the Cayman Islands for breaking COVID-19 isolation rules around the time his daughter was arrested, charged and then jailed for her breach. Responding to CNS inquiries, officials from Travel Cayman said the allegation was false.
“We are not aware of any persons who have been deported and refute those allegations,” the officials stated in an email response.
While there are believed to be allegations of at least four more isolation breaches over the last few weeks, no one else has been charged yet. Officials said the cases were “ongoing investigations with the RCIPS and a completed file will be sent to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) for a decision on how to progress”.
The imprisonment of the Georgia teenager and her boyfriend, local Jet Ski star Vanjae Ramgeet, has attracted significant attention in the United States. Skylar Mack’s grandmother and now her father have appeared on US news outlets about her the situation, describing it as a vendetta. Dennis Mack claimed the government had that same week deported seven other people who broke COVID-19 restrictions, banning them for a year.
In many cases the details of the case have been distorted, but the claims made by her father about breaches which were not punished in the same way have caused concern locally, given the continued suspicion that people are breaking quarantine without consequence or are being treated inequitably.
However, none of these suspicions have been proven and the authorities persist in their position that all breaches have been reported publicly and each case is investigated by the police and then pass to the ODPP for consideration based on the evidence in each case.
The firestorm surrounding the Mack and Ramgeet case has been fuelled by the fact that the young couple were the first to be convicted under the revised and far more stringent sanctions.
Just days before their breach of the regulations, a Canadian couple who breached the quarantine rules several times were deported after being convicted, banned from returning until after the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted and fined just $1,000 each, which was at the time the maximum fine.
Meanwhile, Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee reported on Wednesday that one more positive test was recorded in a traveller from a batch of 334 test results, the rest of which were negative. There are now 35 active cases of the virus, with five people suffering COVID-19 symptoms. They are now among 1,051 currently in isolation at home or a government quarantine facility.
Category: Border Control, Crime, Health, Medical Health
I am completed floored reading through this thread..
As an American, husband and father, in a family who has has traveled to Cayman for 20+ years (at least 50 visits and over 600 dives) who has made many Caymanian friends (and many other Nationalities there), and has the utmost respect for true Caymanian culture & history, I am completely sickened by the comments/opinions of Americans on here. So many comments painted with a broad brush. Were we just being mislead, is this a real underlying view on “all” of us? Would it be a mistake to even come back now and order food at a restaurant thinking nothing gross will be served in it? Seriously… I never thought I’d get a vibe like this from the place that’s meant so much to us, to my kids growing up. Heartbreaking
That’s Trumpism for you.
Progressivism, a.k.a. mob rule, in full display. Take your money somewhere else, where it’s appreciated. As you said, truly heartbreaking.
That’s the problem with tourists. You think native people have their head in the clouds and we’re all cheery and happy 24/7, news flash, we have opinions too.
We will be happy to welcome you here again. This country went through a tough and painful lockdown, as well as destroy our vital tourism industry, to keep our people safe.
We are rightly furious that anyone would come here with the deliberate intention of flouting the laws that keep us coronavirus free.
Nothing to do with her being American, we felt the same way about that Canadian couple. But at least they didn’t make a point of mixing with people.
Go dive the coral reefs in Alabama then.
Come on Mack Family – your 15 minutes of fame is over. No one cares about your stupid plight. Skylar just finish your time and move on. Best of luck to you – hope you learnt something from the experience.
It’s astounding how much hate and anger comes out when CNS published a story about a spoiled, entitled rich white girl not following the law.
So much pent up anger in a country little effected by the USA! I am no lover of the distasteful US government, but WOW, the anger is everywhere!
I hope Caymanian leaders listen to this hatred simmering just under the surface.
If you are Caymanian, I just want to point out using the phrase “distasteful US government” is insanely hypocritical considering the CI current absolutely disgusting Speaker and the people that keep him in office and do not hold him to account. Reminds me of a saying about glass houses.
Comment = what aboutism. Fact remains that the US government is distasteful. Outside his cult, nobody likes Trump.
As a European expat who lives in cayman, all my American and European friends and family overseas, and all my local expat friends and colleagues in cayman, think the sentence is just and fair. It is only a small minority of clueless Americans making a big deal of this, who we clearly jealous of the quality of life in cayman vs the USA.
I am American here too and I agree 100%.
You honest to god believe Americans are jealous of the quality of life found on the Island? Lol OMG ! Listen man, you nah a gah get any P.R points spewing false hype. And this small group making noise are the bread and butter of these Islands. TAKE A LOOK, open yah eyes, these Islands have been servicing a certain type of customer for decades now. One who is a bit entitled, arrogant, and who demands!
Caymans best friends are the same ones you all messing with, the Trump-like characters….
This girl story is becoming annoying
She broke the law now paying the crime.
Get over it people.
if you travel to a foreign country you must abide by all the laws.
Story getting spread all over the USA but I bearly see any of them saying “SHE TOOK OFF HER BRACELET”
Yes. In some parts of the world, it’s called “Riding the Rap”; she took a chance, knowing she was breaking the law — the same law which was outlined in her signed contract with government — and she got caught.
What really irritates me is some of the U.S. feeds that attempt to characterise Fairbanks as a hardened criminal prison, and make it sound like Ms. Mack will emerge two months hence with prison tats and flashing gang sign. Feeds that claim that “her life is ruined” and infer that she’ll never be admitted to university. Bollocks.
Now, if anything, she has learned a lesson, and one that may someday be applicable to her chosen profession. AND… she now has street cred.
fairbanks is a disgusting filthy place filled with dangerous mentally ill women …. I have been inside have you ?
Awwwww… Come on nuh… They are not all mentally ill! To add fuel to the fire, yes, Fairbanks has become the home of the mentally challenged and that’s only because Mental Health can’t handle them… and of course, the courts don’t care and, there is nowhere else for them to go!!!!
Yes, I have. It wasn’t any fun.
Good! This is meant to be a punishment for her, not a spa holiday.
Every prisoner deserves humane treatment, regardless of the crime, period
The arrogance of many American commentators on here is astonishing. Why would we care what your senators and Fox News anchors think? Why would they have any say on Cayman Islands law, and coming from America – the country that locks up a higher proportion of its youth than any other historically and still hands down death sentences. As a British expat living in cayman, I would be happy to never see American tourists here – we have a higher standard of living that the USA and a much more diverse rich population of people. We have prevented COVID in the community, you have the worse record of any western country, we don’t need you to tell us how to govern as you have nothing to offer that we would find useful.
Sorry mate – but NOBODY does arrogance like the Brits.
Can’t argue with ignorance.
The original sentence of a fine and community service would have sufficed. Like Jesus said, He who hasn’t sinned, let him cast the first stone. To quote John Legend, “ We have become desensitized to how much we lock people up. Prisons and jails are not the answer to every bad thing everyone does, but we’ve come to use them to address nearly every societal ill.” We’ve gone to far in the punitive side. We need to focus more on fairness, compassion, and mercy. Everyone has a opinion, and are judgmental, but we all screw up, and she shouldn’t be in prison for a childish teenage mistake.
Childish?! She is an adult. She could have caused massive deaths in this country! You can quote anybody and everybody to suit your purpose but had your grandmother died because she got covid as a result of this irresponsible woman spreading it, you would be baying for blood.
No, she should have not got away with her appeal.
And if your Grandmother caught Covid from a Caymanian is that OK? Or would you appeal? What if she got beaten up by a Caymanian? Would you want jail time for them? The world wants to know what you think.
The caymanian boyfriend is also in jail what is your point! The girl broker the law. If I travelled from cayman to the USA as a British resident of cayman and broke the law, should I be exempt from prosecution in the USA because I live in cayman? I think 2 months jail is very generous and kind.
Your reactionary point doesn’t really apply here; Caymanians — for the most part — have been in compliance with this whole process. Certainly if a Caymanian broke quarantine and that incident resulted in a community spread of Covid-19, that person would be in dire peril.
I must conclude that you are close to the situation and quite likely in the U.S. If so, you need to understand that, like you, we have gone through what you would call “lockdown” and we would call “curfew”. We sacrificed for the good of the few, and are now enjoying the fruits of our efforts; we can now safely go about our lives without masks (except for in hospitals and airports) and life is close to back to normal.
Your young woman chose a course that could have resulted in all of us being back on lockdown or curfew. Note this if nothing else: at the TIME of her breach of quarantine, she did not yet know if she was positive or negative. She made a choice that risked ALL of us. For her own personal indulgence. For entertainment.
Why are Americans so pressed? She. Broke. The. Law. So she’s paying the consequences. If one of us went to the States and broke the law, we’d get thrown in prison, and there wouldn’t be any big campaign to get us out. This isn’t an act against Americans; Skylar could’ve been Jamaican, French, Nigerian etc, and she still would have gotten the same treatment. Please stop using this to give Cayman a bad name, we already have a bad enough reputation as it is. Maybe try following laws and everything would be fine? (P.S. if she was a black or brown American, there wouldn’t be this much outrage, and that’s for a fact! It’s only because she’s the typical white, blonde American girl why people are causing such a big issue).
Until He, who Broke. The. Law is paying the consequences, you better stop talking.
Loeffler, Perdue back leniency for US teen jailed in Cayman Islands for breaching coronavirus reg
The two senators, both crooks themselves, have no say in Cayman Islands legal system and the know it. They are merely trying to distract voters from their flailing re-election campaigns, which should have been shoe-ins but the big baby in the White House has ignited civil war within the Republican party, having convinced his moronic supporters that he really won the presidential election. Like all other Repubs, they have to go along with his insanity or risk his wrath. If you think they really care about Skylar, you haven’t been paying attention. By January 6th, they won’t even remember her name.
Everyone looks normal until you start reading their comments. Spread love, not hate.
This is correct. Those two had been senators are trying to deflect from their insider trading.
You have a serious punctuation problem.
19 year old Caymanian broke the same law twice and tested positive for Covid. Is he in jail? Did he even go to court? Your supreme leader McKeeva Bush broke the law and did even worse. Is he in jail? Now you know why Americans (and all other non caymanians) are pressed.
That is the main reason people are causing such a big issue. Also Caymanians do not seem to be able to see the reasons. Why is that?
Who said Caymanians aren’t pressed about Mac’s situation? We hate him….
And we were just as upset that he didn’t get a proper sentence. Don’t turn this into a Caymanian vs expat thing, so unnecessary.
Why would Trump-brained people want to visit Cayman anyway? After all, we are a non-white society with “socialist” programs.
Haven’t you observed that conservative Americans don’t travel to learn about or enjoy other cultures? They swagger with a supremacist attitude to lord over other “inferior” peoples and governments and when they get into trouble, they cry like the big baby in the White House.
Such a hateful statement. Try a little love and compassion.
It goes a long way.
That orange clown gets no love and support from decent humans. He deserves nothing.
I was a tourism worker and I can confirm that the majority of our visitors were in fact conservative, white Americans who are great people and excellent tippers.
These foolish comments are going to do more damage to future tourism than the whole Skylar Mack situation.
Try to shut your mouths, you ignorant and racist crabs.
You paint with such a broad brush.
Perhaps you should carry a small stone in your pocket. You know, just in case you wanted to cast it.
No sympathy for you Skylar. You broke the law and now you have to ride it out. I would never expect the US govt to intervene for you. Lesson learned, hope you are never allowed to go to the Caymans again.
Just because she broke the maw doesn’t mean you can’t have empathy like a normal human being. If you broke the law, would you want to rot in jail?
I don’t visit to hang with natives.
Maybe you shouldn’t visit at all, typical American!
You would have done 30 years ago.
I loved every minute of my time with the genuine Caymanians.
Very few left now. Those that are left seem to tolerate creeping communism. Had to leave.
Few Caymanians left? Creeping communism? Are you insane?
Unfortunarely clueless Americans are way too many these days. They think the world should bow down to them. Get over it, you are not “special”. Like everywhere else in the world, you do the crime, you do the time. You break the law you should pay the price. Your leaderships irrespknsible management of this Pandemic does not make it a Hoax. It kills people and she put us all at risk. She should have gotten more than 4 months. Suck it up and do your damn time. For those of you who think you can travel the world and break the law, I suggest you stay in your little gullable world and don’t leave the USA. The world does not revolve around America and the needs of arrogant and pompous Americans.
You don’t want to hang out with the natives? Then why do you come here? Most visitors love to hang out with us. Yes, I am a native, and proud of it! Since you don’t want to hang with us, I suggest that you go vacation somewhere else? We don’t need snobs here.
The only ones who truly seem to care about the colour of one’s skin are Democrats, Socialists, Marxists, and the KKK (former Democrat Stormtroopers, similar to today’s Antifa). They are the ones who use religion, sex, and colour to cause division within society, yet claim that none of them matter – until it’s convenient for them to point out that the person who won some fabulous Participatory Democrat Feel Good Award is non-white, non-binary, atheist person…
Here’s a few inconvenient truths for you.
Since its founding in 1829, the Democratic Party has fought against every major civil rights initiative, and has a long history of discrimination. The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, imposed segregation, perpetrated lynchings, and fought against the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s. It is the Party of the KKK and Jim Crown laws.
Between 1840 and 1860 there were six Democratic Party platforms supporting slavery, along with seven Democratic presidents who owned slaves. Between 1868 to 1948 there were 20 Democratic Party platforms which supported outright segregation or were silent on the subject. The Jim Crow laws, the ones which segregated public schools, restaurants, public transportation, etc. were Democrat laws, passed by the Democrats. The KKK was the military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party, similar to Antifa.
Democrats opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution. The 13th banned slavery, the 15th gave black Americans the right to vote. In 1866, the Democrats opposed the Civil Rights Act. It was passed by he Republican Congress over the veto of President Andrew Johnson, who had been a Democrat before joining Lincoln in 1864. The law was designed to provide blacks with the right to own private property, etc. The Democrats also opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1875, passed by a Republican Congress – the law prohibited racial discrimination in public places and accommodations. Four Democratic platforms, 1908 to 1920, are silent on blacks, segregation, lynching, and voting rights. The GOP platforms specifically spoke about the rights of blacks and opposed lynching. You wanna talk about Democrat love for minorities? Ok, in 1924, the Democratic Convention, also known as “Klanbake” was held in Madison Square Garden, with hundreds of delegates being members of the KKK. A plank condemning KKK violence was defeated outright. To celebrate, the Klan staged a rally attended by 10,000 hooded Klansmen in a filed in New Jersey, directly across the Hudson, from the site of the convention, with burning crosses and all, calling for violence against blacks and Catholics. Upon taking office in 1913, President W. Wilson segregated the federal government.
The issue has nothing to do with Cayman being non-white with “socialist” programs. The real issue is ignorant parrots such as yourself, smart enough to remember a few CNN talking points, too dumb to think for oneself. Good luck with that.
11:02. No one wants (or read) a lecture on US political history.
Apparently you did.
I and it’s not even factually correct. It was written by a brainwashed trumper.
That’s all you have? “It’s not even factually correct”. Typical Liberal argument lacking any sort of proof. Just because you say it’s factually incorrect does not make it so.
The world moves too fast today for people to educate themselves. You have to keep it simple. Start with “People, watch Free State of Jones”. Otherwise spot on.
Well… most of these right wing idiots and conspiracy theorist get all of their “education” from right wing news outlets on line. Those who actually get a education in places like universities are considered elitists who have been brainwashed by the liberal education system. I have tried to reason with one of these internet-educated nuts and his circular logic is impenetrable. He and those who “learn” what is “really” going on in the world – starting with COVID – are the only ones who are in the know. The rest of us are brainwashed sheeple. For all I know, you are him. If you are, maybe you now know why you weren’t invited to our Christmas party this year.
The only dislikes to this fantastic post are from those who were “educated” with lies.
Proud boy can really write.
The dislikes to the post relate to the American centric point of its own history and we should perhaps be so amazed at their political and social system view. Mush of the world is moving from the U.S. and its obvious weaknesses and unreliability.
And yet you get all of your food, Material, and most of you income and skill from America. If you hate America why do you rely on them for so much? You do not have to waste your time answering. We know.
Um, no. You are oblivious to what really goes on here. I think you must be someone in American who heard about this news service and wish to comment on here like you know us. Shoo fly.
As usual for an unedumacted Caymanian you “think” instead of know and that is knowledge to you. You have my pity.
I am astounded at your ignorance. It’s really hard to know where to start. The only thing that you have proved is that, like most 5-yesr-olds, you can cut and paste. Congratulations!
Like Donald Trump and many truly ignorant people, you have just learned something and because you didn’t know it before, you assume that no one else knows it. Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of American history knows the origins of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. This isn’t an inconvenient truth. This is history. But those of us with half a brain and an ounce of curiosity also know that their positions in the 19th and early 20th centuries have no relation to their political positions now. In many ways they have been reversed and since the 1960’s it is the Democrats and not the party of Lincoln who have championed civil rights.
So, genius, explain why David Duke and the KKK, the Proud Boys and all other groups in the white supremacy movement support Trump and the Republican Party generally. Explain why David Duke ran as a Republican for a Senate seat in 2016.
Try to get your small brain around the fact that if you are a member of the correct cult (Conservative Christian), the right color and the right sex, you’re perfectly happy with the status quo and don’t want to hear about color or religion. People who have traditionally been excluded from that group are calling for equality. That’s it.
I’m not optimistic that any of this will get through, but just in case, please try to read some actual history.
Let me type real slowly for you, so that you can understand. I’ll try to keep it real simple for you.
To begin, a 5 year old who can cut and paste is a lot smarter than you – at least (s)he is cutting and pasting the truth.
Re. the Proud Boys. Again, a very inconvenient truth for you and all Marxists. The Proud Boys are led by a Black Latino. The Proud Boys do not discriminate because of race, colour, religion, ethnicity, sex, etc. Though, as far as I understand, they do discriminate against stupidity, which would put you on their hit list. If you were to stop watching The View, Martha Stewart, as well as fairy tales on the Communist News Network, you would learn that the Proud Boys denounce racism, they denounce Semitism, they denounce any sort of racial, religious prejudice… Can’t say the same for your commies (ie. anti-semetic progressive Democrats in the US, left wing Labour Party in the UK, etc.)
Re. David Duke. David Duke who? The KKK who? Oh, you mean the once powerful group that the Democrat Party founded, and once they became reprehensible enough to most Americans, they stopped using them for their dirty work and replaced them with a more (for now) palatable Antifa. Let me ask you genius, how many buildings has David Duke burnt down to the ground lately? How about the KKK? Yea, thought so. You want to discuss how many people Antifa has assaulted, how many businesses they have burnt to the ground, how many city neighbourhoods they have destroyed…
Gets real inconvenient for you guys when you can’t label black Conservatives as racist… May want to read Kathy Barnette, to hear what she has to say about the wonderful Democrats…here’s a copy and paste from Amazon for your review. I’d explain it to you myself, but then I’d have to type realllllll slowwwwwwwwwwly:
Conservative political commentator Kathy Barnette shares how liberal leadership has failed the black community and how being a democrat is not synonymous with your skin color.
During his first historic run for the presidency in 2016, Donald Trump made an impassioned plea to the black community. “Give me a chance,” he said. “What the hell do you have to lose?”
According to Kathy Barnette, black Americans have nothing to lose, except for crime ridden communities, neighborhoods that have become shooting galleries, more social welfare programs, and the mocking indifference of the Democrat party. Barnette argues that even a cursory look into the black community reveals the destabilizing effect liberal policies have had on the black family.
There was a time when Barnette bought into the same lie as everyone else-that if you’re black, you must be a democrat. In fact, she was born into the Democrat party just as much as she was born into brown skin. There was no point of separation. Until she began to understand what it truly means to be black in America. Barnette contends that being black is more than just the color of her skin. It’s a culture and a consciousness, too.
If reading is too much for you, may want to listen to Candace Owens on youtube, and see what she has to say… In case you don’t know, you can turn down/slow down the speed of the playback on youtube.
Read some actual history…LOL. Good one genius. Good luck with that.
5 minutes to Hannity, Rain Man. Run along now – there’s more propaganda to learn so you can pretend to be educated.
LOL. WhodatIs, just wondering why you’re no longer posting under your original name any longer. You’re not fooling anyone – we know your writing style.
“More propaganda”??? hahaha Typical Democrat comeback when you’re unable to dispute any of the points raised. I answered your points, yet you can’t answer mine for the simple reason that they are the truth.
Proud Boys are led by a Black Latino. Among the group there are many blacks, browns, latinos, whites, etc. Sucks you can’t deny that. Antifa are the new armed Stormtroopers for the Democrat party. Sucks you can’t deny that. They replaced the KKK, which were previously Democrat Stormtroopers, founded by the Democrats. Sucks you can’t deny that.
Some day you may be able to deny a few things, if you keep up burning books and trying to erase history like Antifa has been doing – you know who has done that in the past? Your good buddies, the Nationalist Socialist Party, short name Nazis. Sucks you can’t deny that. Sucks you cannot deny all the looting and burning your Besties have been doing either… Label it as propaganda all you want bud, too bad you cannot refute it.
What are you going on about? You seem to be losing it, thinking I am somebody else. Seek help; you’re delusional.
Lol. Name calling = when Liberals are unable to respond in an intelligent manner to any of the points raised.
I know my name isn’t whodatis, whoever that is? Did 5G get to your brain or what? Or are you just plain nuts?
And again, 0 response to the points/facts raised. Why? Because you cannot deny the facts. Keep name calling though, it’s what you’re good at.
I’ll bet you have a black friend.
And the Republicans used to be the party of principles. Times change. Parties change. Of you don’t see the fascist tendencies of many in the Republican Party today, you’re just as ignorant as the CNN parrots you criticise.
Fascist tendencies of many in the Republican Party? Name a few, Trump aside.
Everyone of them who has been enabling Trump.
Truly amazing how you’re at overlooking the fascist tendencies of the Left, the book burnings, the rioting, mob rule, changing of history, cancel culture, everyone’s a racist, everyone must atone and apologize for their racism and privilege, etc.
Cancel culture, identity politics, neo-communism, neo-totalitarianism are all parts and factions of the global left and in the US the democrat party. Nationalism is not fascism. Leftists frame it that way because patriotism is intolerable to them. Or better put, it’s intolerable to globalists who control the rank and file useful idiots that largely make up todays left.
11:02 try harder, proud boy.
Fortunately, that all has changed. Unfortunately, Republican T-rump has reignited bigotry.
Lol – If the point you’re trying to make is that today’s GOP is the inclusive, non-racist American political party, you are seriously delusional. Are you the same idiot who suggests we should watch the opportunistic moron Candace Owens on YouTube to learn what is really going on with racial relations in the US? Good grief.
The “opportunistic” moron Candace Owens, as you called her, would wipe the floor with you, you little maggot. She would eat you for breakfast and spit you out faster than you could wipe the snot off your face.
Maybe they come to look at their money.
I hope they know whoever they send down here will have to quarantined for two weeks!!
Trump Brained? You mean an expat from America? Are Caymanians now that racist against anyone? The problems on the island are all from whoever is in control of the island which when I last checked was Caymanians. You are just a speck in the ocean compared to the US. What happened to you?
Just wondering why there has been no response from the Vayman islands in the us media. If you are being attacked and your actions are truthful and just, then why the silence. Is it that the judiciary and the cig don’t talk or only do so when it’s convenient..
Because when you wrestle with pigs you just end up covered in sh*t and the pig enjoys it.
News flash- most successful, intelligent Caymanians are “trump brained” as well.
You only speak for the uneducated and ghetto individuals.
One of the professional liars on Fox News has threatened Cayman with a boycott because of this nonsense.
Is there any chance of an appeal to increase her sentence?
Dont worry about it. Intelligent people regardless of where they are from will understand the protocols are for the protection of all. This is why people *want* to come to cayman.
Now if it was my daughter/granddaughter I would be working angles from behind the scenes to help and support. Not on national media, unless your hoping your kid will be on the talk show scene for a week.
She is worried everyone will hate her. I don’t think they will hate her as much as they will ridicule her for being an entitled idiot.
By going public and keeping it in the lime light you may have ruined or at least changed her future.
Thanks Granny
Social media and the destruction of professional journalism in the states has turned most of that country into voyeurs and exhibitionists.
Merry Christmas Skylar!
Merry Cayman Christmas.
Justice, which the penalty was, does not revel in another person’s downfall (two of them in this case). Can we please expect, nay advocate for, fair and impartial justice without being mean about it.
My problem with this whole thing is there are people that the government let bypass quantine with the consent of the medical office and roam freely about the same day they get off the plane and so I take the point that justice is not the same for everybody and this is why I feel that they should not be sent to jail, If the Laws applied equally to all, then send them to jail!
Could you provide the factual side of what your are reporting. When did these incidents take place? By the way there is also a vast majority of people that didn’t have consent to roam freely and they didn’t. Law abiding citizens and not premeditated advance planning of how to circumvent the system by self entitlement people.
You don’t want to hang out with the natives? Then why do you come here? Most visitors love to hang out with us. Yes, I am a native, and proud of it! Since you don’t want to hang with us, I suggest that you go vacation somewhere else? We don’t need snobs here.
Santa doesn’t deliver to naughty young girls in prison.
Travel Cayman should have not let her land in the first place.
Does Skylar Mack have property here or a work permit?
Does she have strong ties to Cayman? Allegedly VJ and Skylar have had an 8 month relationship which would put the start of the relation at around April 2020. With the border closures and lockdown measures I can’t see how this would be deemed as a strong relationship.
Good point. The CIG screwed up from the very beginning in letting her in. Who will be held accountable for that one?
Perhaps an on line relationship?
The whole family sound like damn Trump supporters to me. Living in cloud cuckoo land.
So what’s wrong with supporting Trump and that has to do with matter at hand? Fuc*ing idiot.!
Because Trump supporters tend to share several of the following traits: white privileged, selfish, racist, misogynistic, uneducated, unintelligent, violently radical and/or evil.
Well, he’s an evil idiot for one thing. Also a self serving criminal. Let’s child murderers out of prison. Ummm, wasted billions on a fake wall while damaging the environment. Shall I go on?
What’s wrong with being a Trump supporter? Well, for starters, Trump is not supported by The View, The Talk, Ellen, the Communist News Network, also known as CNN, etc. And for less than half of the Americans and many other parrots around the world, that seems to be a good reason to hate him.
Mind you, he’s a bull in an “Eastern” shop (don’t want to offend those who seem to take offence at almost everything these days), uncouth, ignorant at times, a swine when it comes to women, no worse though than a John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton (though he appears to lack their charm/smoothness), but someone who has done far more for the US than any president since Reagan. Similar to Boris and Farage in England, he’s despised by the Left because he’s willing to stand up for his country and people, and unwilling to sell them out to globalism.
If anyone has any doubts that the US Democrat party is turning socialist/Marxist, Democrat Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger said it best: “Nobody should be talking about socialism.” She warned that if Democrats kept up their tactics in 2022: “We will get f—— torn apart.”
You get that Nigel Farage is a nonentity in the UK, right? He got more attention than he would otherwise during the Brexit debate but is now consigned to a footnote in the history books. His buddy, Trump, can’t help him or his former party, UKIP, which has no MPs or MEPs. Boris will be remembered as one of the worst PMs in history, despised by everyone, left and right, not because he is willing to stand up for his country but because he is a bumbling incompetent fool. The Brexit nightmare has only just begun.
You don’t understand what Abigail Spanberger was saying. While she is very much in the center of the party, she was talking about messaging.
You also have no idea whatsoever of the difference between democratic socialism and socialism. Democratic socialism, which is what the US Democratic party is moving towards, is the dominant politics in Europe, including the UK and Scandinavian countries.
Fox News blabbers on about Venezuela and Cuba and scaring their viewers about socialism/Marxism because they don’t want the idiot masses to gain any understanding. Keeping people ignorant and angry is much more profitable for them and their sponsors.
The ignorance is depressing.
Get a grip on reality. You put the American Democratic Party in Europe and it would be considered the Right.
…and id you put the UK Conservative party into the USA they would be considered leftist and accused of being socialist or even communist. After all they now support the NHS.
it appears many Cayman residents no longer want Americans to visit the islands. Many of the comments I read are Trump related and anti-American. I was looking to buy a house in Cayman prior to Covid but, based upon all of the comments I have been reading this year, I seriously don’t think we are still welcome.
Stay home, lying crybaby.
You in particular, are not.
If you’re a racist who doesn’t believe in obeying laws, like your president, you aren’t welcome. If you a decent human being who believes we are all created equal regardless of skin color, then we welcome you. The problem is Trump is ruining it for good Americans – which doesn’t include the “fine people” who march at white supremacy rallies.
It is your right to spend your money where you feel wanted.
If you support Trump and his views you are certainly not welcome by me and my family.
They don’t live in Cayman!
Here is a clear example of double standard. In the past, other quarantine breaches was judged differently because of various circumstances. There is only one justice: let the youngsters free.
Sighed by one person self-isolationing in a quarantine facility
It’s not a “double standard.” The law was recently changed because too many people were not complying with the requirements. She was advised, in writing, of the potential penalties for breaking this law. People like you and her family members should stop making excuses for her.
It is suggested that the relevant COVID regulations be changed to allow a convicted visitor with no local ties, the alternative choice of deportation and be classified as persona non-grata in addition to payment of the equivalent cost of the period of imprisonment had they went to jail. In this way the government will likely benefit from such an episode rather than having negative tourism publicity while giving the convict an option in lieu of actual time in jail.
These “ongoing” investigations have been going on for ever. By the time the police finish their reports if they are expats they will be long gone. What’s the holdup, do those being investigated have connections like the trainer case?.
Why the fuss over this young lady, you break the rules you serves time, don’t we all have to abide by the rules in America when we goes there so why they think they must not abide by ours mind we have good American people who are in the island ask them if they don’t have to abides by rules and regulation where ever you go
Every time a white American college girl goes missing overseas, it remains national news for a long time; meanwhile, innocent poor black kids are randomly killed coming home from school and it’s a back-page local story.
Golden Rule: Gold rules!
Skylar has NOT gone missing. She broke the law and was given a light sentence.
Two words: “snowflake entitlement”.
Well Cayman wanted to send a message to the world. The world heard. Now Cayman is going to suffer.
Just as “The world” is suffering with sickness..
Maybe but maybe not.
Most of the world can travel and live their lives. You are stuck on a rock!
Because most here have been stuck here they genuinely have no clue that what you say is true. We live in the ultimate, and delusional, bubble.
Hopefully not stuck here with you!!! Lunatic…
We are not stuck on a rock. We can leave anytime. we just prefer to be on our covid free island and away from stupid people like you.
I returned to our beloved isle and gladly quarantined for the privilege to be back where people care about one another’s health, enjoy community, and cannot imagine the hateful attitude of so many Americans revealed by their con man. I fear they will infect us with more than disease but also with their divisiveness as you can see in some posts here. You might try to change mean people or stupid people but all you can do with stupid mean people is ignore them until they go somewhere else to spew. We Cayman Kind recognize one another in the smiles in our eyes. Stay strong, people. Peace, love.
We can leave but we can’t afford to quarantine for 14 days upon return. So yeah, because of that we’re stuck. I guarantee the airport would be full with Caymanians and expats alike if the quarantine was lifted tomorrow.
I like my rock thank you. It’s Covid free. I would rather be here than anywhere else in the world. I am so glad that I didn’t move back to the US or move to the UK.
Tell that to the 132 different nationalities and counting. Looking at the cayman islands immigration statistics, seems like a lot of people desire to be “stuck on this rock” with Americans being one of the largest migrant groups.
Be honest. Most people on work permits cannot afford financially or time wise to fly out, fly back and pay for quarantine. How many Jamaican helpers / construction workers have left and returned.
Not really very many American permanent residents. The banking laws are no longer useful.
Wrong. Many who you might think of as Caymanians are also American (whether they like it or not) because they were born in the US. Added to the Americans who have gained status, the PR holders and the work permit holders, those permanent residents probably make up the second largest migrant group behind Jamaicans.
Caymanians due to birth in a US hospital are not who the comment is about. Doubt you have more than 2500 Americans living on the island.
Let’s see: work permit holders, their dependents, Americans with PR and Americans with Status … I would take the over on 2,500 and give odds.
12.47am Live their lives and pay the price with overcrowded hospitals etc. Don’t envy them at all. Oh by the way what’s with all the new lockdowns in so many other countries? guess you haven’t been keeping up with the news.
“travel and live their lives”?!
Not so much.
Grow a spine.
Absolute rubbish!!! How will Cayman suffer?……My consistent experience from talking about this with people overseas is that they respect the Cayman Islands for following through with applying the punishment that fits the crime. And yes it is a crime. These people knew the law and they deliberately broke it. Why should they then expect to get away with a slap on the wrist? People around the world respect a country that endeavors to uphold the law, as they and their families like to visit a relatively safe environment. If you don’t like it then the answer is simple……don’t come here!
You underestimate the cohesiveness of the trump crowd. They do tend to follow through with boycotts as foxnews can attest. So yes, Caymans will lose some percentage of U.S. visitors who make up 80+% of visitors. Granted, it won’t cripple the economy although it will certainly not help its recovery.
Caymans is not a place.
Oh snap. Great point. Totally destroys argument.
The vast majority of comments on the Fox News site are supportive of Cayman enforcing its laws. We may loose a small percentage of previous visitors, but this will pale in comparison with the massive new interest/awareness of
Trump supporters tend to share several of the following traits: white privileged, selfish, racist, misogynistic, uneducated, unintelligent, violently radical and/or evil. Most don’t like to travel to places where they are a minority and can’t feel superior to everyone else. We can do without their presence. Americans from blue states are thankfully our major demographic anyway.
Intelligent and fact-based statements.
Many of the “Trump crowd” you refer to as threatening boycotts are backwoods, broke as a joke and wouldn’t have been traveling here (or anywhere else) anyway. The rest of them have acknowledged Cayman is doing the right thing here!
Cayman should also blacklist Dennis Mack and deny any/all future visits by him. Dude thinks he’s a celebrity or something. He’s merely an overgrown child that rides a toy “for a living”.
Wishful thinking. The NY Times pointed out the relative affluence of Trump supporters. Some do support Cayman but many don’t. Just as many in usa jumped to defend skylar for nativist reasons, many Caymanites insist on keeping her in prison for same reason.
There are rich Americans who support Trump solely on the fact that they help keep them rich or make them richer. However, in numbers, they are a minority of Trump supporters. The fact that the largest percentage superiority of any one voting block for Trump is white, non-college educated men over 40 (who are filled with grievances over not being rich) is telling. Relatively speaking, they are not affluent and they do NOT travel to foreign countries for stay over vacations, especially foreign countries that have lots of black people. The cruise cruise passenger demographic is somewhat different, partially because the mob mentality created with mainly white people on board helps them feel safe and allows them to maintain their indoctrinated sense of superiority.
You realize that Americans who come here that support trump often do so by cruise ship. They are cheap, fat, and rude. They spend like $5 and that’s it on island. I think we are okay without you. Drop in the bucket. My family and friends who support us jailing this women can’t wait to visit again. They stay for weeks and spend plenty of money.
Ugh you are so delusional.
Do you think Americans will ever stop coming here?
Think again!!!!!
What did the Cruise lines do, when Cayman Islands was taken out of their cruise itineraries?
Call us, and beg……
Because they can’t get booked cruises unless Grand Cayman is on their itinerary of destinations.
Do Google the articles on that and there news videos too.
We can pull more strings in this fight.
Very true. That country is divided and if you talk to those to do not deny science, care about others, etc. (you know, those darn mask-wearers), they, to a one, respect Cayman, the laws, the people, and yes, the environment. We see them mingling and enjoying these beautiful people and place and not merely here to use and abuse.
Truly overstated.
All press is good press.
Get over yourself.
How about that 19 year old Caymanian two time Quarantine escape artist?
That child has mental issues; it’s not a straight forward case and yes, sometimes discretion is necessary.
IF this “child” LOL you mean Adult as he is over 18 has mental issues, then that can be his defence. This does NOT mean he should be not be charged and appear in court and the prosecutor should be seeking a jail term. If his defence is successful and its proven he has mental issues then the court can take that not account.
The authorities were extremely quick to prosecute skyler and boyfriend. Why the delays with the other cases? It looks more and more like they wanted to make an example out of skyler which supports the argument that her punishment was extreme and politically motivated. Justice needs to be swift, blind and proportional. It’s not looking that way in Cayman right now with the failure to prosecute other quarantine breaches and the recent suspended sentence for Mac…….
When you apply to come to the island, it is made very clear what is expected of you regarding testing and quarantine. you are advised to plan and apply well in advance so your quarantine is complete if you have obligations. She knew before her arrival she would not meet them. this smacks of premeditation on her part, regardless of her complaint about the bracelet. With some in quarantine not testing positive for covid until their last day, she and her boyfriend put all people of the cayman islands at risk for completely selfish reasons. You have limited resources on the island and the actions of these two have put the hard won suffering you ALL went through under the earlier lock downs at risk. A slap on the risk is not a deterrent for behaviour that deliberately puts lives at risk.
I’ve been assuming they prosecuted the visitors more quickly because they had plans to leave fairly soon. The Caymanians are here to stay. They’ll get to them when they get to them.
The only point that matters, according to the ruling, so many are vehemently and disgustingly proud of, is that Skylar could have spread the virus despite her not having it. The kid with “mental issues” who flew in from the U.K., had the virus and could may have spread the virus. You cannot be hypocritical about law which is a person flying in, must quarantine for two weeks. Did he, or didn’t he? Period!
People are vehemently and disgustingly proud because they understand the concept of an incubation period, which means that although unlikely, she technically could have. And, more importantly, even if she couldn’t have, sbe doesn’t get to make that decision.
If you spoke the truth you’d be yelling to bring the 19 year old man to court. He actually had Covid and went out into the community. Could have and did have makes the world of difference.
I do think the 19 year old should go to court, but I’m not excited enough to yell about it, since it is apparent that he won’t be convicted because he’s mentally challenged.
As a separate point, do we know he actually has covid, or is everyone basing that knowledge on what his sister said?
The “Caymanian” child was deemed not fit to be held responsible for his actions. At all. Nor was anyone who was responsible for his behavior held accountable. Because they too have mental issues? Or is it because they are Caymanian Government tribal officers? Asking for a friend. If your looking for a breach that had a good possibility of spreading an out of control all out death dealing outbreak then this was it. So far.
The problem is the mental health issue was never judge by a court system. It was made administrativily which means that justice was not done because there was no involvement of the judiciary. That I think is the problem
He has mental issues after spending 1 year away at collage and seemingly doing everything a normal teenager do. But that’s correct mental issues is the cover to treat him so diffrent than another. My child has same issues as him. I can say if my child brake a law they deal with him as they would with any other normal person as I had to deal with this before and my child is only 16. I live in my island and is mine like anyone els as am born caymanian since that’s the go to to tell persons to leav if they don’t like. Give us all fare and equal laws and treatment no matter one position or connection. Skyler broke the law now she live with it. But I wait to see the outcome of this other Child as you call him. Cayman has lost its plot!
As a U.S. citizen and longtime Cayman visitor, the CIG needs to remain vigilant and enforce the sentences that were imposed on these two law breakers. As they both should and will learn that actions have consequences. Although I watch Fox News daily, it is disgusting how they are portraying these “children” as being unfairly persecuted. The story made no mention of the underlying facts. We look forward to returning to Cayman when it is safe for everyone.
Why single out Fox News though? Every one of the international news outlets (many of which get their facts from local news reps) who reports this fails to report all the facts.
America is the land of alternate facts now.
It seems the Mack family has a problem telling the truth-
Why is her dad out there talking about something he knows nothing about-
Not sure if this is the case but the United States president ( for a couple more l o n g weeks, unless we arrest him first) has been perfecting the Russian art of just letting a boatload of bullshit fly and and then letting more fly, and then more, until people are just overwhelmed and weary. He’s our leader and we are learning from him. Just say shit and get likes. It’s a whole new world.
Exactly. Sad.
Or, he’s deliberately and maliciously lying. Twisting stories.
Mr. Mack’s actions are making it clear that his daughter does not regret breaking the laws of the Cayman Islands and breaching the quarantine requirements that she agreed to follow. He needs to come forward with evidence to support his claims or issue a public apology to the people of the Cayman Islands.
I can’t get past “black run prison”. How in the modern era can someone say that on tv and not get flamed.
One acronym answer: MAGA (which, in subtext, is really MAWA – make America white again).
Every neighborhood and nearly every American family has always had these racist, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, types and we would just roll our eyes and ignore them. Now they have FB, Twitter, AON, etc., where they have come together to create an alternative reality. It’s not the first time in history. There could be another American Civil War brewing.
Yes, but morons make for a terrible army.
I heard from one of my lawyer friends (who is not directly involved in this case but has some knowledge of background) that the lawyer for VJ and slippery Mack, and the US consulate, are now seeking to have some or all of the quarantine time at the gov’t hotel prior to her revised sentence (from late November to December 15th) count towards her custodial time.
She is required to serve 5 weeks (60% of 2 months), which would mean release first week in January if they count her quarantine time.
Hope this isn’t the case and she is in until January 22.
What amazes me – is that her Caymanian boyfriend got the same sentence as she did, but they are not going to the media complaining, like Mack’s family is doing.
I’d say that’s ex boyfriend by now.
If one was to listen to the news sources in the US, where heated and lengthy discussions have been held in this topic, one thing is clear, Americans are ignorant like their current leader and are narcissistic. Just FOX news had multi-panel of their own, stating that the Cayman Islands will feel Trump’s wrath so we better let this American innocent, whose face should be on a postcard, come home! Seriously, Americans are supposed to be untouchable. Everyone in the world, should allow any American to break their country’s laws and turn a blind eye to it….because the breacher is American! I haven’t heard so much BS like this in my life. And the ring leader that started this narcissistic and proudly vocal racist way of speaking started with their president. He opened Pandora’s box, with his belligerent tweets and utter lack of respect for any human being. For years Americans must’ve secretly hid their racist perception, until they felt that they now had a reason to “come out of the closet” so to speak. Mack’s family is in red-neck territory, and they clearly don’t care that Caymanians are one, if not the only country that is pretty much free. Look at America, they refuse to wear a mask, out of courtesy to save their fellow man. These same Fox anchors want to impose restrictions on Cayman, as if we are Cuba or Venezuela! Even one of the anchors talking that he has no problem coming here to investigate our banks and financial system, and he’d find all sorts of dirt that we don’t want the rest of the world to know about. Please! Go investigate your own New York, Delaware, Chicago, California, even Texas banks and companies to see just how much the FBI and SEC have failed to do their jobs. Oh let’s not forget your President, who falsified and failed to file years of tax returns, yet is allowed to run multi-million dollar companies, but claim to be bankrupt. Really? Someone please tell me, why the hell do we want to open our borders to these people? They don’t care about their own. So why do we put faith in them to care about OUR own? Cayman Government, those tasked with the travel and monitoring, are incompetent. There are too many breaches, with too much risk that our people could become infected – possibly shutting us back into lock-down, like the rest of the world. Do your due diligence, and stop allowing swing visitors to pop up on our shores. Only property owners who plan to be on island for a long period of time, and returning residents and permit holders are supposed to be allowed to entry. How did a girl friend of a local, who was visiting for a jet ski tournament, get passed the boarding lounge in the plane to Cayman??? Deputy Governor, you need to really scrutinize those staff and their duties. Keep Cayman closed. Let’s go back to the days following Hurricane Ivan, where everyone helped their neighbours. We are blessed to be in the position that we are in. Thank you Cayman Government for that. A few financial hardships, is nothing compared to loss of life or in worst case thousands of lives. Be blessed everyone, and have a Merry Christmas.
I wish you’d signed your name to this comment instead of making it anonymous because I would like to shake your hand. Well said! 100% spot on!

Thank you for that. I would’ve signed but I’m a CS, so we know how that goes…..
It is dangerous to tell the truth. They are scapegoating, issuing death threats, and ruining careers, AND they love guns!
So you figured it all out.
Matthew 7:3
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?
CNS: Adherence to scripture is a moral choice. It does not give you the right to break laws.
Yes, a moral choice with eternal rewards.
CNS: You’re missing the point.
And your proof of this is a fairy tale book written to control people. You can believe in whatever you want to believe, but please don’t foist your beliefs on others with misplaced moral arrogance.
@CNS let the religious troll look for billy goats somewhere else. Don’t take the bait.
I totally endorse your comments. The Travel Time authorities were LAX in their duties. Please do your due diligence and vet these applications properly. There was absolutely no need for this young woman to visit and now look at the mess it’s turned in to. Dr. Tasha and her team should be held accountable too. But then again, is there ANY accountability in the CIG?
TravelCayman somehow “lost” my family member’s first application to return, and are now dragging their heels over the second application. Calls are being met with rudeness and non-answers. There is no where to turn to, to get this expedited.
Why are these incompetent boors running this without proper training and accountability?
I agree with a lot in your comment but to say Cayman is free is rather laughable. Cayman has no physical or natural resources and iui s dependent on neighboring countries and most predominantly on the US for everything from oil to food to consumables. Even Cayman has to depend on US for hurricane forecast. So if one country Cayman need to show special consideration is undoubtedly US. that is simply reality now and for foreseeable future.
A few financial hardships? Tell that to those who have lost their livelyhoods. Complete lack of empathy by an admitted CS, sitting at home doing nothing on full pay. Thousands of lives? Really? And there will be only one winner in a USA v Cayman fight, and it won’t be us. The arrogance and ignorance of this comment is very troubling, and as a Caymanian I really do fear for our future.
Clearly you are not Caymanian. Any of those who are “suffering” are persons who raked it in, and spent every penny on alcohol or drugs or even “keeping up with the Jones”. That is the typing uneducated Caymanian way of living. I know of persons who are taxi drivers and made all $600 per day!!!!! Now they claiming, that they need assistance. I don’t make anywhere near that, and I have savings to keep me going. By the way, Civil Servants are some of the hardest working employees anyone will ever find. And nope I’m not home doing nothing, I wish as there tons of personal projects that I’d like to tackle. Instead I have to willingly forgo lunch breaks and attending to my household bills as well as family emergency, as I am a dedicated employee. Civil Servants are not the problem. We are overworked for the most part. The problem is, that we have too many responsibilities, and our departments are under-staffed. So guess what happens, when you call, we are most likely on the phone with another customer, or we have a customer sitting in front of me/us, quickly went to the restroom, or in a meeting of some kind. Then the complaints come in that we don’t answer the phone. Honey, believe you me, if we could clone ourselves to handle all tasks at once we would. But a little patience and understanding goes a long way! I’m sure most people, would not last as a Civil Servant as you have to be able to handle pressure, multi-year, and in many instances, step into a role you have no clue of just to be a team player and get the job done. I’d encourage you to apply, and work for at least one or two years, then reply back with your new appreciation for our hard work.
Mind you, there are a few persons, who are lacking in ambition, and do deserve to be complained about. But please don’t judge the majority by the miniscule minority.
To all CS, a big round of applause to you for your passion, intuition, dedication and most importantly, commitment to do your jobs despite lack of resources and support! Haters gonna hate, but guess what, you all are great!
This is pathetic now. A stint in prison will do her good, great for character building and reflection time.
A stint in prison would be good for McKeeva, great for character building and reflection time.
Hubert – you are so right. Yet out of all our indignant, heavy breathing Caymanian commenters on this article, only 7 have agreed with your comment?.
If I were him, I would also suggest to his country’s citizens how certain people in power appear to be able to get away with a slap on the wrist, if that, for far more serious crimes.
It must be true . I saw it on Hannity and Im sure it will be on Qnon website by now.
Congratulations VJ, just look at the trouble you’ve caused by bringing her in and all the rest of it.
This is the most important comment to date.
The police have the discretion to send a file to the DPP or not and they also have “discretion” to collect good evidence or not. I 100% believe that if you are a local and know the cops investigating you then you will not be pursued as aggressively as a foreigner. The whole place is corrupt. Skylar and Ramjeet got what they deserved but we need to see the police stop showing favouritism to their brethren…but then again look at how nice Alden is treating his BFF Mackeeva…when the standard is set so low its no wonder that low paid cops also show favourtism.
This is a silly comment. Where is the partiality on behalf of the police who investigated and charged the Speaker of the House? You might not know this, but it was the same RCIPS who investigated and arrested the Speaker who was then a Premier. What evidence do you have of the police being partial to their friends? Police Officers are human so I expect individual officers to make mistakes. However, the RCIPS’ use of discretion is in line with serving a community. This rule is strictly enforced and there are countless examples of this. In fact, this takes place daily in every police service. I am proud of the RCIPS for how it addresses conflicts of interest internally. Senior Officers routinely remove themselves from making decisions on people where there is a conflict of interest. In all the cases that I am aware of, discretion was utilized with legal advice or strictly according to ethics. Now I challenge you to come forward or even to point to the corruption of which you speak.
If we just STOP them from coming in, and close the airport again, then we can focus on getting rid of the virus again. Just let in the Caymanians and Residents. 1,051 persons in isolation? Ridiculous… seriously!
Most of those are Caymanian students (and some with their families) returning from school/university for the holidays. The governor and his wife are self quarantining with family too, as are other prominent residents.
Let’s just focus really hard on completely bankrupting ourselves. Thanks Anon!
We are aware of four breaches. Two Canadians allowed in for two weeks. That should not have happened. An American who could only have entered with the assistance of at least two Caymanians so she could watch her boyfriend in an event. And a Caymanian (the only one who tested positive) who’s fate is yet to be determined, but it has been made quite clear concessions should be made for him. Yet, he without a doubt, having tested positive, presented the most risk to us. And who knows if he hasn’t spread the virus? The point is, Caymanians directly and or indirectly had a hand in all breaches. So your solution in no way reduces the risk of community spread. It’s not grandma and grandpa visiting that are causing trouble for us. And just so you know, 1,051 in isolation could mean as little as 300 flew in. Its not unusual for a child to fly in and the household of 4 or 5 isolate.
Who do you think is in isolation? Returning Caymanians and residents mostly! S
ome of them need to isolate apart from their elderly or working-outside-the-home families so as not to potentially infect them.
Could the Canadians have received jail time? If so, why weren’t they jailed?
No. The Canadian couple could not as their prosecutions were before the changes came into effect.
The new laws with stiffer sentences (including jail time) did not come into effect until after the Canadian couple was prosecuted under the previous version.
Mack and Ramgeet were prosecuted after the updated legislation came into effect, hence the stiffer penalties.
Also, the Canadians mostly went for walks on the beach and swims on their own, grocery shopping once and to put out the bins – all of their breaches together would not have added up to the continuous time that Skylar was in very close contact with hundreds of people. The Canadians did not attend an event with 100s of people there, partied with them for 7 hours, held babies, and all without wearing a mask and only two days after arrival. Granted 100% that the Canadians should have got a harsher sentence too, but they did not endanger anywhere near as many people as Skylar did.
But she did not have Covid so did not actually endanger anyone
Which we can say in hindsight, thank goodness. But if she had been found to have developed the disease during the 14 day quarantine period, the story would be quite different.
This is what happened before Skylar arrived to Cayman.
prison term from six months to two years
Lawmakers on 10/22/20 approved amendments to the Public Health Law, including an increase in the fine for breach of isolation regulations from $1,000 to $10,000 AND the
Cayman news 23/11/20
traveller who was in isolation after returning from overseas is facing a $10,000 fine following a breach of the home quarantine rules on Thursday. Officials have given very few details of what is only the second breach of home isolation rules since the programme started at the beginning of October….No indication of the age or gender of the people involved in the breach or which district the incident happened have been released.. ”
“ At least
CNS: Note that although the law had been passed, it was not enacted, which we did not know at the time this article or the one following it were written. This is the fault of the lawmakers, not of the courts or the prosecution.
Cayman news 25/11/20
other cases of potential breaches.”
other breaches of quarantine are now under investigation and that the iMsafe quarantine technology is being reviewed.”
“On Monday the couple [Canadian] were each fined $1,000 and opted to leave a few days ahead of their scheduled departure. But it has also been revealed that officials are dealing with
“…Summary Court charged with breaking the Public Health Law…almost a week after the Travel Cayman monitoring team had discovered the couple’s CONSISTENT breacheS. However, despite MULTIPLE breaches, the couple in this case were fined just $1,000 when the maximum fine is $10,000 and the PRISON term.
In the statement officials revealed that
Cayman compass 25/11/20
there had been
very few breaches of quarantine detected.”
“Commissioner of Police Derek Byrne said in the release that
“Three other cases are still being investigated, officials told the Compass on Monday. These were first mentioned by Travel Cayman Director Tasha Ebanks-Garcia in a press release on 25 Nov., but no details of the cases have been released.”
They got the maximum sentence at the time.
No, they could not have. At the time of their quarantine breach, this law was not in place.
A new law was passed after the Canadians and before Skylar even flew to the island.
I love the indignation in the states, when they seperate families for breaking the law, catogorising illegal immigrants as criminalized and caging children.
But a white, blond American girl breaks the law in another country and is jailed and how dare they, they cry on FOX
Do we separate families for breaking the law in the Cayman Islands? Are illegal immigrants criminals in the Cayman Islands? In fact, what do we do with illegal immigrants in the Cayman Islands? Just curious.
The more stringent laws had not been Gazetted at the time, but they did receive the maximum sentence at the time of their violation.
They could have been. The law at the time was ‘Any person(s) prosecuted will be liable on conviction to a fine of ten thousand dollars and imprisonment for two years.’ ( – Obviously no one ever gets the maximum they are liable for.
As to why they weren’t its likely because they were one of the early cases. The possible total penalty increased after them with the expectation that the sentences would as well. Just these two’s bad luck to be the ones caught acting so egregiously after the increase in the penalty /severity of the sentencing.
1pm: as far as I am aware, the Canadians were prosecuted under the prior law. You are quoting the current law which came into effect after the Canadians were sentenced.
10:40 am: every case presents different considerations to magistrates and judges.
Among consideration in Mack’s case:
1. New, more stringent regulations were passed since the Canadian couple’s case;
2. We have seen what is happening in Bermuda and it is scaring us.
3. Skylar was intermingling at a major public event for seven hours, posing potential for a super spreader.
4. She had called the authorities to loosen her bracelet—those actions naturally generate inferences.
5. There is no abatement to the numbers of persons in isolation. As these numbers increase, the situation calls for serious management.
6. Have we forgotten what happened to New Zealand? They were a model for the world in “eradicating” the virus. A flurry of cases resulted from Someone making an “executive”decision to release two sisters in isolation to go to their parent’s funeral. When the authorities investigated what became a national outcry, the women’s denial of contacts was proven false. New Zealand then placed their isolation centres under security guards.
1. New, more stringent regulations were passed since the Canadian couple’s case;(nonetheless, sentencing is at discretion of judges)
2. We have seen what is happening in Bermuda and it is scaring us.(fear and anger are not a good basis when sentencing- as noted by Appeals Court)
3. Skylar was intermingling at a major public event for seven hours, posing potential for a super spreader.(yes, outside for all of it as I understand)
4. She had called the authorities to loosen her bracelet—those actions naturally generate inferences.
(in the appeals hearing, the defense presented a sworn statement from Mobile Team member which stated she did indeed have cuts in her wrist which would counter that inference)
5. There is no abatement to the numbers of persons in isolation. As these numbers increase, the situation calls for serious management.(Agreed)
6. Have we forgotten what happened to New Zealand? They were a model for the world in “eradicating” the virus. A flurry of cases resulted from Someone making an “executive”decision to release two sisters in isolation to go to their parent’s funeral. When the authorities investigated what became a national outcry, the women’s denial of contacts was proven false. New Zealand then placed their isolation centres under security guards.
#4 having worn these bracelets twice there is no way they can cause cuts without some assistance. I can imagine how you would fake the injuries, like maybe grinding the edge into your arm repeatedly, but through normal use, nope, no way, wouldn’t happen.
10:40 am: I think it may have been the concern about how the court handled the Canadian cases that led to more severe penalties.
We do have separation of powers in the Cayman Islands: judicial, executive, and legislative.
So you think……
After the Mack family PR attack on Cayman I suggest that the entire clan be placed on the Cayman prohibited immigrants list.
It’s too bad there isn’t some way that they Cayman government could sue the family for slander. Half of the stuff they say is just completely made up.
I find it very interesting that VJ’s family has not raised any problem with this at all, you don’t hear a peep out of them
He’s probably keeping his head down in order to not bring down even more sponsorship wrath down upon him.
He was responsible for bringing her in and taking her to the event. He has to face us all after he’s out.
Who was she staying with and why did they not alarm the authorities when she was gone?
Not so fast… if the allegations he makes are true, and others are getting preferential treatment then he is doing the whole country a favour. If they are false, then you might want to consider some action.
Well, don’t jump to conclusions so quickly. Apparently, there is a little more to the story, other than a young girl breaking the quarantine regulations of the Cayman Islands.
Like they would ever want to visit the island after what was done? Really? Our Big Daddy Mack evaa will do much more damage to Caymans reputation but he’s still getting our love and thanks for the new toaster.
Better yet all Americans
Do you think they’ll want to come here after this?
We wouldn’t want them back here after this. Catch dem outta road.
They asked Trump to get their daughter out of Jail….Oooooo I’m shaking in my boots.
I was unaware of the Canadian cases and as a Canadian just wanted to apologize. There is no excuse for anyone from my nation of any other breaking your laws and putting anyone in danger. The Cayman Islands are doing an admirable job of addressing Covid with the seriousness it deserves. We can learn from you and I admire the actions taken by your government. History will tell the truth about the nations who did well and it will be a strong contrast to what is happening in USA. As much as the Mack’s accusations are disrespectful and undeserved, take heart, the can not change history with hollow accusations and the Cayman Islands are certainly on the right side of history and have done a better job than most weathering the storm that is 2020.
Great post! After the Macks finish whoring themselves out for attention, they’ll fade into the background. Cayman will always have their story of “success due to sacrifice” in this pandemic.