Eden calls for independence from UK ‘noose’
(CNS): One of the Legislative Assembly’s most conservative members made a radical call on Wednesday, when he said the next administration needed to consider independence for the Cayman Islands. Anthony Eden (SAV) implied that the British do not wish this country well and things had gone “haywire under this administration”. He said that whoever takes over after the next election should look at getting away “from this cumbersome noose that is tightening around our neck”.
In other words, “independence”. And Eden’s message to the future parliament was: “Don’t be afraid to cut the cord.”
The surprising call from the veteran MLA, who has served over 28 years in the LA, some of it as a Cabinet member, came during the ongoing debate over the government’s controversial Defence Bill. Eden described the legislation as another “power grab” by the UK in what he saw as a relationship that has turned sour under this current government.
Eden’s current aversion to Britain, which he has often described as the mother country, has been growing ever since the UK gave a clear indication that it would impose marriage equivalency for same-sex couples here if local politicians did not address it themselves. With the passage of the Civil Partnership Law last months, the opposition MLA’s feelings about the governor and Cayman’s relationship with Britain has soured.
Eden joins growing enthusiasm on the opposition benches for Cayman to begin carving out a pathway to independence. While few politicians ever call for outright independence immediately, the idea that we should be preparing for it sooner rather than much later, as has previously been the case, is gaining traction.
In the LA on Wednesday it was clear that Eden’s opposition to this new law had its roots in his virulent opposition to rights for the LGBT+ community, as well as the power the governor’s office retains over Cayman and lawmakers.
“In light of how the civil partnership legislation was handled and managed by the governor, it terrifies me to give him more power,” he said, as he suggested that the Defence Bill goes much further than any MLAs had envisioned with the idea of a regiment.
Joining others on the opposition bench in criticising this current draft bill, which they have called colonialist legislation, Eden said he would not support the law as it was.
Government has agreed to make amendments to the bill before it reaches the committee stage and to deal with what Premier Alden McLaughlin accepted as overreach, as he wound up the debate in the LA. He pointed to what he said were helpful submissions made by North Side MLA Ezzard Miller, which the changes would be based on.
But in light of what Eden had said, as well as other comments made recently by the official opposition members about this bill and others, the premier questioned whether the opposition would be brave enough to put independence in their manifesto.
However, despite Eden’s very clear statement, which could not be misinterpreted, Deputy Opposition Leader Alva Suckoo (NEW) said that no one on the opposition benches had advocated for independence.
“I sat here and listened,” said McLaughlin, adding that he viewed independence for Cayman in the same way as his own death, which was that they are both inevitable but he hoped neither happened soon.
“If the opposition is of the view that it needs to be fast-forwarded, then that is entirely up to them. That is a proper political platform and the people can vote and determine whether or not they agree,” he said.
Category: Politics
indépendance or not does it truly matter? I’m sure the Queen will stay on the money Im sure the offshore tax haven will remain. Hey wasn’t there a time where the Cayman almost became a Canadian province??? What about joining the Canadian Confederation? Would be nice to have a nice grand country to be a part of and a wee bit closer to our way of thinking? Eh!?
Some fools thought that French colonialism was better because they projected art and “culture”, Other fools thought bought British colonialis. they swear that the British were civilized! I could go on and on about every European colonizer who stole indigenous lands, peoples and resources. The outcome is always the same for the non European, South Africa, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Brazil, the Great USA, French colonial Africa on and on. I repeat there is no humane colonizer they are all racist capitalists who never consider your interests. You have to develop yourself.. Take a page from China and think…it’s still legal.
Rebel Forces are set to take control of Cayman. We won’t need to cave in to the woes of independence, instead, earn every cent above and beyond the now weakened British Pound Sterling. Imagine most of Cayman’s Army defecting to the rebel side, with hulking Spanish countries surrounding us. Free the prisoners!
The “Crazy” Pandemic has reached our shores
What terrifies me, Mr Eden, is how you treat your fellow human beings. Religion should have no place in political decisions.
Independence … exodus of Jah Caribbean people … we all not going to stay in these jobs if there is independence … we need to get out before the KYD loses value… bc that the only reason Caribbean ex-pats are here because it cannot be the love we are shown by the Generational Caymanians and our North American and European ex-pat counterparts !!!
Well, you have expats and you have migrant workers. They are not really the same issue.
You all can talk ill about those different nations all you want, point is that those nations no longer have to bow down and answer to masters who pretend to be god sent. Cam we really trust the largest colonizers the world has ever seen??
You want cayman to fall into poverty? You know expats will leave but you will have nowhere to go…
There is no humane colonialism, but you are free to sell your soul. Just don’t complain when you are treated like a second class or third class citizen.
I keep repeating: There is only one kind of independance, that is economic independence!
otherwise you merely change one master for another.
Cayman has a long road to go before we reach that Goal. Not even GB have it!
Jesus was gay. Prove me wrong.
Jesus was bi not gay!
Sounds like an Arsonist to me. Just know how to start a fire huh
100% behind you Mr Eden go home you scum bags and take unnah surrogates with you too. Running these islands right into the ground now wid unnah BS please carry ropa and his dangerous agenda too .See ya
Public school at its finest
Eton or Harrow?
Must be an election coming?
What he wants is a christian fundamentalist country.
Just like an islamic state with the exact same rules.
“from this cumbersome noose that is tightening around our neck”
What a horrible and shameful phrase to use with so much racism and prejudice at this time. Perhaps it shows, new fresh views needed.
Stand by your views and opinions as you are entitled to but let’s see the marks of the noose around your neck.