Miller calls on premier to remove speaker

| 02/09/2020 | 119 Comments
Cayman News Service
Speaker McKeeva Bush takes part in a public ceremony in May

(CNS): The return of House Speaker McKeeva Bush to his high office sets a terrible example, MLA Ezzard Miller (NS) said Wednesday, as he called on Premier Alden McLaughlin to remove him. The independent member asked when “enough will be enough” regarding this speaker and his behaviour since his appointment, which has eroded the esteem that goes with the prestigious office.

Miller noted that even the lowest grade public servant is suspended from their job when they are charged with a crime until the case has been resolved. It was a terrible precedent to allow the speaker, who is “at the pinnacle” of public service and leadership, to return to the chair when he is facing four charges in relation to a violent and drunken incident at a beach bar.

“How is it that this most senior public servant is allowed to waltz out of office on some undefined leave of absence based on his own claims of needing to deal with mental health issues and then waltz back in again before his case is heard without any explanations?” Miler asked, saying this was the question the premier needed to answer.

Miller, who chairs the Public Accounts Committee and has always held that the dignity and rules of the Legislative Assembly are important, said he had been led to believe by the premier that Bush would not be returning to the speaker’s chair or even the Chamber of the House until the assault charges against him had made their way through the courts and a verdict rendered.

Miller had called for a special meeting of the LA back in March in order to debate a no-confidence vote in Bush and elect a new speaker. In order for such a meeting to be called if government is not willing, seven MLAs must be in support. When Kenneth Bryan (GTC) refused to support the call because he claimed Bush had not been charged, the idea was scuppered.

McLaughlin has also argued, based on advice from the attorney general, that there can be no debate on the issue in the Legislative Assembly because Bush’s case remains sub judice. But Miller pointed out that the case is in Summary Court and will be heard by a magistrate and not by a jury.

If the court would be influenced by a debate about removing Bush from his job as a result of the charges, why wouldn’t it be influenced by the failure to suspend him and allow him to return to the speaker’s chair, Miller queried. “By allowing the speaker to return, the message to the court is that the Legislative Assembly believes Bush has done nothing, which can also be argued is influencing the court,” he said.

Despite the premier’s claims that it is down to the wider parliament to remove Bush, Miller said that it was the job of the government who nominated him for the post; it was their majority that ensured he got the chair and so it is for the government to remove him.

He said that “as one member alone” he could “do nothing but make my disgust known”, except by only entering the Legislative Assembly “in order to make a contribution and do the necessary work”, implying that at the next sitting he will boycott the ceremonial entrance of the speaker and not enter the Chamber until business is underway.

Miller explained that the rules of parliament prevent him from raising the issue on the floor because the speaker cannot be challenged without a no-confidence vote. “I should not be the only member speaking out on this,” he said, as he urged the premier to remove Bush.

It is unlikely that anyone in government will speak out against Bush since he and the one remaining CDP member, Captain Eugene Ebanks, are important to maintaining the coalition. However, members of the opposition have also been uncharacteristically silent, a point that has not missed in the public domain and has been raised by CNS readers and on social media.

Since information about a potential coup circulated, which suggested that opposition members had been in discussions with Bush and other government members about a no-confidence motion in the premier, the opposition has said nothing about the speaker’s return. The opposition members, Bush and two ministers allegedly discussed what could be done to prevent the governor giving his assent to the Domestic Partnership Bill, including via a political coup.

The opposition has since been silent on Bush’s decision to return to work, missing a glaring opportunity to gain political capital, given public sentiment on the matter.

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Category: Politics

Comments (119)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    All the dinosaurs need to go don’t you people get it that’s the corruption

  2. Anonymous says:

    Watch for Byrne’s status.
    Here it comes.

  3. Anon says:

    So when was the last time Makeeva Bush paid to have that robe and wig dry cleaned. In all of this summer heat? Anyone care to comment?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Unna ga good memory. We forgot about the Dr. part and all the other honorary degrees he earned. You are so good about reminding us.

  5. Anonymous says:

    In the past I would take offence with negativity towards my fellow Caymanians but I just cannot turn a blind eye anymore and be complicit to their crimes by not speaking out. Mac is a disgrace, Jon Jon is an idiot Alden and Kenneth are sellouts and the rest of them are not even worth mentioning. Time to drain the dump!!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    9.55 ‘Crime ridden country’. Oh the irony. A murder and a spate of stabbings in one week. Makes SE London look positively tranquil.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe you should just leave if you hate this country so much! Its funny how someone can leave their own country to come here and complain? I love all the foreigners who come here to work and visit and have a nice heart towards locals, and their history and mistakes. Imagine me moving to America or the middle east and complain about locals or their government. The smartest thing to do is find somewhere else right? Anything better than Grand Cayman is Little Cayman! Lol

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s called sarcasm you idiot. 12:49 was making a joke that someone called Cayman crime ridden because of 1 murder and a couple stabbings sarcastically compared it to SE London.

        So quick to jump on people.

      • Anonymous says:

        10.01 Stock response and another fine example of navel gazing. An entirely disproportionate amount of serious assaults on an island this size. Instead of having a go at the original post, why not look at why we have this problem. Education, absent fathers, culture of belting your kids …etc..etc..

  7. Anonymous says:

    “Why do you think majority of the British come here”

    Why? Because someone has to correct your grammar.

    Also, those who live in glass houses……

  8. Anonymous says:

    If people like Mac, Juju, and John John are the best you have then Cayman Islands will always have a hard time with the rest of the world. Cayman has been given a chance to move forward with the rest of the developed world but its heart is still third world. I give it a 50% chance of bankruptcy in the next two years. Then the UK can take it over and make it into a functional Democracy. Soon Come!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Throughout Ezzard Miller’s political career, dating back to the early 1980s, he has consistently shown that his interests are for these Islands. His actions as Minister of Health regarding AIDS prevention measures (when the subject was still
    “taboo”) and cigarette smoking are just two of many national initiatives he piloted, to our benefit. He has remained consistent thought his backbench or Opposition years with valid contributions and concerns on record.

    His delivery and personality have alienated “shallow” members of our public who base their support on a personal level instead of substance and he has been incorrectly maligned as being “anti-foreigner”, instead of his true stance of being “pro-Caymanian” – there is a big difference!!

    I’m a WBW voter, totally disgusted with McKeeworse, who wishes I could vote for Ezzard, election after election. Sadly, I bet most of my fellow constituents will continue to vote the status quo in this district.

    I hope a new coalition is forming for May 2021! Ezzard for Premier!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed. WBS voter and nobody to vote for in my area. One Man One Vote did not work at all. We need a NATIONAL VOTE. Its time for people to stop winning the 200K annual salary lottery with just a couple hundred votes and doing sweet F.A. for 4 years….and more.

  10. JTB says:

    There’s so much disrespect on here for the Perpetually Honourable Dr Mr McKeeva Bush, Honourable Speaker of the House, Father of the Nation, Ambassador to the Casinos, Official Big Man, Protector of the Ladies, Blessed of the Lord, Most Honourable, Keeper of the Brown Envelopes, Exemplar of Morals and Hereditary Giver of the Fridge.

    And did I mention how Honourable he is?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Our government is demonic. Controlled by wickedness, hiding behind God and a fake concern for what is right.
    These demons sold their souls to Satan a long time ago and WE voted for them.
    Their day will soon be here, of that I am certain.
    There is nothing good in their hearts toward their people.
    They spend the public purse as though it their own. These people drain millions from public accounts to fund lifestyles that most of us can only dream of.
    It is an utter disgrace, yet as usual nothing will be done.
    It is as though our governors are sent to enforce the status quo because that is exactly what they do.

  12. From my window says:

    I work next door to the LA and when a coworker told me Bush “heads” the LA I had to wonder how if I only see his car there once in two blue moons! I wonder how that works. 🤔

    • Anonymous says:

      How often do you seen any MLAs there? It’s not just Bush it’s all of them. It’s the best paid part time job in the world!

      • Anonymous says:

        Actually, the MLAs work is out among their constituents – what they get from the people is what they are expected to bring to the LA so there is really nothing for them to do there if they are not in session but if MAC is like, the Chief Officer of the LA, I would expect him to go to work every day like all other COs in government do.

    • Anonymous says:

      They only have to be in the LA when there are actually parliamentary proceedings taking place. What you are saying makes no sense. They have community offices and the Premier works from GAB.

      Why would they be in the LA is there arent any LA meetings on?

  13. Anonymous says:

    Let’s say goodbye to Bush once and for all and move on. Stagnation is for mosquitos.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Can’t understand why mac wears that dress and wig, he must know he looks like somone dressed to go to a drag party. That gear does nothing to enhance his image. Can he not wear a striped suit?

  15. Philip WBS says:

    And still not a peep from the female MLA’s of the charge of assaulting a female against Mac, Tara Rivers Putting you on notice you wont be getting my families vote next year so cross of 4 votes from electorate.

    • Anonymous says:

      Incredible right…but still collecting their pay.

    • ThIs WrItInG Is VeRy IrRiTaTiNg says:

      No surprise there. She didn’t say anything when Ozzy went off on Jennifer Ahern either. That was the end of my support for her.

    • Anonymous says:

      It would have been ok if the victim was a male? There is no suggestion the alleged assault was gender based – not does the gender of the victim make any difference to the law. By inferring that it does you are implying that the assault is some how worse – that the victim was especially vulnerable because she was a woman, which is patronizing, or that there is some kind of additional obligation on female MLAs toward other females rather than a general duty in regard to all irrespective of their sex. You should be rightly appalled at the lack of MLA concern about the assault issue irrespective of the gender of the victim.

    • Anonymous says:

      Two votes for Tara Rivers lost from this WBS household also. Same reason but said reason was just the icing on the cake!

    • Anonymous says:

      “And still not a peep from the female MLA’s ”

      Yet Julianna this morning is circulating a message in the name of christ to pray that the governor doesn’t grant equality to the two Caymanian women in love.

      Yet JuJu can’t use the bible to defend another woman

  16. ELVIS says:

    it truly is an embarrassment to Cayman.


  17. Anonymous says:

    Junior MLA Miller should stand down and speak on bean counting which may be more in his own wheelhouse.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Another fool who wears a mask but doesn’t use it to cover his nose. Is it a gag order, Mr Speaker?

  19. Phillip says:

    People from West Bay keep electing this trash of Big Mac. He’s a disgrace. Vote Bug MAC out!!!

    • StopTheCrime says:

      Keeping Bush in power was always a…
      (wait for it)

    • Anonymous says:

      Not before I get my free fridge

    • Hubert says:

      Never happen Phillip. McKeeva is a God in West Bay and people love those refrigerators and turkeys.

      Think about it, McKeeva is easily the longest serving MLA in Caymanian history. Says a lot about our people.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Every circus needs a clown. He is an honorable person in Cayman. Cayman is not an honorable island to the rest of the world. Do whatever you want to Cayman but don’t expect respect.

  21. Anonymous says:

    It wasn’t that long ago when Alden would have lynched him but now he needs all the support he can get as we’ve just seen with the failed DPB.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Mr.Miller, thank you for speaking up, but that is not enough. You have spoken about the Dump 31 years ago, but nothing has changed.

    Mister Miller, are you still concerned with the Dump’s methane buildup and pollution?

    Nov. 29, 1989
    “Because whether [those questioning the allocation] want to believe it or not, solid waste – garbage – is becoming a serious problem in this country,” [Mr.Miller said]

    Mr. Miller spoke of “the threats of pollution from leach heads” and “the threat of a methane bomb going off on the outskirts of George Town at any time.

    Mr. Miller said the government had been consulting with representatives of the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization about the issue “on a regular basis for some time.”

    On Feb. 21, 1991
    “The purpose of this study [undertaken by the U.S.-based firm Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernighan, Inc.] is to advise the Cayman Islands government on the social, environmental and economic implications of the various technological alternatives for the disposal of solid waste and to determine the most appropriate method of solid waste management for the Cayman Islands,”

  23. Al Catraz says:

    Fortunately, beating a woman in a bar is not an offense to Christian principles.

    • GovSayNoTheocracyDon't Call Church says:

      Jump off Christians. No doubt that’s a low blow trying to equate this to SSM, totally different scenario.

      The police and DPP are on this, let the course of justice run. There are clear laws regarding the offenses. It’s obvious Christains cannot jump on every individual issue.

      The LA needs clear protocols in their SO not just political rhetoric. Also let the Gov look into the “Rule of Govt”, in this.

      If you come to church, then you will know these madness are preached against.

      • Anonymous says:

        They preach morals from the pulpit, then go outside the front door and don’t live it, don’t acknowledge it and turn a blind eye to those who flaunt their power. If not for Bush’s power, his circumstances would be different. Yes, status discrimination is alive and thriving in Cayman.

      • Al Catraz says:

        Well then, how about we make a deal. You keep your preaching inside your church and don’t come out by the hundreds to demonstrate against two people who love each other, if you will not do the same against a person who sees fit to engage in violence.

        For some reason, there is only one kind of “preaching against” which makes it out of your church alive.

    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      Ain’t that the truth. XXXXXX I understand how this government coalition came to be — it was self-preservation for all in the face of total chaos.

      You people of West Bay, you have to pay attention and do what is best for the Cayman Islands. Your gud-ol’-boy’s time has long passed. He is an anachronism.

      Please, PLEASE don’t inflict this man on us again. Along with Mr. Miller, I think Mr. Slick needs to go, for the good of everybody.

    • Anonymous says:

      Anyone from the CMA care to comment on the post by Al Catraz? Or are you all too busy combing Leviticus to see if it’s ok.

  24. Anonymous says:

    He is a disgrace to Cayman politics and makes a mockery of every decent person trying to live an honest and law abiding life.

    • MacKeeva non grata says:

      He’s a disgrace to Cayman period. And not to mention his eroding of social order and rule of law.

    • Anonymous says:

      …let’s not leave out those that actually finish high school, earn a university degree, then spend years on a doctoral thesis, and even after all of that…are discreet about the use of their formal title prefix, “doctor”.

      • Anonymous says:

        This issue keeps coming up. If you receive any “Honourary” degree it is supposed to be viewed as an award and not academic achievement. This is the global standard.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Wow. An MLA that I share the same sentiment with “do nothing but make my disgust known” pretty much what I’m doing. Some of the more sensible MLA’s should also back this, it’s quite simply what is right and what is wrong. If you’re willing to turn a blind eye to this overt despicable act – what other covert antics are you condoning?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, I know things are really bad when I find myself agreeing with Ezzard Miller more and more.

  26. Anonymous says:

    I know there is no code of conduct for MLAs but I think if this guy can go back to work while having several very public charges against him then I would say the practice of putting civil servants on mandatory leave because of criminal charges is no longer tenable.
    If the Speaker can do his job while facing assault charges then any employee (including an assistant to the Premier) can stay on the job while facing charges of similar severity. As he said, he’s innocent until proven guilty!

  27. Anonymous says:

    As stated in this story the Opposition voted in March on a no confidence vote and it failed because of not being able to get enough support . Why does anyone think it will pass this time unless the Premier and his group support it. That will not happen so it will only be a waste of time. Some have no shame!

  28. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Bush should step down. He is making a laughing stock out of the Cayman Islands.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Mr Miller. You are expressing the sentiment of many people. Stand firm.

  30. Anonymous says:

    I agree; his behavior since First Cayman Bank times has been deplorable and the Premier really needs to do whatever is in his purview to remove him. The man has become a disgrace to the Office he holds and the country as a whole. If his WB constituents do not hold him to high standards, it is up to them, but Cabinet truly should.

    • Anonymous says:

      And despite all that Alden chose to get into bed with him. Politics may make strange bedfellows, but this is truly disgusting.

    • Anonymous says:

      What was his involvement with First Cayman Bank’s demise? That was before my time. However, the liquidation finished since I was here and I know creditors got back something like 80 cents on the dollar, which, after attorneys fees and liquidator fees, is pretty much unheard of. What did McKeeva do? Was he charged with a crime??

      • Anonymous says:

        Not charged with any crime.

        Did he grant status to any law enforcement officials?

      • Anonymous says:

        To 8:52pm: Mac was a director so he knew for a long time that the bank was in dire straits. He was negligent in his duties to the shareholders and account holders, many of which were his own constituents. They blamed the debacle on the bank’s manager at the time (RIP) but Boards are supposed to protect shareholders’ interests and guide managers accordingly. Mac was involved with another bank prior to that and that one failed too. No, he was never charged with anything. Shady all around.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Ezzard!

  32. Frustrated says:

    Say hello to the next Banana Republic – one step closer to “ Independence “.

    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      No. We are too unseasoned of an emerging nation to go independent. We would founder worse than Jamaica. Like it or not, we need Mother.

    • Anonymous says:

      We are as ready for independence as a six month old is ready to wipe their butt.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Ezzard Miller is the only dignified MLA and is fit to sit in that house. The rest of them have made a mockery of it especially the Georgetown newcomer, Westbayer, and Boddentowner. Bringing shame to this beautiful country. Get rid of all the mongrels except Ezzard.

  34. Anonymous says:

    100% agree with Mr. Miller on this.

  35. Anonymous says:

    You all might be expecting too much from Alden.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Is it true the Hon Speaker once owned a couple of very valuable condos at a new development on SMB?

  37. Anonymous says:

    Alden owes Mac…they are in cahoots.

  38. I think mr bush deserves credit he should have a good defensive lawyer to get him off the hook.and keep him as speaker of the house. Mr ezzard Miller needs to stop trying and step down his own caymanian troath .if that was and expat sitting in mr Bushes seat and sitting on crime charges mr ezzard would have given him a medal .

  39. Anonymous says:

    Well, it’s not just up to the Premier. Miller would need just half of the 19 members of the LA to want to at least pretend to want good governance, be reasonable, and compel this outcome. We saw with the Domestic Partnership Bill that being reasonable is a bridge too far for most. The FCO/Governor might have to add “Speaker disqualification” to their long unaddressed to-do list…but as with any deep-housecleaning, where do you stop once you start!?? So much.

  40. Anonymous says:

    No corruption, no banana republic here! Says the ostrich.

  41. JTB says:

    I don’t know what’s happened to Ezzard.

    He’s gone from being reliably wrong about everything, to the most sensible member of the legislature.

  42. #sheissupported says:

    Good for you Ezzard– thank you for speaking up about this! All the rest of the MLAs should be ashamed of themselves for staying silent XXXXX


  43. Anonymous says:

    Matthew 7:16 – I think Mac and the opposition may struggle with that one.

  44. Cheese Face says:

    Seeing that fool in all his ceremonial gear makes me want to vomit.

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