Archive for May 5th, 2020

‘Can’t celebrate yet’ says premier
(CNS): The release of Little Cayman from both the hard curfew and the shelter-in-place order after 94% of the population tested negative for coronavirus is no cause for celebration for the rest of the country, Premier Alden McLaughlin said Tuesday. Describing the two positive cases of front-line personnel announced today as “sobering”, McLaughlin said it […]

Two front-liners positive for COVID-19
(CNS): Two people in public facing jobs have tested positive for COVID-19, as well as a third sample from a contact of a previous positive patient. The three positives were from the batch of 224 tests results reported by Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee on Tuesday. Giving his usual daily update on testing, the […]

Scott takes over at WORC
(CNS): Deputy Director Jeremy Scott has been appointed as the acting director at Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC) after the two-year long secondment of Sharon Roulstone ended Friday. The immigration ministry’s chief officer, Wesley Howell, said that Scott’s “vast experience with immigration, enforcement and leadership” made him the best person to lead WORC as […]

AG rehashing port ref arguments in appeal
(CNS): The Attorney General’s Chambers plan to rehash all the arguments made during a judicial review, which was brought by a member of the Cruise Port Referendum campaign, at an appeal on Wednesday. Last month the premier claimed that the appeal was going ahead in order to address the overreach by the court and not […]

Navy and police choppers on ‘recce’
(CNS): With the Royal Navy task force ship, RFA Argus, anchored off the coast of Grand Cayman, military personnel from the ship will be joining the RCIPS in helicopter reconnaissance and drug interdiction flights, as COVID-19 has limited the planned pre-hurricane season exercises. Governor Martyn Roper said Monday that no one from the crew will […]

Watersports operators should be Caymanian
Winston McDermot writes: Don Fosters going out of business is just the tip of the iceberg and the virus was not the only cause. I predict many other watersports operators will follow suit and, likewise, it will not be the virus but our very own Cayman government being the cause.