Panton finally quits PPM

| 07/03/2020 | 107 Comments
Cayman News Service
Wayne Panton at the #sheissupported rally with Lorraine Ebanks

(CNS): The former financial services and environment minister, Wayne Panton, has walked away from the Progressives, despite being a founding member and financial backer of the party for many years. In a brief statement to CNS, Panton said that recent events had made a hard decision a lot easier. Often at odds with his former party colleagues in the past on a number of social justice issues, Panton has been a genuine advocate for the environment and the LGBT community.

CNS understands that his former Bodden Town colleague, Osbourne Bodden, has also left the party but CNS has been unable to make contact with the one time health minister to confirm his reasons for leaving. However, it is said to be related to the party’s support for the speaker remaining in office following last month’s events.

Panton, however, confirmed his decision to part ways with the party after the events surrounding the speaker’s involvement in a violent assault on a manager at a beach bar last month. He said that it was clear that he and the Progressives no longer shared the same values.

“It was time to accept that the we do not appear to share the same principles and values, sense of justice and perspective on what is best for the longer term interest of our country,” he told CNS. “Recent events which are very sad for the country have personally made a very difficult decision easier.”

Panton attended the #sheissupported rally last week. He also erected a sign in the PPM yard days after the incident and Speaker McKeeva Bush’s admissions that he had behaved badly. But like many, Panton sees the speaker’s failure to resign and Premier Alden McLaughlin’s support for Bush in allowing him to remain in the prestigious office while he takes some undefined leave of absence as unacceptable.

Panton has not said where this leaves his own political career. It is hard to imagine, however, that the former finance minister, who was one of the party’s few truly progressive and qualified politicians, stepping completely away from the political stage.

In a surprise upset in the 2017 general elections, Panton lost his seat by just 15 votes to Alva Suckoo, who had followed veteran MLA Anthony Eden in quitting the PPM over the issue of marriage equality and gay rights. Panton has never hidden his support for the LGBT community, which Suckoo used against Panton in the elections, a move that appealed to the conservative Christian opposition to gay rights in the constituency.

But the next generation of voters that have been registering over the last year may hold very different views from their grandparents. Many young people support marriage equality, are demanding environmental action, have real concerns about inequalities in the community and want to see competent, qualified leaders with integrity take office.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    You lost me at Ezzard.

  2. Anonymous says:

    All in All the government tweeted the election process when it instituted One Man One Voe – Proportional Representation. This process has not been adopted in its true capacity. True Proportional Representation is the process whereby the country is seen as ONE Constuiency(District) and All eligible voters cast their one vote for a candidate irrespective where the voter or candidate physically resides. For example, in the 2021 election, if I live, in say, Cayman Brac yet the best possible candidate for me to vote for lives in Bodden Town, I should be able to cast my obe vote for that candidate.

    When this process is put into action this way, then we can say two things:

    1. The Cayman Islands uses Proportional
    Representation the correct way ; and

    2. In doing so, it can result in creating an elected body of 19 persons who are the best possible representatives for the country.

    • Anonymous says:

      Would suggest a few Multi-Seat Constituencies (with say 3 and 4 seats each) and one entire Islands constituency (with say 3 or 4 seats), all with Proportional Representation. That way we keep our representatives on their best behaviour and even if it is only “Do Dos” or idiots running in a given constituency, we still have the ability to vote on the island wide level where there is bound to be a couple of true state people running. If there is not a choice with that ……then we truly have an unmitigated mess o or hands.

      This First Past The Post, Single Seat Constituency business often means that the lowest common denominator (candidate) with a plurality of extended “family” votes and those who owe favours to him/her get elected.

      FPTP/SSC = The West Kingston Effect, eventually. We are en route……..

    • Anonymous says:

      5.21 What happens if everyone votes for the same candidate?

      • Anonymous says:

        On the “Islands wide” constituency, the 20,000 circa voters would have another chance to vote for those 4 or 5 candidates (or a by far greater number, who knows?) who would run on the all Islands constituency (in addition to voters having a vote in their local, multi-seat) constituency – both constituencies (local & national) to be voting on a Proportional Representation basis…in order of preference of down the ballot paper: 1 to 9 or 1 to 3 or just 1 what ever they feel like.

        I find it hard to believe that 20,000 voters would not end up spreading their vote over more than just 1 candidate, on the “all islands constituency….”.

        Point is, as voters, we could have the ability vote at our local multi-seat constituency and/or on the all Islands multi-seat constituency level – that gives CHOICE to us as voters as opposed to being stuck with the Single Seat/Winner Take All (First Past The Post) System.

        last time, in WB South – from the bunch that were running last time, Tara was the only choice…(back then, that is..!). The rest were…”non-standard”, shall we say.

    • Anonymous says:

      To 5.21 I say keep it the way it is with one exeption: instead of first past the post , the winner would need a majority of the votes cast.( This mi.ght mean the need for a runoff election) Otherwise keep it the same.

  3. Chris Johnson says:

    It is difficult to soar with the Eagles when you are surrounded by Turkeys.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I believe that a great leader should not only be well educated, but should have sound moral principles. In the case of some, their moral compass is skewed.

  5. Chris Johnson says:

    Anonymous 7.15 am

    I agree with you on all issues.

    I have voted in West Bay for over forty years since the days of Mr Benson. It is very sad to see what has happened to West Bay which I have known ever since I played cricket and football by the town hall and went on Mr Gleason’s boats and of course those of Mr Eugene, a friend but a disappointing politician. I continue to vote and have supported some good candidates in the past but sadly they were not elected. I hope to see new blood to support next year.

    I will not even mention Bush but to say he has been an unmitigated disaster for our country. He conduct is appalling and he must be removed. His politricks resemble those of Jim Bodden who became well known to me when I acted as court appointed liquidator of Prospect Properties where fraud was rampant.

    LIke you I remember the old days where integrity ruled, where people were polite and courteous, where not much money was around and where everyone helped each other .
    Although we can never go back to those days we can make changes. The people have spoken against the port and against violence towards women. The people need speak out even more to bring about changes and much of that needs new brooms to sweep across the polical floor starting in West Bay.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ahem. Elephant in the room……….. Jim Bodden is one of very few a National Heros and there is a statue of him outside of the LA. You know and I know that he was as corrupt AF but that doesn’t deter the electorate, and probably never will.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The best news I heard in years….just need Mr. Archer as his partner now….Mr. Roy Bodden is also healthy….so is Mr. Gilbert McLean…so is Mr. Adams…West Bay also has talent..(just not selecting the right ones) “National Vote”…give the people the opportunity to vote for the right representatives….

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr. Archer resigned from the PPM in September 2017 but because he is quiet man he did publish it in the media. But he did resign over 2 years ago.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I can’t think of anyone better to lead this country. What do we have to do to make this happen? Here at least is a man of integrity unlike the current batch of wife-beating supporters in the LA. Including the not so honourable Tara Rivers and Juliana O’Connor-Connolly that should especially hang their heads in shame for the fact that neither has gone on record to condemn what Mac did. That’s before you get me started on the handling of the Port, Smith Cove, buckling to Dart and becoming his puppet / muppet, the complete disaster of the roads, wasted opportunity on the airport (really is Subway and Wendys the best you could do?). But fear not, as this year I become eligible to vote as do many other pieces of F***** Driftwood!

    • Anonymous says:

      I Proclaim the next election “Driftwood” election.

    • Anonymous says:

      9.03am I rather suspect that you are opposed to those guys because you want driftwood (as you call yourself) to not only vote buf run for office.I hope the next bunch passes a law that prevents people like you from even voting here. You do not have the best interests of Caymanians at heart.

      • Anonymous says:

        on the contrary… home for the last 15 years. If expats were allowed to run for office (like they are allowed to do in the UK) then my god what an island this would be.

    • Sad in 2022 says:

      This didn’t age well

  8. thank you says:

    Thank you, Mr. Panton, for being a man of integrity — for supporting marriage equality and for standing against abuse of women. I hope you are back in the Assembly very soon.

  9. Brian Tomlinson says:

    Good move Wayne. Please continue to be the light in the darkness, the North Star on critical issues facing this country. I am proud of you and support you 100%. Just be careful who you associate with in the next campaign.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Chris Johnson, I happen to be a constituent of McKeeva’s who, BTW, has been “missing in action” as a legit constituent rep since becoming Speaker. I agree with your comment, although I’d like to think of myself as a voter who doesn’t ascribe to the “cesspit” description. I would hope there are enough like me to make a difference at the polls next cycle but I doubt it.

    McKeeva and many of our politicians ( I refuse to consider many of them leaders) have consolidated their support with hand-outs and it will be difficult to change that concept because that is what most of the electorate care about. They don’t care about what a politician or potential politician can do for “us” but instead what they can do for “me” and “mine”.

    That is Jim Bodden’s brand of politics and his stain on the Cayman political landscape! Jim Bodden’s legacy has ruined the Cayman islands (anyone doubt me pls review Jim’s style and tactics) and very few politicians since have had the balls to depart from that style. Ezzard and Norman Bodden are among the very few who have, at least publicly, tried to maintain integrity in their politics. McKeeva has definitively embraced Jim Bodden’s cesspit politics and even more sadly, so has most of the Cayman electorate. They don’t know anything different!

    Hopefully a new, younger generation of more educated and ethical voters will reverse that trend but it’s been deep-rooted for over 40 years and it might take longer to eradicate!!

    Glad I know Cayman in it’s BJB heyday – that is “before Jim Bodden” when politics and every other facet of life in Cayman was based on ethics, integrity and not on corruption, the dam dollar and the damn Lodge – which Jim introduced directly into Government !!!

    • Anonymous says:

      The Islands need to get rid of Single Seat Constituencies – they facilitate and double down on, the “handout” / vote buying modus operandi. Hermetically sealed in their own cess pits, members focus on self preservation, not leadership of the country.

      • Anonymous says:

        To 7.05 Stop with the cesspit references. I don’t know anyone in Cayman living in a cesspit. Maybe you do , but I dont.

        • Anonymous says:

          But I know lots of people living near a massive dump and impacted by its disastrous air. Guess you prefer a dump to a cesspit.

      • Anonymous says:

        Stop with the vote buying crap already. Just because a politician has empathy towards a needy person tries to help, does not mean he’s trying to buy votes. Lots of non politicians do it and it is ok. I have known Wayne to help others in need without seeking anything in return but if he should get elected and gave to someone in need you would now accuse him of vote buying. So please stop the crap.

        • Anonymous says:

          You must be as useless as your comment. If you cannot see the conflict in handing out “help” as an elected member then you are a lost cause buddy.

  11. Anonymous says:

    does anybody remember how he championed environmental causes? Really wonder if the Cruise Port fiasco would have been an issue if Mr. Panton was a Minister, After he disappeared from the public eye, the current government has made a full frontal assault on the environment.
    Oh, and the Speaker thing, an absolute disgrace with the solidarity of silence being displayed by the current government. The Speaker is immune to receiving his due punishment.

    • Anonymous says:

      And the environment includes that fiasco called Planning and the Central Planning Authority.

  12. Michael Day says:

    Like Len Layman said:”integrity”. Thank you Wayne. It takes real fortitude to stand against your peers and long term friends (referring to many in the PPM party).

    I may add that I have always voted PPM, but there has been an accumulation of instances that has left me scratching my head!

    1) The fight against my Daughter’s right to marriage (and the against minimal provision of Civil partnership legislation in which the Government admits they are in breach).
    2) pushing the Port Piers (in my opinion against the wishes of the people
    3) Beach Access’ being registered (how can this NOT be in the Public Interest)
    4) Smiths Barcadere (Leave paradise alone!)

    Is it just me, or has something gone totally pear shaped.

    My friend in my Government leave me angry and confused.

    Please check your values. Find your integrity.

    Thank you my friend Wayne Panton!!

    • Michael Day says:

      5) abuse against women by The Speaker (SILENCE). Ranked number 1 In terms of my aggravation.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Where Mckeeva now?

  14. Mervyn Cumber says:

    Wayne, consider your future for yourself and the country. You are a well respected person and a credit for young Cayman voters to respond to. Best Wishes for your leadership!

    • Anonymous says:

      Still have a hard time believing that Wayne Panton, one of the best and the brightest in Cayman, lost by 15 votes to Alva Suckoo, a total lightweight as has been demonstrated since he was elected to office.

      What is wrong with this picture?

      • Anonymous says:

        Single Seat Constituencies and a First Past The Post Electoral system – that is what is wrong with the picture…….

        • Anonymous says:

          The lack of talent because of the low pool of persons eligible to run for election is the major problem. Bright intelligent Caymanians are already employed in great jobs and even if they run they may lose out to bozo Caymanians because of our dumb electorate. But some districts are especially impoverished by one man one vote. If you live in Bodden Town East and you have to choose between, say, Dwayne Seymour, Arnold Berry and Greg Anderson or others of those who keep running here, who the hell are you going to vote for?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Well where do Osbourn fair off ?bet he didn’t complain when Alden defended him after calling miss Ahern f,,,ing drift wood,,,,,but let me remind you all ,don’t think for one moment that Ezzard ain’t hell bent at being premier, Lord help us that day.

  16. Anonymous says:

    The PPM has no political future in the Cayman Islands. They have refused to give adequate focus to the issues that are of the most importance to the people of the Cayman Islands and they have failed to provide competent leadership where and when it matters the most.

  17. Len Layman says:

    Wayne, thank you for the stand you are taking. Once again you show your integrity. That is something missing in our government now.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Does the government still have a majority? Can we now have a vote of no confidence in Mac?

    • Anonymous says:

      Too late. Now we want a vote of no confidence in all of them. They lack the integrity required to command respect.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Just need 19 Wayne’s.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or a Wayne and a Marco and a Danny and a Winston and an Ezzard and … Come on people, we can actually do this!

  20. Chris Johnson says:

    I completely agree with you. However why not publish your name? What do you have to lose. I too have known Wayne as well as his family who were so gracious to me when I arrived some 52 years ago.

    He has made his mark as both a lawyer and a politician. He is intelligent , a man of the highest integrity and has no axes to grind. Unfortunately he does not live in West Bay , the political cesspit of most of the district politicians.

    Wayne is a born leader and with full support of new rising stars could turn this country around. It was a sad day when he lost in the last election.

    Let us hope his district next year will remedy their mistake.

    • Anonymous says:

      Chris, have you considered the fact that a constitutional amendment allowing for a national vote for each candidate, even though drawn from particular districts, would stand a better prospect of us having much better quality representation? It would also make them all accountable to every voter.

    • Anonymous says:

      Remedy their mistake ? Wow way to insult the constituents he was trying to convince. Maybe Wayne will do better if he remedies those flaws that caused him to be rejected by his district. The man didn’t make wine from water now -geez

      • Anonymous says:

        Panton was defeated in his district because he was not prepared to gay bait and go into the gutter. A real class act, unlike the person who defeated him by 15 votes.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Wayne should try to form a new party of younger, educated sensible Caymanians who are not obsessed with gay marriage or gay people in general, not prepared to ask the Council of Ministers before they make decisions for a country that is in the 21st century, not the 18th, and value the environment. He would get support. Meanwhile, woters like me have Dumbwayne Seymour as our MLA. It’s a desperate situation we have in Cayman when hidjuts become Ministers.

    • Anonymous says:

      * Not obsessed with objecting to equality *

    • Anonymous says:

      Wayne should be the leader of a younger generation of Caymanians focused on sustainable development and the environment but still pro business. It can be done with the correct leadership.
      The old boys currently in power have sold this place out while lining their pockets.

    • Anonymous says:

      Call it the Green Party. The young will certainly vote for such a party as the older Caymanian generation has sold out the environment completely.

      • Anonymous says:

        Time for these islands to learn that we can have development but sustainable development where the environment is a priority and not a simple after thought.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Wayne Panton, you will always have my respect.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Time to join with some of the younger generation for a forward thinking political party

  24. Anonymous says:

    so ppm will let the gov fall all because they won’t stand up to mac after assaulting a woman.
    this place is bonkers.
    direct rule please.

    • JT says:

      Direct rule eh? If you knew the truth of the matter and were anything other than disingenuous you would realize that independence would be better. Your supposed solution is part of the problem.

      • Anonymous says:

        independence?????…you must be joking. just look at current mla’s!!!!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Answer this one question; Just who is the RCIPS beholden to above and beyond the Cayman Islands and her people. Your answer; the same one’s some wish we were (and in reality are) directly ‘ruled’ by. Now answer this question; Is it not that same RCIPS who DID NOT ARREST HIM AND LET HIM GO?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes JT, independence with McKeeva as King. What u bin smokin?

        • Anonymous says:

          Refer to my statement above, as anon. The RCIPS is not beholden to the Cayman Islands and her people. Ask yourself then why was he not arrested on the damn spot? The MLA’s do not control the RCIPS, the Crown does. Savvy?

      • Anonymous says:

        You a total joker Bobo. Independence led by McKeeva, Alden, Ezzard, Joey, and Eden. Won’t that be wonderful. Led by dumb and dumber. Jamaica mirror.

        JT, you are an excellent developer looking after your own interests.

        • JT says:

          Listen clearly, I said that independence (at this point just as ludicrous an option as direct rule) would be a better option than direct rule because it is the FCO who controls the RCIPS, not the MLA’s. The responsibility for the WMB not being arrested and charged on the spot falls directly on their heads. What does that tell you there genius? Do you need it spelled out for you? That is who you want to have direct rule? Ever heard of frying pan to fire? It works both ways. Rock and a hard place with a long drop in-between. Moreover, I said nothing of the above mentioned dingleberries leading an independent Cayman Islands. You did, not me. My own interests?!? My interest is in my homeland climbing out of the shit storm which is today’s reality. If I cared about my own interests I would not be considering any of these things, I would be like the rest who do not want to ‘stop the carnival’ FOR THEIR OWN MYOPIC INTERESTS. The FCO has failed in their remit of insuring good governance many times over, FOR THEIR OWN INTERESTS BEING TAKEN ABOVE AND BEYOND THE WELL BEING OF THE CAYMAN ISLANDS AND HER PEOPLE.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Mr. Panton obviously supports gay marriage, Mr. Suckoo does not. What is wrong with that. Each one has a right to support certain issues or not. When they decided to Get into politics they did not give up their individual rights Everyone is never going to agree.

    • Rolando's Saturday Morning Guitar 🎸🎶 says:

      The difference is, are you ready? Suckoo is only using gay marriage as a political tool, a prop to further his own political career, make no doubt about that. How do I know this? Well, I’ve known the Suckoo clan for nearly 45 years and not once did I hear or see any stances about the gay movements/its past controversies in Cayman, from any of them.

      Now Alva gets on the Navy coattails of Eden and all of a sudden he’s on about “Morals and Christian heritage, family this & that” blah blah blah. He’s not fooling everyone with his “individual thinking”, not one bit.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just sad though that Suckoo ran a campaign on nothing else but gay bashing. Surely there were other issues in his district.

  26. BTC is King says:

    Nice to see a man of principles; a man among babies, sycophants, and the immoral rabble that pass themselves off as Honourable members of the LA. That means you Basta Daldon, Me not see nuttin Kenneb Corn Cob Bryana, Preacher da Commandments but follow None Myself Tonio, Big Baby Looka Bit Ssssslooooowwwww dAwayne, British Tiara, Juwana Payva me Driveaway Okkkkk Connnnnnolly, Mosey On Cause I can’t Make $ outa dis KirkWatches, C’mon David u Can do Betta Write, Can’t shut MY Bigggg Trap Harry a$$ Auston Martin, Euseen Eugeeene Lately, Menot shame 4 not stand up 4 Women Baba Connoly, and lastly, Hew Many Times can u lit shit like this pass until U do sumting about it No Shame Joseph?

  27. Anonymous says:

    It’s time to run for Premier Mr. Panton.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can’t run for Premier under our system of Government. You have to get elected and the Premier is chosen by the majority of elected members.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Panton is a gentleman. We need more like him

    • Anonymous says:

      Too much class and dignity for most / most Caymanians. Can’t be bought. That is the political problem he faces.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s what they said about Kurt and you see what he got us! Kurts PPM legacy will forever embarrass this country

  29. Anonymous says:

    “Leadership is not about the next election — it’s about the next generation.”

    One of the most important jobs of a leader is identifying and preparing next generation of leaders.

    Quitting PPM and politics is easy. Who did he identify and prepared as his potential successor?

    His quitting looks like betraying the faith of the people who elected him to be their representative. His loyalty to the mandate of the people is more important than his loyalty to the party.

    • Rolando's Saturday Morning Guitar 🎸🎶 says:

      This is a bullshit comment. Thinking like that gets us the Hitler’s of the world.

      “Freedom, morality, and the human dignity
      of the individual consists precisely in this;
      that he does good not because he is forced to do so, but because he freely conceives it, wants it, and loves it.”- Mikhail A. Bakunin

    • Anonymous says:

      He didn’t quit politics. He quit PPM – which is welcomed. He is following suit behind the other smart people who used to support PPM. They are going to be surprised when they realize that they have no supportive voters left.

      Thank you Mr Panton!!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      He isn’t elected at this time either… he lost by 15 votes to Suckoo.

      His quitting PPM is very much welcomed.

    • Jotnar says:

      Betraying the people? His successor? He’s an ordinary member not an MLA or the Premier ( who incidentally isn’t that keen on successors or competition looking at the ministerial allocation). But don’t worry. When he runs as an independent – hopefully against McLaughlin – he will be back to meet your concerns about representing the people. But that’s not really what your post is about, is it?

  30. Say it like it is says:

    Surely the Premier has lost all credibility as Leader of Government by allowing the Speaker to retain his office after his disgraceful behavior at the beach bar. Presumably Bush will be able to take whatever time off he himself deems necessary whilst still drawing his fullsalary. Public sentiment is just about unanimous that Bush has to be sacked, but as someone recently commented in the U.S., politicians are only interested in staying in office and don’t give a damn about what the people who voted for them, want.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Love you!!

  32. Anonymous says:

    Best news. Mr Panton does not need to be party to this group of has been, sell outs. He WILL get more support in the next election without playing AMs politricks.

  33. Helen says:

    Wayne has not openly supported Gay marriage.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ask Chantelle if he supports it !

      • Helen says:

        Whether he’s supported it privately is one thing. To come out publicly as a political candidate and support it is something else. Let’s see if he has the balls. It’s easy to be the quiet financial backer, the outspoken law changer that may get licks for it is different. I know some of the things he stands for and I’m not keen. If you are poor and perhaps darker or have made mistakes in your past, he will write you off. Let’s see how this plays out.

        • Anonymous says:

          Helen, real leaders don’t stoke the fires of hate among people. Wayne us one of those people.

          • Helen says:

            What has supporting a cause got to do with hate? Just something for all the haters out there, it is possible to support something you believe in and still understand and respect a person that does not support the same thing. That is not hate, that is understanding and being a grown up. You can have one without the other.

            As an MLA he will need to stand for something and not sit on a fence, he will need to say which side he falls on, on all sorts of issues, difficult ones and easy ones. wishy washy politics leaves us nowhere.

  34. The Country needs answers PPM says:

    Hats off to you Wayne. You did the honourable thing. Now maybe Alden will take heed to what is being said to him and pluck his finger out his arse and MOVE the Speaker from the Chair.

    Alden, do you and the Unity Government have the intestinal fortitude, the cojones and backbone to call a special meeting of the house and get rid of the scum bag from the speakers chair. The country is waiting for ACTION.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Mr Panton is admirable and has the integrity and qualities we need in Government. I seriously hope he stands at the next election and becomes our leader. The rest of them should ALL be put out to pasture! Most of them have failed to lead by example and have put their own personal interests above those of the country.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Smart Man I would would vote for him. I am not supporting PPM anymore due to the port issue , the lack of regard for the environment, Smith Cove disaster, not listening to your constituents, gay rights ,over developing, supporting violence towards women and more…….and I am a long time PPM supporter. So disappointed in this government.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Very happy about this development, Wayne! I hope that you form an alternative with others who share your values.

    The PPM have turned their backs on Caymanians and our collective future in a multitude of ways. It’s time to get rid of them and all current MLAs with the exception of Ezzard Miller (although controversial, Miller usually has a very considered viewpoint. That is healthy for democracy).

  38. Anonymous says:

    I have known Wayne Panton professionally and personally for more than 30 years. From his service as to the Caymanian Bar Association and as a leading lawyer, to that of Minister of Government, I have watched him confront the very greatest of challenges, including personally, from close up. He has never failed to display the very highest standards of integrity, decorum and honesty. Where we have disagreed, he has enabled even deep disagreement to remain amicable. He is of almost unique and exceptional character. A Man with whom honor is truly safe.

    It will have been hard for him to see that the promise that the PPM once came close to achieving has been reduced by others to a mere smudge on the record of history. He has called them out, and maintains his dignity. He is an ideal leader, of the highest principles and ability, and I can only hope that he can again be called upon to serve his beloved Cayman Islands.

  39. ppm Distress Signal says:

    What took him so long? Must be an election around the corner

    I wonder how many in the unity team will now make career saving decisions and break ranks with Alden McKeeva Moses McKeeva and the rest?

    • Anonymous says:

      You don’t get it or him. He is so above that. He will have done all he can to set the ppm back on course. That he has allowed himself to come to the realization that it is unsalvageable is commendable and reflects on the depth of the rot, rather than him.

      • Anonymous says:

        Nah he is using this to break away and prepare to run without them. He could have stayed and tried to fix the party and even lead it but he is taking the easy road

        • B Talent says:

          Your ignorant post speaks volumes. Go back to school and learn to read then you will understand the article.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well said. When you are dealing with an unprincipled toxic organization whose present leader reminds us of the one up North in so many ways then an exit is in order.


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