Curfew will transition to ‘shelter in place’

| 26/03/2020 | 113 Comments
Premier Alden McLaughlin at Thursday’s press briefing

(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin said Cabinet has now come up with a definitive set of regulations that will enable the current 58-hour curfew, imposed to try to curtail the spread of COVID-19 in the community, to be lifted on Saturday. After 5:00am on 28 March, the Cayman Islands will move to ‘shelter in place’, which will allow supermarkets to re-open and people to get some exercise, though people will still be required to stay at home.

The premier announced the transition on Thursday at the daily press briefing on the situation regarding the virus. Noting that the full regulations and details about this new order will be outlined on Friday, he explained that, in short, this provision is less restrictive than the current full, round-the-clock lockdown.

While a nightly curfew will be imposed each evening at 7:00pm until 5:00 the next morning, people will be allowed out in the day for limited reasons. However, all businesses not designated ‘essential’ will remain closed and on Monday morning only the most essential employees will be allowed to go to work.

McLaughlin said he now believes the country understands the seriousness of the threat we are dealing with. He urged the community to cooperate with the rules that will govern the post-curfew period until Friday, 3 April, when the riskiest period for transmission will be coming to an end.

The change will allow people access to essential services but will still restrict people’s movements and the gathering of people in public places. Unless they are on an essential errand, people must stay home.

Once again, the premier repeated the reasoning behind restricting people’s movement and interaction. It has now been one week since local residents began returning home from places where the COVID-19 pandemic has been particularly severe, such as the UK, the rest of Europe and the USA. Having ordered isolation for those returning and restricted the movements of the rest of the community, government is still hopeful that the containment strategy may have worked and prevented any significant community spread.

“If we succeed in this strategy, if we get to 14 days (from the first day when residents began returning in notable numbers) and there is no evidence of any significant community spread of the virus in Cayman, we will be in an incredibly good place and we can start to look at how we can relax some of these restrictions,” the premier stated.

McLaughlin added that he would begin to have a great deal of optimism if we make it to next Friday without evidence of community spread and it appears the strategy is working. But he urged people to cooperate with the restrictions, saying that government was still getting far too many requests for people to be exempted from the restrictions imposed for purposes that “are truly not essential”.

He urged people not “to lose sight of what we are trying to do, which is to stop the virus from acquiring a new host”.

Cabinet is expected to publish the regulations for the ‘shelter in place’ provision tomorrow and the details will be outlined at Friday’s regular press briefing.

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Category: Health, Local News, Medical Health

Comments (113)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    WE need to do more research. Let’s start with the Spanish Flu and see what happened back in the day when people wouldn’t listen to Medical professionals.

  2. Anonymous says:

    6:06 I think you would be happy in south Florida Tonight!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Is all of this even LEGAL … NO REGULATIONS HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED IN THE GAZETTE since March 19/20 …. hopefully the AG will explain today where they get the powers to be doing all these things… under which laws? Because the Police nor the Public Health Law or even the Emergency Powers Law still need a Law or Regulation or Notice to be published in the Gazette to activate the powers … I nah ses nun a dat yet

    • Anonymous says:

      True say. I know we going camping at Easter and jumping down West Bay Road come May. Mel dem try stop we!

    • Anonymous says:

      Common sense and decency does not need to be backed up by a law you moron.

      • Anonymous says:

        This assumes that a) that many around here have common sense: and b) that they have decency. A you will see in the response of local 10:10 above, this is a false assumption.

  4. The Puritan says:

    Some folks need to rethink their air bridge idea before we re infect ourselves yet again The US is not an option and our vulnerability is very high now ! For those stil living in la la land Megan Sparkle has move to Hollywood one of the Retardashians is praying for humanity no wonder the world is so f#%@ up

  5. Anonymous says:

    Please, Hon. McLaughlin, continue this strict curfew of isolation for everyone except the essential few like fire and medical for another 1 1/2 weeks. Then I think we may be safe to relax it a little. It is too quick to do so now. PLEASE!

    • Retiredttdoon says:

      The grocery stores should be open on Sundays. All three grocery stores have reduced their hours by 24 – 30 hrs each week. The 90 min wait is too hard for seniors and heavy set people. I watched several people turn away due to the long lines and the heat. Seniors using canes should not be expected to do this. The Govt is asking /ordering people to comply but this curfew needs common sense. The banks only can open one branch? The residents who live east of Savanah get the short end of the stick. BT is the most populated District but ppl have to drive to Camana Bay if they bank at CNB? Rubbish. If Govt expects people to comply they need to be fix these shortcomings.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Will dog walkers be included on the list of essential persons?

  7. Anonymous says:

    What kind of evidence of community spread are they looking for? Considering we don’t have nearly enough tests, and people are being advised to stay home if they’re sick and only go to hospital if they are in bad shape, how will they actually know if it’s here or not?

  8. Anonymous says:

    The total lockdown makes complete sense given that everybody thought they were essential persons, seriously, how entitled are we?! The Gov will come back today and let us know what are non-essentials and ask us to shelter in place (stay home) most of the time for another week at least, and obey curfew from 7pm to 5am from tomorrow. That’s not too bad at all really.
    they are having to treat the country as if we all are infected simply because they cannot test in the numbers required to handle this any differently. We must all continue to stay away from friends and family that don’t live in same home, and just follow thru with all the procedures to give the country a chance to come out the other side. While we don’t have the tests, we do have a flu hotline and hospitals that will know how bad the community transmission is based on their patient intakes. We are really about 10 days away from knowing, i expect curfew will be extended from next Friday for another week just to make sure.

    the only downside to this that i can see is IF we are succesful in containing the spread, it means the vast majority of us will not have COVID19, and believe it or not, that may not be a good thing for when this comes back around later in the year or early next – we will not have immunity to it, so we will go thru this entire process again as we await vaccines approx 12-18 months away.

    But frankly, the government have done an outstanding job considering their options and also the push back some in community have and continue to present.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Our gov will have no other option but to take serious precautions. As soon as 5 am on Saturday hits, there will be hundreds to thousands on people on the road trying to buy goods. This would only lead to more people getting infected and spreading the virus. Our gov should make ”non-essential” businesses to take an immense act on sanitary practices.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not me bobo, there are things I want, but don’t ‘need’ this is what people need to think about.

  10. Anonymous says:

    My biggest issue here is that the shops will be mayhem on Saturday regardless of the ongoing terms of the curfew/stay at home directive. What’s the point in us being completely isolated for 4 days then all coming together to queue for hours together to get essential groceries? Doesn’t make sense I’m afraid and the home delivery service just doesn’t cut it right now… I applaud the leaderships’ initial approach but there must be some sort of schedule developed in order to curb the inevitable rush for loo roll Sat am no?

    • Anonymous says:

      Anthiny and his fundamentalists dont want shops open on sunday. Especially the dry area of savannah.

      Making him responsible for the effects.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Much as we’d like the restrictions on liberty removed, we’d be fine with a sensical and invested “Shelter-in-Place” order remaining in effect until at least Sunday April 5th, the full minimum two weeks from the last planes in (theoretical arrivals vectors). If the rules and restrictions don’t make sense, people will just stop following them, and it will undermine the investment and personal sacrifice everyone (law-abiding) has made.

  12. Anonymous says:

    “Lecture “ style comments never work. So stop wasting your time.

    I bet this would have a stronger effect:

    Fort Myers, FL DJ dies after testing positive for coronavirus
    He warned others to keep their distance and to take the virus seriously.

    • Anonymous says:

      39 years old, diagnosed one week ago, his wife was “nursing” him at home, then he died.

  13. Make it sensible says:

    I applaud government intervention in calling for a 72 hours curfew, but with the results that are out now, it seems there is not really a serious virus that affected the current patient.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Not pro government interference at all so I am concerned about this particular chain of events…yet I cannot help wondering why Caymanians think they are “above” the Flu! Will large numbers of people have to die before you believe in it? The whole point is Prevention!

  15. Anonymous says:

    One thing I learned about Wuhan Flu! This Island is a lot quieter and more peaceful without TRUCKS barreling down the roads using airbreaks unnecessarily and using beeping and ridiculous horns to acknowledge every stoopid thing or friend they see! That is what Alden should fix. Airbreaks should be a no no in towns! In good society people think of their effect on others lives! We are all in this together!
    It is a social contract! Nothing but loud jerks on island! Sorry to say! Your noisy cars and dangerous wheelies on motor bikes do not make you cool…I just wish you would see a real mechanic and a therapist!

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed. They’re noise pollution and unnecessary

      • BeaumontZodecloun says:

        Also agreed. I hope things don’t “return to normal” until we have sound evidence that it is prudent to do so. That said, I am also truly enjoying the peace and quiet. Very little boom-boom. No high-pitched staccato of motorcycle engines painting the pavement with black strokes.

        I have no work and won’t for the foreseeable future. I know there are many folk in worse position than me, and I feel for them. We have to pull together.

        We will get through this eventually, if not this year then possibly the next. I am confident in the government’s approach. So far.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Why? If the morons are violating curfew, you know they’ll violate the Shelter in Place order and put us all at risk. Why stop after just 2 days of curfew?

    • johnny says:

      The morons are of the opinion that they cannot get Wuhan virus! Hence the name Moron!

      • Anonymous says:

        Please quit calling it the Wuhan Flu! It is racist and bigoted and we have enough of that in the world and here already. It could have started anywhere. And don’t talk about eating “weird” animals. People eat turtle, agouti, and iguana here and I think that is weird. Please state what it is – COVID19.

  17. Anonymous says:

    The Premier is doing a very good job of trying to help the country but some people just don’t want or don’t have the common sense to understand. Thank you Mr. Premier for your very hard good work that you are doing, we appreciate having you as our Premier. Thank you very, very much sir.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Unfortunately, until a few people are caught and fined or imprisoned this situation will not get better. Set a few examples and publicly name them then we will get this done.

    I had a friend of mine that still goes for his regular run on SMB and he has told me that he has gotten stopped twice by the Police and he has just been nice and told them he didn’t know about the curfew and they let him go each time with just a warning..If this works, everyone will keep doing it. Ignorance is no excuse of the law and in this case infringing it could cost lives to be lost..

    • Anonymous says:

      There is no way that running, walking, biking alone results in any risk of virus spread

      • Anonymous says:

        It does if he keeps stopping and talking to people, like the police.

        The problem isn’t that one person by themself might catch it. The problem is that a bunch of individuals are no longer by themself and might spread it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Curfew means STAY INDOORS.He should have been arrested.

      • Anonymous says:

        And when some idiot sees the idiot exerciser breaking the curfew to meet his own selfish needs, he reasons, “If that idiot can go out, I should be able to go out.” So if you are one of the ones out running, you sir are a selfish idiot who deserves to me fined. Your needs are not greater than the community’s as a whole.

  19. Anonymous says:

    “If we succeed in this strategy, if we get to 14 days (from the first day when residents began returning in notable numbers)…”

    Surely that should read 14 days since people stopped returning not began? A fundemental difference?

  20. Anonymous says:

    home help and nannys must be let work. it will help them economically and let parents be more productive when working from home.
    it will also help parents mental well being are arguably save marraiges/lives

  21. Anonymous says:

    Please explain why returning from the UK I gave to self isolate for 14 days. Now we are in curfew/shelter in place for 10 days. Our esteemed premier says he couldn’t get COVID-19 from Prince Charles as the time for showing symptoms is 5-7 days.
    Why am in isolation for 14 days?!? Is it 5-7 days, 10 days or 14? If they don’t know for sure please let’s lock down for 14 days!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Its 14 days because you should first isolate for 7 days, with your family if any. On the assumption that you live with family, then during your own 7 days of isolation, you might infect one or more of your family. Then THEY have to isolate for 7 days too (with you included), making a total of 14 before your entire household is clear. Its the story that’s been given locally and internationally. Were you not listening ?

      • Anonymous says:

        Like the writer said we were told 14 days. I was asked & answered that I live alone (written down by the nurse on the questionnaire at the airport). I was still ordered to self isolate 14 day’s by public health!

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re right – should of stayed in the UK.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Anyone patrolling Marina Drive area? Was exercising in my garden this morning and saw at least 2 people just happily walking down the street as if everything was normal… maybe all the essential folk live round here as the car traffic is still quite regular as well.

  23. Anonymous says:

    I have always been concerned about the impact of residents returning home without having proper controls in place to isolate and monitor those individuals. It seems that is now of significant concern to the government and one of the main reasons for the lockdown. It would also appear that a lack of available test kits is also a major factor in the overall decision to implement the curfew and also the upcoming shelter in place restrictions.

    The only way forward that will produce the desired outcome involves a significant increase in testing so we need to do whatever we can to get the required test kits as soon as possible.

  24. Anonymous says:

    If Jon Jon is taking requests for tomorrow’s conference, put me down for Cinderella’s “Shelter Me”

    “Everybody needs a little place they can hide
    Somewhere to call their own
    Don’t let nobody inside
    Every now and then we all need to let go
    For some it’s a doctor, for me it’s rock and roll
    For some it’s a bottle
    For some it’s a pill
    Some people read the Bible cause it’s givin’ them a thrill
    Others point their finger if they don’t like what they see
    If you live in a glass house don’t be throwing rocks at me

    We all need a little shelter
    Just a little helper to get us by
    We all need a little shelter
    Just a little helper ohhh and it’ll be alright

    Check out Mr. Politician in his suit and tie
    But when the doors are closed there ain’t nothing he won’t try
    Meanwhile Mr. Medicine’s treating his best friend’s wife
    Tipper led the war against the record industry
    She said she saw the devil on her MTV
    To look into the cabinet it takes more than a key
    Just like Jimmy’s skeleton’s and his ministry

    For some it’s a needle for some it’s pill
    Some people read the Bible cause it’s giving them a thrill
    You can spend your money before you get your pay
    With a toss of the dice you can piss it all away”

  25. Anonymous says:

    Shelter in place needs to stay until this thing is over. We now know that hundreds if not thousands can work from home and it should stay that way as long as necessary.

    • Anonymous says:

      In place till this thing is over LOL!
      This is going to be around for 12 to 18 month……… So you want to lock down the Island for that long.
      There will be no vaccine within 18 months for global use. At some point we will die of boredom or depression!
      The world needs to figure out a way to live with this virus and still live a semi normal life, not lock our self in a house for 14 days and say Its good now we can come out!

  26. Anonymous says:

    Can I drop off my recycling tomorrow?

  27. Anonymous says:

    Shouldn’t it be 14 days from the LAST day people returned from overseas, not the first day?

  28. Anon says:

    Exercise is important for health, I hope we are allowed a short run each day, on our own.

    • Anonymous says:

      Pretend that you are in a cell at Northward for a week and concentrate on the type of exercise you would do there. If you can do that for a week by yourself that is good. If you can’t, then you may have to exercise for one year under supervision.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Has the Gov. though about this – The 15-minute Antibody IgM/IgG kit from Endo X It requires a drop of blood to check for antibodies to the virus and returns results in that 15 minute time span.
    Australia is having 500K delivered next week. We could test the whole island and know where we are it with just 50K or so. Especially since now Iceland has randomly tested and found 50% of the people tested did not know they have it and where not even sick. No lockdown will work in any place in the world when people don’t know they have it!.
    The small Caribbean Islands would be the perfect place to use this asap.

    • Anonymous says:

      Was reading that Barbados has 50000 kits and another 50000 on the way

    • Anonymous says:

      It might help free those without any antibodies showing, but the antibody blood tests are a bit of a flawed shotgun approach in that they also will record a “positive” for any recent non-COVID-19, Corona-family strain antibodies. There are estimated to be 12-19 different strains circulating around the world. This year’s flu shot aimed at inoculating against 2-3 notable strains from previous seasons, with only about 42% protective effect, as it turns out. But, agree, better to quarantine those unlucky for an extra 14 days than shut the planet down.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Will Carnival be switched back to May?

    • Anonymous says:

      Really!………….in a Pandemic that is killing tens of thousands and all you think about is Carnival? Well…sorry sunshine Carnivals dollyhouse got mashed up this year! Maybe next.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who cares?

  31. Anonymous says:

    My freedom of movement lawsuit is ready to to be filed on Monday.

  32. Uncle Demon says:

    Dis don’t make any sense
    Una locking us down…ok
    What if we have it and don’t know

    Dat mean our whole household a get it

    Una trying kill us off Alden…we need be free roam a about…the body need to exercise

    Una done 🤬 up (talking about the government)

    From una hear this virus 🦠 was around the place…should a stop people from coming in the islands…then it wouldn’t have spread…

    So this Lock Down thing till Saturday only a make it worst

    Our Fool Fool Government


  33. Anonymous says:

    Please people be honest and do what you are being asked to do and with a little luck we could be in good shape.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Can someone please clarify if we will be able to get on a boat and go fishing (not to party at Rum Point) during the shelter in case period.
    I surely hope so.!!

  35. Anonymous says:

    Alden is a pinhead. Really starting to make McKeeva look good. No plan here just off the cuff, spur of the moment, daily whim. This isn’t going to work just cause confusion, uncertainty and panic.

  36. Anonymous says:

    So no Aldart how about dropping the port appeal and using some of that legal and surplus money to buy test kits?

  37. Anonymous says:

    For the most part it has to concluded then that the curfew wasn’t solely a repercussion of the business community ignoring the previous mandate. The HSA needed everyone out of the way regardless.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Honorable Premier, please make all the construction companies pay all employees in full for every day we are out of work. Also make the large contractor pay the sub-contractors. We are poor and need our money. Bless you Mr. Premier

    • Anonymous says:

      Those are socialist comments that are completely out of line. How can these companies find all this money just to hand out?

  39. lol says:

    Have the police been tested? I left govt. for the same reason…last minute foolishness. Always tardy and dragging their feet.

  40. Anonymous says:

    “McLaughlin said he now believes the country understands the seriousness of the threat we are dealing with.”
    So in other words, now that we’ve been beaten into submission by inept leadership who have managed this entire affair like a frightened bunch of panicked children, we can start getting back to normalcy if we promise to be good?

    There was absolutely no need to ruin all those people’s lives by sending them home. It would have been easier to have them stay and we would have dealt with it together before returning to normal gradually.
    The amount of money wasted on such negative knee-jerk responses could have been better utilised in positive action to offset temporary business losses where necessary.

    There was no need for the extreme drama. Now we have a real shit show to clean up. I am confident that our government will be willing to micro-manage every aspect of our sorry lives going forward.


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