Archive for March 30th, 2020

Brac man charged with rape

Brac man charged with rape

| 30/03/2020

(CNS): A 24-year-old man from Cayman Brac has been charged with rape and three other related sex crimes. The alleged rape took place on Friday night at an undisclosed location on the island at around 9:15pm. Police have refused to state whether the victim and the alleged attacker were known to each other or whether […]

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BA flight from UK due next week

BA flight from UK due next week

| 30/03/2020 | 110 Comments

(CNS): Governor Martyn Roper said the emergency air-bridge between the UK and the overseas territories will begin early next week with a flight from London, despite the closure of the Owen Roberts International Airport (ORIA). The aircraft is expected to bring equipment but could also bring home Caymanians still stuck in the UK, who will […]

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HSA prepared for worst, say officials

HSA prepared for worst, say officials

| 30/03/2020 | 16 Comments

(CNS): As Cayman continues the battle to prevent the coronavirus taking hold in the community and the potential indiscriminate spread, officials from the Health Services Authority said they are still preparing for the worst case scenario. From sourcing buildings that could be used as overflow hospitals to massive orders of personal protective equipment (PPE), healthcare […]

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West Bay home burned to ground

West Bay home burned to ground

| 30/03/2020 | 6 Comments

(CNS): A wooden home in Birch Tree Hill Road and a boat parked outside on a trailer were completely destroyed by fire Thursday night, the Cayman Islands Fire Service revealed Monday. The elderly gentleman who was the owner of the property was able to escape the fire and has since been rehoused, officials said, as […]

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HCCI opens, sets aside COVID-19 wing

HCCI opens, sets aside COVID-19 wing

| 30/03/2020 | 3 Comments

(CNS): Health City Cayman Islands began the first phase of reopening on Friday after the facility lifted the self-imposed quarantine. This was put in place following the death of a cruise passenger there who had COVID-19, which also triggered government’s concerted action against the pandemic. HCCI has created a separate isolation wing to physically segregate […]

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Gov’t helping those in need, local or expat

Gov’t helping those in need, local or expat

| 30/03/2020 | 114 Comments

(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin has rejected complaints coming in from members of the public about government assisting foreign permit holders stuck in Cayman because of the pandemic. Despite “taking some licks for this”, McLaughlin said at Friday’s press briefing that the coronavirus pandemic was a humanitarian crisis and if people were hungry or had nowhere […]

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Courts juggle justice in face of virus

Courts juggle justice in face of virus

| 30/03/2020 | 0 Comments

(CNS): Court officials are doing their best to keep the administration of justice moving forward while attempting to limit the potential exposure to the coronavirus for judges, staff, lawyers, police officers, defendants, clients and others who support the system. All jury trials have been cancelled in the short-term but the Grand Court is still hearing […]

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