Archive for October 15th, 2019

CPR reaffirms grassroots status

CPR reaffirms grassroots status

| 15/10/2019 | 30 Comments

(CNS): Activists behind the campaign for a people’s referendum on the cruise port project have stressed their origins as a grassroots movement, as the premier and deputy premier continue to push the false narrative that the campaign is really a commercially driven opposition to government policy. In reality, CPR is a non-profit organisation formed by […]

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LA date set for referendum bill

LA date set for referendum bill

| 15/10/2019 | 12 Comments

(CNS): Governor Martyn Roper has issued the official proclamation for the Legislative Assembly to meet on 28 October, when government is expected to present the draft referendum bill for debate during the session. The law for this historic vote on the cruise berthing project is expected to pass through the parliament without any problems. But […]

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Developer to explain shoreline work to CPA

Developer to explain shoreline work to CPA

| 15/10/2019 | 39 Comments

(CNS): The developer behind the Rum Point Club condos, who dug up a strip of North Side shoreline without the necessary permission, has been called to explain what happened to the Central Planning Authority, after he made an after-the-fact application for the work two years later. Meanwhile, another Rum Point landowner who cleared a site, […]

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Election Office using couriers for postal ballots

Election Office using couriers for postal ballots

| 15/10/2019 | 9 Comments

(CNS): The Elections Office has confirmed that the referendum legislation that will be going to the Legislative Assembly in the next few weeks, paving the way for a people’s vote on the proposed cruise berthing facility on 19 December, has a provision allowing it to use couriers for the postal ballots. As government has set […]

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Local civil servants move to senior ministry jobs

Local civil servants move to senior ministry jobs

| 15/10/2019 | 38 Comments

(CNS): Joel Francis has been appointed as the deputy chief officer for adult education, youth, sports and public libraries, while Wilbur Welcome has been made the deputy chief officer for agriculture, lands and administration at the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports, Agriculture and Lands. Within one of the biggest government ministries, the senior civil servants […]

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SMB sand conveyor drain

SMB sand conveyor drain

| 15/10/2019 | 53 Comments

Courtney Platt writes: While studying marine biology in college, the main point I learned about marine sediment transport is its fluidity. When I was piloting Cayman’s deep subs in George Town Harbour, the scariest moments were the occasional, massive silt clouds that would spill over the wall. They descended upon the sub, suddenly carrying us […]

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ACC working on complex, protracted inquiries

ACC working on complex, protracted inquiries

| 15/10/2019 | 9 Comments

(CNS): The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) concluded 26 investigations between July 2018 and June 2019, according to its latest annual report. During that 12-month period it had 12 active cases and another four pending as the ACC officers waited on more information. The commission also conducted 115 interviews during this time of both suspects and witnesses, […]

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