Dart’s event site poses threat to turtles

| 28/06/2018 | 116 Comments
Cayman News Service

Future site of the Dart Festival

(CNS): The director of the Department of Environment raised concerns that events at the festival site being constructed by Dart could pose a threat to the nesting turtles on nearby beaches when she revealed that none of recommendations supplied by the National Conservation Council had been considered when the Central Planning Authority recently granted planning permission. Speaking at the NCC quarterly meeting on Wednesday, Gina Ebanks-Petrie said that, as a result, no mitigating measures to protect the nests or other conditions to protect the environment have been put in place.

It emerged that the CPA had opted to go ahead and hear Dart’s planning application without any reference to environmental considerations, despite the legal requirement to do so because the DoE and NCC did not complete their screening of the project before the agenda was printed. Although the authority received the final recommendations from the council some six days before the actual meeting when the Dart application was scheduled to be heard, it was not put before the CPA at the May hearing.

The planning representative on the council said that the CPA “does not like holding up planning applications”, as she implied that moving the hearing was not an option and said that because the council had missed the deadlines and requests for the information, it was not considered.

But Ebanks-Petrie pointed out that the screening work had to be done before the DoE could put the results and recommendations before the NCC for approval, even though the CPA hearing was set before the NCC’s general meeting when screenings are usually assessed.

Ebanks-Petrie said the decision in her mind by the CPA to consider the festival site application without the benefit of the NCC’s findings was unlawful and the practical result was that with no conditions on the planning permission, the turtles were at risk. She explained that had the CPA seen the NCC screening results, they would have seen the concerns about the noise and light pollution that will be generated by events at the location and the recommendation that no festivals are held during nesting season. She also said the developer should have retained a vegetative buffer around the site to offer some protection to nearby residencies as well as the turtles.

Ebanks-Petrie said that the DoE screening had concluded that there was no need for an EIA as Dart appeared to have received permission for the clearing and filling of the land at an earlier date before the full project was announced. But the DoE had indicated the CPA should attach some conditions to planning permission. The NCC had suggested an environmental management plan and limits on the planning permission to 12 months, with a requirement for review so that the DoE could study the impact of the venue on the turtles and allow further evaluation by local researchers.

“But we now have a situation that has serious implications and there are no mitigating measures to take account of how this event site will impact nesting turtles,” Ebanks-Petrie said.

Other members of the council raised their concerns and pointed out that the work that is done to supply CPA with reasoned recommendations were not “trivial exercises” that could be ignored, and members made it clear the CPA should have waited and placed the application on the agenda for a later date. The council found that it was no longer fair in terms of procedure to make such a decision without NCC input.

Ebanks-Petrie said the NCC could appeal the decision and needed to get legal advice, as she warned that without the recommendations in place, the turtles have been left vulnerable.

In a short statement to CNS after the meeting, Dart, which owns Crymble Holdings, the company that made the planning application, said it “undertakes a sustainable approach to each project with which it is involved, and any event held at the site will need the requisite approval”.

But the islands’ largest developer and landowner is now under no lawful obligation to do any of the things recommended by the NCC and there is no way to hold the conglomerate accountable for any negative environmental impact.


See the full detail of the DoE findings in relation to the site here

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Category: Local News

Comments (116)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Dart’s Event Site Poses Threat To Common Sense.

  2. Anonymous says:

    No it doesn’t.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Dart is not going to own the whole island. Think ! Where would his customers come from? Tourism is not going to buy all those overprice seconds at those prices, we are.If you stop repeating what your friends say, you will see he’s staying on the 7 mile beach area only. That is not even 25% of the island. If you don’t like something go somewhere else. We still have GT to EE and NS.

    • Anonymous says:

      He owns in EE and NS, too… Barefoot Beach and Rum Point, amongst others.

      • Anonymous says:

        And getting his teeth into Little Cayman (Shameless). People that would do so much to destroy the WORLDS ecosystems are not wise enough to stop themselves. That includes their mouthpiece side kicks also.

  4. The Ghost of WBR says:

    A deadline is a deadline.

    • Anonymous says:

      A legal requirement is a legal requirement. “Sorry officer, our company policy does not allow us to accept summonses more than 2 days after the alleged murder took place”.

  5. "Anonymousir" says:

    DART? Slowly doing what every rich person dreams of! Owning his own islands! Tell me now, is he not slowly buying out the Cayman Islands …. so he can kiss my a$$!

    • Anonymous says:

      Island? Pffft. He’s on his way to owning a Sovereign nation! He’ll make it sovereign when he’s ready.

      • Anonymous says:

        He could make Cayman great again.

        • Anonymous says:


          Evidence shows that Cayman is greatest when Caymanians makeup the majority of the population and cultural influence.

          Only Caymanians could “make Cayman great again”.
          All other efforts will only turn us into yet another run-of-the-mill modern metropolis.

        • MCGA says:

          Someone needs to.

  6. Anonymous says:

    If Dart leaves this island, so does your comfy little lifestyles. Can you say 5000 Caymanian jobs lost at minimum? (to start).

    • "Anonymousir" says:

      yea we can, then at least 5000 expats go home …

    • Anonymous says:

      Umm..will he take his infrastructure with him?
      I ‘fink not, mate.

      He can go – but if he does, we will still hold on to what he left behind.

      – Who

      *Btw, contrary to your misguided comment, the average Caymanian was actually enjoying a more comfortable lifestyle BEFORE Dart came along.

      Not saying he had a negative impact but simply stating a chronological reality.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ha, that’s what the Jamaicans, Zimbabweans and many other third world nations said when independence gave them boundless opportunities to enrich their lives.
        But, to do that you first need a competent government, workforce and education system to push forward as a nation, not a bunch of negative whiners.

      • Anonymous says:

        Comfortable by not having a set income job, like you? While I know before finance and tourism this island was full of basket weavers and mango farmers I’m sure most enjoy the commerce money rolling in more.

        • Anonymous says:


          – Who

          See below…

        • Anonymous says:

          As an American that used to live on cayman I find your comment to be as ignorant as the person that papered the earth with plastic to finance his little self gratifying scheme in Cayman. You probably won’t witness it but perhaps in your children’s lifetime, people like your hero D will be scorned as either morons or just plain evil.
          To speak with scorn of basket weavers and mango farmers shows just how afraid of the world you are. Keep on drinking and thanks for all the fish.

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t understand your way of thinking, but I do admire you dedication to it.

        • Anonymous says:


          In other words, SHUT UP you ridiculous hypocrites.

          Spending all this time and energy insulting a tiny island-nation that YOU moved to for a better life than your “first world” country could provide.

          You people are not even worth the bandwidth necessary to engage in meaningful debate.

          Y’all be good though.

          – Whodatis

    • Anonymous says:

      10.21am…. please ask him to leave… 5000 Caymanians with no job you say!!!. what a joke. Whose comfy life style??? You way too funny.

  7. chan says:

    you all complain about dart yet always find yourself at his locations

    did the same when camana bay was being built now look at all of you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Now Chan, THAT is fake news. You cannot make such a sweeping judgement. There is quite a large contingent of people that do not go to CB. Trust me on that.
      The only reason I go is for a social obligation that I cannot get out of but that has only come up once in the past 2 years, as there are many other venues to use…
      So I will continue to complain about Dart any time I feel like it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Went to Caymana Bay once, to see what the hoopla was about. Stayed 15 minutes and never been back since.

    • Anonymous says:

      caymanians should boycott camana bay.

      • Anonymous says:

        9:13am Camana Bay is fantastic for the lot of you that have not been anywhere in this big beautiful world other than your little comfort zones.

        For most of us who have, by choice or by force, left our comfort zones know full well that Camana Bay is just another cheesy little tourist trap found in many cities/towns throughout the USA. Boring!

        Leave some of us alone please – whomever you are – we know what we want and we live as we wish.

        You can keep for yourself that shitty little town by the Lagoon and your wide sweeping generalisations about our purported way of life


    • Anonymous says:

      Fake post.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Everyone on here is complaining that dart is a toxic name. While I agree his business is one that will do damage for years and he has to live with blood on his hands I do believe he wants to make it right. Doesn’t he want the dump to cap and develop into a park? I would love a massive park for my family to go to. Now, people need to stop littering all over them but that’s a whole other rant. Anyway, if we can finally move the dump and start new why can’t dart invest in recycling a proper way? If we could build a new advanced dump this would be easy. As I see it, mt trashmore is the most toxic thing on this island and you need to focus on that and not a festival he sponsors.

  9. Sundowner says:

    Dart are playing loose with the truth again. They have an unhealthy influence over the CPA and seem to get all decisions in its favor. The Kaboo site is clearly a staging area for cruise ship passengers. Dart do not want them near the Kimpton property and have been successful in relocating a public right of way beach access. Those of use that invested in the area are not considered by the CPA so the turtles have no chance. It is dangerous to have Dart control everything on this island especially the CPA. It is clear that they have control over the politicians but the rest of us live here and invested on the SMB too and deserve the same protections and rights.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Gina said in a meeting in Bodden Town that NCL was not seeking to stop Development. She also said she was not seeking control, she just wanted to advise CPA?
    When Beneficial ownership goes through and more banks close? What will all the civil service and bank staff work at? Taxi and bus drivers seems where they will have an opportunity at. LOL
    When the sea rise or climate changes we will still be offering diving. It will still be cooler then the land and we will build larger buildings and have more indoor sports (a/c). We will adjust.
    Turtle Centre will expand and get a roof or a dome to make it cooler, maybe the whole island. We will control the temperature of the water like an aquarium. All it takes is money. Wouldn’t that be great? Just look at the potential. Dream and you find the answer.

    • West Bay Premier says:

      What is the use of having all these government Agencies ? if you’re not going to use them as planned , and why were they formed , just to say we have them, but don’t use them . Is that how a good government and planning system should work ?

      Like I said before , I think that’s the new way to clear out the mangroves and get the site ready for more development. Mr Dart don’t care about the chicken feed revenue of a concert..

  11. Anonymous says:

    Is anyone else eager for the Kaboo advertising budget to be exhausted? Really over hearing about it every two minutes on radio.

    • Anonymous says:

      The radio advertising budget is not at risk when you own at least 9 radio stations

    • Anonymous says:

      And could they stop playing only one of the artists songs?? Duran Duran and Bryan Adams both had more than one hit song.

      • Anonymous says:

        FOR GOD’S SAKE don’t ask for more of either of those artists music to be played. Ever! What is wrong with you?

  12. Anonymous says:

    yawn….every development on smb poses a threat to turtles….anytime someone switches on a light is a risk.
    mitigation is the solution not cheap anti-dart headlines….

    • Anonymous says:

      The responsible media reports that Dart is seeking to meet with the DOE to address their concerns.

  13. Anonymous says:

    in dart i trust….the doe dropped the ball on this in true civil service fashion.
    dart’s developments have the best record on island for environmental protection. fact.

    • Anonymous says:

      Did the Planning Department have the legal right to impose a deadline for submissions, when they are legally required to consider DOE input? Curious.

  14. Joe says:

    Well let’s see how this one pans out. I can’t clear my house lot to built my house without the necessary approved permits. Yet this Dart dude gets things done cleared with out even obtain consultations from the respective agencies. I say what is good for Dart should be good for the regular Cayman joe!

  15. Anonymous says:

    The main difference is that I came to a country with established values and I did not pontificate and tell them how to think.
    I accepted their values and honour them.
    I am sure you cannot sleep at night.

    • Anonymous says:

      No one should sleep hungry. Especially in their own country. You know what hunger we mean…starved of opportunities that these panzies take.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are so scared of being hungry that you can’t even form a thought that doesn’t include someway to keep you and your pockets stuffed.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I understand DOE’s concern for turtles but I really think we have more serious problems to worry about. The turtles will be fine, it’s the people here who are sleeping on the beach as they have no where to go, that concerns me!!!

  17. Anonymous says:

    People calm yourselves, Kenny boy has his team ‘have their eyes on the eight ball’ and know what’s best for us.

    • Anonymous says:

      You funny

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re talking about a guy that has covered the earth with a layer of styrofoam. It’s money from that he’s pumping into your beloved economic engine. Let that soak in if you trust him to ‘do it right’

  18. Green Man says:

    Out of the animal kingdom, God has blessed us with common sense and extraordinary reason. Yet … we are the most selfish and destructive creatures on the planet. We don’t think about others, but ourselves!

    With that said, the law is the law! Will the departments DOE and NCC get the support it needs from the MLAs and rest of the country, remains to be seen!


  19. Anonymous says:

    Been visiting Cayman for 18 years. Recent years have left me to believe Dart owns the island and srr ruining it. What Dary wants, Dart gets. Sad.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Turtle nesting is from June through Septemnber. The Kaaboo concerts are going to be held in February. Affect how????…

  21. Anonymous says:

    I am glad someone has written about the danger to the turtles because the Government is doing the same thing to the nesting ducks and turtles in relation to the airport expansion. The road that is currently being dug beside Mango Tree Restaurant is a nesting site for the red billed ducks as well as the egrets that pass through during the winter months. In addition, there are a significant number of turtles that make the pond at the airport and the marshlands that have now been dug up and will no doubt be paved, their home.

    It is not only developers that are destroying the environment and the things that make Cayman uniquely Cayman, the Government is playing a very big role in this and generations to come will truly suffer for it. Frankly, the more roads they build in this country is the more cars and the more traffic.

    I don’t understand why an Island this small requires so much road networks all bottle necking at the same place. Something has to give.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Count me in with the turtles on that noise pollution.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Is anyone here really shocked that this happened? Seriously?

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s more than the turtles that he is indangering! He’s indangering on our heritage our beach our children won’t have it like we had! The Government especially Mr. Speaker has sold us out ????

  24. Sounds says:

    And why the hell did they cut down those shady pine needle trees that were near the water on the beach side?! Not an ounce of shade. Just so stupid and wrong. Cleaning up the beach side to allow a site line from road to sea – fine. However, those trees were on the beach near the water. WTH did they have to be torn down?! So pissed by this simple act. Yes the turtles are under threat at that site as well. It is one of the most serene, cozy areas on 7-mile beach (well it was). So anger that they fail to see the value in that one piece of heaven left on 7-mile beach. I cannot stress how I am bothered by this.

    • Eylül says:


    • Anonymous says:

      If you are so stressed then galvanize your friends, colleagues and community to stand up and be counted. March on government building, bombard every mla sitting with protests, write letters, stage sit in but for God sake stop thinking a few lines on here is going to change anything.

    • Anonymous says:

      With the Casuarina trees now gone, at least we can watch the staged events by boat

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS, can we get answers? Isn’t it criminal to cut those trees? I sent Auntie this question as well.

      CNS: Auntie has received the question, which is a good one, and she is on it. As with all questions, though, it may take her a while to get the answers.

      • Anonymous says:

        They are not native, get over it.

        • George Towner says:

          Anything growing on this island before your and my grandparents were around is native!

          • Anonymous says:

            Only when it suits us.

          • Anonymous says:

            I believe they were introduced in the 50’s or 60’s. Photos of SMB taken before then show no casuarinas. They are indeed invasive, their acidic needles prevent anything else growing, and their roots actually encourage beach erosion. Best they are removed and our true native plants, seagrape, cocoplum, plop nut, beach heather, to name a few, be re-planted.

        • Anonymous says:

          Neither are you

      • Anonymous says:

        Casuarina or Australian Pine are an invasive species that destroy natural environments by blocking the growth of native plants and ripping beaches apart when they are uprooted in storms. They are not a native tree in the true sense, but neither are coconuts, which actually come from India.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Money talks and bullshit walks… #Caymankind

  26. Anonymous says:

    Hello FCO…anyone there??

    Last time you assessed a “turtles v people” scenario in the territories, albeit disingenuous on that occasion, you ruled in favour of the reptiles over your own “British” citizens – as they were promptly rounded up, uprooted, dispossessed and dumped off in the nearest accepting landscape.

    Granted this is primarily concerning the $$$ of one wealthy Caucasian and not the livelihood + existence a few thousand Men-Fridays – however, enquiring minds await your input thereon.


    – Whodatis

  27. Anonymous says:

    I’m sorry but this is just more of the DOE’s usual environmental totalitarianism.

    EVERYTHING is a threat on some level. Is it significant? What is the nature of the threat? Dart isn’t doing anything on the actual beach, which to the best of my knowledge is where the turtles nest.

    There already is an “environmental buffer” of trees etc and a wide stretch of beach (that has shown no signs of being touched by Dart, at least for this project, so far).

    Is the risk really to turtles that might try to cross the road? At least its a quiet stretch (thanks to Dart), unlike the vast majority of WBR.

    Why is this development such a problem when condos have been built up and down the length of the beach (and on the beach side of the road) for decades without anyone making a fuss? What mitigation is normally undertaken for those? Why would this be any different?

    Thou doth protest too much, Gina.

    • deleted says:

      It’s a fuss because it’s Dart and no good news (decent concert – yay!) goes unpunished when it involves him. The Turtle Factory slaughters these things by the thousand but now there is an infinitesimal risk that a lost turtle might wonder too far and try to lay their eggs in a patch of marl fill. Apparently they are not only endangered, they are incapable of telling sand from rock, which must be why the DOA is always picking them out of the ironshore.

      You’d think he was hunting them with vast nets from the reaction.

      We should never build anything else if you ask me. I saw evil developers cutting down some trees the other day to build a house. I already have a house so keep the trees where they are I say.

      Dart should promise to make up for his thoughtless pillaging of the natural environment by capturing the lost turtles and their eggs and taking them to the Island Wildlife Encounter (or whatever it’s called these days) where they can be cared for lovingly till the day they die… to make McKeeva’s turtle burger.

      In the meantime, spare me the crocodile tears.

    • Anonymous says:

      Moron. Blind gin swilling moron.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Don’t blame Dart. Blame the CPA. They should all be locked up

  29. Anonymous says:

    All in the name of some third rate “festival” that features z-listers consisting mainly of washed up act who are normally found at 80s tribute nights on a wet weekend in wolverhampton. Plus all the usual “influencer” d*ckheads flown in by the organisers and the sad expat t*ssp*ts who no doubt will be pumping their fattened fists to the sounds of Bryan Adams “I do it for you”, trying to remember when their life actually meant anything.

    Vacuous pseudo-cultural event that damages the environment, threatens endangered species and degrades everyone involved.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Party on O Lords of the Earth! Your beloved progeny will thank you.

  31. Anonymous says:

    If there is a legal obligation to incorporate the input from the NCC, then the CPA committee, PLA, and Cabinet members that deliberately omitted that part of the process should be investigated by ACC and brought up on formal charges. Dart’s key development minions are ex-PLA members and are in open collusion with these sitting members – everyone hopeful to one day “graduate” to the DART machine’s payroll. It doesn’t get more corrupt than that.

  32. PD says:

    You tree huggers need to give it a break. Mr Dart and his very wonderful organization always do what is best for the Cayman Islands. Thankfully we have a strong Unity government and CPA who know what is best for these islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course he does, just the other day I saw a family of four (Mom & Dad and two younger kids) on beach cruisers coming from the the south towards the tunnel. Watching in my wing mirror they stopped, looked and evaluating the risk/reward % turned back deciding against going any further.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t call names, blind destructor of earth. It’s not nice.

    • Anonymous says:

      You really need to resume taking your meds!

    • Anonymous says:

      This. Is why we need the laugh button back.

  33. Anonymous says:

    How might this affect the price of turtle meat?

  34. Anonymous says:

    Our overlord is tossing us a bone here. Give him a break. Jeez!

  35. Anonymous says:

    We all know the many shortcoming of nearly all government department but it seems like the NCC truly care about trying to find a balance between preserving these islands and developement. it’s sad to see them effectively reduce to unwanted noise to the CPA. It seems Gina Ebanks-Petrie would be better utlilized as the head of the CPA.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Glad for him…..

  37. Anonymous says:

    ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Business as usual. No surprise to anyone.
    That last paragraph, here for your ease; “the islands’ largest developer and land owner is now under no lawful obligation to do any of the things recommended by the NCC and there is no way to hold the conglomerate accountable for any negative environmental impact”
    Dah wah ya get!
    Hey. I’m sure they’ll do the right thing… But that’s not really the point is it people?

  38. Anonymous says:

    kaaboo hoo

  39. Anonymous says:

    Them turtles must be lost.

  40. Old Caymanian says:

    So nothing will be done to protect the turtles! The Vulture and his political shills continue with the destruction of the Cayman Islands!

  41. Anonymous says:

    Typical DART!! The least environmentally friendly company on the planet is our sugar daddy and our greedy politicians couldn’t be happier about it!!

    • Anonymous says:

      i think you’re thinking of Monsanto, they don’t live here though.

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t see any Monsanto products washing up on our beaches. However I do see thousands and thousands of micro pieces of Styrofoam all over our beaches, which DART is responsible for.

      • philip says:

        Nestle is not exactly a great company either.

        • Anonymous says:

          At least nestle hasn’t taken over our island. Arden McLean where are you? Come on, let’s give the darts a bit of the medicine we gave the imparato guy up by lovers wall in east end. We went out in huge numbers and shut him down with his rubbish about inland harbor. Is there anyone in the western peninsula brave enough to do that?.

          • Anonymous says:

            You guys care less about the environment and more about a rich guy who’s not of caymanian decent.

            • Anonymous says:

              I’m an American. What Dart has done and continues to do is wrong wrong wrong. But fear not. People like you are in control so party on.

      • Anonymous says:

        Plastics including styrofoam poisoning our oceans and this guy is at the top of the manufacturing chain. He would be at the top of list for many if he setup on island collection & recycling of styrofoam. He has the technology and deep pockets but lacks the shove by our impotent politicians to implement this.

        • Anonymous says:

          If you have invented plastic styrofoam, I’d suggest you patent it quickly and open up a couple more investment opportunities.

    • Anonymous says:

      Leave uncle Dart alone please, thank you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Typical government, can’t get anything together.


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