George Town tourist facility sand raises eco-concerns

| 23/03/2018 | 205 Comments
Balboa Beach

Balboa Beach

(CNS): The Balboa Beach tourist facility along the harbour front in George Town has stirred up further controversy after developers recently covered the ironshore at the location with non-beach sand. The tourist spot where the owners have been charging cruise passengers for beach chairs and umbrellas, also offering car hire, selling tours and other services, has raised controversies for some time over potential planning infractions. Further environmental concerns have now also been raised as the imported sand could pose a threat to the marine environment.

Chris Johnson, the owner of adjoining land who is behind the sidewalk enhancements in the area, is livid over what he believes are the constant breaches of planning laws and regulations surrounding the project.

However, a spokesperson for Kel Thompson, the owner and developer of Balboa Beach, has denied all wrongdoing and claims the project is consistent with the ongoing initiative to beautify the George Town Harbour and make the area more pedestrian friendly.     

Nevertheless, the Department of Environment has confirmed that it raised concerns with planning about the sand, which is not from the beach, that has been placed on the ironshore because it will be washed into the sea, contaminating the water.

CNS contacted the planning department about the issue earlier this week but we have still not received a response, despite the continuing concerns about the development.

Johnson, who has filed an appeal about the entire project, told CNS that he was “astonished” with the continued issues while an appeal against “his ludicrous development remains outstanding”, as he accused the developer of breaching planning and other related legislations.

“He has removed ironshore and brought in sand on several occasions without permission of the DoE, Johnson said, adding that he was forced to remove an illegal fence to cordon off the property so he could charge tourists for access to the shore.

“He also cordoned off the swimming area in the sea with floats without permission of the Port Authority. There is also no planning permission for the concrete blocks he has built on the ironshore, which are a hazard to all who may enter, and the setbacks of the building breach all known regulations, including a section of the sidewalk partially built on government property.”

Johnson also raised questions about the car park, which he contests was improperly built and is now being used for renting cars. “This car park is a danger to all that pass and an accident is just waiting to happen,” he said, as he called on the authorities to do something.

Meanwhile the spokesperson for Balboa Beach disagreed, stating, despite the attorney general’s assertions last year that there was an error in law when the CPA granted planning permission, that “it has never been proven that there were any breaches of the Planning Law” regarding the project.

“This is a matter which is currently being litigated by the adjacent land owner who has lodged an appeal,” the spokesperson said.

“We can assure you that the continued usage of this property, which has been owned and used by the same family for over seven decades, is consistent with sound environmental practice. This property has been used for launching and docking boats for most of this period, and the records, including those in the Land Information System, reflect this,” the Balboa owners told CNS.

They also stated that in developing the property they have captured all of the water, which previously, together with all the grease and oil from the road, ran into the ocean. “On our own accord, we took steps resulting in this runoff from the public road now being captured on our property and disposed of in a manner that without doubt results in greater preservation of the marine environment.”

The spokesperson also claimed that, following a recent visit, the DoE had “failed to find that our activities were posing any threat or harm to the environment” — a point disputed by a DoE official, who said concerns had been raised with planning about the quality of the sand that will be washing into the ocean.

Save Cayman, a local green organisation, also noted concerns over this type of coastal development. Having registered their concerns with the DoE, they said they learned it was another planning compliance matter.

“We note that prior to the ‘after the fact’ planning approval the NRA and DoE had registered concerns about the development,” the NGO stated. “We take this time to point out that the enforcement of our legislation and the need for a sustainable development plan is vital to prevent irresponsible development as well as to preserve and properly utilise our limited natural resources.”

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Comments (205)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t the Planning Department’s behavior here something for the Anti Corruption Commission to take a look at?

    • Anonymous says:

      Probably all the same people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes but that will never happen. As regards this blog it is very clear that the Cayman residents are not happy with the antics of Thompson and Mr Chris is a clear winner on any debate.
      It is further notable that many blogs are rude and personal. These should be eliminated by CNS.

  2. Anonymous says:



    The western world is erected on racial bias, advantages, privileges, and entitlement – conversely respective to the group in question.

    Its history is the undeniable testimony thereto.

    (Granted, there are few exceptions (myself included), however that only serves as further indictment of the reality.)

    That’s not changing anytime soon.

    Interesting how that is the one constant regardless of generational or newly-arrived “Caymanian”.

    A small but telling example of this will be demonstrated via the reaction to this very post …even if it is purposely muted to present a false reality.

    – Who

    *The 100m dash of life is only a fair battle when everyone starts at the start.

    **That being said, it is clear our generational head-starters are feeling the pressure from our newcomers, hence questionable and apparently desperate acts at the centre of this news story.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is it possible that Who is from another planet? He certainly doesn’t dwell amongst us.

      • Anonymous says:

        Who was jilted by a Brit and has a very close gay family member, dont let it trouble you.

      • Anonymous says:

        How so?

        – Who

      • Anonymous says:

        He is talking about something that doesn’t affect you, that is why you don’t understand. Living in your world of privilege shields you from the realities the rest of us have to face every day.

        • Anonymous says:

          Carry on making yourselves victims and blaming everyone else. How far has that got you so far?

          • Anonymous says:

            My guess is as far as the average minority in an officially “institutionally racist” society has gotten?

            I’m sure like there, these realities are just figments of one’s imagination.

            The energy that relegated fellow citizens to subhuman beings for centuries has – *poof* – disappeared into thin air.

            Similarly there is no anti-semitism and sexism in the world today.

            Nope. Nah. None.


        • Anonymous says:

          So face them!

          • Anonymous says:

            We do every day.

            And let there be no question – another can never be equal in strength to the group or individual that is forced to endure infinitely greater challenges to mere existence.

            This reality is what underpins the snide remarks and overall aggression from the privileged whenever these issues are raised.

            Realise we didn’t ask for this – it was hoisted upon us.

            Therefore, please direct your anger, fears, and insecurities in the right direction.

  3. Anonymous says:

    You can do pretty much whatever you want in Cayman:

    – build your house, get planning permission with slap on wrist later
    – set up shop on public beach, government will cater to you as you “earn a living”
    – block public beach access, government turns blind eye
    – set up shop by the road side, nobody checks for trade & business license etc
    – sell food along the roadside, no health checks, trade * business license checks etc
    – drive a car without license plates, no consequence….

    and the list goes on and on – so why are people surprised that property owners do whatever they want? They know there will be no consequences. Once it is build, it won’t be torn down.

  4. Cayman Pioneers Sellout Legacy says:

    The problem is this man and his entire family believe they are some sort of Cayman royalty for some very odd reason XXXXX. Had it been anyone else a planning enforcement notice and the police would have been used to shut this down and had it been against them it would be a Cayman outrage. This is what the average Caymanians has had to suffer with their ancestors and those whom they have now imported to work for them also. It has led to this terrible legacy we now see and suffer with today in these little islands.

  5. MelC says:

    Dear Balboa Beach- on a separate issue could you please remove the loud music blarring from speakers mounted on posts iin your parking into the street. There is nothing Caymanian or culturally attractive about it. If anything, please play some decent island calypso music!!

  6. Anonymous says:

    This whole saga shows what is wrong with governance in Cayman.

  7. says:

    > Set up business on island with big beautiful beaches
    > Bring in non-sand material to “beautify” area and make it “pedestrian friendly”
    > “It’s not illegal though.”

  8. Anonymous says:

    Oh please Chris, stop it with your colonial bullshit. You assimilated here on your terms. You’ve done well. You have a great place to stay, but don’t pretend that you are Caymanian. You did not grow up here giggling between the grape trees, running into the ocean as a carefree child and staring in wonder at the starry Caribbean sky. You cannot possibly speak for the People.
    You speak for you and all the Johnny come latelys that your industry has empowered.
    Please behave yourself.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr Anonymous may I ask just what have you done to benefit the people of the Cayman Islands. At least Mr Johnson has the balls to put his name to his articles which are factually correct. I suggest you just go away and revert to climbing grape trees whist some still remain.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow. Well that is certainly a point of view. But no more valid than any other. Next…..

    • Anonymous says:

      6:45pm. I think your as dumb as all the other violators! Chris loves Cayman he doesn’t want to sell sell sell.

      • Anonymous says:

        Chris may love his Cayman, but I feel he has conveniently neglected those who lived here generations before he arrived on an aeroplane.

        Stop being so silly and just face the facts.

        Cayman belongs to Caymanians. Why are you so violently horrible towards the indigenous folk who may not share your outlook on life?

        They have their outlook, you have yours. They respect that. I have never yet heard of Caymanians going to other countries and telling them how to think.

        Please be nice in a country that has welcomed you.

        • Anonymous says:

          You have no idea of the countless government , social and sporting club committees Mr Johnson has sat on since he arrived fifty years ago. In fact I recall he received a Pioneer Sporting Award in January. In addition he has been a member of the Rotary Club for forty years and put back much into the community.

          Rather than being horrible to born Caymainians I think you will find he has done much for Cayman. Do not expect a response to your rude blogs, from him. No chance of winding him up either. He is a consummate professional.

        • Anonymous says:

          They don’t go to other countries a tell them what to do because one look at you and your crab in the bucket mentality and you’d be laughed out of the country.
          Cayman belongs to the Crown as a British Overseas Territory, it always has and until you are brave enough, (and rich enough) to vote for independence, it will remain that way.
          And anyway, the vast majority of ‘indigenous’ Caymanians are descendants of the British, Jamaicans, Hondurans and a hundred other nationalities that have emigrated to Cayman since the early 1700’s.
          The only true indigenous Caymanians are being systematically destroyed by greed. Yes that’s right, turtles, blue iguanas, green parrots and a whole zoo full of other unique flora and fauna are constantly at the mercy of those whose self entitlement is creating the space for overseas developers to clean up.
          The rights of the Caymanian citizen come with responsibilities, and until you understand how that works, you are the problem and not the solution.

        • Anonymous says:

          So let the Caymanians return all the investment dollars that non-caymanians have provided since the locals crawled out of their hammocks.

        • Anonymous says:

          Cayman belongs to the British Crown.

          • Anonymous says:

            And that blood-diamond, blood-ruby crown belongs to Asia and Africa.

            – Who

            • Anonymous says:

              And you just don’t belong in the 21st century, you are still hamstrung by a history which is still played out today in the slavery and killing fields of Africa, South Central LA, SouthSide Chicago, Detroit etc, etc……
              Keep blaming the colonialist past if you feel you must, but the African has enslaved, murdered, raped and mutilated more of his own brothers than will ever have been or ever will be by the white monster you despise so much

              • Anonymous says:

                Easy fella – just highlighting a historical fact. Why you gone all the way to South Central, lol?!

                And you’ll be the first to vilify ISIS yet uphold the British monarchy – who are essentially the same thing – with the only difference being one was more successful in the industry of debauchery.

                Anyway, why you so mad tho??

                – Who

                *Btw, the authorities are today still arresting and locking up Germans and Europeans who were caught with or proven to have profited from the proceeds of Jewish-owned artwork and artefacts.
                Yet we oooh and aaaah and Lizzie’s bloody crown like nuttin.

                Shoot, we even reject coffee beans if they are not certified “ethical” – but we applaud like North Koreans when the crowned queen steps out on that balcony.
                Nah – no ethical concerns apply there.


                Good work if you can get it I guess.

            • Anonymous says:

              And you belong to us all. Big hug and kiss!

    • HJacques says:

      I see why you are anonymous. You are a complete nitwit with nothing constructive to say. By the way the starry sky exists throughout the world. You are not unique in having seen it. Sounds like you were more careless as a child rather than carefree. Just an observation.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr Johnson please ignore the rude blogs. We appreciate what you are doing and thank you so,much for putting in the sidewalk by the beach near the fish market.. You have made it safe for all pedestrians walking up North Church Street, something our government should have done years ago.

    • Jotnar says:

      The difference between Mr Johnson and this multi generational family is that he actually seems to give a s$%^ about the environment and planning rules so that there is something for future generations and so pedestrians and cars can use North Church Street safely. Oh and by the way, the rules he is speaking up for were put in place by multi generational Caymanians voted in by the Cayman people. Ironically, he IS speaking for the People – seems to me you and the Thompsons are speaking for self interest and the almighty dollar based on a sense of entitlement.

    • Anonymous says:

      All bow to the elite as they are making Cayman great again!

    • Anonymous says:

      So the law is applied based on how long you have lived in Cayman….?

  9. satirony says:

    At the south end there is a layer of marl spread over the ironshore. The damage that will be done to any adjacent reef when this silt washes out to sea in the next storm, is completely predictable.

    • Anonymous says:

      The marl arose when Thompson dug up the road to put his sidewalk in. He never removed it. Yet he talks about beautification! Rather paradoxical.

  10. Anonymous says:

    It’s obviously quarry sand from the Brac, sad thing that it will have to be replaced after every nor’wester

  11. Cor Blimey! says:

    Mr Kel has 7 decades of connections with government officials, so he can do what he wants. Is this not the man behind the traffic obstruction AKA the Trolley Roger which creeps along South Church St every day at a walking pace holding up dozens of cars behind it. They cannot overtake as the trolley swings from side to side over the center of the road as it is towed by a tiny vehicle totally unsuited to pulling two dozen or more overweight tourists.
    As for “Belonger” if if it was not for the expertise of foreign professionals like Chris Johnson,brought in from the sixrties, he would still be sitting in the swamp swatting mosquitoes and travelling to his bush farm by donkey.

  12. Anonymous says:

    In individual cases in the event that the CPA ignores the law and/or refuses to enforce the law when ‘friends and family’ are involved, there is recourse to the Grand Court. However, that would involve the ridiculous situation of the people of Cayman paying for lawyers to argue that the CPA and others in their inner circle are above the law. While that may be true, it annoys me that my money is used to argue against upholding the law for the benefit of a select few.

    • Anonymous says:

      Seems one special rich family gets to break all the planning rules and nothing is done while we are going to dump a load of our tax dollars to build this dock for another special rich family. Does anyone see how horrible all this is?

  13. Anonymous says:

    That fake ass beach is gone in the first half decent norwester.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Thompsonbots on a roll!

  15. Anonymous says:

    much ado about nothing here….sand over rocks is now an issue????

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, it will not be good for the coral when it gets washed in.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s simple, basic thinking like this that leads to tearing out mangroves and paving places so people can get drunk and instagram their happy happy times.

    • Anonymous says:

      Much ado about … not following the rules. Either the rules apply equally and fairly to everyone, even if you owned the land for 70 years and especially if you think yourself untouchable, or the whole place goes doolally.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is evil talk against fine people. They are leaders and have helped by bringing Health City to all. This is there heritage land so why not fix it up. CPA will get them approval. Thank you for fixing up the area!

    • West bay Premier says:

      The Thompsons might be able to throw their money around and get what they won’t , but mother’s. nature don’t except cash or check or credit card or CI $ .
      He can get ready to put out more $$$ and sand after the first northwester , but he’s not smart to think that he can make a beach on the iron shore .

    • Anonymous says:

      But what about the fish shacks next door. They are cemented in the beach. Did the CPA and the DOE approve that ? What about the health authorities? Does anyone ever monitor what goes on in this town.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Only in Cayman would moving sand from one location to another be considered “comtroversial”. Maybe we should stop moving resources from another country to here alltogether. Like food and fuel.

    • Anonymous says:

      Slow down buddy. Relax, breathe and don’t blow a gasket. You’ll win in the end. All will be paved and improved and you can continue to move your resources.

  17. "Anonymousir" says:

    its to make more money for you rich people. this has nothing to do with the development of cayman for the better. its development of cayman for the rich to get rich. businesses with no tax … sad but true. these expats rich fools, dont give a crap about caymanians and the way caymanians live. they have no care for cayman life. but the cig lets them because they tops up the cig personal pockets … so cayman life is gone …. tell me? what piece of history is left here? thats right, we sold it all …

  18. David says:

    Excuse me. This sand that is brought in? Also done on Key West. It is fine. No one sees it but tourists having a nice day.
    Would all the jealous people just shut up.
    How is Kel Thompson getting more money in his pocket hurting any of us?

  19. Anonymous says:

    Screw it. Pave it.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Oh my God! Cayman is coming to an end…yet again! Quick, everyone get ignorant and overreact. And you, media, ramp up the BS and divisive reporting – because that’s a surefire way to promote positive change.

    • Anonymous says:

      Better suggestion and 100% more realistic: make comments to undermine people with legitimate concerns and continue to ‘improve’ nature.

  21. Anonymous says:

    The honorable premier and honorable minister Hew will get this resolved.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Caymanians are allowing this to happen, this land is your “store front” that visitors from afar will see within a few minutes of coming ashore.
    Lobby your Councillors to get something done about it.
    Like beach access, and unregulated beach vendors running amok you are allowing this situation,you are its citizens.
    Use media & people power, wind up the pressure on that lily-livered CIG to take back control.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Aboy if we could stick together like how we fight one and other O what place cayman would be for us CAYMANIANS

  24. Anonymous says:

    I thought that no one own beyound the high water marck?? Bracka.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s ironshore. The high water mark and low water mark are the same. He owns the land where he put the sand.

  25. SSM345 says:

    If they build the dock Kels little waterworld will get what the duck got.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Who does Kel think he is? Dart!

  27. Nemo says:

    So what is the difference with Kel doing what he wants to his property verses, Dart who is digging up coral reef on seven mile beach or imparato who jack hammered the iron shore in north side or the government screwing up south sound road and making it a death trap! Let the man be and let him get his fair share of the pie.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mr Kel is a true Caymanian and knows what to do for us. Keep up the good job Mr. Kel!

    • Anonymous says:

      Dart got permission to take out the rocks they removed and when they realized they would not get further permission (because they dug out a bit of rocks as a test and the beach washed away so logically digging out the rest would affect much more beach) they stopped (both the digging and asking for permission). Did Kel get permission in this case is the question? (And the difference you were asking for.)

      It would be interesting to hear the final outcome of Imparato’s shore works that Planing were looking into though. – And I can’t believe you’ve got me defending Dart digging out the ledges.

  28. Anonymous says:

    If this sand was from the middle of seven Mile beach these people would still have a problem with it. This sand will not affect the environment. It will hardly be noticeable with the turbidity a North wester usually kicks up.

  29. Anonymous says:

    A hurricane this year will sort the issue , may they enjoy their little coup , soon come September

  30. Anonymous says:

    Absolutely appalling.

    • Anonymous says:

      What about that mess next door where they sell cigars? Did a lot of changes there recently. Makes one wonder what is going on in that area.

  31. Ambassador of Absurdistan says:

    Another example of the frequent madness.

    Just Another Day in Absurdistan

    • I am bemused by the Thompson response. As usual the spokesperson , anonymous, is economic with the truth, a commodity he is unfamiliar with.

      1. Boats have moored there for years. Thompson has since put in floats that preclude boats from mooring there.

      2. Thompson has not built a sidewalk at all. A sidewalk must be at a level above the road. In fact he has built on the road which is owned by the Government. Did the CPA investigate this. Do they care?

      3. He has road cones outside his building on the opposite side of the road.
      Most of that is government road. How come he can close it down to rent to tourist buses. Why are there no yellow lines like the next two hundred yards and why is the NRA run by Ms Padhoie not doing anything about it. Do I see a conflict?

      4. Why has the CPA granted him a certificate of occupation when he was ordered to put in a proper fence rather than a rope fence?

      5. Why did he not disclose to CPA the real purpose of the car park and the Micky Mouse beach umbrellas when he made his planning application?

      6. Does the NRA condone the cones . In effect they narrow the road from 30 feet. Does NRA realize that buses park illegally within the pedestrian crossing. Are the police aware of this?

      7. Does NRA realize buses park on the side of the road by the purple building.

      8. Has planning not noticed the illegal sign within ten feet of the road.

      9. Any CIG investigation will uncover numerous breaches of the law

      10. Does anyone in CIG care or is it too much of a hassle.

      11. Thompson refers to beautification.Is he now a comedian? This in the law is called a scenic road. He has now made it non- scenic.

      12. Enjoy your $10 deck chair with an adjourning loo for two.

      • Anonymous says:

        The pedestrian crossing is in itself illegal. I hear you though.

      • BELONGER says:

        Hey Chris Johnson…. why are you not blowing the same steam that you are now spewing……. concerning the “Shitty Looking Tunnel” that is being built down on Seven Mile Beach in front of Royal Palms ?

        Just imagine if that “Shitty Looking Tunnel” was being built near Silver Sands Condos ?

        I say….. if Dart can build a “Shitty Looking Tunnel” blocking the total view of Seven Mile Beach for 1,500 feet or more, then Kel Thompson and his family should be able to do what they are now doing…….. with property they have owned for generations, long before Chris Johnson ever thought about coming and setting up shop in the Cayman Islands.

        • Chris Johnson says:

          Tunnel blocking Seven Mile Beach!! Since when could you see the beach from the road prior to the building of the tunnel?. You must have stilts and incredible eyesight!
          Try comparing apples with apples. At least Dart gets planning permission before he builds.

          • BELONGER says:

            Hey Chris, XXXXX I’m sure you haven’t lost your eye sight adding up numbers ….. to see that land on the other side of your residence, that is being actively mined by Dart.

            You just wait until he is finished mining from that open lake behind the mangroves and there is nothing more to be dug from it. He will build a similar structure like the one by Royal Palms and link part of it into the Yacht Club and the rest going North East bound.

            Anyone who thinks that Dart is 100% happy with Camana Bay being next to Mt. Trashmore is fooling themselves. Camana Bay is just a spring board for Camana Bay #2 which will be built just north of the Cayman Islands Yacht Club.

            Don’t you know who owns the land that goes all the way down to Batabano Road and then along the North Sound coast line from Dolphin Cove back to Salt Creek ?

            You think you have a problem with Kel Thompson creating competition along North Church Street with cruise ship passengers for your property ? Just wait until your fancy little Seven Mile Beach residence get’s an industrial face lift like Burger King.

            At least the lions on your front gate, will likely sell as a collectors item at a garage sale or on ecay trade for a bargain price !

            • Chris Johnson says:

              You have the wrong house. There are no lions outside my gate! In responding to comments may I suggest you get your facts straight and confine your additional comments to the subject matter rather than attacking Mr Dart at every opportunity.

            • Anonymous says:

              What a clown you are Belonger. You have the wrong house.

            • Anonymous says:

              Just keep drinking the kool aid…

        • Anonymous says:

          Hmmmm good point. Looks like another case of NIMBY.

        • Anonymous says:

          So if one guy gets to f*uck up a chunk of Cayman, any Caymanian should also be abe to to f*ck up some other part. Great logic man. Chris Johnson is hoping that the law will be applied. It won’t. Laws don’t apply to the Cayman dynasty families.

        • Anonymous says:

          Failing deflectionary tactics.

        • Anonymous says:

          Well said – catch a flight out you complainers!

        • Chris says:

          Clearly you are a racist

        • Anonymous says:


        • Anonymous says:

          Stupid is as stupid does. It’s about the law and permissions. You seem to condone illegal activity whilst abhorring work that has permission. Isn’t that the issue? Illegal is ok if it’s carried out by a “generational Caymanian”.

      • SSM345 says:

        How the F is he allowed to charge people to access the beach? Someone put up a sign that says “Enter beach for Free whereever you want, no one owns it”. Or get somone in Luigis carpark with a bullhorn shouting “Come ova ya Bobo”.

    • Anonymous says:

      Tell us more about where youre from

    • BELONGER says:

      Absurdistan…. go back to country of origin, pay taxes up to your eye balls, freeze your ass off and constantly look over your shoulders in fear of marauding terrorists, out to get you by whatever means necessary.

      • Anonymous says:

        Whodatis has a rival for nastiness.

        • Anonymous says:

          Ha ha. Belonger has an axe to grind, that is for sure. Two more brain cells he would be a tree.

        • Anonymous says:

          1. Do not involve me in any exchanges I am not party to.

          2. Interesting how you and your CNS buddies only perceive nastiness in the minor incidences.

          * The vast majority of CNS exchanges is nasty in nature.
          You simply fail to recognise as such because you actually believe and support those opinions.

          It must be very sad to relegate one’s self to such “outlier” status…as an immigrant.

          That is the definition of radicalised…and CNS is the safe space.

          Interesting equivalency.

          – Whodatis

      • Anonymous says:

        What is wrong with you? How would you like it if I told you to step on a fish hook, date your cousin and drive a piece of shit motorbike on the wrong side of the road. Well you don’t have to worry, my momma didn’t raise me to talk like that. Worm.

  32. Anonymous says:

    The CPA its members and decisions must be investigated by the Auditor General now!

    It is disgraceful what Gene and Kel have done and are allowed to do without any consequences. Money talks in Cayman nothing else matters.

    • Anonymous says:

      That will never happen as they make too many important approvals for the right people. Money talks and bullsh%$ walks my friend. Get used to it as that is the Cayman way.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Why not the Attorney General?

      • Anonymous says:

        Because the Att.Gen. is the Govt. Lawyer. i.e., the CPA’s defense attorney. The Audit.Gen. is who investigates for breaches of CIG fiduciary or procedural regularity, i.e., would look to see if the CPA didn’t dot their ts and cross their is when deciding on Kel’s development. (Or the Planning Dept. if an enforcement notice was not issued/pursued appropriately.) The OP was basically asking for the Aud.Gen. to check the procedural appropriateness of the decisions taken regarding this development.

    • Anonymous says:

      all over, money talks bs walks

  33. Anonymous says:

    Once again laws are not enforced and local projects are rubber stamped. Reminds me of all the marl dumped along the shoreline in South Sound because the owner said he lost waterfront because of storm damage.
    No approval no problem

  34. Anonymous says:

    greed all around

  35. Anonymous says:

    7th generation Caymanians doin’ their own thang… Who cares what YOU think!
    Maybe only building it up so’s that Dart will be more likely to buy it off them finally.

    • Right ya so says:

      Who do you think sold all that land to Dart in the 1st place?! Look back to the mid to late 90s when Dart first came – who do you think was escorting him around the island showing him properties for sale?!

  36. Anonymous says:

    So they own the beach? Hmmm

  37. Anonymous says:

    Some people are allowed to do anything. Others well they are not allowed to do anything unless the people who are allowed to do anything get something out of it.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone actually believe that anything stated in the law is particularly relevant to either the CPA or the Planning Department????

  39. Sounds says:

    You ever hear a mess yah…..I do not even know what to say about this all. It is all too much. Too many angles to cover. So mess will have to cover it all.

  40. Anonymous says:

    I wouldn’t normally say this but isn’t Kel Thompson behaving the way Dart is accused of behaving if Chris Johnson is right about what he says? If so – and maybe the comments will get to the bottom of it – how about some accountability?

  41. Anonymous says:

    When the children of generations old Caymanian families go to war. C’mon guys, don’t we have enough against us already? …y’all need sort this out.

  42. Anonymous says:

    I must say that yellow sand looks lovely with the purple buildings in the back ground. Way to beatify the capital there Kel!

  43. Anonymous says:

    Kel must have read the René Hislop/Joe Imparato book of costal works.

  44. Anonymous says:

    Well that nasty imported sand will suffocate any coral in the area next time we have a storm. Well done Kel!

  45. Anonymous says:

    “CNS contacted the planning department about the issue earlier this week but we have still not received a response”

    No kidding, CNS… Tthat’s because Kel Thompsons family run the planning board! SOOO many red flags and conflicts of interest!!

  46. David says:

    Let them be.
    How many times have we seen the poor, ignorant tourists walkinng up that way “heading north”?
    I have given up stopping and telling them they have a long walk to the beach.
    Some of them are paler than a lilly on a winter’s day and yet we have no warning signs about the insanity of their quest to save “fye dolla”.
    The only reason why they trek the sahara is because our hawkers are so bloody aggressive.
    We need to do better. Any guest to our shores deserves respect.

  47. Anonymous says:

    Yeah, purple paint and ugly foreign sand are doing wonders for beautifying GT! LMFAO

  48. Anonymous says:

    NRA were cleaning the trail of spilled sand up the ETH the other day at night, disregarding all of the spilled marbles and gravel. Friends in high places obviously.

  49. Anonymous says:

    F-ing disgusting.

    – Who

    • Anonymous says:

      Imported sand from Chagos

      • BELONGER says:

        It’s the same color sand imported from the same location…… that was placed all over Seven Mile Public Beach, approved by DOE for Dart enhancement project.

        So it’s OK for Dart to import sand from the South but not for KeL ?

        • Miss D. Point says:

          Lets see Kel’s documented approval.

        • Anonymous says:

          “placed all over Seven Mile Public Beach”? You mean down on the shore too? Where it would wash into the sea? Funny, not the last time I was down there. So maybe not “all over”. But it sounds like you know details. Why was Kel not given permission? Or did he just not bother to ask for it? Is that the real problem here?

      • Anonymous says:

        Topped off with the sandy ashes of British soldiers struck down in Iraq.

        Matches the colour quite well.
        Excellent choice!

        – Who

        • Fan of WDI says:

          1128 what does ashes from Iraq have to do with any thing? This makes no sense. Please explain.

          Fan of Whodatis

          • Anonymous says:

            It makes as much sense as referencing “imported sand from Chagos”.

            However, for some reason the rest of the room took no issue with that remark – in fact, I am sure quite a few of you had a good ol’ chuckle.

            Why are certain crimes against humanity considered fair game for comedy effect? (That is a rhetorical question btw).

            It is a disgusting practise and, interestingly, pretty much explains how the tragedy(ies) came to past in the first place.

            – Whodatis


        • Jotnar says:

          Classy comment.

          • Anonymous says:

            As classy as the comment to which I replied, or not as much?

            (You know – the same comment that you clearly had no issue with. Why is that, I wonder?)

            You are more than welcome to elaborate, but be advised, we already see you (and your friends).

            – Whodatis

            • Jotnar says:

              First comment was pretty sad too – but making fun of dead soldiers who still have living relatives is I think a degree worse.

              • Anonymous says:

                1. Nevertheless, you completely ignored the first comment – probably even voted it up.

                2. There are many displaced Chagossians still living – just not on the land where their generational ancestors were buried – thanks to dispossession and displacement by their “own” British government.

                – Who

                * Amazing what qualifies as humour on this forum.
                You all should be very proud.

        • Anonymous says:

          Each one of them willing to die for what they believe in, as opposed running their ill informed mouths anonymously.

          • Anonymous says:

            I’m sure by the time you read this (and the follow-up replies above) you will have realised the objective behind my post.

            However, as for dying for what they believe in…ummm – I don’t know about that.
            Especially seeing that even the man who sent them into battle knew better than to believe in his own lies – upon which the case for war was fraudulently constructed.

            For those that were wholly duped, I sincerely hope to see the day the lying, human vermin responsible for placing them in harm’s way finally receives some earthly justice.

            However, I suspect national ego will prevent that from ever coming to fruition.

            – Whodatis

  50. Anonymous says:

    Gotta love that entitlement, one rule for certain Caymanians, one for everyone else. The place is an eyesore, destroy it.


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