Illegal bikers charge cop road block

| 27/11/2017 | 400 Comments
Cayman News Service

Motorbike event causes trouble on Cayman’s roads

(CNS): As many as one hundred people riding motorbikes charged at a police road block Sunday, throwing bottles and steering towards officers, as the RCIPS attempted to stop an unsanctioned across-island bike event. Senior police said it was “pure luck that someone was not killed”, when the gang of bikers took to the roads, pulling stunts and wheelies, blocking traffic, driving on the wrong side of the roads and causing mayhem for many hours before police caught up with them.

“What we witnessed yesterday was inexcusable behaviour on our roads by a group of people with little regard for their safety or anyone else’s,” said Deputy Police Commissioner Kurt Walton. “Whether or not these young people are just looking for an outlet, and whether or not a track for off-road riding should or should not exist, there is no excuse for the criminally dangerous behaviour we saw yesterday, and the utter disrespect shown for both the police and other road users. It is pure luck that someone was not killed or seriously injured.”

So far, just one man, who was driving an ATV (quad bike) and was among those charging at police officers, has been arrested. Ten bikes were seized in the wake of the road chaos.

The event is believed to have started in West Bay, when as many as 200 riders headed to East End. The 911 Communications Centre began receiving calls around noon from witnesses seeing the reckless riding by a large group of young people on motorbikes. Reports indicated that the bikers, some of whom were on unregistered bikes and not wearing crash helmets, were riding on one wheel and performing stunts toward oncoming traffic, and even stopping traffic against the lights so the group could pass through unhindered.

The callers said the riding was dangerous and nearly caused collisions with cars and pedestrians. In one instance, the bikers on the Queen’s Highway blocked an ambulance’s path toward East End as it was responding to an emergency medical call on Gumby Drive. Police officers responded to the medical call from Rum Point, and the ambulance also ultimately reached the address.

But following the 911 calls, police from the Neighbourhood Policing Department, the Traffic Management Unit, uniform shift officers as well as members of senior management, including Commissioner Derek Byrne himself, all responded to the reports of the biker chaos.

A road block was set up on Bodden Town Road around 3:30pm to prevent the bikers, who had travelled to East End, from returning to George Town. The police helicopter was also deployed to the scene and provided information on the movements of bikers, though several of them diverted into Midland Acres to avoid the roadblock.

Cayman news Service

The ATV seized on Sunday

But police said that at around 4:00pm between 75 and 100 of the bikers charged the roadblock, including the man on the ATV. The bikers charged the officers, threw bottles and threatened them, and engaged in other reckless and dangerous acts as they charged through the roadblock.

With the help of the helicopter, police were able to track the white ATV and the 30-year-old West Bay rider was arrested for dangerous driving and multiple traffic offences. The ATV was seized he is now on police bail.

The chopper even landed on the beach near Midland Acres to allow one of the tactical flight officers to help an NPD officer apprehend a man suspected of being involved in the ride. It later landed in another area of the estate and assisted traffic officers in apprehending two women riding dirt bikes and seizing their bikes.

Other riders hid their bikes in the area and fled the scene in cars. The police helicopter assisted officers on the ground retrieve ten bikes from various locations, which were then seized.

The police commissioner said he is establishing a task force, which will be headed by Deputy CoP Walton to address the illegal bike riding issue holistically, together with agency partners and organisations, both public and private. The task force is investigating yesterday’s event and the offences of dangerous driving, affray, unlawful assembly, threatening offences, reckless and dangerous acts among other offences that appear to have taken place.

Anyone with any information about the ride or those who participated, or anyone with footage of the event and riders on the roads is asked to contact PC Jodi-Ann Powery at or 916-3277. PC Powery can also receive links to Instagram content or WhatsApp images and clips at the same number.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This is buffoonery of the highest order… whoever the cop is that put this nonsense together should be sacked on the spot. They place everyone in danger including the law abiders. There must have been a risk assessment about this… Irrespective of the lawlessness of the bikers, the fools in the RCIP strike again… not only embarrassing as the world is watching but dangerous. Someone could have been killed your right and the RCIP would have caused it… Fools… RCIP in its finest hour…. OMG

  2. Anonymous says:

    Wish we had this kind of public response to the rampant drunk driving

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe if all the drunk drivers got liquored up and went on a rampage from one end of the island to the other, running roadblocks, throwing bottles, driving illegal cars, wearing balaclava’s, stopping traffic, having burnouts etc then maybe there would be the same response.

      • Anonymous says:

        I mean, they kinda do. It’s just not concentrated into a single event but rather spread out throughout the year and the island with seasonal increases around the holidays.
        We’ve just become more numb to the everyday, lower levels of f*ckery caused by drunk drivers and tend to only speak out with urgency when fatalities or major injuries are caused.

        • Fred the Piemaker says:

          I guess adding to the difference in public perception are that the drunk drivers actually get arrested when the police stop them.

      • Anonymous says:

        Forgot: leaving their buddy for dead bleeding on the highway, and taking his bike (April 2017), wheelying thru Rum Point beach goers (Aug 2017), blocking ambulances, and clogging 9-1-1 lines.

  3. Anonymous says:

    It wouldn’t be a problem if the bikes weren’t illegal, it should of been organized with government. Once the bikes had insurance and license I don’t see the problem. Yes we have events like batabano and pirates week but they are organized with governments approval. It’s legal most bikes are not and that’s the problem. One apple could spoil the whole tree, the argument and law breaks could easily be avoided if they comply with the law- Young Caymanian. I support the Bike Life Event, I feel they deserve a chance to be a event approved by government once they follow the road law.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree with this statement. What SHOULD happen is the bike life + RCIP coming together and making this an organized event. Have police escorts, advertise that this is happening to the general public, block one lane of traffic – one day a year, in a district where people know this is happening. If we can do it for batabano, blocking the busiest street in the Cayman Islands, having police escots, why can’t we do it for ROC?
      The rules need to be clear, stay in your lane & stay safe, but it is possible… I don’t support the ignorance on either side, but as a young Caymanian, I understand where these riders are coming from. Let them have their fun, I love the passion that goes into this hobby… I doubt these guys will stop what they’re doing – so if the RCIP wants to win, they need to come to a mutual agreement before this gets really ugly.

      • Fred the Piemaker says:

        The problem being that “their fun” seems to focus on the dangerous driving stunts and videoing them, rather than simply riding their bikes en mass.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This uprising of Cayman’s youth should be of no surprise. It’s unfortunate, but not unexpected. In your own words, Mr. Premier (pre-election):

    Please get the off-road motorbike racetrack built. They are already disenfranchised, the least they could have is a healthy outlet.

  5. Anonymous says:

    So I guess it’s Bikes Down Guns Up Now. Bikes went up gun crime went down. So they fall back on the bikes nw. So Bikes Down Guns Up. Let the gun crime begin give them real wrk to sit and leave unsolve as reg

  6. Caymanianladywithgoodmouth says:

    The people who’s here commenting all negative crap should STOP an realize wha una saying! Their just as young as y’all when una was growing up! They need excitement as well as fun, so what’s the big deal?

    How bout the police do their job an PROTECT, SERVE an be MUCH RESPECTFUL to the youths before riling up? Anyways long story short, no need for it because Cayman will soon get worse than this, keep PEACE!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes it will get worse. Your ignorance will most definitely play a part in that. Caymanianladywithabigmouth and no sense.

  7. Anonymous says:

    All the comments from these so call gangters about putting down the bikes and picking up the gun.How about you ask for assistance for a ticket over to San Pedro Sula Honduras and pick up the guns there .

  8. Anonymous says:

    i dont know whats worse…….a guy on a bike hurtling towards you wheelying in your lane or a 1998 honda civic with 18inch rims and silly blue headlights driving 3inch from your back bumper with plenty of room to overtake, there all a set of brainless idiots..

  9. Oh Please says:

    You all on this commenting sh*t stupid, una need to shut up and stop acting a fool, making cayman look bad !!! Make the law deal with it ..

  10. Anonymous says:


  11. Skippa Lowrider says:

    No different than William Fartsworth III Esq at Rumpoint or Starfish point on any given Sunday in his 200K powerboat under the influence of Alcohol & drugs yet not one arrest or prosecution for it but just as dangerous???

    • Anonymous says:

      Perhaps if a couple of hundred fartsworths got together and terrorized Rumpoint you would get the same reaction.

      • Anonymous says:

        There are countless terrorists at Rum Point every Sunday, ironically, they are not the Fartsworths…

  12. Evil keneivel says:

    That cop could hardly walk never mind run after them, joke, nothing will happen, lawless

  13. Anonymous says:

    Statistically, drunk driving causes more fatalities to innocent bystanders than reckless bike riding. I am not condoning or justifying the bikers’ actions but why isn’t there as much passion put into the DUI infringements we see on a daily bases? Those are crimes committed by well educated expats and locals alike.

    In my opinion we have a far more grave problem than what meets the eye. Hypocrisy definitely plays a part here. You can’t pretend like this reckless bike riding is far worse than driving drunk. People of civilian public right down to Judges and Police/ Immigration officers are driving drunk. The hypocrisy lies where this is usually covered up when a civil servant gets caught drinking and driving or kept really quite until its forgotten about.

    Set the right example and people will have a bit more respect for the law. Clean up your own house first.

    By the way i do not own nor have I been on a motorcycle in about a decade. I am simply pointing out the obvious hypocrisy i have been seeing on this Island.

  14. Anonymous says:

    you rather them doing crimes going out & killing people or just let them joyride & have fun, you just take your pick still.

    • Anonymous says:

      Would you rather I report them to the cops, or that they go missing, you can pick, but if the cops dont do anything I will pick for you.

    • Anonymous says:

      No. We would rather they license their bikes, pay their insurance, wear helmets, ride safely, and observe all the laws that are intended to make this a civilized country. No problem riding bikes on public roads, as long as they abide by the laws.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re saying that it is a case of letting them ride dirt bikes, or they’ll murder people?

      I’ve read many crime books, seen many movies but never seen a legal representative defend his/her accused client with the line, “but he wasn’t allowed to ride his moto x bike, therefore is he really guilty of the crime of murder?!?!”

    • Anonymous says:

      Depends if they are killing each other or good people.

    • Anonymous says:

      They are ‘doing crimes’.

    • Anonymous says:

      OR how about you use your spare time to learn a trade or get an education and become a productive member of society? Is that too much to ask?

  15. MM says:

    Legislators – we need a new law enacted FAST!

    Any bikes confiscated by the police during these activities should be completed dismantled and melted down; and parts that cannot be burned should be safely disposed of.

    Simple as that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed. Crush a few of them. Invite CNS and other news outlets to observe. Repeat as necessary. Won’t need to repeat many times before laws are observed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Throw them in the tire shredder and send a video to the owner

  16. Anonymous says:

    One big joke!

  17. Anonymous says:

    Everyone who is hating really needs to get a life. They are going to ride no matter what.. from all the funny videos I’ve seen the cops can’t stop it obviously… maybe the government should stop selling all our land to dart and build a track for them.

  18. Anonymous says:

    They are mostly, Unlicensed, Uninsured, Illegal and Dangerous to not only the rider but the public when they carry on like this on the public roads!. Just saying they doing it for “fun” or a “ride out” doesn’t make it legal or acceptable. This is the problem these days. NO RESPECT FOR LAWS OR LIFE! SEIZE THEM ALL AND LOCK THEM UP WHEN THEY BREAK THE LAW.. PERIOD!

    • Anonymous says:

      10 years ago young caymanian men were playing with guns, 10 years before that they were impregnating young woman, 10 years before that they were exposed to drugs. You really think bikers pose as much of a threat as drugs do? The recklessness can’t be defended, but I’m sure you’re no saint.

  19. Pissed off vigilante says:

    This is the kind of behavior that starts civil wars. I personally refuse to sit by and let these uneducated feral animals ruin my island. If the police do not get it under control you will see a group of civilians form who can. We will take back the streets by any means necessary. Mark my words.

    • Dog The West Bay Bounty Hunter says:

      Sign me up, these ass hats need a taste of their own medicine. Lookin like damn fools with their pants on their heads. Time to take back the streets!

    • Anonymous says:

      Many of these young men are actually educated. For you to reach out to call these men feral is an insult; however, you’re only insulting yourself. See, you’re jumping to conclusions and making assumptions based on a video that you don’t know everything about. Hell, it’s based on a situation that you more than likely know nothing about, but you’re trying to convince yourself that you do so you can feel entitled to an opinion. Let me tell you, this is not only your island. It’s their island as well. As much as you don’t like it, they WILL continue. As much as you don’t like it, you WILL be incarcerated if you act illegally. Once they do not trepass any property that you can prove is yours by legal document, you (or any other civilian) DO NOT have the right to attack these young men. You will lose your job, your freedom, your personal life and the lives of your loved ones WILL be ruined as well (only because they’re associated with you). You can and will be labelled a terrorist and what you intend on doing will be a hate crime.

      • Anonymous says:

        Too funny. It would be a simple road accident between a legal truck and an illegal dirtbike, I would assume.

        You have quite the imagination, ‘terrorist’ and ‘hate crime’? You seem to have a little knowledge of the law, best not test that little knowledge. You take umbrage at the use of ‘feral’ – per the dictionary feral is ” (of a young person) behaving in a wildly undisciplined and antisocial way”, wouldn’t that have described some on the weekend?

    • The Principal says:

      Calm down there, Bronson.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sincerley, An uneducated feral animal!

    • Anonymous says:

      Many of them do have education, they just love riding bikes. Why do people always assume someone has no learning experience just because they like doing a certain thing.

  20. Anonymous says:

    If the police can’t stop them now, what about after a hurricane when they are going around looting? Just ask the cops who went to BVI what it will be like.

  21. Linda says:

    Shame on you bikers. You really are making your island look bad.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Unfortunate but not surprising that the thread has taken on a racist undertone.

    May I take this moment to remind those individuas of the ongoing moped / motorcycle crime epidemic that has taken over London, Manchester, Lancashire and other parts of the UK.

    There we see young, white, British males attacking members of the general public by way of; smartphones thefts, aggravated jewelry robberies from car drivers / passengers at traffic lights, body disfiguring acid attacks, bicycle and motorbike thefts, full-on jewelers armed robberies, etc.

    Some folks may want to feast on that leftover Thanksgiving humble pie.

    – Whodatis

    *Again, don’t take my word for it. Simply pay attention and observe the world with non-prejudiced eyes.

    • Anonymous says:

      I read them and cannot detect any “racist undertone”. You do write the oddest things.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well, simple logic confirms that certain types of people will fail to detect a racist undertone EVERY TIME.

        I’ll let you figure out which type that happens to be.
        Good luck though!

        – Who


        • Fred the Piemaker says:

          And certain people detect a racist undertone, or the hand of colonialism, EVERYTIME.

          Prove me wrong – run through the negative comments and indicate which ones are racist, versus the number that are either neutral or from outraged Caymanians.

    • Anonymous says:

      We’re not talking about the UK – we’re talking about the idiots in Cayman, specifically these twits that the article is about. Get off your high horse and stop trying to avoid the issue that is at hand.

      • Anonymous says:

        Someone seems to have missed my initial comment in this thread.
        How convenient.

        – Who

        • racey racey racist much? says:

          Yes every idiot knows that you are a racist for pointing out when a group of people of all different races are racing around behaving like idiots… solid argument…

    • Anonymous says:

      oh yawn off you bore, if you spent more time putting your abounding energy into your home island than moaning about a very, very different place some 4500 miles away, perhaps things might be different

      • Anonymous says:

        Do you mean different as in as bad as in “a very, very different place some 4500 miles away”??

        – Who

    • You a fool ! says:

      Yet you always spin race into everything. How dare you of all people cry about race baiting or racisim!

      I am in the UK between London and Manchester – the situation is nothing like you would like to imagine. As a black man I am free to walk the streets free of prejudice , work and invest alongside foreign races including white europeans with little to no hassle. As for the criminal activity you speak to – like any major city you will find instances but by no significant measure is it mahem.

      I have to push back on “aggravated jewelry robberies from car drivers / passengers at traffic lights” ? “full-on jewelers armed robberies, etc.” ? btw what is etc?

      You read like you are filling a quota. Truth is the behavior exhibited by our youth reflects poor logic ,unwarranted entitlement , laziness, and a scary future for these islands. I am confident it is also a reflection of the rampant drug and alcohol abuse .

      It is curious that you offer no concern for the people whose lives are put at risk by these thugs!

      FYI- Not everybody on here bashing this vile behavior is an expat – many of us are fed up locals who have bust our asses to help build this community only to see it falling appart.

      • Anonymous says:

        Too easy to obliterate every misguided point you attempted to make above.

        I’ll just reply with a sincere; “Bless your precious little heart”.

        Oh, btw – the concern (etc) on my part you’re hoping for can be found in the earlier posts of this thread.

        How did you miss it, I wonder?

        – Who

        • Def a fool! says:

          As expected you have no substance just blah blah blah !

          Quick to write a story and time to check replies but never the time to offer a rebuttal.

          Come on big man – offer some substance.

    • Anonymous says:

      whodatis….always thinking two wrongs make a right….
      your inability to take responsibility for your own problems is a classic caymanian trait……

    • Anonymous says:

      I will if you will. Idiot.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly twit. What you just described happening in the UK will happen here soon If we don’t get these idiots under control. This is not about racism. It’s about irresponsible idiots.

      A Caymanian!

    • Anonymous says:

      Can you just move back to the UK and help them with all the problems that you complain about in the UK.
      How do you (or who) always manage to get the UK involved with any issue in Cayman.?
      And Take the Jordanian back with you as well. Drop him off to his country so he can help his own country. You guys seem to have so much solution for everything.
      Take it where you can use it.

    • Anonymous says:


      Why is it always the simpletons that are quickest to reply to my posts?

      If you folks can’t even manage to understand the point being made (rather than getting riled up by the phrase “racist undertone”) – I definitely won’t bother to respond to your bitter and misguided replies.

      Those that get it, got it.

      As for the rest of you – on yer bike!


      – Who

  23. Anonymous says:

    Let me say it as nice as I can…. I don’t wish nothing good for these “riders”.

  24. We need to think ... says:

    Hey I’m a spectator myself I love the bikes, I agree and disagree with some of the comments people are making, there is a lot to do on this island no doubt, wake surfing like really ?? Not everyone like that sport soo come better than that. Right now there is no sport in cayman that spend as much money like the bikes do, on a regular bases! Like every day, we buy oil, gas, coolant, spark plug, tubes, tires, paint etc and over all we have to order our parts from overseas, so it’s a win win on both sides, we are spending money on the island jus to ride these motorcycles and dirt bikes, a car don’t need that much maintaining, we do that every 3 months, but a bike on the other hand it’s every week… more money spending and y’all want to stop it .. hmph “guess people are just thinking about their self “ anyways we need to sort this problem proper so everyone is happy !!!

    We don’t want to start investing in some hand grenades and C4’s and forget this bike thing, and turn Cayman back to a pirates island … the Jamaicans ready to bring um in..

    • Anonymous says:

      What the F&$%? Does that closing paragraph really sound like something you should say?!!?

    • Anon says:

      I’m not sure why it’s always a GUNS (in this case grenades) or BIKES argument. There are LOADS of things bikers could do to HELP the island instead of riding ILLEGAL bikes unsafely on the road. Volunteer for one.

      HOWEVER, to the point of all the money spent, you all honestly need to put together and buy some land or a venue so that you can all still ride safely, out of the general public’s way – and stop asking other people why there isn’t a venue.

      Clearly the bikers are the ones who want it – therefore you all need to come together, financially, and make it happen.

      Ever think if it was done correctly that when you want to do ROC, they would have no reason to want to badmind the thing?

      Keep the illegal bikes off the road and let ROC be for road-worthy machines. SIMPLE…

      • Anonymous says:

        Or why not simply allow on certain Sundays of the year a legal ride. I fail to understand how two hundred riders, if they were doing something illegal, resulted in only one arrest. Also the road block was hilarious. Did the police actually think that the riders would pay be stopped by one van blocking one side of the road. Great entertainment!

  25. MM says:

    These so-called young “men” should be at home studying or helping there mother clean the yard; what an absolute disgrace our young Caymanian men have become – a real embarrassment and out-right shame! Even worst – 200 of them!!! Can you imagine?

    They consider this being cool, being entertained; 3/4s probably don’t have a job and by their actions they seem to be seriously lacking an upbringing and proper education.

    This is actually VERY scary; it is beyond simply being 200 young men recklessly riding motorcycles on the public roads – this is waaaaayyy beyond that.

    These “men” have no respect for authority, no respect for road code, no respect for their own lives, no respect for the lives of any children they have brought in to this world, no respect for other road users, no respect for the people in homes they crossed disrupting the peace… just absolutely no respect of any kind whatsoever. And the excuse is “no bike track”.

    There are hundreds of job vacancies, educational opportunities, a college, a university; elderly shut-ins and a multitude of communities needs and volunteer opportunities – if you are bored, sign up for that!!!

    This is disgusting, I am so saddened and can only wonder what else these “men” are capable of with such a blatant display of “no-give-a-$h!t”…. I am vexed, so annoyed and frustrated! Even worst with the ridiculous excuses they come up with and their supporters and enablers come up with for this rubbish, waste of time exercise.

    The money these little boys spend on these bikes could go on further education courses or to help their “baby-mamas” as they so degradingly refer to the women they reproduce with and help their child. I can’t even stop ranting over how pathetic this is; GO FIND SOMETHING USEFUL TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE. Darnit; how can boredom be the excuse? Go clean a yard for an elderly person or teach your child the ABCs or help them with homework; or help your parents with home repairs… 200 young “men”…. 200?????? 200 “men” who can’t find anything else to do on a Sunday but break the law, cause chaos, endanger lives, be a nuisance, waste gas and disturb the entire country…. 200…. there isn’t even space in Northward for 2… we are in a serious mess.

  26. Cayman Problem says:

    Some of these comments Is very feisty. How about we start investing in some hand grenades and C4’s and forget this bike thing, and turn Cayman back to a pirate island !! Think y’all imformer and police ready for the heat?

    • Pissed off vigilante says:

      Bring it!

    • MM says:

      Your comment is an obvious attestation to your level of thinking.

      How about you take that bike, grenade and C4 money and invest it in a college fund for your child or future child?

      What a looney.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Police just need to ask Peanuts gas station for their security camera footage, should be able to identify a lot of riders from that as they seemed to be parked up their for a while, probably a lot took off their helmets too!

  28. Anonymous says:

    These guys are complaining that there’s nothing to do? Seriously?? Snorkeling, free diving, fishing and spearfishing require little or no money. These guys all have motorcycles, so don’t tell me they can’t afford waverunners, small motorboats and sailboats, which puts wakeboarding, skiing, snorkeling the reef, etc. well within their reach. Some of the bikes in the video look expensive, so some of them can no doubt afford one of these crazy things:

    Kiteboarding, paddle boarding, kayaking, I could go on. Nothing to do? Here is a clue young fellas; you live on an island. Do island stuff.

    BTW, before you come back with any rich foreigner foolishness, I from right here so. And I do all the stuff mentioned on the regular.

    • True Caymanian says:

      They just stupid idiots. Trying to be “bad”

    • Open your eyes says:

      Are you really that dumb? Do you realize everything you mentioned that “they can do” either cost 100$+ , they’ve done it all before and are possibly bored and want to try something different or the bike riders are just not interested in doing it . Hence the reason they choose to ride bikes.
      Before you go assuming if they can afford a bike they can do all the shit you mentioned. Do you realize bikes cost 1k+ and sometimes less because we have some talented mechanics that buy the bikes for real cheap and fix it up.

      I’m not trying to say that what they did was right, but if they had the support and funding to create a bike facility I’m sure they’d make use of it.

      • Anonymous says:

        you numpty

      • Anonymous says:

        No one is going to support their so called “rebellion “. Behaving like a bunch of bullies isn’t going to get them what they want. When are you “supporters” going to get that through your head? Who is going to give them funding when they are running people and cops off the roads and acting like a bunch of complete fools? How about they act like decent human beings and try fundraising or even better get a job and pay for it themselves.

    • J says:

      It’s not that there is “nothing to do” but just as the said sports, this is also one so just like how there is a place to do ALL of the above let the riders have a place to ride too!!!

  29. Anonymous says:

    On aspiring social media vloggers…these coordinated international gorilla stunt bike gatherings are singularly about creating outrageous highlight clips for a couple sites run by the likes of “Kareen Walls” and “Caribbean Bike Life”. Many misguided youth falsely believe that there is material commercial reward and that they will become “rich, famous, admired and respected” by becoming a YouTube or Instagram phenomenon with a million Followers and Likes. It’s simply not true. Case in point, Kareen Walls, aka Mr BizNess, lives in a very modest apartment and works by day as a Bridge Inspector. He is not doing $5000 product placements for DG Kola or Kawasaki. He probably also doesn’t care if you “nearly died” or “almost got tased” in creating footage for him in the Cayman Islands.

    This article needs to be circulated to every dumb junior high school educated dreamer on the planet, “Get Rich or Die Vlogging: The Sad Economics of Internet Fame”:

    Better yet, if math teachers would actually take a second this week to get their students to run the published statistics themselves – and weigh the very modest rewards against the social costs and risks in getting there (if that ever happens, and for how long). The sooner these “Get Rich Quick” myths and expectations are dispelled the better.

  30. The Good Ol' Days says:

    Personally I preferred the gangland shootings, they posed much less threat to the general populace.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sad but almost true. If the gang shooters had lil better aim, they are generally a threat to their own and opposed to hundreds of people on the road.

  31. Anon says:

    One day out the year they get together and have a lik fun by riding out around the island something they are passionate about. And y’all calling them lazy? Because ONE day of the year they do a ride out. I cannot express how disgusted I am by the fools commenting about how caymanians are lazy because ONE SINGLE DAY of the year the ride around the island with bikes.. GTFOH thoooo!

    • Anonymous says:

      You are the problem! Get a life loser

    • MM says:

      “Riding” about is one thing; doing dangerous stunts on public roads that are too small, charging police road blocks and using uninsured and unlicensed vehicles is another thing. If this was an organized event there would be police escorts and some order; it could be an entertaining scene if it was coordinated properly and the general public was made aware of it BEFORE the day it happened and if the “men” road responsibly and sensibly… however this was a clown display.

    • Innerbeing says:

      I totally agree with this. This looks like a lot of fun. Cayman is so backwards and restrictive. I will never understand why it is like this. The young people there must be so repressed!! I wish them a lot of fun.

      • Anonymous says:

        are you been sarcastic ?

      • Anonymous says:

        putting other people’s lives in danger and wasting police time is NOT just a bit of fun. GROW UP!

      • Anonymous says:

        So does the “fun” stop when they injur or kill an innocent driver, or their kids????

        Or how about when they injur a police officer by throwing bottles at them?

        • Anonymous says:

          What about when a police officer injured a rider by pulling them off a moving a motorcycle? That’s ok to you?

          • Anonymous says:


          • Anonymous says:

            Absolutely….if the rider did not stop when instructed to do so by a police officer.

            I’d rather have the police officer pull the rider off the bike, than the rider driving recklessly while trying to get away, and injuring an innocent person, any day.

          • Anonymous says:

            Look here now @ 4:50am

            They have no regard for anyone else on the road, be it women, children or senior citizens; heck they don’t even respect an emergency vehicle trying to get to the Hospital to save a life! So, ye pull um off same way and teach them a hard lesson. I sick of mothers, grand-mothers, aunts, baba mamas (ugh), and all types of guardians defending PISS POOR behaviour from their offspring!

            So, look here, get off this site with your garbage mentality and making excuses for punk ass trouble makers! GROW-UP.

    • Anonymous says:

      Drive down Fairbanks Road every day, it is EVERY day not just one day!

    • Anonymous says:

      So you are saying if I’m passionate about shooting around a gun in public, it should be fine for me to do it once a year? Regardless if I hit someone with a bullet? I mean is once a year right? and is my passion?

      Because these people can easily injured or cause a bad accident the way the behave on this ride outs. But hey even if they cause an accident that can lead to someone getting kill is all gooooodddd, it is their passion and it is once a year!

      you are fcking fool!

    • Anonymous says:

      You forgot to include in your rant , riding with no insurance ,road-worthy or vehicle license registration , violating said road code laws and disruption to the public on a Sunday , need I remind endangerment to other law abiding road users , an ambulance and the disrespect shown to a police force , who is charged with enacting laws. But yes, they are entitled as you point out , to their one big day out.

      • Anonymous says:

        If they were riding without insurance on bikes that were not road worthy, then please explain why only one arrest.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wouldn’t hire one of you criminals. Wake up and grow up and be a man!

      • Anonymous says:

        doubt you hire anyone local anyway.. so its a lose lose situation for them

      • Anonymous says:

        So your considered a criminal because you ride a bike for fun? LOL OK sour ass!

        • Anonymous says:

          These fools! Bredren, look ya, if you riding a dirt bike ON THE MAIN ROAD, that is against the damn law! Dirt bikes are off-road, hence the frigging name. They don’t have lights, indicators, mirrors etc. like other road-worth bikes.

          Tell me you understand that simple statement! Geesh.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not true, a lot of the illegal dirt bike riders do this on a daily basis, saw one today in front of CNB on Elgin Ave. popping a wheelie.

      The problem is, they get away for it one day, and they feel above the law. I can only thing that leads to other problems.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not much fun for the emergency victim waiting for their detained ambulance, or for the other peaceful folk trying to get thru on 9-1-1.

  32. Anonymous says:

    If the RCIP spent even halfffffffff of the time the spent sending officers out and on the road and looking for bikes and deploying the frigging helicopter at times when they most need to such as when a murder on the island happens. When a robbery happens. We could have so much justice here on island.. instead una “black bastards” (nasty people) find it more important to stop a bike community that brings the young and the old together to enjoy something they are passionate about. You imagine landing the helicopter in a public area to stop bikers…… but when somewhere getting robbed they send out 2 lil fools with a badge and then you hear um say “oh we weren’t able to catch them” like straighten the hell up RCIPS! This why caymanians leaving their own island and goin to elsewhere to survive. We can’t do shit here as a community because the foreigners come here and are taking over and setting “rules” for us to abide by in our own country. We need a caymanians who understands and grew up on this beautiful island to be in charge and stop letting these half educated fools be put in charge.
    Why are they not able to succeed with those “rules” back where they come from?
    I’m so done with the hypocritical foreigners who come here because they aren’t accepted in their own home country.

    • True Caymanian says:

      While I agree we need more resolve on criminal activity there you go and create more issues for them to deal with so they can’t deal with the real stuff.

      You and your cohorts create a dangerous driving situation on the roads and one day one of your idiots going to die doing your wheelies when you hit a rock or something and end up under someone’s tires.

      My message to you…STOP BEING STUPID!!

    • MM says:

      Dangerous cross-island bike riding is not a part of our heritage or culture… I am sure the ancestors of these young men would be rolling over in their grave to know what their lineage has come to. Our ancestors would be out finding extra work, fishing or working on their house or spending time with their children… not endangering lives with reckless driving.

      • Anonymous says:

        Please shut up about our “heritage”, “culture” & “ancestors”…….you act as if they were perfect people…same people who went to sea and spread their seed in every port and back home sisters having kids with the same man! LOL

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you on crack? Because you sound like a real dimwitted fool

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Because you’re clearly too stupid to be left alone.

  33. Anonymous says:

    this is awesome- sounds like the RCIPS needs to put you on their payroll as a “bike life” investigator and get this shit taken care of! Good work.. wonder what the police would say if you brought this info to them- to actually get to the bottom of this?

  34. Anonymous says:

    Ironic that they were stopped in Pease Bay… Midland Acres, Cherry-Tree Estates are havens for those jokers.. they ride their bikes up and down those quiet streets popping wheelies and practicing for hours almost EVERY DAY.NO license plates, no helmets, excessive speeding.. the list goes on. RCIPS: send a car anytime after 4pm daily in those neighborhoods… you can catch them by the dozen!!

  35. Anonymous says:

    No worries, the cops will keep the bikes for a few weeks, DPP will drop all charges the bikes will go back and we will be back to square one. Congrats CIG.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Some of them didn’t even rude on Sunday… also.. your facts need be right before you come snitching

  37. Shepherd says:

    As one who has witnessed 4 young men die from reckless motorbike accidents (yes, watched them die, not read about it) here on Grand Cayman, it is with great sadness I read this article and some of the comments.

    If all these ‘bikers’, which I read was about 100 of them, want a track, here is what you do:
    start a club, pay dues, rent an area and develop it. Create your rules, bylaws and membership standards. This is what enthusiasts of of other hobbies do.

    Government and private individuals/organizations are not here or expected to support your hobby.
    You want it, grow up, be responsible, behave in a responsible manner and stop behaving like hooligans. Breaking laws, endangering yourselves and other people is irresponsible to say the least.

    IMO, traffic law needs a change to confiscate and immediately destroy (crush) any vehicle (including motorbikes) that is not licensed. Full stop.

    Production warrants can be issued for vehicles that have lapsed, but no license at all, destroyed.

    Unless there are measures in place with serious consequences, the rules will continue to be broken. This is what needs to take place now.

    Too many babies raising babies, raising babies that have not learned about being an adult and think yelling, screaming, threatening and acting like an ‘eejit’ is the only way to get their way.

    Good luck on fixing this social decay.

    • Anonymous says:

      When you watch illegal road maneuvers such as speeding, overtaking in a stretch of a road with a solid line, stopping in the middle of the road to let people on and off etc etc etc being conducted right in front of the nose of police officers without them batting as much as an eye lid, I am not sure what can be done to get this out of control situation on our roads back to “normal”.

      Every officer who drives a police car should enforce the laws and deal with issues they observe on the roads. This silliness about not being part of the traffic unit and therefore not responsible needs to stop. If you are not responsible for enforcing a certain law, don’t ride around in a marked police vehicle.

  38. Anonymous says:

    U ga time!!!

    Its easy to point fingers, just a lil harder to find a solution for our youths. Don’t throw stones in a glass house my friend. I am sure one of the names listed once helped you or a love one!

    I don’t condone there actions, but I am not wishing the worst for them. This is Cayman friend/Informer. 🙂

  39. Address Me says:

    Ahhhhh how the annual ROC has made the headlines again this year… success I would say to have so much attention…giving them exactly what they want and NEED! lol

    You my friend should be on the police force, I mean look at the amount of information provided……please tell me you are paid for this as this is some good research/monitoring. How much hours per day do you sit and watch them lol no wife, husband, family or maybe a job huh?

    GTFH boi

  40. What have we become? says:

    I’m 42 years old and I can honestly say this is the first time in my life I can say I’m truly ashamed to be Caymanian.

  41. Anonymous says:

    Ok guys, police will arrest them, put them in jail, they will get a Police record, then the police record will stop them from getting a job, they they will turn to crime and crime usually cause more problems to us the people of these islands.

    Anyway, look at Jamaica, Balize, Barbados, St. kitts, the United States.

    visit “Bike Life”

    and you will see that this is bigger than just our little rock Cayman. Each country has there problems and we here in Cayman should take the lead as usually and do something about the problem instead of tearing the Bikers, the Police and everyone down.

    God help us all!

    • Anonymous says:

      I dont see why expats would have a problem with this.. less caymans that are eligible for employment after getting a record. win win for them

      • Anonymous says:

        Expats don’t have to worry about more eligible morons trying for their jobs. Bosses hire for skill and experience. Not stupidity.

  42. Ridin Dirty says:

    See Me rollin Get up on me.Yes i see we have some well wishers on here complaining about this very dangerous situation on our roads This is no less dangerous or criminal than all those who come here and decide not to follow or obey the laws of the land and traffic regulations and because it is inconvenient to their little economic agenda instead bought their drivers licenses to circumvent the system. Now to all those complaining about our dear foreign run police letting this get out of control. Every crisis Cayman crime or traffic wise pays dividend 10 fold so why fix it? Crime simply pays bigtime $$$$ in these isles. Yes and our piece of $#!& politicians are so predictably stupid who keep handing out our monies at and alarming rate. Why would they stop allowing or creating these menaces to our society. The recent budget’s top expenditure is proof of this if some would even care to read. Which should remind all who live here, Who is really behind this terrible situation and who the real Criminals are in our society? Are in fact those who run this place and are at the very top. Yes Alden you and ya sage Babuska keep up ya expansionist ideology for these islands and see where its going to put us.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Someone is upset. Yes, this is a real problem, but try arresting my son who rides his licenced bike on one wheel when he wants and the Police will have to deal our attorenys. Try it….

  44. Anonymous says:

    Just call in the SAS or SBS and shoot the bu**ers next time they are out. No questions asked. They want mob rule, (treason effectively) then they can die by the sword too before they kill someone innocent.

    • Anonymous says:

      Im guessing from this, you must be brit/expat and have no family that has ever done anything wrong. great logic. kill the locals.

    • CAYMANIAN says:

      You are an idiot on a whole other level

    • Anonymous says:

      Same thought I had. I wished I had some rope as we drove past….I would have chucked it out the window at them. They want to endanger my life and my family’s life by jumping out right in front of our car at the last second so we have to slam on the breaks to avoid an accident and then these jackasses with stupid skull masks on popping wheelies and driving in the opposite direction to the traffic. They deserve to have a nasty accident.

    • J says:

      & a drunk driver couldnt do the same thing!?

  45. Anonymous says:

    Put down the bikes and pick up the guns is what you all want them to do… Hell Cayman where are the people “PPM” during the election confirming that they will help these young men and young woman.


    • Anonymous says:

      So you are saying everyone that ride bikes are a criminal at heart then… is either a gun or a bike for them? None of them can drop the bikes and pick a book, camera or something? it has to be a gun?

    • MM says:

      But down the bikes and guns and pick up a d@mn book is what I want these little boys to do!!!

  46. Riders of the Dumb says:

    Great sleuthing! Follow the social money trail as the riders same to think this stunt riding/bike-life-yo thread will make them rich or even semi rich or give them perpetual income. Lol, not! Just another fad whose time can’t come to an end fast enough.

  47. Anonymous says:

    I think the scariest part of this it the fact that there were not just a few people involved, but around 200 partaking, plus supporters and spectators….that’s a huge amount of people with no regard for anyone but themselves

  48. Anonymous says:

    I wish they had these road blocks and helicopters out scouting when serious things actually happened, maybe that would help them try to find these thieves and rapists…

  49. Blacklivesmatter says:

    The comments I’m seeing here proves that racism and bigotry is alive and well. Come on white people y’all ain’t living in the 50s and 60s no more.

    Racism and hate apparently seems to be the trend now a days for some of the Caucasian Americans y’all should talk about those mass shootings and other crimes being done by your own race

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry, I don’t care if you are blue or pink, same rules apply to everyone, that’s the basis for equality.

      • Pissed off vigilante says:

        I guess no one told you… If you’re a black Caymanian with a motor bike the rules don’t apply to you.

    • Unison says:

      They target our young people. This really has nothing to do with them breaking the law. The exaggerated comments. The comparing our youngsters with criminals and being lazy. These comments here are just protraying our next generation in a tarnished way. Everyone knows the law
      shouldn’t be broken, but some of these comments are just cold and indifferent. CNS, you see it and you know it ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Black lives do matter, but outlaw scum on bikes lives are worthless.

      • Anonymous says:

        what about drunk drivers? Not saying you’re wrong, but I see a ton of lighter pigment persons driving under the influence, and police will just look the other way. IT HAPPENS WEEKLY. if that wasnt the case, alakabab would be the highlight spot for arrest.

        Its funny, ADULTS can drive to bars in this country, knowing damn well that they are going to get drunk, then drive to another bar, then stop at the petrol station or alakabab to get something to eat, then DRIVE home. Yet those very same people are on here condemning these biker idiots to hell. Hypocrites.

        • Anonymous says:

          I condem drunk drivers too.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not true! @ 3:57 pm

          Many lawyers and (as you should know) judges today, have been charged with DUI and have lost their license to drive for a minimum of one year.

          So, no favoritism based on skin color or societal status. You are simply blinded by your own prejudices. Please see the bigger picture for what it is and stop breaking down people by skin color and status. You are only making it worse.

  50. V says:

    Completely anti-social behavior. If one of the bikers crashes into my car and God forbid they die guess who has to go to court and defend themselves. There are other people on the road. Men, women, children, families. It is not intended for the bikers to do what they are doing.


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