Webster’s sentence delayed as crown seeks unique order

| 28/08/2017 | 25 Comments

(CNS): Errington Webster (55), who was convicted in June of sexual abuse of a teenage girl, will be sentenced next month as the hearing was postponed last week after the crown made a request for a special protection order. Prosecutors are seeking a sexual harm prevention order against him, which would make him a registered sex offender and prevent the former firefighter and one-time political hopeful from coming into contact with children following his release from jail.

Webster paid for his own representation at trial but the crown had employed costly experts to refute the basis of his defence, which was that he had consumed a combination of medications and a herbal remedy mixed in grapefruit juice which had caused a temporary state of insanity. The crown is therefore seeking costs against him.

Webster had accused the teenage girl of lying about three incidences where he indecently assaulted her, and despite clear and damning video evidence of Webster masturbating in front of the young girl in his truck, he said he had no memory of it and had suffered a temporary blackout.

However, the jury did not accept any of Webster’s claims and found him guilty on all counts. Telephone evidence in the case suggested that Webster may have been abusing other young girls, though he was never charged for this. The crown’s order, which is the first time that the authorities are seeking such a protective order, is provided for under the Penal Code following amendments earlier this year. If the court grants the order, it will give the police and other relevant authorities added powers, after Webster’s release, to keep him away from children.

The judge adjourned the case to give the defence more time to reply to the requests from the prosecutors alongside the submissions regarding sentencing.

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  1. just asking says:

    There are many living amongst us but that is why we will not get the official sex offenders register.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Deportation order?

  3. Anonymous says:

    I thought the “I only use my right hand” defence was inspired.

  4. Anonymous says:

    DISGUSTING. He needs to be in jail for life.


    This shit annoys the XXXXXX out of me everything should have been in place long time. By the time it is in place we will hear he don’t have to go to jail again etc.. put his ass in cell and throw away the key with him.
    And he needs to be registered as a Sex Offender that’s the bottom line.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Protective Orders should have been iin effect long long ago. Now look how many of these sexual predators would have evade this or are they going to make it retroactive. What’ s wrong with our Judicial System? I thank this Judge must have realize how backward we are!

  7. Very concerned says:

    These cases are becoming very prevelant in Cayman. These monsters need to get life sentences for their actions. Cayman need to change their laws. What about the ones who have committed incest and walking around as if nothing happened. Just think about their actions it gives me the creep. Is this a generational curse! I hope that some. Type of forum is implemented in the schools to have pro-active warnings or the norm is something has to happen.

    • Anonymous says:

      they are not becoming prevalent. They have always been here. We need to thank people like our dear departed Estella Scott-Roberts for making it easier to prosecute these offenders. She worked hard to create a safe haven for abuse victims and to get laws on the books to ensure that these monsters who live amongst us are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Kudos to the DPP’s office for making sure that the many other victims of this sexual predator will not be harmed because he serves his time and is then released only to offend again. Keep the spotlight on them for all time

  8. Anonymous says:

    “The crown’s order, which is the first time that the authorities are seeking such a protective order, is provided for under the Penal Code following amendments earlier this year”

    – why wait till now after countless acts of indecency on young girls/children to put this in effect?!?! #unbelievable

  9. Sharkey says:

    Had you know that once one has been legally convicted in the Courts . You can legally give all details of the convicted rapist , child molester , on Facebook and make your own registry.

  10. Anonymous says:

    His church is 100% behind him. Doesn’t that make you puke ?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Too much of this shit in Cayman. I hope this will be a deterrent for others.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Should have just paid an experienced sex worker in another country to service his needs. Stupid man.

  13. Anonymous says:

    under the Jail.

  14. Bertie ;B says:

    old PIG

  15. anon says:

    Would Mr. Webster be the first officially/legally registered sex offender in Cayman? There has been a lot of talk about such a registry, but as far as I am aware, there is none.


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