65lb ganja haul seized by West Bay cops

| 28/08/2017 | 20 Comments
Cayman News Service

Ganja found in Mount Pleasant, West Bay, 27 August 2017

(CNS): Around 65lbs has been seized by police following a drug bust at a house in the Mount Pleasant area of West Bay. The police raided a house on Sunday morning along with officers from the customs and immigration departments. The police gave no other details of the raid and made no mention of any arrests but said an investigation was underway.





Category: Crime, Police

Comments (20)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Have you ever seen someone high on ganja working a real job. They just complain that no one will hire caymanians.

    • Anonymous says:

      Idiot! I own my own business and work really hard and burn even harder. So your comment is foolish.

      Cannabis have different strains and a dominant sativa strain will make you work.

      In Cayman the stigma is that weed is bad but that’s hogwash as the whole world is trying to legalize it and/or decriminalize it.

      • Anonymous says:

        I smoke every morning before I go to WORK. And I work everyday. I know a lot more who do too.
        Also like 11:51 I own my a Business, because the I got caught with a spliff many years ago and got a police record, I decide to come out of the system and do my own thing instead of the hassle of looking for a job with a “dirty record” Just maybe it ain’t the herb, maybe it’s the system destroying young Caymanians over a spliff.
        I love working!

    • Anonymous says:

      I Have a prescription and work a real job. Your statement is unsupported and your mind as narrow as a needle’s eye. The fact is that no person that uses cannabis and holds a job will publicize this due to fear of losing their job. Heck, your boss and co-workers probably go home after and indulge.

  2. Big Bout Ya says:

    They cant solve serious crime or win simple cases but man they are eliminating the local competitors of they brethren who control the growing packaging transportation/Smuggling and distribution. Caymanians are surely but slowly being cut out and off from the drug business whilst others florishing houses, land, businesses tings ago whan for mista biggs eh Cayman. The imported help is doing a real number on the local drugsman and now the local numbers man too eh??

  3. Anonymous says:

    Damn! I just saved enough for my next purchase.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This what they want so they got it’ll.growing here in east end and Bodden town

  5. Anonymous says:

    Do they want a pat on the back? How about busting some crack dens! Leave the weed man alone!

  6. Veritas says:

    Did they find any immigration officers there?.

    • Anonymous says:

      ..or customs officers?

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t think there’s any need of sarcasm do you?
      Well done RCIPS!! This is what we need, to get the scum off the streets. I congratulate you all the way from the UK in doing your utmost in combating the ever increasing crime in Cayman. I know how difficult it is because I have been in your shoes and that was when Cayman only had half the crime it has now. I remember all the good Officers I worked with, some still in place with you all. You are all doing good and don’t let anyone tell you different to reduce your moral. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

      • Jotnar says:

        Its hardly getting the scum off the streets – they didn’t arrest anyone.

      • Sharkey says:

        How can you make such a statement, be honest an say it like it is.

      • Anonymous says:

        Scum? I’d rather see civilians relaxing and smiling than staggering through the streets intoxicated by alcohol. Righteous asshole.

        • Anonymous says:

          And you think drugs are good to consume?? You better google the info you desperately need bobo! If you all think RCIPS are crap at their jobs how about you reporting all the crime you see, or know about, instead of constantly criticising the boys in blue. In fact, they need Police volunteers now. Get off your lazy asses and head down to HQ. Your inside knowledge of the criminals will be highly valued.

          • Anonymous says:

            This is exactly why the RCIPS can’t get any respect or anything done. They depend too heavily on the public and informants they can’t protect to do their job for them. How about employing some techniques other countries use to fight crime, i.e. more community and undercover policing. The RCIPS are the ones that need to get off their lazy bums and be more proactive rather than reactive. Have they found out who stole the drugs the evidence container? Let me guess…. YES! Unfortunately, nothing will happen because they protect their own. Until the corruption is irradiated the RCIPS will always be the true drug dealers. Why do you think they are only going after the small man? Just take the Merren case for example. you think if the US didn’t get involved that would have ever come to light? He was not the only one involved. And just for clarification marijuana is not a drug as it is not processed and used in its natural form. Sugar is more addicting than cocaine. You better google the info you need to open that closed mind of yours. Caymanian are the ones being targeted for petty crimes and locked up. This place will soon be owned by expats, and the few Caymanians that are left will be renting from them and not able to own property of their own……

      • Anonymous says:

        Shut up! try comment on daily mail


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