Khan to serve 4 years for sex crimes

| 17/11/2016 | 63 Comments

(CNS): Former local chiropractor Dr Jemal ‘Jamie’ Khan will serve four years in prison for various indecent assault offenses. Justice Charles Quin handed down a series of sentences Thursday, including six years for the most serious conviction from a list of offences committed by the back doctor on female patients. All of the sentences, which will run concurrently, were discounted because Khan had pleaded guilty to the allegations that he indecently assaulted ten patients and took pictures of two of them at his popular George Town practice.

In his sentencing ruling Justice Quin pointed to the particular gravity of the case, including the planning, the abuse of and number of vulnerable victims, the use of his medical practice as a cover for the crime and the overall breach of trust.

But he also noted that Khan (47) was of previous good character, had been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and had shown considerable remorse, apologising in a letter to the court for his actions. Khan wrote that he deeply regretted the harm caused to “those who came to see me in the spirit of trust”, which was supported by many letters from colleagues and patients. The judge also pointed out that Khan’s medical career is now in ruins.

Justice Quin handed Khan the longest sentence of six years for a charge relating to an occasion when he had penetrated the vagina of one of his victims during treatment, having told her beforehand that his fingers may slip as a result of the massage treatment. The prosecution had used this in its case against Khan to illustrate the degree of intent in assaulting the patient.

In addition to that six-year sentence, Khan received four years for six other charges where he admitted touching his patients’ genitals while they were naked, sentences of two years and eight months where he touched them while clothed, and 18 months for taking indecent images of two of the women.

Khan will serve all of the sentences concurrently and each one was discounted by 33% following his admissions, leaving a total four years prison time. The judge explained that when sentencing for more than one offence, the court must reflect all of the offending in a just and proportionate manner. In this case Khan was convicted of 11 separate offences which happened over an 18 month period.

As he reviewed the case, Justice Quin commended the police for their work on what was a very sensitive investigation and said that the court had sympathy for Khan’s victims, most of whom had told their partners, friends or other family members about what had happened to them but had not reported the assaults to the authorities because they felt humiliated and ashamed.

But he said one woman, who was convinced Khan had taken pictures of her when she was naked on his treatment table, did report what had happened. Police then found not just pictures of her, on Khan’s computer, but pictures of another unknown victim as well escalating the investigation.

Many more of Khan’s victims eventually came forward, after police made a public appeal, and told their stories. Some of the women had kept quiet for more than a year but the reports regarding the sexual offending  were all very similar with the the victims stating they were “embarrassed, ashamed and degraded” by what happened to them.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (63)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I hope the victims bring a civil suit to strip him of his cash so that after the short time he will spent in prison (which is going to be much less than the 4 years) he isn’t riding off into the sunset with a bucket load of cash. Cash that he made from (amongst other patients) the victims of this heinous crime!

  2. Anonymous says:

    During any doctor exam there must be a nurse present. The same must apply to any other healthcare profession where any physical contact is required. Sad that this is necessary but this should go a long way to prevent predators from doing their heinous acts whilst in the trusted profession of a health care worker………

  3. Anonymous says:

    Well, it’s obviously something that happen to good looking women. Massage and nakedness, I wonder how many men have gotten naked and been sexually assaulted by a woman or a gay man? Will you men come forward and let us know? Or tell your wife or girlfriend? Could have happened to handsome males? I have had women massage me and one accidentally touched me once but she apologize immediately . She didn’t take any pictures.

  4. Anonymous says:

    It is my opinion that there are more dangerous perverts running around on this island free and have never been punished for their acts. It seems as if you are a member of a prominent family then you are speared all the publicity and protected in every way.. This person assaulted a woman at the Monetary Authority and was never punished and is now living here free to possibly attack some other woman. We need a list of all of these types of people made public so that women can be aware of them.

  5. Anonymous says:

    So he gets 4 years and that Colombian national (air conditioner technician) got like 12 years!!!!! So twisted

    • V says:

      The Colombian assualted a child. This man assualted adults. While both awful acts, the first is extremely unsavory.

  6. Anonymous says:

    no doctor should be on health commission. prople afraid of them in power….i think a psychiatrist is also a member….

    • Anonymous says:

      To those who are casting aspersions on the victims: the only one to blame is Khan himself. I was watching the piece on NBC last night with Gretchen Carlson re the Roger Ailes saga at Fox News — women invariably fear that the men in positions of power will crush them if they reveal their abuse. I have been in that position as a teenager so I understand it well. Inevitably the victim will be further victimized.

      What I will say to women in cases like this one is that they need to stop placing doctors on a pedestal. A doctor is just someone with specialised knowledge and training. That is all. And that is the only context in which any deference should be given to them.

      On the matter of the health board that granted him his licence, I ask them to avoid licensing neophytes. According to another media report, Khan qualified in 1996 and turned up in Cayman in 1998.

      Why is it necessary to unleash a green, untried, inexperienced person in a position where he is just learning and could do harm? And to set up independent practice? Just a bad idea to begin with.

      And that is just the professional side — the character side is another. Give him time to prove his good character in the sensitive role as medical practitioner in territories outside of Cayman before he is allowed to practise here.

      • Anonymous says:

        9:06, you wrote “On the matter of the health board that granted him his licence, I ask them to avoid licensing neophytes. According to another media report, Khan qualified in 1996 and turned up in Cayman in 1998.”

        The special interest lobbyists would kill that suggestion because they get audiences with the policymakers…..

      • Soldier Crab says:

        Yes and our immigration board saw it fit to give him status less than the required term limit yet a honest hard working Jamaican helper living and working for 20 years taking care of caymanian families is still on a work permit. This is the outcome when the elected governments and the respective boards namely the immigration board builds their foundations in Sand. It is sad to say but 20 years from now our society will be a diverse country with many underlying sick issues all in the name of greed! Ps we still have a predator(s) out there molesting horses.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am glad his medical career is “now in ruins”. He is obviously unfit for such a sensitive professional role.

      I read in another media that he “was saddened” by the harm he has caused. He very well knew what he was doing and the harm it would cause. He just kept getting bolder as he was able to get away with more and more invasions and criminal conduct.

      Of course he is now sad — about getting caught and going to jail.

      I have not an iota of sympathy — I hope that they revoke his Cayman status and sends him packing.

      The other thing is in other places he would be placed on a register as a sexual predator. I have not heard of one existing here. If not, I think it is time — especially with the number of sexual predators popping up in court cases these days.

    • Anonymous says:

      What is all this rubbish about chiropractors massaging patients. Chiropractors are about manipulating bones. If you want to get a massage go to a masseuse. No need to get naked either — they are supposed to be able to manipulate the bones without removal of clothing.

      What a jerk.

    • Anonymous says:

      The woman who first reported this is the heroine of the piece. She has saved countless other women from abuse.

      I say to all women that you establish strong boundaries and report the first infringement to the proper authorities.

    • Anonymous says:

      What do you think the structure of the commission ought to be, then?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Personna non grata. All status can be revoked if a serious crime.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Thank you RCIPS for demonstrating such professional ability in investigating such sensitive and complex matters. Despite constant criticism this has not deterred your efforts in keeping Cayman safe! most important thanks to all victims for having the courage to come forward and report their encounter with this man to the police.

  9. Exposure says:

    We have no idea who some of these doctors are and what they are like. Yet on a daily basis we put our trust in them. The board that licenses them have no idea also. Gone are the days when doctors had good ethics and actually cared. Now it is all a scam to make money and cayman has a lot of gullible people that believe that doctors have the answers. All they do is prescribe more and more meds, not really getting to the root cause of an illness but dosing us with pharmaceuticals and treating the symptoms not the cause. No holistic practice here, just give em more meds!

    Wake up Cayman and start asking questions from your “health providers”, you deserve to know. Always ask if there is an alternative to the meds they want to prescribe. You deserve to live a longer life!

    • Anonymous says:

      Ain’t that the truth! I had a minor respiratory tract infection, not the first time, won’t be the last. Doctor sent me for a nebulizer ( never needed before) and whilst I was being nebulized wrote a prescription for 8 different medications! I only used the antibiotic and was as right as rain in 3 days. I don’t see that doctor any more and tell the ones I do see what Meds I will take and will not. Hell, they would have had me in hospital if they could have!

  10. Aunt Agonist says:

    Chiropractors are not doctors. You consent to this voodoo business at your own risk.

    • Anonymous says:

      DCs are qualified doctors of chiropractic. Although not MDs or MBs, they’ve gone to school
      and earned a professional qualification in a legitimate spinal-alignment insurance-recognized medical specialty. That said, we can all agree they should not under any circumstances be fully disrobing patients, taking nude photos, or performing indulgent mystical gynecological treatments. As doctors they are in a position of trust and accountability – and we should hope all of them that have heard about this (well beyond Cayman) are on notice to maintain their oath to respect patient boundaries.

      • Anonymous says:

        12:41 am: you make good points and I agree with most. Except for Just one point — “fully disrobing.” I have had years of treatment by chiropractors and have never once had to take off even one item of clothing. Since when did this disrobing come about?

  11. Anonymous says:

    scumbag, should’ve been more

  12. Anonymous says:

    I’m glad he’s been caught and has been given a punishment of prison. However, I can’t get over the fact that so many women actually got naked, and allowed him to fondle them and in one (or more) case put his finger inside their vagina………..when he is a back doctor!!! I mean that’s like going for an eye exam and the optician telling you to get undressed so he can examine your breasts. Come ooonnn!! How on earth did this carry on for years and nobody report it until now?

    • Anonymous says:

      It is completely normal to undress for a massage. I’ve never seen a chiropractor but would assume the same applies, if any work is expected to be done on your back.

      Perhaps you didn’t mean to do so, but it sounds like you are apportioning some blame on these women for having been naïve. Patients of both genders place their trust in medical professionals and are often inclined to take what they are told at face value. The abuse of trust which he committed is despicable.

      Their embarrassment at having been naïve – and most likely feeling that they were themselves at fault – is one reason that people didn’t speak up at the time.

      I hope that in addition to the satisfaction of having him imprisoned and with his career in tatters they are able to seek civil damages.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not at all — it is not necessary to undress for chiropractic with treatment. I have had treatment for years and never once undressed. Every choripracyor, including Khan, worked on my back when I was fully clothed. It was never even considered.

        Khan just pushed the boundaries until he got what he wanted. He is nothing but a jerk.

      • annonymous says:

        Assume the same applies? Utter rubbish!

        The doctor manipulates the bones and there is absolutely no need to take of any clothing whatsoever!

        I have been to chiropractors here on island and never have I been asked to strip naked or even partially.


    • Know-it-all says:

      I can’t get over the fact that there are so many things deeply wrong with your comment – not least of all the incredible level of ignorance you seem happy to display. You know nothing of what happened to those women during the consultation and yet you’re happy to judge them? THAT’S ridiculous! I’m hoping you’re still a young teenager who has a lot to learn about the world and the dangers of saying such stupid, insensitive and potentially damaging things to people who have gone through something like this. Your comment literally doesn’t do any good to anyone except make you feel better about yourself – bravo! I plead with you to humble yourself, don’t judge people you don’t even know and rather than being so negative try helping other people have a better day – who knows, maybe you’ll even enjoy it (Dr Phil. moment over).

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, that’s right. Blame the victims. Idiot!

    • Anonymous says:

      Anonymous 10:13 a.m. – your comment is getting dangerously close to blaming the victim which is precisely why so many people feel ashamed to come forward. I don’t think your comments in this regard were intentional, but when you give someone your trust, it is often difficult to realize that what they are doing is breaching that trust. And apparently this wasn’t going on “for years” but for under 2 years. Reported in February 2016 and sentenced in November 206….not bad actually. Good police investigation, credible/brave witnesses/victims and efficient courts. My only complaint is that the sentence was too lenient.

  13. Rob says:

    To the lady that reported him, amazing job. It’s unfortunate what he did to you, but I’d say you’re the winner here. Thank you for getting this advanced pervert behind bars.

  14. Thomas Magnum says:

    Any prison time is hard time for the pampered class. One month and most of us would be crying to go back home to mommy.

  15. Anonymous says:

    4 years??? Really?? Reduced b/c he “felt remorse” and has anxiety?? Wow! What a crock of crap! While I’m happy that he at least will be behind bars for 4 yrs, I feel it’s just not enough time, considering that if these courageous women didn’t come forward he would STILL BE DOING THIS DISGUSTING ACT!!! He’s not sorry about what he did… he’s sorry he got CAUGHT!!

  16. Anonymous says:

    WTF….4 years for that…i dont get the calculations anymore..whats the point of concurrent time served. if someone murders 10 people do they get one life term??? completely ridiculous.

  17. Anonymous says:

    “Justice Quin handed Khan the longest sentence of six years for a charge…”

    CNS, you mention this twice. He was never sentenced to 6 years. He was sentenced to 4.

    CNS: “Paragraph 6 – Khan will serve all of the sentences concurrently and each one was discounted by 33%…” This is also explained in less detail in paragraph 1.

    • Anonymous says:

      First: really like what you are doing CNS – keep up the good work!

      Second: this is something of a side issue to the main point and you may think it sounds like pedantry(!) but saying something inaccurate (3 times in fact) then correcting it elsewhere is, you may think, potentially confusing to the reader.

      What the judge did was tell him what the sentence would have been if he hadn’t pleaded guilty and then tell him what it actually was because he did plead guilty.

      Accordingly, he was never “handed” a 6 year sentence he was “handed” a 4 year sentence. The 6 year sentence you refer to never existed.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Personally,, I think 4 years is short. Its always puzzling when “previous good character” is brought up in situations like these. It may be that he just never got caught before so maybe he wasn’t always of good character. I really hope the victims sue him in the civil courts. The damage from this kind of gruesome breach of trust can last a lifetime and after he serves his 4 year sentence he should not be allowed to walk away with the money he has earned during his time in practice when he was likely doing this to many other women.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Hope he will be deported after he serves his sentence….we can’t choose our own people but Caymanians can choose the foreigners they allow to stay.

  20. Anonymous says:

    should have been 12 years…he is a pig…..

  21. Ernie says:

    Y wife still refuses to come forward and feels disgusting talking about it still, he is a very lucky pervert as this has many many other victims

  22. Anonymous says:

    Revoke his McKeeva given Cayman Status and deport him back to Canada, at the end of his prison sentence. He is a sick puppy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Those status grants are irrevocable.

      • Caymanian says:

        I highly highly highly doubt that. All Cayman Status grants are revocable.

        • Anonymous says:

          Sadly Cabinet Grants ARE irrevocable. FACT.

        • Anonymous says:

          If he was granted status by Mckeeva’s cabinet in the big populist cover up then 12:35 PM is correct.

          • Anonymous says:

            I would like to be able to deport ALL Caymanian criminals back to their country of origin since ALL Caymanians -ALL- came here from somewhere else – Britain, Jamaica, America, Barbados, Trinidad etc. There is no such thing as an indigenous Caymanian and the sooner people here realise that the better.

            • Anonymous says:

              You obviously came here recently. 40 years ago there was plainly a distinct category of people called Caymanians who bore little resemblance to the countries of origin of their forefathers of centuries before.

          • Anonymous says:

            Please dont say he is from Canada. He is Cayman now he gave up duality.

            • Anonymous says:

              I’m Canadian AND Caymanian. I don’t have to give up my Canadian duality and neither does he.

  23. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think this sentencing is long enough. It should have been 6 years. He penetrated a woman’s vagina with his finger which could easily have escalated if he continued to rape at some point had he not been caught. Also this has been happening long before the 18 months reported. This has been going on for years.

  24. Sharkey says:

    I think that he should be stripped of everything and sent back to his birth place .
    He needs to have respect for women’s privacy , and respect for someone else Country .

  25. Say wha? says:

    Say what? Wow, the sentence is far too short. Way, way, way too short. This guy is a sexual predator. He raped these women and he gets 4 years… Really? XXXXX A mitigating factor is that he has anxiety – really? I mean, there’s millions of people with anxiety out there, and none of them are sexually assaulting others. Did this ruling come from some other Bizzaro Planet? Terrible. Oh yeah, and I’m sure that as soon as he gets out and returns to Canada, he’ll set up shop in some small community or large city, without any difficulties whatsoever…There will be no record of his crime in the Cayman Islands especially if he changes name. Crazy sentence.

  26. Anonymous says:

    What kind of chiropractic treatments were these women having that required them to get naked?

  27. Anonymous says:

    Nope, Just nope. Not nearly long enough for that pervert. Twisted man. Where does that come from?

  28. Anonymous says:

    I am pleased with this outcome. Well done to the women who courageously first reported this crime and well done to the judge for doing the right thing.

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