Cops call on owners to claim recovered stolen loot

| 25/06/2015 | 2 Comments
Cayman News Service

Stolen watch recovered 16 June 2015

(CNS): Following the discovery of stolen loot at the residence of two burglary suspects recently, the police are calling on people who have had jewellery, electronic equipment and cameras (pictured below) stolen during recent break-ins to come and identify what might be their property. Detectives from the George Town Police Station are inviting owners to bring photographs or some form of proof of ownership, such as serial numbers, receipts or other identification, to claim their possessions.

The police have twenty pieces of stolen property still not claimed from a haul recovered on 16 June, when two suspects from the Dominican Republic were charged with burglary and related offences following break-ins in the South Sound area.

Owners who had property stolen before 14 June and can spot their items from the images provided can contact the RCIPS Burglary Team on 949-4222 or by email at

See pictures of stolen items recovered by the RCIPS on 16 June 2015


Category: Crime, Police

Comments (2)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Your island and police are out of control
    My warehouse on dump road (the former recycle center) has been getting broken into and robbed everyday for the last 3 weeks The police wont do anything they have been called dozens of times
    The police told me if I call again I would be arrested
    The landlord told the police it is my unit
    My attorney has told the police STILL NOTHING
    As far as I am concerned their is nothing but CHAOS going on
    I don’t know what the CRIMINALS have over the police but something isn’t right.
    At this point I don’t know what to do except make a stink world over

  2. Anonymous says:

    Those thieves have horrible taste! That stuff is soooo tacky! Yuck!

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