Tag: Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park

NCC wants input on protecting rare flowering herb

NCC wants input on protecting rare flowering herb

| 04/06/2024 | 14 Comments

(CNS): Cayman Sage (Salvia caymanensis), a flowering herb native exclusively to Grand Cayman, was thought to have become extinct until it was rediscovered growing in the road verge on the Queen’s Highway in 2007. Now, because of its precarious existence, the National Conservation Council has begun a public consultation on a proposed species conservation plan […]

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Blue iguana stows away to George Town

Blue iguana stows away to George Town

| 21/09/2022 | 13 Comments

(CNS): Members of the public were quick to spot that an iguana wandering around a parking lot in the industrial area of George Town was not a member of the invasive greens but one of Cayman’s rare and iconic blues. Surprised to see the animal so far from its usual habitat, they called the Department […]

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POF keeps focused on nature’s needs

POF keeps focused on nature’s needs

| 08/09/2021 | 2 Comments

(CNS): Protect Our Future, the local student-led NGO that is keenly focused on creating a sustainable future for these islands, persuaded the student body of Cayman International School (CIS) to donate the money raised in the first dressdown day of the year to the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park’s (QEIIBP), which was badly damaged in […]

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Botanic Park appeals for help with clean-up

Botanic Park appeals for help with clean-up

| 19/08/2021 | 17 Comments

(CNS): Tropical Storm Grace caused substantial damage to the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park and the Tourism Attraction Board (TAB), which manages the park, is appealing to the community for help with the clean-up. The park needs hands, heavy equipment and cash to tackle the massive job of removing debris, which could take many weeks […]

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Plant thieves steal rare orchid from Botanic Park

Plant thieves steal rare orchid from Botanic Park

| 21/05/2021 | 26 Comments

(CNS): Two chocolate orchid (Encyclia phoenicia) plants have been stolen from the Orchid Boardwalk at the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park, one of several thefts from the gardens this year, according to General Manager John Lawrus. Horticultural Manager Nick Johnson said he was saddened by the loss of the beautiful plants, named for its strong […]

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Park and blues pair up to boost takings

Park and blues pair up to boost takings

| 07/12/2020 | 4 Comments

(CNS): The National Trust for the Cayman Islands and the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park are partnering up for a special December promotion to encourage residents to fill the hole in their income this year from the tourism closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Officials are hoping that locals will take advantage of a deal […]

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Airport arches recycled for garden classroom

Airport arches recycled for garden classroom

| 03/01/2020 | 33 Comments

(CNS): The cedar wood arches that became iconic symbols of the old Owen Roberts International Airport (ORIA) terminal building have been recycled and reused in a garden classroom project at the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park. The A-frames have been repurposed into benches inside the classroom, which will be used as an educational facility for […]

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