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Landowner puts conservation ahead of condos

Landowner puts conservation ahead of condos

| 29/09/2023 | 24 Comments

(CNS): A local landowner who was intending to build condos on a plot beside the Governor Gore Bird Sanctuary in Spotts-Newlands has instead sold his land to the National Trust for the Cayman Islands. Fabian Whorms (not the CEO of Cayman Airways) had been denied planning permission due to technicalities, but instead of resubmitting the […]

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Armed men steal cash in midnight robbery

Armed men steal cash in midnight robbery

| 29/09/2023 | 32 Comments

(CNS): Four masked men, two of whom were armed with handguns, robbed a fast-food hut in the Marquee Plaza on Lawrence Boulevard at around midnight Wednesday night. Police said two of the robbers approached the security guard at the location. One was waving a firearm, while the other two went to Al la Kebab, where […]

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Revised Pharmacy Bill to replace 1979 law

Revised Pharmacy Bill to replace 1979 law

| 29/09/2023 | 14 Comments

(CNS): The Ministry of Health and Wellness has published the Pharmacy Bill, 2023 and is inviting the public to comment on the proposed legislation, which will repeal and replace the existing outdated legislation. The new bill will classify medicines, provide clear rules on the proper handling and supply of medicines, establish a system for applications […]

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Street mugger robs two victims at knifepoint

Street mugger robs two victims at knifepoint

| 29/09/2023 | 10 Comments

(CNS): Police are investigating two street robberies that happened in George Town on Tuesday night that police believe were committed by the same man with a missing tooth. The mugger, who was riding a grey bicycle, struck first at about 6:15pm on Courts Road near Eastern Avenue when he approached his victim and asked for […]

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Police seize gun used in five killings in Jamaica

Police seize gun used in five killings in Jamaica

| 29/09/2023 | 55 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS has seized a firearm in the Cayman Islands that was used in at least five murders in Jamaica, according to Police Commissioner Derek Byrne. Speaking to the local press on Wednesday, less than a week before he leaves the post, Byrne said one of the many enhancements he has presided over during […]

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Procedure still an issue 15 years after FOI law passed

Procedure still an issue 15 years after FOI law passed

| 28/09/2023 | 6 Comments

(CNS): As Cayman marks Right To Know Day, Ombudsman Sharon Roulestone has said that last year, the number of freedom of information requests was above pre-pandemic levels after 452 were made to the government, the most in one year since 2018. As the public continues to make use of the law, managers are releasing more […]

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Minister working on a greener tourism product

Minister working on a greener tourism product

| 28/09/2023 | 97 Comments

(CNS): Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan has said he is working on minimising the negative environmental effects of tourism. The theme for this year’s UN World Tourism Day is “Tourism and Green Investments”, and in his address marking the day on Wednesday, Bryan said that while tourism allows people to learn about and appreciate different cultures, […]

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Notorious healthcare bills climb to new high

Notorious healthcare bills climb to new high

| 28/09/2023 | 83 Comments

(CNS): The public purse will be picking up a record-breaking tab by the end of this year to cover the hospital bills both at home and abroad for people who are either under- or uninsured. Although the 2021 Census suggested that 93% of Cayman Islands residents have health insurance, in 2023 the government is expecting […]

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Ten Cuban migrants repatriated to Havana

Ten Cuban migrants repatriated to Havana

| 27/09/2023 | 2 Comments

(CNS): Ten Cuban men who ended up in the Cayman Islands as irregular migrants on small vessels were repatriated to Havana on a Cayman Airways charter Tuesday. The migrants departed Grand Cayman on a SAAB aircraft at around 10:10am and arrived in Cuba at approximately 12:30pm as part of the CBC expedited processing of asylum […]

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Surplus expectations fall to low of CI$3.3M

Surplus expectations fall to low of CI$3.3M

| 27/09/2023 | 119 Comments

(CNS): Financial Secretary Ken Jefferson admitted to parliament on Tuesday that the government might be sailing very close to the wind with the revised expectations on this year’s budget. Spending by the end of this year is expected to reach over CI$1.03 billion, an unprecedented amount, leaving the government with a surplus of just $3.3 […]

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100lbs of ganja seized, two men here illegally charged

100lbs of ganja seized, two men here illegally charged

| 27/09/2023

(CNS): Police recovered over 100lbs of ganja after officers spotted two men behaving suspiciously outside an abandoned building on Rock Hole Road in George Town at the weekend. According to a press release, the officers who spoke with the men detected the strong scent of ganja coming from the building. They conducted a search and […]

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