We are scientists
The Cayman Islands Department of Environment writes: We are tasked with protecting first and foremost the plants and animals which belong to the Cayman Islands. We have researchers and scientists from various fields of study who work with and assist us in finding out what is happening in our lands and beaches, forests and cliffs, […]
Invasive species: The Rest of the Story
A Cayman Bracker writes: Of late, cats have become the convenient fall guys for the dangerous decline in the booby bird population on Cayman Brac. But we of the island who possess knowledge of the history of the island know better. The most significant threat to the birds’ survival comes from the activities of another […]
Tackling poverty through micro-loans
J. A. Roy Bodden writes: I have long advocated that the most practical and risk-free solution to assisting the poor in the Cayman Islands is the establishment of a system of micro-industries modelled on what Muhammad Yunus has done in Bangladesh. In this model, borrowers are advanced small sums of up to $5,000 to set […]
Deterring abuse of public office
Aristophanes Duckpond writes: The PACT Government has published proposals for a number of very welcome legislative changes in recent weeks. There is however one proposal for legislative change that is not welcome, specifically, the government has published a proposed amendment to s.17 of the Anti-Corruption Act that should not be enacted in its current form.
Mental health legislation
Sherene López Monzon writes: Firstly, thank you to Health Minister Sabrina Turner and her ministry for seeking to ensure that our legislation actively supports best practices for mental health patients. Secondly, may I suggest proactive legislation be put in place when dealing with and collecting mental health patients? I read with much interest and heartfelt […]
What’s PACT without two letters?
101 writes: Praises were heaped on Premier Wayne Panton when he recently did the ‘tough’ thing and suspended Cabinet Minister Bernie Bush for his recent behaviour which breached the code of conduct. But closer inspection of the situation demonstrates that the PACT government, rather than doing anything historical, may be demonstrating an all too familiar […]
Mangrove destruction is existential threat to Cayman
The Cayman Islands Mangrove Rangers write: Despite laws protecting Cayman’s mangrove habitat and the proven utility of wetlands in mitigating climate change impacts, mangrove destruction continues at a dangerous pace. The Cayman Islands Mangrove Rangers are alarmed by the ongoing practice of speculative and premature land clearing, rubber-stamped by the Central Planning Authority (CPA), which […]
Get booster shots to avoid COVID catastrophe
John Snow writes: I’m a scientist. I’m worried. Very worried. I feel these islands are sleepwalking into a catastrophe greater than anything in living memory, greater even than Ivan or the ’32 Storm. We are on the verge of a national crisis that can be seen as clearly as an approaching hurricane and no one […]
The kids conundrum
Susanna de Saram writes: Since the pandemic began, children have been misrepresented, overlooked or disregarded in Cayman’s management of COVID-19. There are more than 11,000 children under 15 in the Cayman Islands, and yet their perspective is rarely considered beyond school protocols.
Clarity is needed in reporting COVID deaths
In his video message about the death of a COVID-positive patient at the Cayman Islands Hospital on Saturday evening, Premier Wayne Panton muddied the waters of what is and is not a COVID death, which should be clarified as soon as possible by the health ministry. All deaths are devastating to loved ones and CNS […]
The price of progress in technology
Speaking about innate immune system ability to prevent and fight natural, created by nature, health hazards… the body’s own defence mechanism. All biological systems at the cellular and biomolecular levels are sophisticated mechanisms honed to perfection by millions of years of evolution. These mechanisms work almost perfectly in Nature, as designed by the Creator or […]
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