Letter to Editor

The real problems of stay-over tourism
The problem is that monopolistic operations are allowed to set miserly wages across the entire Seven Mile Beach area. Nobody can expect to survive long in the local economy at the meagre wage offered for most positions. Expats are brought in from poor countries and exploited to create wealth for the owners (who are often […]

Small businesses are suffering too
Mary writes: Tourism workers are receiving $1,000 per month to assist with personal living cost. Small retail businesses only received $1,000 per month to assist paying their business cost (store rent, CUC, water, healthcare for staff, etc). Store owners did not receive anything for personal living cost (i.e. personal rent, personal CUC, food, etc ).

A rhetorical question about the finance sector
Andre Iton writes: Permit me please the space to ask a question, even though I believe I do know the answer: In light of the anticipated short- to medium-term dramatic decline in public revenues anticipated and clearly inevitable from the disruption to the tourism sector, should the other “pillar” of the the economy, the financial […]

Public access to court hearing
On behalf of all who are involved with the public interest activities and efforts of the Concerned Citizens Group, we would like to publicly thank most sincerely all of you who came to the Court House on Thursday, 9 January, to give moral support to the cause for preserving and regaining beach accesses in the […]

Discovery Point Club responds to accusations
Rebuttal to ‘Neighbour furious over vegetation destruction’: Mr Johnson, this is the Strata Executive Committee’s reply to your email and your grossly inaccurate article in CNS. 1) There was no “wanton destruction” of your vegetation. After confirmation of the boundary lines, it appears there was no trespass.