Still no route for Canadian mail from Cayman

| 20/10/2021 | 21 Comments
Cayman News Service
George Town Post Office

(CNS): People wanting to mail cards and gifts to Canada this Christmas may be disappointed for the second year in a row because, despite efforts, the Cayman Islands Postal Service has still not been able to secure a postal route to the country. Mail going out to Canada has been suspended since the borders closed because it stopped commercial air services between the Cayman Islands and Canada. Officials from the post office told CNS that the US is still not accepting transit mail and it is struggling to find a solution.

The pandemic has played havoc with international postal services, and while the Cayman Islands has been able to send mail to the US and to London, CIPS has had to find ways of getting mail from other countries.

“Since it is the responsibility of the country sending the mail to identify transportation routes to the destination, we have explored multiple options to get mail to Canada and continue to explore these,” a CIPS spokesperson said. ” While Canada Post is routing their mail to us via European cities, we have been unable to get space on routes from London to Canada. We hope to resume the service before Christmas but don’t have a route as yet. The US is still not accepting transit mail.”

The spokesperson added, “At the moment we are awaiting confirmation from two partners, and will update the public as soon as this changes.”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Please people, why complain? It’s only been two years, we have to give the very busy Postmaster General time to figure out what she can do!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    You’d think that if mail must go by snail mail, the govt would have facilitated this by having stuff sent from Cayman to our London representative, and then forwarded from UK to Canada. And vice versa if needed. Otherwise it’s a case of sh!t for brains.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Use – easy, cheaper and you can upload pictures etc.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Yet, the mail ran uninterrupted during both world wars and through U-boat convoy killers, and for hundreds of years earlier, to the “New World” across the Atlantic and through pirate waters. Can we fire the Postmaster General for not having established a work-around in nearly 2 years even with some other air mail corridors open?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Mail a gift to Canada from Cayman? Seriously? I’m fairly confident you can just order whatever it is in Canada and have it delivered direct for 1/3 the price and in 1/20 of the time!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Once the Air Canada flights resume that should improve the situation?

  7. Anonymous says:


  8. Anonymous says:

    2 years later and no mail service. Wth?!?!?!

  9. Anonymous says:

    No direct air mail link maybe, but USPS takes our mail and can get it there. Just raise postage for anyone still using mail services.

  10. Anonymous says:

    And yet couriers have no problem. Is it any wonder snail mail is going out of fashion?

  11. Anonymous says:


  12. Anonymous says:

    I thought JuJu went to that postal conference in Dubai so she would have connections to be able to solve problems like this. Don’t tell me she just went there on a jolly!
    Come to think of it, I now know why the government has money to pay stipends to all these tourism workers…they aren’t spending millions on frivolous jaunts all around the world! That’s one great thing to come out of the pandemic.

    • anon says:

      6.21pm Ju Ju set the spending record for Jolly’s on that trip along with her chauffeur was it?.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Of course they haven’t.

  14. Crab Claw says:

    Cant these dots just send it to the UK after all Cayman mail serves is under the Royal Mail.

    • Anonymous says:

      They do that, if you’ve read the article. However this is dependent on whether there is room on the ba flights, which there are not always. Hopefully this will improve now that there is more frequent ba flights.

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