Two COVID-19 positives emerge from quarantine

| 09/09/2020 | 37 Comments
Cayman News Service
CMO Dr John Lee at Wednesday’s press briefing

(CNS): The four-week streak of negative COVID-19 test results has been broken by two individuals in quarantine, who, although asymptomatic, tested positive at the end of their 14 days in isolation. On Wednesday Dr John Lee, the chief medical officer, reported on 86 test results, the rest of which were negative. Dr Lee also revealed that a community sample had turned up positive recently but confirmatory tests on the same day were negative.

Speaking at the government’s COVID-19 update briefing today, Dr Lee explained that the person and their contacts were all isolated as a precautionary measure and all of those individuals have since had further negative tests.

The CMO pointed out that while Cayman is still believed to be COVID-free in the community, the risks remain and people should still take precautions. Those in isolation and quarantine remain a potential threat for those interacting with them. There are now 282 people quarantining in government facilities and another 42 in home isolation.

This has raised concerns in the community but Dr Lee said that the only people in home isolation are individuals who have been cleared purely for medical reasons by public health. But he said that can include their family members. “There has not been one exemption that has not been for a medical reasons and we have been stringent in the medical reason,” he said.

Meanwhile, infection rates are still rising around the world, with the global death toll likely to reach a million before the end of this month. Dr Lee noted that there is a surge in cases in the UK and other parts of Europe, and the World Health Organisation is reporting concerns about a possible second wave over the next few months. The situation in the US remains troubling as well as the surge in Jamaica.

The CMO pointed out that every country around the region that opened its borders saw a spike in infections, which serves as a cautionary lesson for the Cayman Islands. But countries that have used tight management and careful reopening plans have managed to keep a lid on infections. He said that these statistics from around the world were used to inform the government’s revised reopening plans.

Meanwhile, 2,516 antibody tests have been conducted and 61 have emerged as positive, 37 of which were samples from people who were known to have had the virus, another six were contacts of those and eight had a travel history, with only ten with no identifiable COIVD-19 history.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (37)

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  1. The First Randomized Controlled Trial on Vitamin D and COVID-19 says:

    The first randomized controlled trial (RCT) of vitamin D in COVID-19 has just been published

    The results are astounding: vitamin D nearly abolished the odds of requiring treatment in ICU.

    Although the number of deaths was too small to say for sure, vitamin D may actually abolish the risk of death from COVID-19.

    āœ… This Study Is the Single Most Important Vitamin D and COVID-19 Study
    āœ… The Bottom Line
    The data are now in. The effect of vitamin D on COVID-19 severity, and likely mortality, is causal. Maintaining 25(OH)D 30-40 ng/mL is likely to be strongly protective against having a severe or fatal case. Use of bolus dosing as described in the ā€œtaking actionā€ section upon the first sign of symptoms, if one has levels much lower than this, and otherwise supplementing with a maintenance dose of 7-8,000 IU per day during illness, is likely to be strongly protective against severe and fatal cases.
    āœ… If one goes into an illness with 25(OH)D below 20 ng/mL, one could quickly bring this level up using a bolus dosing approach like in the RCT. Their approach would equate to using 100,000 IU on the first day, followed by 18,000 IU per day for the next six days, then switching to the maintenance dose; or by using 30,000 IU each day for the first seven days, then switching to the maintenance dose; or by using 100,000 IU on the first day, 50,000 IU on the third day, 50,000 IU on the seventh day, and then switching to the maintenance dose.

    I am not a medical doctor and this is not medical advice. Please consult your physician before doing anything for prevention or treatment of COVID-19, and please seek the help of a physician immediately if you believe you may have COVID-19.

    • Anonymous says:

      Here in Cayman everyone should have sufficient vitamin D levels already. If not, that means 2 things: they donā€™t spend enough time outdoors under sunlight or they have vitamin D receptor defects (VDR). Actually 3. The third has to do with Ca and PTH levels that work together with D25. (I posted a comment about it already)

      If one is really worried about getting sick, just go to your doctor and have those markers checked. In states one can do it without doctorā€™s requisition. Just pay online and go to the lab. Affordable. Discount Coupons are available .

    • Anonymous says:

      I have been a Vit D fan for a long time. As someone who is outside every day I would have thought I would have a high level. Not the case and my Doctor said had surfers (as in beach surfers) come in and they would be low as well. I take 3000 iu and was in the 30ā€™s. I am now taking 5000 iu but donā€™t know my current score. I have not been sick nor anyone in my family – despite so many people that I know that have/had it. Funny if we could get everyone to take it and be back to normal in October.

  2. Anon says:

    I would like to know how many over 60’s are asymptomatic when testing positive. As a senior citizen it would be nice to know it’s a possibility.

  3. Anonymous says:

    “Emerge” being the operative word.
    Time to come clean with the people.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Please stop the lies! Jamaica has 3,437 cases. Now that elections are done cases are back down. Nothing to do with tourism. Per capital Jamaica would need 10,000 cases to match what Cayman had. Iā€™m not defending Jamaica, Iā€™m looking at the math.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Dr Lee also revealed that a community sample had turned up positive recently but confirmatory tests on the same day were negative.
    Why is it persons flying in and testing positive donā€™t have the same rights? Why canā€™t they get a second test on the same day instead of two entire weeks later? Instead of the privilege of a second test right away one is removed from quarantine facilities by ambulance to …

  6. Anonymous says:

    Worry about # of people in ICU, not the number of positive cases.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Great news.

    • Anonymous says:

      For Alden’s Oppression plan

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh shut up 7:50. It is tiresome that you are always trying to be on Aldenā€™s d*ck. Give it up, he is doing the best he can during these unusual times

        • Anonymous says:

          Jon Jon is also doing the best he can do. Should we sympathize with him too? Perhaps Alden is unfit for the job. And even if he was, his ego would get in the way. Wrong man for the wrong time.

  8. Anonymous says:

    cig again responsible for importing covid cases to cayman.
    why were they not tested before they flew?

    • Anonymous says:

      Because they were but it was negative. Just like when they were tested halfway through and were negative. Hopefully they retest today to confirm positivity and not a faulty test.

    • Anonymous says:

      You won’t test positive immediately after being infected; it can take over a week to test positive during which time you could be infectious. You could get infected, test negative, 2 days later fly to Cayman, test negative again and only test positive at your second test. Obviously testing prior to flying would stop *some* infected people coming but not close to all. The only 2 positive cases I know of both tested negative on arrival and positive at their second test. Testing after 2 weeks quarantine is the only way to be sure.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Yeah. Quarantine works. Get used to it yā€™all.

  10. Anonymous says:

    When one tests negative while in hotel California one is still not allowed to leave the room till someone is physically at the hotel to pick them up. Understand, the person has tested negative and is not allowed to walk out of the hotel to freedom without permission.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Why did Dr. Lee skirt around Kevinā€™s question about where the positives were when they were notified?Why not tell the truth John? Many including Kevin already know it.

    • Anonymous says:

      If they did that and no one from Canada, for example, has brought the virus in, Alden could not justify closing that border. In addition, they refuse to close the U.K. route no matter how many cases come from there.

      • Anonymous says:

        Last time I checked the Cayman Islands was a UK Overseas Territory not a Canadian territory. I expect that the Governor (who is calling the shots on this matter) believes it is right to maintain an airbridge to the UK for support and assistance. Maintaining an airbridge with Canada so that a few snowbirds can visit their condos seems to make a little less sense

        • Anonymous says:

          Unless one takes Covid cases into consideration. The last time I checked, the issue at hand is Covid – right? UK and Canada have a great relationship. So why take the risk?

        • Anonymous says:

          We need to support the tourism industry somehow. We get more tourists from Canada than the UK. In general if people from the UK are coming here to holiday they have friends or family that they are visiting.

          No one wants hordes of ‘Muricans coming in but we do need to open up somehow.

          There is a good chance we are dealing with this for several years so we can only batten down the hatches for so long.

    • Anonymous says:

      Compass saying a positive person was released from quarantine in error. We should be told where they went/which areas & how long it was before they were returned to quarantine.
      And govt thinks it can cope with checking on 800 people in October šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø

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