West Bay cops find latest stolen car

| 26/10/2017 | 22 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS) UPDATED: West Bay police have found a car that was stolen in the district sometime Wednesday/Thursday night in the Boatswain Bay area, an RCIPS spokesperson confirmed. After a lull of several weeks in what had become an extremely regular crime, police reported that a dark blue 1996 hatchback Honda Civic had been stolen from the yard at 20 Peanut Lane, West Bay. The car disappeared sometime after 4:30pm on Wednesday, 25 October, and before 6:30am today. 

Anyone with information about the auto theft or other crime in the area is asked to call the West Bay Police Station at 949-3999. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.


Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Naya Boy says:

    Yes therein lies the problem.As you are so quick and very eager to point out VertiAss only the Caymanians are being sent to jail and the poster is eluding to why that reality or situation is happening, but of course your contempt for these isles is lined in your constant dig and incessant whining about immigration. .But I too want to see justice done in the matter of which you are so graciously referring to.but I am afraid from the statements being made by officers of court and influence being put that may end in an acquittal .After all they are not from these parts by birth but from the motherland as it is in your case.,

  2. Anonymous says:

    Had the corrupt foreign police done their job and arrested a certain foreign police officer’s little criminal brother who has a skeleton key for Honda’s maybe so many wouldn’t be reported stolen. But alas too many at the very top are mixed up with them including those now with law degrees.

    • Veritas says:

      10.51am I suppose its the fault of the “corrupt foreign police” that Northward is full of mostly Caymanian criminals jailed for stealing cars and just about everything else.

      • Anonymous says:

        Who says the occupants of Northward are Caymanian? I can tell you for sure it is not Immigration!

        • Veritas says:

          Call the Prison Director and he will confirm that at least 75% are locals. No point in asking immigration they are known for harbouring illegal immigrants.

          • Anonymous says:

            Oh, do tell me how the prison director knows who is Caymanian from who is not? Last names, place of birth, accent, and passport are all irrelevant in many cases. Immigration can tell who is in fact Caymanian from who is not. Have they been asked?

    • Anonymous says:

      Are Jamaicans foreigners or expats …?

      • Anonymous says:

        Just like Brits, Canadians, Americans and Philippinos, for the most part they are Migrant Workers.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Check the illegal chop shops that are an open secret in BT, WB and other places. It has probably already been stripped for parts for the Jamaican and Honduran markets. The only way this will stop is if we take the profit out of it by making possession of stolen property a crime unless you have a very very very innocent reason for having it.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The first places rcips should be checking are the salvage yards and body shops run by you know who.

  5. Anonymous says:

    What is it about Honda cars and thieves???

    • Charles Darwin says:

      If I’m not mistaken, Honda’s steering wheel will lock up unless the key was in the ignition. It would be great to know if the thieves simply took the opportunity by finding the keys in the ignition, or if they are of a caliber that can hotwire and disable the wheel lock.

      CNS, next time the police release something like this, please try to get that key detail. Stories like this are next to useless unless we know how to defend ourselves.

      • Anonymous says:

        Honda steering locks are easily broken with a simple chisel and hammer as the housing is cast aluminium…

        • Anonymous says:

          Do you want to turn yourself in? Or identify yourself so the police can “eliminate you from their investigation”

    • Anonymous says:

      Had one never did again

  6. Anonymous says:

    Let’s keep handing out work permits

    To people who have no work

    People are holding their permits

    Our crime is out of control

    I wonder why

    • Anonymous says:

      this has nothing to do with expats or anyone on work permits! for all we know this couldve been a caymanian’s doing. you guys need to get some help, bunch of judgemental racists complaining but not doing JACK SHIT help the island or fellow caymanians, just sit behind a computer/phone to complain and run mouths.

    • Anonymous says:

      Tell the taxi driver in the Brac that that is taking out permits for Honduras nationals and they are walking the street with no work

    • Anonymous says:

      90% of crime is committed by caymanians……pretty good for people who only make up 50% of the population….

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